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I was remembering a follow company called My Twinn but they are no more. I remember they made dolls that look like you or your daughter or someone. I wanted a doll that looked like me but that company is long gone.
I also remember an old company which was called iDolls but they are no more. I remembered they gave away a CD I think that had a little program to help design a girl doll. I never got a doll from there but I remember dressing up the dolls and customizing her hours on end.
I know of a free software like that and when I get my computer back I can go play with. It does not just let me customize gals but dudes too. I can even add a dog or cat. There is a goldfish for that software but I remember the mouth is not as cute as my real goldfish's mouth. Maybe it is too difficult to rig a realistic goldfish mouth. I wish I had my computer now so I can play with that software.
That iDolls software might be able to work on an iPhone if programmed for iOS. The free software I want to play with is too powerful for an iPhone unless I want to melt the poor phone.
I am trying to remember what breeds I got unlocked for the dog. I think lab and dachshund but was there another one. Right now I want to mix the dachshund and lab shapes.
I am supposed to get my computer back in January if I recall correctly but I do not know exact date.
commmplainnnt - copying excel formulas between spreaadsheets,
it changes the cell reference to the sheet i'm copying from
theres no built in way to do a clean paste
I seem to rember that I kept a complete clean spread sheet, which just had the excel codes so that I then could do the same spread sheets every month with different amounts but it has been some time since I was working and can't remember quite how I did it. It may have just been that I kept a master set and edited the figures each month onto a new set of sheets.
I had spread books for my staffs wages, my stores orders and the most important one of all, the figures which the finance dept needed to send invoices to the client.
found a workaround to search and replace the = with an alt charaacter, so excel would read it as text.
then after copy and pasting to new sheet, change the alt chars back to =
...well 11 hours and forty six minutes to go for 2019 here.
However about when a new decade starts, what happens when we roll over into a new century? Wouldn't "00" be the beginning of the first decade of that century?
What would an iPad need so it can run DS? That is an iPad from the future with DS of tomorrow.
...see Mac specs. Not sure if an iPad is compatible.
Oooh,oooh,ooooh... I know where!... yeah... it'd definitely violate the TOS... maybe if I write it in invisible text? Naaa... someone will find it.
I have my own way of creating new monthly sheets and even a new yearly file. And in the last 10 minutes I even tried to describe it here, twice, but it got so complicated that I gave up and now I'll just say that I have a way, it's my way, it works, I can do a new month in a couple minutes and a new year takes perhaps 10 minutes, it ain't easily describable, but it's systematic. it took 4 years of tweaking to get it right, but it works. Perhaps someday I'll write a book, but don't hold your breath I threaten to write books often but it's just bluster.
My 2020 spreadsheet is ready and waiting, and even already has picked up current values from Dec 2019 and is calculating next month's check balances after the automatic payments get paid on the 1st. Spreadsheets are so cool! I wish I'd known about them 20 years ago.
PS: I've got some tasty tidbits for a "Tell All" book.
I don't think he knows about "second shower".
I was going to complain that I lost my goldfish flakes, but then I saw it on the floor near the goldfish tank. I only get so far in eating goldfish flakes. I open the container and take out a pinch. I decide to put it into the goldfish tank as it needs some more moisture to it, but that is as far as I go with the goldfish flakes. Apparently Charley and Summers who live in the tank think I am feeding them when I do this.
Who is he?
doh cart pruning taking forever to update cart
price in cart not happy joy joy dance, loyalty thing over?
I had a gift card for a particular store. I went to see if I had the 100 dollars on it as it should have but it only has 2.09 on it instead. I tried calling their customer service number right after 5pm Eastern Time zone but it was acting like they are closed when their hours say that they are open till 7 or 8 pm. I am a little bit ticked off.
Also my keyboard was acting like it needs to be charged up soon. Maybe I should charge it a bit while I take a shower. more buying until Friday.
Bye bye loyalty discount, it served me well for what I could afford. Too many "necessary expenses" this month leaving me with less discretionary income than usual. Thankfully there were all those holiday freebies (not sure what I'll do with the dForce ones though, maybe I can re-rig them) as well as the 2.99$ Countdown Items.
