The "Powered by Hot Pockets" Complaint Thread
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my foot dr told to not let my sodium go to low cuz it will make me dizzy. i feel like i can't win. doh
Slurped up another couple of spiders today. Must be a bunch of them living in the walls. They apparently come through the exhaust vent above the shower, and lounge around the vent on the ceiling. They do not hold together on the ride through the Dyson vacuum tornados.
I'm happy to report that vacuuming my carpets for a second or third time in a week has shown that the quantity of extracted detritus has indeed been reduced. Yay, I'm almost normal again. I know it's silly to be so excited about a vacuum cleaner but I was getting really tired of dealing with the annoyances of the old vacuum. No more vacuuming on my knees.
And now if a rug needs vacuuming, it's a 3 minute process, not a laborious & painful 15 minute ordeal.
Complaint: I've been watching the NetFlix series "The Last Kingdom". Half decent show. Ancient history of England. Saxons, Danes, monks, castles, etc. Handsome actors, nice leather outfits, armor and chainmail. Storyline pretty engaging too. But I have two complaints. EVERYBODY is named "Aethel<something>" I can't keep them straight. Aethelred, Aethelfled,... Aethelhere, Aethelthere, Aetheleverywhere everywhere an AethelAethel. Sheesh!
2nd complaint. The leather & armor and chainmail is real, and very nicely made, but it's ALL SPOTLESS!. No mud, no scratches in the leather, chainmail sparkling. It's like the actors were warned not to get that gorgeous expensive wardrobe dirty or there'd be hell to pay. The people come out of the biggest battle in the series, bloody & broken but the costumes and hair are all pristine, like a novice DAZ render. Oy. I thought the middle-ages were rough.
What Nikon camera do you have, LG?
I have an old D7000. It's still a nice camera, but I'm kind of looking for a new camera that will use my Nikon mount lenses. But my non-starteer is that I'm not willing to buy a camera if it doesn't have a feature to track it and disable it remotely. I'm tired of theft. I want better security for all of my expensive technology, including a kill switch, like my iPad and iPhone have.
And which Dyson do you have? I only have area rugs; one in the home office and one under the drum kit; so not a lot of carpets to vacuum. But I sure could use a super-long spider sucker device. Oh boy, if Doc Oc or the Gremlin had invented something like a man-sized Dyson, then maybe Spiderman would have met his match!

Yes it will. Here's why, courtesy of Wikipedia's Electrolyte page.
TLDR: It has to do with um...salt.
I can't advise you on winning, losing, winning for losing, or losing for winning.
But one thing's for certain: Whether you think you can or can't, you're right. I didn't come up with that, nope. Somebody much smarter than me did, though I don't know whom, by golly.
Dyson V7 "Motorhead". This was the item on the catalog.
Total (on 56% off sale) with tax & delivery (within the US) was $215. I love it!
It came in a new box, original packaging, documents & warrantee. It came with motor assembly, long wand, a crevice tool, Their CombinationTool duster with retractable bristles, and the motorized carpet/floor head. It also included a wallmount/power station, I have since bought a cheap after-market accessory kit that contains, a short flexible hose, a 3-inch wide furniture brush and another shape of duster, and an adapter to let them fit the V7 * V8 models. My old vacuum was an Oreck portable but it was clumsy. It was heavy, needed a long cord, and when all the extensions were added, the wand that resulted was weak and flexible, and the carpet head was not motorized. Trying to use it was like trying to carry a tailed one-armed octopus that screamed like a stuck pig as you tried to scrub your carpet with a limp celery stick.
My new Dyson sounds only like an angry gerbel. But boy does it suck!
I can't use the carpet head on full power because it sucks itself down into the carpet like glue.
Edited to add: currently also has on sale, the Dyson V7 "Animal" model for the same price.
Although the list price of the V7 "Motorhead" was $400 and the list price of the V7 "Animal is $330. I don't know the significant difference other than the Animal uses a replaceable hepa-filter at the back of the motor but the Motorhead doesn't. Both have a cone shaped filter within the collection bowl. The only other differences I could find were the attachments, both have the motorized carpet head, but the Animal includes the soft dusting head, whereas the Motorhead provides the "Combination Tool" with harder bristles that can retract from the nozzle. Also, the Animal includes the mini-motorized mattress/stairs head. This seems counter intuitive for the list price of the "Animal" with more accessories to be less than the list price of the "Motorhead" model. Note: no bags are necessary to ever buy, but you do have to replace the filter or filters now and then. However, I was surprised to find at the Dyson website, that the various accessories and replacement parts are not really very expensive. I guess because you pay for the research and that fabulous motor but the rest of the device is hollow molded plastic.
