The "Powered by Hot Pockets" Complaint Thread



  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010
    edited December 2019

    If we're telling weird stories, I wanna share this one that I found on Reddit a while back. The Camel-Riding Corpse. It's strange, creepy and full of WTH. And yeah, it's allegedly true!

    Post edited by WinterMoon on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,264
    edited December 2019


    ..ugh after last week's great defensive showing against rival Minnesota (on the Viking's home turf nonetheless) Green Bay had everything in hand to get home field advantage throughout the playoffs (and a bye week) ALl they needed to do was get a win against Detroit and have Seattle defeat San Francisco.  If he latter didn't happen they'd still be the #2 seed and still get a bye for the wild card weekend (which they could use). Well the "Jekyll and Hyde" Packers seem to have flipped this week, struggling against the lowly Detroit Lions tied 20 - 20 sith Detroit getting the ball and just over 5 min to go (at the half they were down 17 - 3).  If the defence can keep the Lions from scoring (forcing a punt or a turnover), Green Bay has a chance to win.If the LIons score e field goal and leave Green Bay little time to mount a scoring drive, it could mean dropping to 3rd seed (given outcomes of a couple other games) and having to play a wild card team next week.


    ETA : well defence held Minnesota forced a punt, Green Bay got the ball back, and managed to dodge a humiliating bullet by rolling downfield and finishing with a field goal as time expired to pull out the win 23 - 20. So they at least have off next week and depending on the outcome of the Seattle - San Francisco game later, could wind up with the #1 seed and home field advantage throughout the playoffs.


    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,571

    If I take my morning shower now, when should I take my evening shower?  Or should I just take just one shower today?

    has anyone seen my Bluetooth keyboard?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i'm now home from my cousins.  we binge watched 3 seasons of psyche
    stopped at pharmacy on the way, picked up fresh box of humalog qwik pens.  care package of krissmoose cookies

    indoor heat drying out my skin to mummy like parchment

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    If I take my morning shower now, when should I take my evening shower?  Or should I just take just one shower today?

    Oh dear todays kids,  who think they are entitled to not just one shower a day, but two.  Shell we have a go at that old  "when I was a kid" bit

    When I was a kid the only hot water we got in our house was from the back boiler behind the coal fire in the living room and a small immersion heater in the kitchen. The back boiler fed a hot water tnak in the back bedroom upstairs. So, as Mum and Dad were at work and Kids were at school the fire was only lit when the first person got home.  So one bath only per week as there were 5 of us.  The other days we had to take a big jug of hot water (probably about a UK gallon) upstairs and have what Mum called a strip wash regardless of the weather, before going to school.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,264
    edited December 2019

    ...yeah, I remember the same. Mum had to heat water on the kitchen stove in a big stock pot so we had hot water for our weekly baths. We finally got a gas water heater when the new gas furnace was installed in the mid 60s. 

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    the discount on marvelous designer ends dec 31, woes

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 2019
    kyoto kid said:

    ...yeah, I remember the same. Mum had to heat water on the kitchen stove in a big stock pot so we had hot water for our weekly baths. We finally got a gas water heater when the new gas furnace was installed in the mid 60s. 

    Yeah we had 2 big stock pots to use for baths in the summer. Our house was never changed.  When Dad sold it a year or so after he retired (1978) it was almost like one of those time capsules.  Still coal fires, Still the same 30s tiled fireplace and mantel in the back room,  nice wooden fireplace (no back boiler) in the front room,  which was of course the best room, lovely art deco mirror,  oh how I wanted that mirror.. Still the same old grey electric cooker, still going strong and the walk in larder in the kitchen,  big old square ceramic sink. Even the decoration was still stuck in the 3os, with Art Deco sideboard, matching oak table and chairs, 3 piece suite in the front room was actually mid 40s, what they called Utility furniture mass produced as there were very many people in the 40s in the UK who were needing to find a new home and furnish it from scratch. Colour schemes the nice muted shades of that period.

    And of course they still had one bath a week.   And  when I married my first husband we bought a Victorian terrace house which had only been modernise enough to have gas and electricity, It didn't have a bath room  and the Loo was outback.  We did modernise it a wee bit.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • If I take my morning shower now, when should I take my evening shower?  Or should I just take just one shower today?

    has anyone seen my Bluetooth keyboard?

    It's counterproductive to label showers.  Don't force them into specific behavior.  They are what they are.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,571

    I am watching Pixar shorts. It will probably be next decade before I get my computer back.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    edited December 2019

    Strange.  I have no memory of baths or bathrooms before we moved into what I call the old Tonger house*   That would have been in the mid '50s and I was about 8.  But there I remember that we had a big white enameled claw-foot cast-iron bathtub that took forever to get enough water into it for a bath through the small nozzle openings.  Water at that time came from a spring up on the hill behind the house so, it was gravity fed even on the 2nd floor of the house.  I don't know why I don't remember the bathrooms in our two previous houses but I do remember that one because it was actually quite large, having been a regular room upstairs for years until indoor plumbing arrived.  And it had a round flourescent ceiling light (ooh, fancy!)

