The Return of the Son of the Complaint Thread
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the dw book says to start with a design comp. which seems like a good idea. trying to come up with names for my navbar buttons, so far got - Jumbo - Jollies - Party Poopers - Poor House.
got stuck on vertical button names and started a new ZooTycoon game. I always start a zoo with zebras. It takes a while for the marine tank filter to show up.
i wonder if daz started with a design comp for the new store and forums?
Turn off texture caching in Carraras general prefs, might help with that :) Eta think it is called texture spooling
I'll give that a shot tonight, thanks! :coolsmile:
Monday, Monday. Blech. Recovering from unhappy intestines due to the over-consumption of spicy food all weekend. But made it into the office without any unpleasant incidents.
Boss is out today, so it's dead here. I have q lot of tiny things to do and will be doing them throughout the day.
Not spicy food today, for sure. Meh.
Will spend more time with Carrara tonight, working with volumetric lights and trying to get the turbulence animated.
Back to drinking Gatorade!
Head hurts. I think I dehydrated a lot while taking a nap in afternoon heat.
Ugh, not good. I hope you feel better soonest! :)
Chowing down onion rings and sausage. Plus mineral water. Lots and lots of it. Also observing a stormfront approaching. Uh oh. Secondary reason for pain detected.
i could really go for tuna on a garlic bagel, but not sure if i want it enuff to go get it, over a mile away.
if there was one of those cupcake shacks like Ed has, it would be worth the hike. :lol:
It's TACO DAY! One soft beef taco and one crispy beef taco, and a diet Snapple peach tea! :coolsmile: No salsa, though - too risky.
Onions rings sound good, maybe I'll get some at Arbys (roast beef fast food place) on the way home.
Meh, tired. Glad it's a dead day.
I need more mineral water. Man, I'm almost like having a hangover...
But how are the kittens?
The kittens seem to be fine.
I did get some sleep finally.
Okay, how many kittens you got? Is Micah keeping respectable distance from them?
you understand, the welfare of mother and kittens are your responsibility? i meam, i'm sure you do, but i'm nervous about it and had to ask.
I need my sleep so I can take care of myself and my cats. I know I am responsible for Melody and her kittens.
Btw, get a cardboard box, and do this modification to it:
First, assemble it as a whole box, closed and all; you will want the roof to be removable.
Then, make a cat-sized hole to the side, so Melody can sneak in and out.
Line the box with an old t-shirt of yours (one that can be thrown away, but most importantly, one that has your SCENT on it -- you will want the kittens to imprint on your scent too), and a towel.
Try to entice Melody to take her litter there, and keep food and water nearby the box.
Micah is keeping his distance. Not sure how many kittens I have as they are a bit hard to count while being under the footstool. I think three.
Okay, good. Micah really wants and needs to keep distance, or Melody will deliver an epic ass-whomp to the poor daddykitty.
You may still get more kittens (not all are born at once, hence the caveat), but three or four is more manageable than, say ten. Don't move the footstool, unless there's a good reason to suspect that something is seriously wrong. Just prepare the box for Melody, so she can carry kittens there -- it would be safer and more "defensible" than underneath of a footstool and she's likely to search for a place that smells comforting (that is, smells like you), is dark, and secluded.
Ahhh... I envy you so. I know you plan to give them away but I still envy you. Listen to Skiriki's advice, dont move the babies yourself it is to soon the mom really needs to imprint for a full day or so before you do more than look.
Congratulations on the new kittens.
Thank you. Glad that Melody seems to know what she is doing and taking care of the kittens.
I told you that the mother instinct is build into their genes. I didn't have a doubt in my mind that she wouldn't do good.
Ahhh... I envy you so. I know you plan to give them away but I still envy you. Listen to Skiriki's advice, dont move the babies yourself it is to soon the mom really needs to imprint for a full day or so before you do more than look.
I have only been looking at them about twice or three times since I got up at noon. I do not want to disturb them until the kittens get older.
Yeah its best to leave them be for a few days, or at least till their eyes are open.
I still envy you. Baby kitties just fill my day with so much light. Now you know why I'm the crazy cat person in my hood.
Gaah, another DS4.5 Release Candidate! I wonder how often this one will crash?
I'm such a masochist...
I know the ones we rescued were 3 weeks old. They are the cutest thing since sliced bread. I'm not even a cat person and I fell in love with them.
No Plugins, no Install. I need my Reality, I do things with it. They should make the CMS version independant. So we can run the Canidates and DS4Pro side by side.
I need to take a shower.
Micah appears to be sound asleep on a chair. This is a hard chair with no cushions or pillows.
you seem to be right.
Oh for f...
My head is still very much feeling like trolls with huge hammers are pounding the crap out of it. Let's see the status of air pressure. Well whaddaya know, it is DROPPING. Right.
Melody just came out to get some food. I hope she will return to the babies after she has eaten.
Pretty sure she will. She's basically 24/7 milkbar for a couple of days for the kittens...