I've got a Nikon Coolpix-995 and a Nikon Coolpix P5100. Photos of them in a post a page or two back. Both bought because they both could use the five Nikon simple lenses (no mechanical or electrical do-dads) 2 wide angles, 2 telephotos, and a 183 degree fisheye.
thanks electros mysterious.
i dont own a salt shaker.
The Sam Never Leapt home Complaint Thread
The Caps Lock Complaint Thread
The completely gratuitous complaint thread.
The For no special reason, complaint thread.
The Of no special value, complaint thread.
The We're in our own world, complaint thread.
The Nobody cares about our complaints, complaint thread.
The We're complaining just for the heck of it, complaint thread.
The It's just another day of complaints, complaint thread.
The "These Title Suggestions Are Much Too Long To Be Usable As Titles For The Complaint Thread" Complaint Thread
daerhT tnialpmoC sdrawkcaB ehT
The global pandemic complaining-in-place complaint thread
Can we have a British version of that one The global pandemic self isolating complaint thread
The global pandemic self isolating whinging thread.
Non-complaint: I cancelled another doctor's appointment. Just another check up. Nothing's changed, his nurse is just going to take my blood pressure and ask me a bunch of questions that don't have any different answers than the last 10 times I went there. Then I'll wait for 15 minutes in a tiny closed room with no way that the air-conditioned air can circulate, I'll start to sweat and gasp from the stale air, then the doctor will come in ask me if there are any problems. I'll ignore the air quality issue, say that everything is the same as it was the last 10 times I saw him. Then he'll listen to my heart and jot something down in his book, then say "were finished, see the receptionist for your next appointment", which actually means go pay your $20 co-pay so that he can collect his $400 insurance payment. The receptionist takes my money we set up an appointment so that I promise to come back in six months to do this all over again. I don't see why the doctor should be any more busy than the rest of us. Yeah, I know he has that big new house on the hill and a big boat to pay for and 4 kids in college but that's not my problem now is it.
Although, I do feel cheated if I don't stick it to the insurance company once in a while. I hate to pay all those insurance premiums and not get my pound of flesh from it.
it hasnt rained in a while.
I disagree, it rained this morning. I heard it and my driveway is wet.
so thats where it went
The Seattle sky is uncharacteristically clear today.
plaint all my hair crunchies from last summer disappeared. ?? pretty sure i didn't throw them out. squirrels?
anyone seen a squirrel wearing hair scrunchie?
85F outside. walked barefoot to the trash bins, ground is hott
The ground would be much more worthy of comment if it were cold.
Has anyone been experiencing a long running wave of fireworks late at night?... for the past several months it's been a thing around here... I just read an article that it's been an issue in many areas nationwide... I thought it was just local dingleberries being annoying.
yep obnoxious fireworks in huntington and greenlawn too
non plaint found a 70piece hair scrunchie set on the amazon. could lose a scrunchie a day and not run out til sept.
too true
Fireworks: I heard a string of bangs a few nights ago. Nothing since though. Difficult to get anything except sparklers here in NY State, but Pennsylvania is 30 minutes south of here and there are some big fireworks shops just over the border heading east 60 minutes toward Erie, PA
Personally I haven't had any enthusiasm for them since my year living in Orlando with a season's pass to Disney World (free parking, free entry). Got burned out on fireworks shows. Meh.
Also, when living several years in downtown Washington, DC I'd go to the 4th of July event on the Mall every year and stay for the beginning of the fireworks. I think I've relayed the story of sitting on the ground at dusk listening to the orchestra play the "1812 Overture" as the fireworks show starts, but unbeknownst to me, the cannons for the music were directly behind the bushes behind me. Fireworks, hell, I though it was a bomb! I swear I levitated cross-legged two feet off the ground.
Eeeeh, I can explain!