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Complaint: Why are my legs like rubber tonight? I can understand that my arms, elbows, shoulders and hand muscles are all achy and sore from two recent sessions stirring super thick cookie dough, but my legs shouldn't be all uncooperative tonight. Yeah, I did walk to the grocery store again today but I didn't go to the postoffice so it was only half of the distance. Maybe I'm coming down with something?
Maybe it's the fact that I've been standing in the kitchen more than usual, making various things and doing more than normal dishes?
....I know why my legs feel like that right now as it was a nice day (sunny in the mid 50s) and I walked to the second hand stores I like to shop at as well as grocery market that is further away. Got lots of goodies.
yup that looks like it
...well gone up a bit in price, now 19.95$ but still worth it for not having to torture my creaky old knees.
Mine is similar to that. also good at surprising cats by grabbing their tails at a distance, but only gently, they spin round and glare at the grabby thing but are not yet brave enough to attack it,
Yep, I have one like that too. After giving up on the grabby stick that was given to me I bought this better one for myself. Found it in a local store but it's the same one as in the picture. Has lots of springy grip as long as you keep the handle fully gripped. Works well .except for closely packed cans or bottles on a high shelf. It can't wiggle between the cans to get a grip. I have to shuffle the cans around and play a careful game of "musical space between the cans".
cookie doh !!
with choccy chips?
mann it sux pc pa coupie doesn't work on new products. dragonling looks cute.
Mmm... yes. And a cup and a half of flour and two cups of uncooked oatmeal along with chopped nuts added to the initial paste of Crisco, eggs, baking soda, vanilla, and sugar (white & brown). Stirring the paste isn't difficult once you get the sugar glommed into the crisco and have added the eggs. But when folding in the bulk ingredients the stirable paste turns into sticky glop the consistency of lumpy Silly Putty (but unlike Silly Putty, it doesn't bounce -- I unintentionally tested it once.). Ugh, just thinking about stirring it hurts my arm. It's the oatmeal mainly. But you have to keep working at it until it's all thoroughly mixed in to get it moist and evenly distributed. Nothing worse than biting into a delicious looking cookie and getting a mouthful of dried out, uncooked oat flakes. When preparing the trays for the oven I use my finger to slough off a jagged, heaping teaspoon of the glop onto the cookie trays where in the heat it oozes down into a semi-round biscuit of sweet, moist, chewy, ambrosia. Mmmm.
Port Jefferson is doing a Dickens festival thie weekend
wanna go but the vision thing makes me scared to go to a new place alone.
can imagine Ozzie in a top hat playing mr crawly
I'd pay to see that... Ozzie/Mr. Crowley...
Stupid Newsday with their frickn' paywall... I forgot my password/account info, but I can't even get one glimpse of the article... lame.
That looks like the area by Danford's Inn... is this festival going to be like Old Bethpage, where everyone is going to be in character?…
Megh... I'll check the actual newspaper if I can find it... I have a bad habit of using it as drop cloth or for masking stuff I'm spray painting.
Too bad there were no evil-mad supervillains in any of the Dickens novels... Or where there...? Which character fed Tiny Tim to the giant squid when he tried to escape the Nautilus? Was it Pip?… I have to reread those books... I seem to have forgotten a lot of it.
Shouts to the sky: what a pain in the @#$% having the eyebrows mixed with the hairs in the smart content! Was it too hard to put them all under anatomy like Victoria 8's? And when I do want to find eyebrows? Some are under hairs... sooome are under anatomy... *shakes fist at the sky*
Hopefully, this post is in the spirit of this thread
complaint worthy !
Colette Gilbert, Andrew McClain, and their son, Christian, all of Southampton, dress in period costumes to stroll through Port Jefferson's Dickens Festival. Credit: Linda Rosier
By Jim Merritt
By Dickens, it's back — Port Jefferson's annual Charles Dickens Festival turns back time to the Victorian era, complete with roaming characters, lively parades and a heavy dose of holiday-themed entertainment.
“We convert the entire village into a Dickens stage,” Allan Varela, chairman of the Greater Port Jefferson-Northern Brookhaven Arts Council, says of the festival, which has drawn 25,000 spectators to downtown streets in years past.
Many come for the novelty of immersing into a setting that literally brings pages from Dickens' famous 1843 novella, “A Christmas Carol,” to life. Local residents dressed in elaborate Victorian outfits or gritty chimney sweeper garb improv in the streets. A full band of scruffy costumed "orphan" kids wander making merry mischief. You can roast your own marshmallows over an open fire (no charge!), take a horse-and-buggy ride ($2) around town to glimpse historic buildings decorated for the season or sit for a high Victorian tea.
