The Return of the Son of the Complaint Thread
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Melody is back from eating canned cat food. She is on my shoulder. she is busy licking her lips.
she is now near the kittens but on top of the foot stool instead of with the kittens. She is bathing herself
Kittens are probably sleeping and she needs a moment for herself to sort herself out before going in again. She'll dive in as soon as the first mew can be heard.
Kittens are probably sleeping and she needs a moment for herself to sort herself out before going in again. She'll dive in as soon as the first mew can be heard.
at least she is cleaning her tail. i will have to be leaving in an hour to go to work. hopefully they will be okay while i am gone.
Micah is still keeping his distance which is good. I probably will leave a bowl of water near Melody and kittens before i go to work.
I'm sure they will be fine. She'll protect them from anything.
I want to complain about all the complainers which now makes me a complainer because of this complaint, so I take back my complaint so I am not mistaken as a complainer, which really upsets me because that means this post was a waste of my time typing it and a waste of your time reading it.
So now I want to complain about not being able to complain otherwise you are labeled as a complainer and I'm really not a complainer, I just don't like the idea of not being able to complain if I have a complaint.
I cannot find my hot mits which means i am not able to eat the potatoes before work. I can heat them up a bit in the microwave after work and munch on them before going to sleep or wait until a decent hour and have them to eat for lunch tomorrow.
So far I see three kittens, a tortoise shell one, a cream colored one and a gray one. Melody is currently with the kittens. Micah is taking another nap. He seems to like to take naps or stare out the window.
Counted the kittens. There are two grays, one cream and one tortoise shell. Four kittens not three. I have not touched them so other than the tortoise shell one i cannot tell if they are girl or boy. I guess the Tortoise shell one is a girl.
so many complaints, so lil time. :lol:
my complaint today is - there's only 12 Dresden Files episodes and i just finished watching #12. the one with the bad guy who steals people's second chances at life.
my only dvd set watched only once is Babylon 5, but watching it leads to the whole tons of spinning metal all alone in the night. does it only weigh tons if pulled away from a gravity source? does it weigh less if you push it towards the gravity body?
Morning. Bright sun in an endless big blue sky - and warm out of the shade - lifts the spirits a little, had enough cold a rain for a while :)
so many complaints, so lil time. :lol:
my complaint today is - there's only 12 Dresden Files episodes and i just finished watching #12. the one with the bad guy who steals people's second chances at life.
my only dvd set watched only once is Babylon 5, but watching it leads to the whole tons of spinning metal all alone in the night. does it only weigh tons if pulled away from a gravity source? does it weigh less if you push it towards the gravity body?
weighty question, no difference between gravity and acceleration AFAIR, Einstein used an example of an elevator :)
Urrrrrgh. I was woken up by a loudly buzzing wasp that was determined to make its way through our insect curtain and real curtain to come and see us. And, of course, waking up too early means... a headache!
Doesn't matter, tho. Had a nightmare of my mom calling me, so I think I'm better off awake.
OMG! Congratulations, I would have fainted I think :)
*waves* Know that feeling well ;)
*having a good day* :) :) :)
I will have a good day once we get that storm our weather forecast promises. The build-up to it is killing my head.
OMG! Congratulations, I would have fainted I think :)
I only saw one or two after they came out. When I saw the rest they were cleaned and hungry. They were drinking mummy's milk at the time.
I got let home early today. I only worked three hours.
I got a cherry chiller from McCrappy's oops I mean McCafe. Not sure why I went there. Maybe because I saw the alcohol chillers but wanted it without the alcohol.
i do not like clowns. Also this keyboard's shift key hates me. I am not getting all the letters i want capitalized. That is why the some I's are upper case and others are lower case. It is a HP keyboard. not sure why the shift key sometimes works and sometimes does not.
There might be crumbs under the shift key.
I took the key off and did not see any crumbs but the lighting is not the best right here. I think when I get the money I need a new lamp.
Melody left her kittens for a little bit but then at least one of them mewed her back.
...well made it through "dread Monday", mainly because the DP manager wasn't there today so I was able to still help out the (short handed) team that handles orders and shipping for my primary client. However, tomorrw that will all change. As I was told, one of the DP clients is extremely picky yet the way their account is handled seems so haphazard in comparison to the account I have managed all these years. That is not good.
I can already see points of conflict as the person I am replacing left a total mess behind. It took nearly forty minutes of my own time (off the clock) to deal with it. I cannot work in a disorganised environment. In a box of "recyclable" material I found there were critical documents (which by policy should normally be shredded) that I was told to just dump in the general recycle bin. It's like these people don't grasp the concept of responsibility outside of their own "little world".
I used to perform the admin duties for the DP department several years ago, but because I was so adamant about following proper procedure (which no one else at the time, including the department manager cared to follow) I was moved out. The DP Department has become the core of the the company's operations yet it seems to be run more like a country club than a production department. Just today, one of the department's personnel was involved in a nearly twenty minute conversation about "fluff" matters wit h someone from sales/admin that had nothing to do with the job at hand. Had I done the same out on the warehouse production floor, I would have received a reprimand.
I'm sorry, I am there to do a job in the best way I can.
I want to sleep but I cannot. I am not hungry but i want to munch on something. i got something called snapea crisps at walmart but I only got four bags and i ate them all up. I do not want another granola bar. (well if I keep eating granola bars i will be out before I know it.)
I did take a sleepy pill and waiting for that to kick in.
Nice sunny day today and not too cold, went for a swim after work and haz small tired nao, lazy and sleepy and warm all at once ;)
Total chaos most of the time where I work, drives me crazy but somehow stuff seems to get done. I throw on the earbuds and listen to Maria Callas and let it all wash over, less confusion is moar better :)
*hopes that all worked out for you* :)
No storms yet, and the situation has been downgraded to mere rain. :( COMPLAINT! I WANT STORMS!
I always find this image to be so sweet and heartwarming. A komodo "dragon" dreaming of being a real dragon :3