The "Powered by Hot Pockets" Complaint Thread



  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited June 2020

    gorgeous day for sunbathing.

    day just needs a hot fudge banana split sundae to mskr iy perfekt

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    complaint  watched all 8 seasons of castle.

    series finale was a whiskey tango foxtrot happened ending.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    thinkingg bout watching quantum leap.  dunno ig ig he made the leap home in the end.

    quantum leap or sliders.  iirc alienation had a stoopido ending. it was a cliff hangar.  a series finale should never be a cliff hangar

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192
    Mystiarra said:

    thinkingg bout watching quantum leap.  dunno ig ig he made the leap home in the end.



  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Gordig said:
    Mystiarra said:

    thinkingg bout watching quantum leap.  dunno ig ig he made the leap home in the end.



    oh woes.  woulda been kewl if he met up with the Sliders. other show i used to watch was first wave.
    There was another goofy sf show. 2 alien brothers, but they felt what the other was experiencing.  was a saturday afternoon show

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited June 2020

    found there is a directors cut of 1992 last of the mohecans

    and a 2018 remake of mary queen of scots


    went straight to the last quantum leap episode

    he went into a bar. the only beer on tap is schlitz and it's 15¢  lol

    loll he leped into himself.

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • Subtropic PixelSubtropic Pixel Posts: 2,388

    Just ducking my head in to say "hi!"

    Been busy working.  We are "essential", so we worked all the way through the shutdown.  I've also been busy doing house stuff and also cooking a lot more.  laugh

    Wow, I guess I should look for a new avatar, huh?

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,038

    Non complaint : really like this group   

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    computer woes never cease

    when i set my image folder to icons it showing a generic thing, not showing my renders crying

    going thru my old chapter illustrations, all poser renders, mostly aiko4 and m4

    twenty twenty, it's been 15 years ince i finished my last novel.  i have a lot of outline to put together for a new one.
    soon as the surgery done, time to get busy again.  my 1st outline is from 1989, now i don't understand what i was thinking at the time. lol  
    i have to retype it manually.  original is on a 1.44 single sided floppy for an at and t word processor.  printed on 9 pin dot matrix.  i could try scanning it on the big machine at day job.  dot matrix doesnt ocr well.

    over the years i've developed so much back story for the characters.  is hard to remember from the beginning, keepig mind their storty arc.  cant write them at the end of arc

    tee hee. skiff runner at robert moses beach

    chapterfoof 0801-2.JPG
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  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265
    Mystiarra said:

    computer woes never cease

    when i set my image folder to icons it showing a generic thing, not showing my renders crying

    Don't set it to icons, set it to thumbnails.  Are you using an old OS, or Windows 10?  If W10, in File Explorer windows, you will see two little icons in the lower right.  One is a list and the other is an image icon.  Click on that.  You can also change the size of the thumbnails displayed.  On the View tab, you will see Extra Large icons, Large icons, Medium icons and Small icons.  I use the Large.  This even works with video files.


  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    edited June 2020

    Complaint:  Windows10 feature update 2004 appears to have broken my NikonTransfer application that imports images from my camera to my computer.sad  At first I thought that is was the camera not working, but I removed the memory card from the camera and put it directly into the memory slot on the computer and initiated the NikonTransfer application with identical non-results.frown  So, then I was worried that the images on the camera were scrambled.  But no, when viewed as a simple folder of images, PhotoshopBridge sees them just fine.  So, I guess I need to go looking for an updated copy of NikonTransfer or possibly researching the Internet to see if other people are having problems with image transfer utilities after upgrading to Win10-2004.

    Non-complaint:  I got my pictures into the computer the old fashioned way.yes  Among them was the one I took this morning of the baby groundhog that has been appearing in the yard outside my kitchen window.  Last year I showed y'all a photo of the adult groundhog that was living under the storage shed on that property.  Well, I haven't seen the big one since late fall, but now this little one has been sniffing around in the mornings.  Yeah, yeah, I know, hard to tell the size of the critter without any size comparison, but take my word for it, it's smaller.  About the size of a cat instead of a small dog.

    The OMG department: Tomorrow's the first day of summer.

    Edited to add:  Ooh,ooh, there's two of them.  Two little groundhogs.  No sign of momma yet, but two small ones out on the lawn at the same time for about 30 seconds.