    That house never had a shower until after I left to go to college, when a second bathroom was added downstairs in the old laundry room.  We never had to cart water.  But we did have a seldom used hand pump in a couple of the houses.


    *Tonger house:  a farm house previously owned by the Tonger family who moved to their property next door where they took their old long slant roofed chicken coop, chopped it in half, moved the two halves together and made their new house.  No, really!  After their kids moved away, the parents sold the farmhouse to my parents and moved next door, literally into their chicken coopsurprise​.  All the time my parents owned the "Tonger" house my mother would complain about how jury-rigged and ill-thought-out any repairs or additions had been applied to the house over the years the Tongers had owned it.  Eventually we all started referring to botched jobs of any sort as being "Tongerized".  It is perhaps one of the reasons I am consciencious about my work quality.indecision

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,264
    Chohole said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...yeah, I remember the same. Mum had to heat water on the kitchen stove in a big stock pot so we had hot water for our weekly baths. We finally got a gas water heater when the new gas furnace was installed in the mid 60s. 

    Yeah we had 2 big stock pots to use for baths in the summer. Our house was never changed.  When Dad sold it a year or so after he retired (1978) it was almost like one of those time capsules.  Still coal fires, Still the same 30s tiled fireplace and mantel in the back room,  nice wooden fireplace (no back boiler) in the front room,  which was of course the best room, lovely art deco mirror,  oh how I wanted that mirror.. Still the same old grey electric cooker, still going strong and the walk in larder in the kitchen,  big old square ceramic sink. Even the decoration was still stuck in the 3os, with Art Deco sideboard, matching oak table and chairs, 3 piece suite in the front room was actually mid 40s, what they called Utility furniture mass produced as there were very many people in the 40s in the UK who were needing to find a new home and furnish it from scratch. Colour schemes the nice muted shades of that period.

    And of course they still had one bath a week.   And  when I married my first husband we bought a Victorian terrace house which had only been modernise enough to have gas and electricity, It didn't have a bath room  and the Loo was outback.  We did modernise it a wee bit.

    ...yeah our big leap into the "modern day" was the huge 27" Zenith colour television in we got in the same year we upgraded the heating system. Tool a couple minutes to warm up and always had to adjust the colour after it was turned on.  Was the envy of the neighbourhood kids as I was able to watch Saturday morning cartoons in colour

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,264
    edited December 2019

    ....the old Victorian house I lived in in Portland in the mid - late 90s had a large clawfoot tub.  That was so nice because it was much deeper than a modern day tub so you could really fill it up. yeah it took  little time but so worth it to warm the achy joints and bones.with a nice hot soak.  Also had a shower  which was useful on weekdays, but every Saturday I would fill it up and just soak in the warm water.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,264

    ...bugger, end of the year with an election year on top of it has opened the email slice gates.  Sundays I usually get maybe 30 -50 emails at most, 251 at last count, just about all of them begging for money which I don't have (mostly for election campaigns).  Yesterday at 08:00. there were already 168 waiting to be read and another 150 or so when I got home from my D&D game in the evening.  Over the last several days since the holiday, If I just donated 1$, I would have pretty much spent over half of my monthly income, and splattered my card number all over the country giving hackers a lovely target. 

    These senders have become pretty sneaky as well, not using the term "Donate" or "Contribute" in an area of the email body which the filters pick up on, as well as giving them titles like "Take Action" (which is usually used for petitions and letter writing campaigns).

    Wake me when it's November 4th 2020. 

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265
    edited December 2019

    Geez, I'm 65 and I remember always having hot running water and a tub, even before I was in school, and I started 1st grade at age 5!  (that would be in 1959)  And my family was not rich, I grew up on welfare.  Didn't have a shower until I was in junior high school, but always had a tub with hot running water, hot running water in the kitchen and bathroom sinks.  Always lived in a small city, not Boston or NY.  I didn't know anybody who didn't have these things.  there may have been some farmhouses on the outskirts of the city, or the next town over in RI.  But that's it.  No outhouses, either.  Though, one apartment we lived in had an old toilet with the tank overhead, near the ceiling, and a pull chain to flush.  We used to laugh about that one.  A family friend once had it clog and overflow on her.  That place had a clawfoot tub, too.


