The "Powered by Hot Pockets" Complaint Thread
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what they call the genre of scifi when everyone dies one by one in imaginetiv ways til last 1 defeats the aliens
When my father died I inherited use of the post office box that had been our family's for the last 70 years. He had moved to Florida for several years but would come north in the summer, so the box was kept active. Over his life he had donated money to every Tom Dick and Harry organization and they kept him on their rolls for decades. Every day he had to make a trip to the post office to pull out literally a bag full of political mail, advertisement mail, old people mail, money begging mail and god knows what else mail and sort through it trying to find the one or two things a week that might actually matter. Watching him do that year after year made me swear to myself that I would never let myself get that entangled with mail.
After I took over the box it took a year or two to stop getting mail for him via that box number. I had to weed out his mail from mine for a couple years. The postmaster chucked a lot of the 2nd class mail before it even got into the box but the 1st class mail would sometimes still get through. I've been here 11 years now and I've finally gotten the postal mail under control. I make two visits a week and get perhaps 5 total pieces of mail plus any packages that I've ordered through the Internet. I like it that way.
...yeah my "physical" mailbox where I live often gets little of anything actually "important." Like advert junk for things I wonder about such as hardware & tools, paint, and other home improvement products/services as I live in an apartment building and tenants are not allowed to make major alterations to the units. Being in next to fairly "high class" neighbourhood, I also get cards and flyers for restaurants that would cost a almost weeks worth of groceries to eat at along with promos for "health" and facial spas. Next there are the car insurance deals ( I don't even have a driver's' licence), offers from Comcast/Xfinity (that have a plastic card attached to the letter or card which isn't recyclable), and deals from telecom companies for multiple phone lines (most of us here live alone) Finally there are coupons for fast food joints I would never set foot in (do they realise a lot of seniors live here?), coupons for products many here (self included) would never buy, and circulars for stores I never shop at (or are not even in the neighbourhood).
The only advert circular I don't mind is the Safeway one as sometimes it has special coupons that are not offered online and lists what the 5$ Friday deals for the week are.
I wish I could get the Post Office to stop delivering all the other "recycle fodder" that fills my bin every week.
The Aliens movie franchise... ?
Charley assumes that if I put goldfish food into her aquarium that she has to eat as much as possible. What if Summers wants to eat some more goldfish food. That is probably why Charley is chubby and Summers is lean. I do not know how to communicate with Charely to cool it down some and let Summers eat more food. Charley never listens to me. Instead she gaps her mouth like a fish.
By the way what does it mean if someone has fish lips? I know Charley has fish lips, and also fish eyes. It looks natural on her though.
Oh My I need to do my chore soon or I will forget to do it. My chore is to sweep the porches. I hate sweeping them when they have a lot of leaves on it. It is not an easy thing to do.
Meh. Win 10 updates holding my dayjob pc hostage. 45 min up to 87%s
My eyebrows so many grays too many to yank.
i feel like when people are extra nice i must look like extra tiny old lady. Or xtra feeble
Same here... only I don't even get any useful coupons...
I keep getting a local "Penny Saver" mini newspaper (4 pages) which is stuffed with advertising circulars for everything useless to me... most of which are for high priced home improvement companies... I'm guessing people around here are nuts about pavers, because there are like six to eight contractors that advertise for various paver systems...
I live right near an area with extremely expensive homes (mostly waterfront), so I'm guessing that's directed towards these moist rich people who want to pave everything... I'm also imagining pavers might be the new plastic slipcovers of the 21st century... like in the 70s when everyone who had fancy furniture would slipcover everything including the cat... but anyway, the other thing this stupid ad-fest carries is ads for spas and plastic surgeons or laser-everything specialists... apparently you can make people beautiful by shooting them with a laser... who knew.
I wonder if all those stormtroopers in Star Wars aren't actually dead, they are just temporarily stunned by their transformation into supermodels? They also have other laser healthcare ads too... I don't get the part about how they make you stop smoking using a laser... unless they follow you around and shoot you with one every time you try to smoke.
