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@WilmanoS I've got exactly the same problem. Updated and lost the ability to use the product. I'm gutted. I'm going to put a ticket in because to be honest it was working fine until the update and I really don't think I should be having to solve this myself when I was happy with it before.
Edit: I've not got the same problem...whilst I was typing it started to iray render! I've lost the icons off the tool bar and an error message comes up saying that I haven't got the draw settings pane open (I have) but it is rendering from the 'File Menu'. So I'm back to where I was before ... missing icons ... plus now I get an error message each time I use it. I hadn't notice a problem until now because I've been working in texture shaded to set up a render.
I'm sorry to hear you have the same problem
then again I'm happy i'm not alone
I too put in a ticket after my comment in this thread
@WildmanoS (take a look at the above link) for some reason my 'main' in the advanced setting of the customise had been turned off again. I've just switched it back on again and the icons are back on the tool bar. It may be worth a try?
As I said in my original comment, everything installs fine, the scripts get added to the 'Render' drop-down, and the icons install to the toolbar
it's just clicking the icons or selecting an option from the drop-down returns an error
even clicking the scripts in the product folder (in content manager) returns the same error
it's as if that updated file is broken
Thank you for the advice.
Hey Wildman--sorry for the trouble. I pushed out a fix yesterday to address a crash issue some users were seeing but it looks like I saved out omRenderThrottleIray.dse in DS 4.10 (I am guessing you are using 4.9). I have sent DAZ an updated 4.9 compatible file so this will hopefully be fixed soon.
In the meantime, you should not get the same error in 4.10.
Thanks for your patience.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help @WildmanoS, I was hoping it might be something simple. Mine seems to be working OK now (fingers crossed), I hope Tech Support get this sorted for you ASAP.
Thank you both for your help
Mollytabby, I'm pleased you haved solved your own problem
my version of DAZ is
I downloaded the update most recently about 4 hours ago
omnifreaker, maybe you could also make available the original version, which worked flawlessly for me, although come to think of it I did experiance the very occasional crash when I went to render.
DIM just showed another update for package
After downloading and installing, noticing that the new omRenderThrottleIray.dse was dated 25.05.2018 (so newer than the previous update) the product again works as intended.
That's pretty quick work for DAZ and the omnifreaker, thank you
So, although I'd contrived some work-arounds (IRay view open in one window, but still intermittent success) this new update is working as of old...
Many thanks, OM...
I now can't praise this product enough...since the OM fixes...incredible...indispensable now to me...
Heads up, the latest update doesn't install well using IM
IM puts the Content\Scripts\'RenderThrottleIray' folder directly into the contents folder rather than the scripts folder
and doesnt install the required files into the DAZ3D program folder
I had to uninsall the IM version, which appears to freeze during the un-install, but if you quit IM and restart, then check where you installed RT to you will find all the files removed
manually installing fixed the problem
I recently started using iRay RT and it keeps crashing DAZ (4.10) every time I use the reset script to get back to my "normal" render settings.
Anyone else having this issue?
It's working for me. I just tested it in DS Pro 64-bit on my Win10 Pro PC and reset worked as expected.
The only time I get an error using this product is when the Draw Settings tab isn't the active tab at the time I click the preset buttons. But even then, it still kicks in.
Thanks for the feedback.
I'll try having the draw settings tab active next time I use reset.
Anybody knows how to get this running on macOS (DAZ Studio 4.10)? Installed via DIM (Smart Content Install not possible) and it seems the files go to "/Users/Shared/My DAZ 3D Library/Scripts/RenderThrottleIray".
But they don't appear in the "Content Library" tab under "DAZ Studio Formats/Daz Connect/Scripts", but only under "DAZ Studio Formats/Daz Connect/Products/Render Throttle for Iray".
If I double click here on the "Render Throttle Install Actions", nothing happens.
When clicking on one of the Script items, a modal dialogue appears w/ content like "Unable to find preset 'renderthrottle interactio lo'; You may need to re-install RenderThrottleIray'".
In the script a path "var sBasePath = String( "%1/support/omnifreaker/lib/omRenderThrottleIray" ).arg( App.getScriptsPath() );" is searched for but there doesn't seem to be any omnifreaker path at all on my filesystem.
I actually reinstalled the product several times by
(Closed DAZ Studio always before applying (de-/re-)installing actions.
But alas! I neither can install the menu items nor the product itself. Very frustrating, took me hours now.
I have this working fine in DAZ4.10
but not at all for DAZ Studio 4.11 pro Public Build, even after re-installing and ensuring the files meant for the DAZ Studio.exe folder were installed into the beta .exe folder
Has anybody managed to get this to work in 4.11 yet ?
Yes, I have it working on 4.11
But because of the frequent crashes I'm getting when I run these scripts, I have stopped using this product.
Same boat really, I still use it, but not as often, and make sure I save scum like I am playing a darksouls game lol. I have noticed, the crashes happen when I try to move stuff, so I only use it when I am trying to fine tune lighting levels and simple stuff like that right before rendering.
I wonder, now that 4.11 is now the current version, will the creator be releasing a compatability update ?
btw I still don't have it working at all in 4.11 beta
I'm a little reluctant to update to the release version of 4.11 as I read there were several problems still
my 4.11 beta is working fine as far as i can see
ok I don't have the new hair stuff, but I can wait for that until the bug fixes arrive
Ive had no issues with it in 4.11 so far. I use it all the time but I only tend to use the aux. view medium setting or the reset.
I just tried it in 4.11 in the main viewport, and all went well, other than the issue I mentioned a while back if the Draw Settings tab isn't the current tab.
Has the iray version of Render Throttle gotten any updates since its original release?
Anyone still having any issues with 4.11? If so, please send me steps on how to re-produce the problem including your log file to info at
Hi, everyone!
The product worked wonderfully the first time but now it takes like forever to preview, even in Lo... I have also Easy Render Suite Pro, so wondering if there is a conflict here because I cannot preview anything from that script too... :-(
Will send an email as suggested. I am running the latest version on Daz in a Mac btw
Looking forward to a reply, thanks in advance.