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Thanks guys, I may get it then. I have lots of things in my runtime that are complicated and will take time learning so I didn't want to add to that list just yet.
Getting the same error. Where do you find install script preset?
OK I'm going to bed. Forget about using this, I can't even install it
I did some beta testing for this, I like it a lot. I don't have a machine really capable of posing in real time, but the easy icon to click on and off instead of using the dropdown make me use interactive a lot more when doing light tests and light positioning. I mean I can pose with interactive renderlo and interactive med, but it's a lot snappeir to use the flat shaded for me. I use the interactive more for fine tuning, making sure hands are gripping the gun, finger on trigger, hand touching arm, lights, that kind of thing.
If it's installed correctly, what you are looking for should be in my library > scripts > renderthrottleiray
It should be called !RenderThrottleIray Install Actions
Once you use that, you will get all the presets right in the toolbar, next to the regular old render button.
You can hover over each of the new camera icons and a text will pop up telling you what it does. The black cameras icons are interactive modes, the white camera icons are the full render modes, and the last camera with a line though it, turns off the interactive render, and sets viewport back to what it was set at before.
I've used this on all three renders I did today. Oh my gosh, what a time saver! It even speeded things up quite a bit on my old laptop which is probably 7-8 years old now. I still can't do dforce with it (its too old and won't update far enough up the chain to work) but I can use the Iray preview now. Before it was impossible, it would just freeze everything.
Did you install via DIM or Smart Content?
Hmmm, maybe DIM is not installing it properly? I Can maybe help you to manual install it, if the DIM is setup like the one I have. If you go to the DIM download, and open it up, there should be three folders(maybe inside a folder called RenderThrottleIray), content, resources, and scripts.
Go to where daz program is installed, usually program files > Daz 3D > DAZStudio4 Drag and drop the resource and script folder there, merge folders.
Then go to your content library, I forget default place for that, as I have always used external hard drive. Click into the content folder in the archive, then drag and drop the script folder inside there and merge into the library folder.
Or before you try that, try uninstalling and re installing with DIM first. I loaded it via DIM and it worked fine. So maybe it just didn't go as it should the first time.
Oh, that might be worth a try too. If it works for one person, it should work for everyone I would think. I don't use DIM at all so I haven't a clue lol.
I think we all have our preferred methods. I also do a lot of manual installs, but I like to use DIM for scripts, I have it set up to install everything to an external from DIM.
You should contact Daz support (they make the installers). The main plugin should be installed with the Application rather than the content library. If you have multiple installs of DS, it may be getting confused. The plugin is installed under
Here is an interesting thought. I installed via DIM on my PC (I have it set up to install to an external drive) and it worked perfectly. When I tried to install it to my laptop (same set up to an external drive) I am getting the same error messge that AlliekatBlue is getting. I am going to take my own advice and uninstall and re install lol. The icons go where they are supposed to go along the top bar but I am getting a missing files message when I click on it. Have to wait til my render finishes to retry.
Haven't bought this's on my wishlist for now as I haven't taken up iray yet due to rubbish video card. But I use Render Throttle for 3DL every single time I render and it is the BOMB! I can't imagine the Iray version being any less good. It will be a surefire purchase as soon as I upgrade my sometime in the never never.
Glad to hear you got it sorted :)
I will have to check my version on the laptop. I keep 4.8 on it and run the 4.10 beta. I may not have updated it to its latest though.
Here is an updated video with sound--I will try to get the product page updated:
Well, that video - and the fact that you did it on a MBP, which is my main machine - sold me on Render Throttle. Getting it now ;-)
I've just purchased Render Throttle and installed through DIM. I clicked on the !RenderThrottle Install Actions and although I now have them listed under Render menu, they aren't showing as tools on my toolbar. How to I get them to show there? I have an iMac and I'm using Daz Studio 4.10 Pro. I'm very much a newbie (4 months of learning so far) :-) but I can see a real benefit to this if I can get it set up right.