One of the ads (which was actually the whole point of me writing this) is absolutely horrid... I believe everyone has inner beauty (for some its really far down in there, like in the sub-sub-sub basement next to the box of old National Geographics), and one should never make fun of anyone for how they look or smell, and beauty is in the eyeball of the beholder and all that, but this isn't even on that level...
First off the ad is about 30% larger than the rest of the flyers and sticks out... and second, the part that always sticks out is a line of "before" and "after" pictures of shabby asses... big badly photographed asses... with the "before" on top, sticking out so you won't want to have lunch at any of those fancy restaurants (that also advertise inside) after you accidentally open your mailbox and see that...
Not only are the pictures horrible, they are pretty horribly taken... they are grainy and weirdly dark or light... it's like on those local news programs where they'll announce "This morning a 7-11 on route 112 was robbed by this man... (shows blurry pixelated image of what might be Bigfoot or Thanos in a Girl Scout uniform)... if you have any information about this individual, please contact Suffolk county police, the Avengers or animal control... " That person could be sitting next to you on the sofa, robbing you and you'd be like "have you seen that guy?"...
But yeah... it's like a lineup of asses that committed some horrible war crime or something and these are the mugshots they took right before they escaped... "This morning a gang of lumpy, pimply asses escaped a detention facility on Skull Island where they were being incarcerated for crimes against humanity... (shows flyer)... if you've seen these asses, it's probably too late, but rub holy water in your eyes and seek immediate medical attention..."
I know that sounds very judgmental of me, but come on, nobody needs to see Freddy Kruger's butt when they open their mailbox... though that would make a funny scene for any new Nightmare on Elm Street movies... the character opens the mailbox and Freddy's butt pops out and the guy is like "Noooooo! I'm still dreaming!"... and Freddy would be like "Yeah... Special delivery from the moon!"... He's always popping out of or morphing out of stuff while making stupid puns... at some point he's bound to moon someone, he's just running out of material.
You can't even avoid the stupid ad easily... the worst part is they fold the page in such a way that if you go to pull out the ad to to burn it immediately without carefully separating the pages, some of your mail might fall into the fire too, because the stupid mail carrier has to stick all my mail into any flyers, magazines or brochures we get... then a few days later my friend will call and ask "did you get my postcard from London?" And I'm like "yeah, I think... it caught on fire, but it looked like it was a picture of the Royal Bedpan Museum..." and my friends will always be skeptical... "Again? A lot of my postcards seen to catch on fire..." I'm pretty sure if it were most people that story wouldn't fly, but anyone who knows me, knows stuff tends to get burned sometimes... I've received fire extinguishers as birthday gifts, so it's not unimaginable a few postcards might be involved in a minor conflagration.
I also don't get the point of the ad either, because the "after" shots are barely different than the "before" images... just different lighting, backgrounds and different color thongs... I mean it's not like I've checked it out in detail, but you really can't tell anything changed... maybe in the "after" images the butts are shinier or a little less bumpy... maybe at best, they've been polished and buffed out... if it were an ad for an auto repair place it would be like "we get most of the rust off and some of the dents... but with a little bit of buffing, nobody will be able to tell you drove off a cliff..."
I've really thought about calling up the place and asking "dude, what the f_ _ _ is going on here?… Think of the poor children..." Maybe nobody has ever had the courage or decency to tell the owner of that place that the ad is just effing horrible... Maybe everyone they know is like, "What do I think?... oh... AAH!… Uh... ugh... um... it's got interesting contrast between the warts and the mole... that's an actual mole? The animal... you don't say... well... uh... that's very interesting... I'm sure a lot of people will remember your ad..." And the poor schmuck is like all proud thinking he or she has done a great job of advertising they skills, instead of what they've actually done which is give people nightmares about supervillain butt monsters escaping from prison and running amok in NYC and only one lone superhero, "Electron-Man" can stop them, but he needs to get back in shape and remember how to fly properly and most of the dream devolves into exercise montages with cheesy 80s montage music by some Survivor knockoff band.... Okay, maybe that last part is just me, but the truth needs to come out... not that I'm Electron-man, the truth about the raw terribleness of the ad.
