Render Throttle - so many questions!!!!

So this new Render Throttle ...
Promises to make the IRAY PREVIEW function work for lesser machines.....
It says an M4 Quadro was used to text the product.
I searched a side by side comparison to see what my nVidia 1060 was capable/compatible....
I have no idea what a quadro card is, but this site says that the 1060 is faster.
That SHOULD mean that I get BETTER results than shown in the promo images/previews....
Which further suggests that I should be able to either ...
a) Live preview and keep iray preview on as I work or....
b) Toggle it and in seconds, I get a loRes preview of my render....
Again, sounds too good to be true....
Am I thinking wrong or is this another one of those Insta-buys, how did I live without it/Daz shoulda done this a long time ago - products?
With nVidia, I thought the computer's RAM didn't matter since it's all done on the video card and the processor is only used....
I'm not sure, maybe to load assets....or something,,,,
C'mon, who knows this stuff? Help.
It seems like he's got BEEFY ram 64 Gigs and the Xeon processor, I dunno., I have an older i7- running Windows 7.
Not to be that guy, but I need to know the happenings with this new release. Looks promising,
I remember render throttle for 3dl and it was fantastic.
Same guy? I don't see that in his catalog.
A different product with the same name, sounds like too big of a coincidence.
What do you think?
I can't wait to get home and try this.
This could be a game changer. The last work I did, had an almost 30% rate of dumped pictures. Highest ever ratio of test renders to useable images.
I was hoping a new video card would help, but with these bit-coin powered prices, I need all the help I can get.
This seems like RT will be a useful step until...those prices drop.
...Quadro is Nvidia's professional line of GPU cards. They are more robust than their comparable GTX counterparts having more VRAM and are also designed to handle computational operations unrelated to graphics production. They are also quite a bit more expensive (at least compared to what were the "normal" prices for consumer cards before the Cryptomining rush).
Concerning to Render Throttle for 3DL, as I recall it sacrificed fine detail for speed.
I confess, I've read the description a few times and have no idea what this product does.
I'm with @bradrg here. Are these just changing the settings? Something I can set anyway, but it takes more clicks? And this product changes these several clicks into just one click?
They are presets, so I assume everything it does you can achieve yourself by changing the relevant settings in the render/draw settings tabs. As such, like all presets (eg poses), they represent a way of doing something quicker, rather than doing something you could not do without them. Given that you may wish to frequently switch between using low settings when creating a scene, and high settings when doing the final render, then toggling between those options will be quicker with this product.
Got it, thank you! :)
But DS doesn't (currently) have prsets for Draw Settings so you'd have to make individuial changes or write your own script (assuming that the settings are exposed) to get the same results. Render Settings can already be saved.
Yes. It is by the same guy; but the original Render Throttle (for 3DL) is no longer available in the store:
Ah okay. Well this is one of those purchases that I am not going to wait months to use. I am going to fire it up and if it doesn't do what it says on the tin, I'll be returning it Monday.
Presets don't bother me. I got other things to do than to experiment with settings and tweak until I find an acceptable balance. If he has devoted his experience and know-how into developing something that finds optimum sampling settings and gives an almost transparent reduction in resources, that could be useful for renders AND animation. And then. maybe the dream of animation in Daz isn't so far away for those that have the PC and patience.
I would love a decent way to work with the iray preview. I really want a beefy enough rig to just work in that mode all the time, but this will do until then.
Please Lord, let this vendor deliver on his promises.
Daz, old buddy, don't let me down.
(Please limit the width of images to 800 pixels.)
I tried to watch his video but there was no sound.
There are captions at the bottom - not ideal when a lot of the action is at the top, I missed several.
Anxious to read your results. Good luck!
Render Throttle if a tool for working smarter and faster in DS and allows you to make quick settings changes (single-click) that you cannot do with DS out-of-the-box.
I like to use the Iray interactive renderer in DS. RT lets you quickly switch between an optimized interactive render, and a final quality standard render. Hopefully that helps;)
I don't know it seems to me this product is selling you something you already get free in DAZ Studio. I just did a tutorial that explains to cycle through the viewport render styles via keyboard shortcuts:
<ctl>-1 wire bounding box
<ctl>-2 - solid bounding box
<ctl>-9 openGL texture shaded
<ctl>-0 iRay render preview
The only one I can't find is one for Cartoon Shaded.
Ah, never mind, those Render Throttle is just to change the quality it seems of the iRay preview in the viewport quickly.
I'm excited to try this. Anything that speeds up my workflow is a must have for me. I understand that this is probably something I could do myself but quite frankly, I don't want to. I don't have time and the iray preview for me can bog down my machine to glacial levels. Having a one click solution that allows me to see what I am doing in Iray faster and with less issues is a no brainer for me. Plus, every product I've ever got from this vendor has worked well, and been quite useful.
I just installed it via DLM and it says files are missing when I click on the preset? Anyone know what I may be doing wrong?
(Please limit the width of images to 800 pixels.)
1) Purchased and installed through DIM
2) Selected Help! Script for browser link to online manual page.
3) Followed instructions to select Install Script.
4) New icons appear in RENDER Menu (All these presets some interactive, some for render settings.
4.5) Loaded huge scene with lots of genesis 3 characters and clothes and glass tank and well, a lot of stuff. It usually takes 1 hour and 15 minutes to get a useable photorealistic render. About 500 iterations, takes about 6 minutes to get the first live image update in render window.
5) Used interactiveLo settings to get a live-updating iray preview of my scene.
6) Scene remained in greyed out /non shaded state while Daz info area said "preparing scene" stayed there past 6 minutes.
7) Selecting zero script returned Daz to regular texture-shaded mode.
8) Tried again with interactiveMedium and still stalls at preparing scene.