Here are highlights from this year’s attractions:
Jeffrey Sanzel plays Ebenezer Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol" at Theatre Three, Port Jefferson. Credit: Bruce Gilbert
Theatre Three’s annual production of “A Christmas Carol” is a 36-year holiday tradition. Artistic director Jeffrey E. Sanzel, who adapted the morality tale about the true meaning of Christmas, continues to play its surly main character.
What says ‘Super Bowl in South Florida’ more than a python-catching contest?
A python-catching contest with thousands of dollars in prizes will take place in the lead-up to the Super Bowl, as the game’s Miami host committee helps attack one of Florida’s most ferocious environmental problems.
The Florida Python Challenge 2020 Python Bowl will run from Jan. 10-19, with members of the public invited to register and head into the Everglades to catch Burmese pythons. Prizes will be awarded for the longest one, the heaviest one, the most caught and other achievements in reducing the number of the non-native snakes that are devastated native Everglades wildlife.
“This going to be a great event,” Gov. Ron DeSantis said Thursday at a news conference off Tamiami Trail in the Everglades of western Miami-Dade County, where he accepted a football made of python skin. “We hope people get some big pythons.”
RELATED: 18-foot python caught by husband-and-wife team »
“These pythons are all over the Everglades, and they are doing serious damage to the ecosystem back there,” he said, hanging on as the snake jerked and tried to escape his grip. “And that is why the governor came out today, and he’s encouraging people to head out into the Everglades and capture these snakes.”
Sponsoring the event is Bass Pro Shops, which contributed $20,000 and two ATVs to be awarded as well. Ron Bergeron, a member of the South Florida Water Management District board, announced his foundation would contributed $10,000. Participants must register and complete training, which can take place online or in person. More information can be found at
note to self, avoid florida everglades
second thought,
what are they gonna do to the captured pythons?
send them back to Burma ?
Crowley was a real person who has no connection to Dickens that I'm aware of.
Ozzie made a song about Mr Crowley. aka mr crawly
lol remember these vinyl frisbees?
those top hats went pretty high. even before the cat in the hat.
was it a phallic symbol back in the day?
I hate december. Seems like every year someone in my life passes away. Both human and canine,
Lost a co worker of 18 years. I spend more time with people at work than relatives.
Thank you! That was great. and I needed a good laugh, even though it hurts to laugh right now.
Maybe, sort of,...
Men were short. Important men felt they needed to be noticed. To be the tallest hat in the room. Nevermind that it's sitting on a toadstool.
At some point in even more ancient fashion history, men started the technology of wearing high heels and platform shoes. I suspect for exactly the same reason as the top hat thing.
Caught my first mouse of the season,learned that those sticky traps stay pretty sticky if you put them in the right spot,there was a dehydrated camel cricket ,3click bugs and a dried out spider on the trap with the poor mouse ......I humanly made sure the mouse was dead before putting it out in the trash .......
Regarding tall hats. I suspect, but have no real information, that perhaps one of the reasons that British policemen wear those tall domed helmets is for the need to be identified amongst a crowd. Another more mundane reason might be that a tall hat is cooler when worn all day. i.e. room for the head heat to rise away from the scalp.
But just why ceremonial British soldiers wear those tall furry, ridiculously hot, unbalanced, hats is totally beyond me.
But, I believe that 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th century military fashion has no obvious explanation other than obsessive fevered dreams of military tailors, trying to sell more decorative doo-dads.
Well, as usual something I posted caused someone pain... Actually, since I might have missed something earlier, I hope whatever is hurting isn't anything serious... Comical injuries are alway more fun... well, not for the recipient, just for the audience... are there comical illnesses? Probably the same applies... well, either way I hope you feel better.
and, i think, men were wearing the pantyhose back then
How did Darth Vader know what Luke was getting for christmas?
He felt his presents
not exactly a hot pocket
but yumms - without the extra sugar icing o'course
extr xtra yumms fresh cinnamon sticks for c'est coffee au lait
Yummy poptarts!
how the top hat grew to such heights is a mystery, but it was based on a standard riding hat worn by toffs back in the day, and just kept growing. Was most popular with the upper classes and thus the top hat came to be recognised as a symbol of authority, so early policemen in the UK wore tophats. The tall "Bobbies" helmet replaced the tophat and got it's inspiration from the german "Pickelhaube" helmet, but was made a bit taller, and gives more protection to the wearers head than a tophat, as it is stronger. It's a helmet, not a hat.