Well... that was entirely too much and I should go now.
plastic slipcovers and plastic lace table cloths. in the dining room no one was allowed to sit and eat room.
sit on them in sumnner, getting up accompanied by the sound of skin peeling off plastic
Yeah, when I was really little my mom was friends with a lady who's whole house was laminated in slipcovers... velvet cream color baroque furniture and white carpets with plastic runners you weren't allowed to step off... between that and the two crazy vicious Siamese cats it wasn't a fun visit ever.
lift from the knees. oww oww oww
shipping a transmission test set. it's over 30 lbs
atleast my walker seat makes a nice cart.
it's got more buttons than a o'silly'scope
...Siamese Fighting Cats? I've encountered a few of those.
...even lifting from the knees became extremely painful for me. I dread dropping anything on the floor and having to kneel down to pick it up.
I totally empathise with you.
...may need to get one of those grabber thingie sticks.
On the bright side, finally got my carpet sweeper, so simple, so nice, so fast, so easy, and no strain on the back like I'd get from using a broom.
windieee out. not in chicago
was walking up to the starbux, cooold wind turned me back. crossing Johnson Ave at Vets Hwy. eeek
wind weather for bohemia is 19mph
My brother gave me a squeeze-it-grab-it stick. Doesn't pick up a f'n thing.
Hard plastic. Has no grip. Needs rubber fingertips. But it was cheap.
Non-complaint: Wheee... more cookies. Couldn't stand the thought of hanging onto a half bag of chocolate chips and a half bag of pecans and a left-over cup & a half of flour, and a left-over 1 lb stick of Crisco for another year. So, I fired up the oven, gathered all the parts, and assembled another 3 1/2 dozen cookies (My shoulder and arm muscles are still sore from the last batch). I still have a half container of Old Fashioned Quaker Oatmeal but I can cook that up for breakfast during the winter. And the left-over half ounce of vanilla might come in handy for something. But I am still left with a half pound of 5 year old white and a half pound of five year old brown sugar that will last me another 5 years.
(I put honey on my oatmeal, and put honey in my tea.) Note: Sometimes I use the bag of brown sugar as a temporary hammer until baking time rolls around again when I use a hammer on it to turn it back into granules.
These cookies freeze well, so if they last until I get sick of them (or they make me sick) then the remainder will get frozen for dull winter evenings.
Misread this product:
as Lunatic Taco Outfit.
Now that I would wear.
What type of brush can be washed? Not talking about anything in the bathroom. I am trying to get my boyfriend to guess what kind of brush I just washed. He keeps guessing Toothbrush or hair brush or toilet brush. I finally got him to guess the answer. by the way the answer was paint brush if you could not guess.
Got a cheapie grabby sttick ,and a great grabby stick with little cups on the ends can even lock it to change out light bulbs that are up high or pick up change off the floor it ,use the other one to get clothes items from bottom of the washer where I can't reach ........
ooh that one sounds interesting. My cheap grabby stick has a magnet, which is quite useful.
All I got is a pointy stick fer pokin' stuff...
Yup it's great for a lot of things and I think it was around 10.00(US)at Lowes building supply store .Wonder if it's on Amazon ....yup it i a bit more expensive but then again mine is 4 years old,aps,158&sr=8-75
Would have to be, but we do get some US stuff over here.
Used to have a stick with a nail that was sharpened in the end of it , my kids took it away from me .......
This model is available on Amazon in the US... I got mine from Home Depot... it has a fairly strong grip, but is not spring assisted or anything... At Home Depot it's around $20... I got it for my little wife, so she doesn't have to use a stool to reach stuff on high shelves... also it's great for pinching children.
It's called the Unger 36 inch (91.5 cm) Nifty Nabber Trash Picker...
You can't change lightbulbs with it, but you can grab a can or pick up delicate stuff too... I don't have arthritis so I can't really say how it would work for someone who does, but my wife's parents have used it a bunch of times and like it.
It has a return spring that keeps it open, but it's just light enough for that, there is no struggling against the spring.
...hmm, there's a Lowes not too far from where i am, I'll have to check it out on the Net. That way I can skirt the shipping charge.
Also not very fond of Amazon in general.
Is this the type?
I think I want to lie down and spend some quality time with my pillows. I will need to do that soon or my pillows will start to cry out loudly.
...pillows like to be cuddled.