Word of the day "Quaff" (I get these everyday) very appropriate for this evening, just wish I could afford to..
...knew today was going to be a busy one. Only been up about 6 hours (took a 1hr nap at around noon), and already 500 emails, 98% of which are money begs before the end of the year. Fortunately most of this should come to a grinding halt around 21:00 local time as that is 00:00 on the east coast.
cant resist the 30 percents gc
all those predatron tree stuff like 2.10 bux in cart with a new pc club item
the one eye bandit looks good for steampunk
cant check out Bad gateway
...last day of the year 'Plaint.
In less than 8 hours, the most convenient way to pay for a fare on our transit system will be no more as after 00:00 tonight, the e-ticket app will be shut down for good. Iuse my laste-tocket last week MOndayand since teh end of September they disabled the ability to purchase additional fares (I bought a bunch of 2.5 hour and All Day tickets to get me through the end of the year).
This will only leave two options, a tap card and cash fares, both of which are equally inconvenient in comparison. To use the tap card you have to go to a certified fare outlet to put money on it and you have no means of knowing the balance on it without either keeping a log of every trip you take or having to log onto their site from home and enter your card number in (not very helpful when out and about). As to cash fares, the inconvenience factor is self explainable. The nice part about the fare app is you can see exactly how many "tickets" you have remaining and can even purchase different types (such as 2.5 hour and All Day) on your phone no matter where you were. While they recently instituted an app similar to the card for the phone, it still has its pitfalls. For one, I've seen many riders have trouble getting the scanners on the buses or trams to read it properly Second, it requires the latest version of the Android (or iOS) operating system which my phone does not support. Not about to purchase a new more expensive phone particularly since my current one is already paid for and does what I need it to do.
I can understand their move to get away from paper tickets and passes as it was a cost and logistical headache (though you still get a paper fare receipt that acts like a ticket for paying a cash fare). However the e-ticket is pretty low maintenance on their end as they don't even need to issue smart cards made (that can be easily lost or misplaced and would need replacement). Another thing is that on the trams, all you have to do is show you have the card when a fare inspector comes by so I don't see how this will prevent "fare skipping" on rail services as you could just keep an expired card in your pocket. With the e-ticket app it shows if your ticket is valid or expired. The whole situation seems more of a step backwards than forwards.
Also, as people like myself who are retired are casual riders (for myself, maybe 6 -7 days a month), the touted benefits of the card (which is geared more to day to day commuters) don't apply (for example, after so many daily uses it converts to a full month's pass, and they are toying with a ridiculous points system like credit cards offer [crikey it would probably take me a couple years to get a free 12 oz coffee at Starbucks]).
So looks like a trip to the bank, say every two months for a roll of quarters and small stack of 1$ bills that will go into a designated "bus fare" container.
Oh well.
Less of a non-complaint: Some of my credit card discrepency has been resolved. A few days ago the credit card company claimed I owed nearly $100 less than my records showed. Well, they've resolved some of the problem and now I only owe about $45 less than they claim. I spent another hour again today printing out billing statements and credit card statements back through September, and manually checking off each item, but still don't show anything on their books that I don't also have in my books. And everything in my books shows up in their books.
I'll believe their number and pay their bill until proven otherwise. Perhaps there's a glitch in the mathiverse? 
Same as with the decade. 2001 was the first year of the 21st Century. Prince was wrong, Arthur C. Clarke was right.
But nothing really matters. Nothing really matters to me. Any way the wind blows.
...but the Prince song was cool.
Absolutely agree...
who going first footing t'nite?
1 NYC minute to 2020
cant believe i stayed awake !!
Okay Happy New Years. Got up to see 00:00 on my phone and for another reason which I will go take care of right now.
New happy year year... you people are the best... I'm not just saying that because of the rum and scotch and that fizzy stuff... youz guyz is the besst...
Edited to add I'm not editing this...
Happy New Year Everybody !