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The beta version for mac with Catalina OS still does not solve my problem, which is rendering to a movie or animation.
Will this be solved in the final release?
Have you reported your issue?
Had this been resolved in this Beta version?, I hate when this happens for no reason, and change to "list like a tree" is a nono for me!
Now THAT'S some good news, finally! Thx a lot, hope I'll be able to switch soon.
I thought that was fixed, which version of DS is this?
I can see it here. But what is the context of this? I mean, this is a beta from I know, meaning it's probably no safe for normal use. And as DAZ normally doesn't release small incremental versions, means we have yet a long wait to see this released, unless there is a verion in schedule soon.
DAZ Studio : Incremented build number to
Source maintenance
Fixed an issue where (mesh) modifier animation data (e.g., morph, dForm, bulge, legacy joint bending, legacy rigging properties, etc) would be omitted when saving a scene
What about the timeline? It will be fixed as well with these last changes?
I mean it will allow us to move, delete and copy-paste keyframes without crashes or never-moving situations?
That entry has nothing to do with the Timeline. have you reported your issues?
Beta doesn't necessarily mean unstable, the Public builds are released in the expectation that they are pretty stable as far as I know, but as yet those fixes (for - the version number is after the changes) isn't available as a Public or Production Build.
Yes, many times.
Anyone else seeing this in the beta?
WARNING: ..\..\..\src\dzopenclkernelfactory.cpp(32): Open CL notify: CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE error executing CL_COMMAND_NDRANGE_KERNEL
This is with an NVidia RTX 2060 Super.
What version are the NVIDIA drivers?
Any ETA on Iray RTX 2020.1.0 for Daz public build?
The most I've heard is "soon".
In the meantime, you can do what I did and use your 3090 as a coffee table conversation piece.
Daz almost never gives ETA on new versions or features.
Please let me use my RTX 3090 for Iray Renders D:
This is nearly the entire reason for me getting the 3090!
Good thing I won't be getting the money to buy it until October, as maybe Daz will support it then...
In what way is currently supported? I have a 2080 and the onlyt thing used in render is the CPU
I was trying to add a screenshot where it shows in render GPU remians idle and CPU 100% and in preferences the CPYU appears as ON and supported, a 2080
I can not add those screenshots as automatically the post is blocked saying is too long (even they are simply a small image)
I used the last offical DAZ release
A RTX 2080 without "TI" has probably not enough RAM to fit your whole scene on the graphics card. DazStudio 4.11 used less RAM, DS 4.12 uses more ...
I bought it for that mainly (also for gaming but mainly for that !) I now I can't use Daz Studio anymore :/ This sucks...
You know, Iray works in CPU mode too...
Yes, very true; but we're specifically referring to iray's usage for the 3090's 24gb of VRAM, which is the major selling point for us as GPU rendering is much faster than CPU in most cases, and also 24gb means we can increase our scenes and multi-task on the same PC while waiting for the render, such as video encoding and even gaming.
There were a lot of changes in the recent Iray update that had nothing to do with Ampere, and those need to be integrated into DS and tested thoroughly, so it's not just a matter of adding Ampere support.
v e r y s l o w l y
Yes thanks for the info, my original post was to point out why I'm so jazzed about getting the 3090's 24gb VRAM and how I'm disappointed that you cannot use the ampere cards for iray... it sucks that we cannot use ampere cards for Daz Studio, which was/is one of the major reasons why I am looking forward to getting a 3090... next year... that is if the scalpers don't bot us right out of the market!
I wouldn't get too upset. There have been problems with some early cards, so waiting for the second generation is probably a good idea anyway.
You're right, as I am pretty much resigned with waiting as I won't have the money until October anyways, but at least by November-2021 I'll have enough saved for a new monitor, and even a new PSU!
Studio 456.38.
Just remember what happened when Pascal series cards came out, well history repeats itself once again.
It's been two weeks since the new cards are out and still no update for Ampere. Why are you always so slow on intergrating the latests iray version to daz?