    900 x 617 - 100K
    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    DanaTA said:
    Mystiarra said:

    computer woes never cease

    when i set my image folder to icons it showing a generic thing, not showing my renders crying

    Don't set it to icons, set it to thumbnails.  Are you using an old OS, or Windows 10?  If W10, in File Explorer windows, you will see two little icons in the lower right.  One is a list and the other is an image icon.  Click on that.  You can also change the size of the thumbnails displayed.  On the View tab, you will see Extra Large icons, Large icons, Medium icons and Small icons.  I use the Large.  This even works with video files.



    this wwhat it showing me


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  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Complaint:  Windows10 feature update 2004 appears to have broken my NikonTransfer application that imports images from my camera to my computer.sad  At first I thought that is was the camera not working, but I removed the memory card from the camera and put it directly into the memory slot on the computer and initiated the NikonTransfer application with identical non-results.frown  So, then I was worried that the images on the camera were scrambled.  But no, when viewed as a simple folder of images, PhotoshopBridge sees them just fine.  So, I guess I need to go looking for an updated copy of NikonTransfer or possibly researching the Internet to see if other people are having problems with image transfer utilities after upgrading to Win10-2004.

    Non-complaint:  I got my pictures into the computer the old fashioned way.yes  Among them was the one I took this morning of the baby groundhog that has been appearing in the yard outside my kitchen window.  Last year I showed y'all a photo of the adult groundhog that was living under the storage shed on that property.  Well, I haven't seen the big one since late fall, but now this little one has been sniffing around in the mornings.  Yeah, yeah, I know, hard to tell the size of the critter without any size comparison, but take my word for it, it's smaller.  About the size of a cat instead of a small dog.

    The OMG department: Tomorrow's the first day of summer.

    Edited to add:  Ooh,ooh, there's two of them.  Two little groundhogs.  No sign of momma yet, but two small ones out on the lawn at the same time for about 30 seconds.

    w10 has become bvuggy and unstable lately. insideous happenings.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,570
    My goldfish are too busy to help me get ready for dinner. I think they are too selfish too because they rather eat their dinner instead of helping me get my plate for my dinner.
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited June 2020


    Post edited by scorpio on
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    My goldfish are too busy to help me get ready for dinner. I think they are too selfish too because they rather eat their dinner instead of helping me get my plate for my dinner.

    No they are not selfish they are fish.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    scorpio said:
    My goldfish are too busy to help me get ready for dinner. I think they are too selfish too because they rather eat their dinner instead of helping me get my plate for my dinner.

    No they are not selfish they are fish.

    Clams & oysters are selfish.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    scorpio said:
    My goldfish are too busy to help me get ready for dinner. I think they are too selfish too because they rather eat their dinner instead of helping me get my plate for my dinner.

    No they are not selfish they are fish.

    Clams & oysters are selfish.

    groan laugh

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    a fish called wanda smiley

    mann i could go for some quesadillas right naoscheeky

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265

    This is what I get.  I don't know why yours isn't working.  I thought maybe it was a problem with the site's dialog, but nope.  Looks like something is amiss on your computer!



    choose file.jpg
    1297 x 980 - 115K
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    Mystiarra said:

    Complaint:  Windows10 feature update 2004 appears to have broken my NikonTransfer application that imports images from my camera to my computer.sad  At first I thought that is was the camera not working, but I removed the memory card from the camera and put it directly into the memory slot on the computer and initiated the NikonTransfer application with identical non-results.frown  So, then I was worried that the images on the camera were scrambled.  But no, when viewed as a simple folder of images, PhotoshopBridge sees them just fine.  So, I guess I need to go looking for an updated copy of NikonTransfer or possibly researching the Internet to see if other people are having problems with image transfer utilities after upgrading to Win10-2004.

    Non-complaint:  I got my pictures into the computer the old fashioned way.yes  Among them was the one I took this morning of the baby groundhog that has been appearing in the yard outside my kitchen window.  Last year I showed y'all a photo of the adult groundhog that was living under the storage shed on that property.  Well, I haven't seen the big one since late fall, but now this little one has been sniffing around in the mornings.  Yeah, yeah, I know, hard to tell the size of the critter without any size comparison, but take my word for it, it's smaller.  About the size of a cat instead of a small dog.

    The OMG department: Tomorrow's the first day of summer.

    Edited to add:  Ooh,ooh, there's two of them.  Two little groundhogs.  No sign of momma yet, but two small ones out on the lawn at the same time for about 30 seconds.

    w10 has become bvuggy and unstable lately. insideous happenings.


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,570
    I think I ordered 4 prints from Amazon I am unable to cancel. I was told there is a 5 print minimum but I only ordered 4.
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    edited June 2020

    A little research on the Internet reveals that NikonTransfer has not been updated since 2015 so I'm not surprised it has finally fallen over the edge.