    Post edited by DanaTA on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Our house didn't have a bathroom until the mid 80s. As long as my paternal grandmother lived, my parents couldn't modernise the house, because change made her literally sick. We had a toilet (which I fell into) in a closet under the stairs. Bathing was done in a huge plastic tub in the kitchen. I remember sitting in the warm water, with pine-needle scented bubbles, watching the TV in the next room every Friday. When "Around Norway" was finished, it was hair-washing time. I think even my Dad squeezed himself into that tub once in a while. Mom told me later she would shower at my Uncle's place. Even after we got our own bath tub, it was a bath once a week or less for them. The rest of the time they slapped a wet cloth around before bed. We had a shower stall put in at the same time, but I was the only one who used it, as a teen and up. Mom always grumbled about having to move all the stuff she kept in there so I could shower. I told her I was perfectly capable of doing that myself, but Mom was afraid I'd put it back in the wrong place. Seeing things out of place made her literally sick.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,571

    I want to work on my story but instead I am here complaining that my phone in the case does not work with the phone stand that came with my Bluetooth keyboard.  Wait did I make that b in Bluetooth uppercase or not?  No but I think there is some autocorrect feature that my phone is doing to me.  I wonder if I can say iPhone wrong.  Nope.

  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670

    thanks for the info about dry air.  I thought yesterday was New Year's Eve and today is January 1. lol

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    thanks for the info about dry air.  I thought yesterday was New Year's Eve and today is January 1. lol

    That's not as bad as someone I briefly worked with. She thought Easter was a week earlier than it actually was, so she was gone from Thursday to Tuesday. (And then had two days at work before actual Easter.)


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    too soggy out to go out for a walk
    so i called a pizza place, they bringing me a baked manicotti

    the apple i left outside for the bunny is all gone
    is suspicious cuz bunny doesnt take whole apple
    usually leaves half eaten

    do raccoons eat apples?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,264
    edited December 2019

    ...raccoons will eat just about anything you leave out that looks and smells like food

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,264

    ..well one day 11 hours and twenty minutes left in 2019 here. 

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,571

    2020!  What?  Are you sure?  Wait?  Is that a big deal?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,264

    ...yep one second after 23:59:59 tomorrow night wherever you live. 

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    edited December 2019
    kyoto kid said:

    ...yep one second after 23:59:59 tomorrow night wherever you live. 

    I crack up whenever I encounter a movie plot that declares that the Devil will appear at the turn of the, decade, century, or millenium or whatever, but fails to mention where on Earth he appears or why it has to be that (im)precise moment.  I suppose if the Devil approached Earth from a particular direction, then it would make a difference but I don't think the Devil bothers with directions or Human time reckoning.  But I get really contemplative about; what if he appeared at the North or South pole?  What time is it then?surprise

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,264

    ..I would say where he appeared but it would violate TOS.

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,231
    edited December 2019

    A little reminder: because of the way our current calendar is constructed, there was no year 0. So the first decade was the year 1 through the year 10, and it follows that in all the decades that followed, the first year of the decade always ends in 1, and the last always ends in 0.

    Meaning 2020 is not the first year of a new decade but the last year of the current decade.

    Class dismissed. coolsmiley

    Post edited by TJohn on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,571

    I am trying to color this perfectly but I keep finding errors in the blue areas.  I keep working on it but still not great.  It is talking forever to upload.

    640 x 480 - 162K
    640 x 480 - 156K
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    coincidentally,  we on page 19

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    Petercat said:

    Supposed to be 81degF and dry tomorrow.
    Checked on getting some work done on it. $75.00 an hour.
    I'll do it myself, I charge less. But I'd rather ride it than work on it.
    I'll do it when it's raining.

    You're asking the wrong question.

    How many hours will it take to finish the work yourself?  For them?  Is there a big difference?

    To me, spending a couple hundred for a several-hour job is well worth it, assuming that you're able to outsource it to a competent person.  What's your bike's worth...10,000?  More?  A few hundred is a pittance in comparison.

    I say this from experience, too.  I once had a car in my dad's garage for a month while we did an upper engine job on it, reconditioning the heads, replacing half the pushrods and all of the lifters, and much much more.  And I ended up selling that car less than a year later anyway.  A terrible waste of time, that project was.

    I like cars.  But I'd rather have spent that time having lunch with my dad rather than being under the engine struggling with some damned frozen spark plug or bolt.

    Can you go shopping for more motorcycle stuff while waiting those hours for it to be fixed?  Hell, even watching cat videos might be more interesting (and I hate cat videos)...but maybe that's just me.  cheeky


    Took me three hours to change the fork seals. The mechanic quoted me four, total $300.00 in labor.
    Plus, there's the peace of mind factor, if the guy who did the repairs screwed them up, he can't avoid my calls!


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