9) Decided to forget live update and just try render preset Render Lo, Daz crashed.
1) Reload same scene.
2) Reset script (just in case)
3) tried again interactive Lo. View port is sluggish but updates and misses SOME effects.
Glass tank didn't render and candles on table seem to have failed and become point lights.
4) Medium seems acceptable trade off, still have a sluggish viewport but water tank did render more than before, you can now see mermaid in the tank.
5) Tried Render settings again. Render Lo...
3 mins to start live updating image window
4 mins canvass writing started. 4 mins 30 seconds 3%, 70 iterations
Lo setting seems to mimic the preview exactly. Point lights cast no effect and glass pool is not rendered. All glass items seem to have failed. Stopping render at 6:48 minute mark
stopped on its own at 177 iterations and 11 %
1) Medium render attempt. Scene updates (Selecting render settings seem to switch the preview viewport and set Render to standby and you still have to press RENDER.) Showing glass tank
Looks like 4 minutes iteration started. 5 mins to 15 iterations. All glass items render fine.
6 minutes 20 seconds convergence started and 1% of render done. Little red fireflies throughout image.
8 minutes, 24 seconds = 8% of image done.
10:30 minutes seconds = 13 % still 107 iterations
14 minutes 15% 159 iterations (acceptable with grain and fireflies are lessened.
It's jumping huge increments of iterations.
16 minutes to 203 iterations.
21 minutes 287 iterations 23% done (21.97% of image converged)
30 minutes and I'm not seeing any real improvements in the render. Stopping it.
393 iterations. 25.99% of image converged
Going to test the lighting accuracy by loading a scene with dark lighting.
In conclusion, I think I'm keeping this.
a) For the medium mode that shows what lights look like-> faster than any Iray preview I've used before.
b) The Render Medium setting gives acceptable results at 30 minutes. I might switch to this render setting for huge scenes that cause those 3 hour renders.
The bad parts are I still don't have an authentic iray preview mode that I can work in. The medium looked useable but was too sluggish to keep on all the time. This scene has many, many characters, but still moved smoothly in texture shaded mode.
Most of the sluggish scenes (even in texture shaded mode) have clothing smoothing on and once I turn it off, it navigates fine.
The lo mode didn't show glass or reflections. That sometimes is something that needs adjusting. So texture shaded works fine for that kind of preview need.
The quadro nVidia card must be a beast. My 1060 card is just getting over using this.
The darkest scenes I've done are accurately shown.
Okay, new conclusion. I'll keep this, but $17 is asking a lot.
But I can't give up the much faster iray preview. Can't leave it on, but it's very handy and I'm already seeing I'll be using it ONCE when I set up every scene. And once I get the lighting right, I'll be using texture shaded to pose characters and add elements and whatever else.
The Medium render mode will hep on those ultra hard to render scenes and that combined with Scene Optimizer.
Am I repeating myself now?
Example renderings
I just installed it via DLM and it says files are missing when I click on the preset? Anyone know what I may be doing wrong?
You need to install it again, inside Daz by hitting the install script preset. Sort your products by last purchased. See the script at or near the top and double click the one with a name like Render Throttle Install.
The Quadro M4000 is not really a beast. It has the same core count as the GTX 970, and is basically the workstation version of that card. It is clocked much slower than the 970, so its performance is actually slower in most cases. It has double the VRAM, though. Take a look at the promo pics, they use samples from sickleyield's benchmark scene. I looked at the times, and it is true, my 970 renders that scene faster than what he posted there. A 1060 is a little faster than a 970, so you should be much faster at rendering over the M4000. I think what happened is you jumped to a massive scene that would push most cards.
However, the Xeon with 12 cores at 2.9 Ghz is kind of beastly. I believe that makes a big impact on the preview window, and how well the machine runs overall when using Iray in the Viewport.
I don't know those numbers are not great for preview viewport in what is supposed to be interactive.
Can one have this product instead leave the main viewport alone and only apply preview iray rendering to the aux viewport?
I admit I’m still not sure what it does? Since the recent update my studio has been super low. Even preview mode takes a while to engage and hangs when I want to stop it.... is this just a quicker preview mode?
So I saw this in the promotional page that says "EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO BE AN INDEPENDANT FILMAKER" which grabbed my attention.
My question is: Will this really help in animation? Currently, I do IRAY test renders at low res 356 x 200 (16 X 9) and set max samples at 200 and max time to 120 seconds ( 2 min per frame ) but it usually takes 40 seconds per frame.
Is this gonna do anything for me when I go to full res? 1920 X 1080 plus a setting of 10000 samples?
I also use a 1060 card and my CPU specs are I7 8770 running at 4.7g with 32g ram.
Okay I had a chance to do a quick try with this. I love it. After the initial bit of time for it to calculate the first time, the lo res was very very fast to follow my changes. Like almost instantanous. My final high res render took 23 min. Usually something like the one I was working on takes about an hour, hour and a half. My machine is nothing special, its 2 1/2 years old, and is pretty middle of the road.
I used these presets with a scene comprised of Stonemason's Willow Creek and two characters, and for me it is much easier to work in Iray mode!
I have a Win10 PC with a 1080TI, and I'm using the latest version of Daz Studio and Nvidia drivers.
Is it easy to use? I still don't know whether I need/want it or not, lol
Yes, it is very easy to use, especially if you run the script that adds shortcuts to the presets on the main toolbar and Render menu. There are presets that help make the viewport more responsive while in Iray mode--such as the Lo Interactive and Medium Interactive--presets that help renders complete faster, and a preset that resets back to default settings.
I agree with Dawnblade, super easy to use. I rarely use the Iray preview because its so slow for me, and bogs it all down too much. This really helps with that.