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Personal observation: this version is significantly better on the vram usage and release of used memory than the previous (at least so far)
as for the environment and tone map settings, you can add them without switching to iray preview or starting a render by going create> new environment settings node etc
There were changes to SSIM, so you'll probably need to redo those settings.
Can someone confirm ?
Any use of Iray section plane node now crash Iray
Could you please provide more detail, e.g. when does the crash occur, etc?
Not sure if there much to add to be honest
1. load any scene/model
2. put an iray section plane
3. Hit Iray preview or render with Iray
4. Crash Iray after few iterations
It works just fine for me, whether it is Iray Preview or Iray render. Are your drivers up to date?
Yeah lastest 456.71.
You are on the new public build too
Well from your initial post it wasn't clear if the crash happened when adding the plane or when rendering, for example.
Yep. Just tried it too. No problems or crashes with either preview or final render. That's with RTX2080ti and GTX 1080ti using driver 452.06
Same build and driver versions.
I guess that's from me then.
Very weird tho
See the chnage log for for more information
SSIM was not, until now, a stop condition - it gave feedback but the render had to be stopped manually. The settings have chnaged, and may need adjsutment - see
Can you please help this "techno-know-very-little" with a basic question:
I have a very old video card (GTX 660) which I believe is Kepler architecture - am I correct in my understanding that I cannot use the latest DS Beta for Iray rendering with that video card?
I currently do all my Iray renders with CPU (because my GPU is too "small" for almost any scene) but rely on that card to do dForce simulations. Can I still do this with DS, or is it in some way incompatible for all purposes?
Yes, I have the same, tried Nvidia new drivers 456.71. and older ones 456.55. Seems new beta has some issues with Iray render.
Further question: if my existing video card will still work for dForce simulations, do I need any particular driver version for it to continue to work? (I keep the driver moderately up-to-date but usually avoid the absolute latest until I've heard about any problems, through the forums)
Can also confirm that 456.38 and 456.71 breaks iray for me, but 451.48 works fine. Anything lower and DAZ will complain.
The latest Nvidia drivers no longer support Kepler GPUs. The GTX7x0 cards using Maxwell architecture are the oldest cards still supported by current drivers. I would hold off on updating DS if you want to continue using your card for dForce.
On the bright side, now seems to be a pretty good time to find second-hand graphics card bargains.
Correct, as the minimum driver requirement doesn't support Kepler.
dForce isn't reliant on the NVIDIA driver as such, but utilizes OpenCL 1.2 to perform simulations. See the 2nd section in this post.
dForce uses openCL, not CUDA, so I don't see why it would stop working for dForce even if Iray can't use it anymore.
RTX 3090 owner here, Studio driver 456.38. Iray works for me just fine.
Thank you - I'll save my currrent version installers and give the new one a try - in the worst case I should be able to reinstall my older Beta.
Thanks - I'd love a better card but I'm so techno-ignorant I don't know whether my existing PC will take one. I'll have to investigate what will fit (or more importantly what won't) and maybe try the local PC-fix-shop to see what they can do.
Is there any particular reason for this change? Sounds a bit weird to me. Could it be to avoid the confusion I've seen some people having with figuring out how to use the Preferences>Scene>Render Settings tickboxes?
You can also generate those scene nodes from the Create menu now.
One can also use the Create option on the Menu bar to create the Environment\Tonemapper nodes.
That local shop would be a good place to look for a used video card. Sometimes they resell cards they replace when their customers upgrade.
If it can help you and thanks to other users, I could fix the problem and it was not drivers but was skin material related on my side.
I precise I could render just fine as long as the scene didn't have any Iray section plane (that's what make it weird lol). And I have zero problem with others Daz builds and that skin material.
If it's the same problem, try to test with the g8f dev model and an Iray section plane, and see if Iray crash again.
Ok so I just installed this Beta and am a little confused about the Render settings debate. I gathered (or likely mis-gathered) from the discussions above that the Tone Mapping and Environment Panes had been removed in favour of the new nodes within the scene but, from what I can see, I have both. I rendered a scene from pre-update and I can still see the two panes in my Render Settings tab and I can also see the two nodes with associated parameters in the Parameters tab. Is this what would be expected?
Next question is regarding Filament. I can see how to use Filament in the viewport but not how to use it as a render engine. If I go to the Render Settings tab and click on "Engine" I am offered the same old choices with no Filament option.
Also with regard to filament, the lighting does not equate to the IRay lighting. If I use the settings that look ok in the IRay render, the Filament scene is too bright and washed out by excess light.
If you're using scene lights, you can go to the Filament draw settings (found in the Create menu) and change scene light scale.
Incidentally, if you look in the Filament thread in the Commons, I posted a couple renders showing the opposite problem: a Filament screenshot where the character was in darkness, lit only by a dim spotlight, where the Iray render was drowning in light.