Ok. So... convince I shouldn't return this.
I liked the idea, but have found its exectuion to be somewhat limiting. The way the presets work do not fit my workflow. I can't tell if I can change these presets or create my own. Killing the Interactive Render with a button click is AWESOME!!! But why are you reseting my Render Settings to default at the same time?! Why? Its bad enough that far too many vendors don't know what bits to save in Render Settings and they overwrite my carefully planned and built Canvases when all I want to do is change the rotaton of the HDRI.
So. Rant off.
Can I build my own presets? Can I have access to the cut-off switch without resetting my render settings? If these answers are: no, this doesn't work for my methodology.
Yes you can create your own presets
I added some docs on how you can make customizations here:
I also provided an example to do what you ask for--that is a "Reset" that does not reset any values but simply stops the render. I hope that helps.
Thank you. This makes the product useful to me.
Thank you @omnifreaker, l love this product. I’m using an iMac and having the ability to see a low resolution image in the viewer is absolutely brilliant. I’m learning to use Tonal Rage and I can the changes instantly. It’s definitely improved my workflow
I’ve never been able to get the buttons to appear at the top of the screen but the settings do appear in my menu bar. I need to go and read your new instructions now.
A few weeks ago I was working on a scene with many figures, thought that I had everything sorted and left it to render for a couple of hours...only to find a mistake that I had to then fix with spot render and Photoshop.
Since then, I have had Render Throttle in my wishlist and have debated whether to buy it many times. Today, after watching the video on the store page for the third time, I decided to buy it and give it a go. I thought that I'd post my experiences with this so far in the hope that they might help anyone else who has also been debating whether to try Render Throttle:
I always install from .zip files and move them to the content directory. Render Throttle installed fine, but when I clicked the Render Throttle Install Actions button, I only got text buttons on the toolbar. I found that the problem was with a folder named DAZ Studio_4.5 which contains the icons - my DS folder is named Daz Studio 4_9 so I had to move the icons there and then re-run the script. This could be my own fault if I renamed the DS folder - I can't remember. If so, then nothing that the vendor can do about that, but something to watch out for.
After that initial hiccup I loaded up DS again, added an 8K HDRI background and hit the Interactive Lo preset. It took about 2.5 seconds to initialise and I now had an interactive iray viewport.
Changing to Interactive Medium too about 2 seconds, after which again there was a smooth interactive viewport. Going from Interactive Medium to Interactive High took less than a second and although a slight lag was noticable on moving around, the viewport was more than acceptable.
After this I tried adding a figure and clothing. The Interactive High can get a little laggy at this point on moving, but renders again extremely quickly. On posing the figure there was more than acceptable performance.
Finally, I decided to push things a little and loaded a set of armour on to the figure with lots of reflections. At this point the Medium and High Interactive renderers became very laggy, but the Lo Interactive was fine.
In terms of hardware, it seems that the Lo Interactive is GPU intensive when you are moving/rotating the viewpoint in a scene. Posing a figure brings the CPU in a lot more. The Medium and High Interactive are very CPU intensive when moving in a scene. My CPU is not a particularly fast clock speed any more, but moving in Interactive High or Medium does appear to use all cores. As soon as you stop altering a scene, the GPU kicks in and gives a reasonable clear image very quickly.
I should also state that my normal working viewport is around 958x716 pixels. Making this smaller obviously improves performance.
The three render presets are fine - I'll probably still use my own, but the included ones give more thna acceptable results in good time.
Overall, I am extremely pleased and impressed with Render Throttle. I think that my workflow will probably start in texture shaded mode for adding figures and posing, then go to Lo Interactive with some switching to Medium and High settings to check the scene.
The Daz Studio_4.5 folder is a holder for files that go in the application folder, as Content is a placeholder for files that go in a content directory. The zips aren't designed to just manually unpack, though they aren't set up to stop you either.