    I really don't know why I use the Nikon software for image transfer from camera to computer.  My camera doesn't do RAW images and I don't really need any fancy editing features specific to a top-end Nikon camera.  I can transfer images from the camera via USB or even directly from the SD card with other apps like Photoshop.  I just used NikonTransfer for getting the images from the camera and putting them into an automatically named folder.  Almost any other image accumulation software product can do that.

    HOWEVER, I did find out that Nikon now has a newer free product called "ViewNX-i" as part of a suite of products that are approved for use under Windows10.  The suite includes "NikonTransfer-2".  So, I've downloaded it and will install it.  If it works, fine.  If not, then OK, I'll just find some other way.

    Edited to add:  New Nikon app. suite installed after uninstalling the old NikonTransfer.  Transfering images from camera now works OK (Yay!) smiley Suite includes:

       "NikonTransfer-2" for getting images from selected Nikon cameras.  (this is what I was after)

        "ViewNX-i" for browsing & editing images. (this seems to be faster loading than the default Microsoft viewing tools)

       "Capture-NX-D"  Not sure what it does but it looks like a more sophisticated browsing and editing app.

       "Picture Control Utility-2" Which looks like a lazy person's image editor to achieve various moods.  Several built-in filters.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265

    How does your camera store the images?  Just jpg format?  If so, you don't need anything fancy, just plug in your card to a card reader and open with File Explorer, copy from there to any folder on your hard drive.  That's all I do.  I have a huge treasury of digital photos from our various cameras over the years.  Well, Diane's first digital camera, stills I took on my miniDV camcorder (it had an SD card for stills), and photos from the FujiFilm digital camera I bought her for her birthday several years ago.  16 MegaPixel.  Have it in the high quality setting all the time.  Does panorama photos, HD 1080p video, too.  Works fine transferring the way I do it.  Surprisingly fast with the card reader in my Epson WiFi printer.  Usually, I open two windows and drag and drop from the card to the hard drive.


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,570
    I woke up about 40 to 50 minutes too early.
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,230

    Better than waking up too late.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,570
    Tjohn said:

    Better than waking up too late.

    okay I am awake, I think

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    A little research on the Internet reveals that NikonTransfer has not been updated since 2015 so I'm not surprised it has finally fallen over the edge.

    I really don't know why I use the Nikon software for image transfer from camera to computer.  My camera doesn't do RAW images and I don't really need any fancy editing features specific to a top-end Nikon camera.  I can transfer images from the camera via USB or even directly from the SD card with other apps like Photoshop.  I just used NikonTransfer for getting the images from the camera and putting them into an automatically named folder.  Almost any other image accumulation software product can do that.

    HOWEVER, I did find out that Nikon now has a newer free product called "ViewNX-i" as part of a suite of products that are approved for use under Windows10.  The suite includes "NikonTransfer-2".  So, I've downloaded it and will install it.  If it works, fine.  If not, then OK, I'll just find some other way.

    Edited to add:  New Nikon app. suite installed after uninstalling the old NikonTransfer.  Transfering images from camera now works OK (Yay!) smiley Suite includes:

       "NikonTransfer-2" for getting images from selected Nikon cameras.  (this is what I was after)

        "ViewNX-i" for browsing & editing images. (this seems to be faster loading than the default Microsoft viewing tools)

       "Capture-NX-D"  Not sure what it does but it looks like a more sophisticated browsing and editing app.

       "Picture Control Utility-2" Which looks like a lazy person's image editor to achieve various moods.  Several built-in filters.

    coincidentally , carrara hasnt been updated since 2015

    ko inky dink

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    edited June 2020
    DanaTA said:

    How does your camera store the images?  Just jpg format?  If so, you don't need anything fancy, just plug in your card to a card reader and open with File Explorer, copy from there to any folder on your hard drive.  That's all I do.  I have a huge treasury of digital photos from our various cameras over the years.  Well, Diane's first digital camera, stills I took on my miniDV camcorder (it had an SD card for stills), and photos from the FujiFilm digital camera I bought her for her birthday several years ago.  16 MegaPixel.  Have it in the high quality setting all the time.  Does panorama photos, HD 1080p video, too.  Works fine transferring the way I do it.  Surprisingly fast with the card reader in my Epson WiFi printer.  Usually, I open two windows and drag and drop from the card to the hard drive.


    Yeah, just simple JPG.  It's a Nikon Coolpix P5100.  12Mpixels I think.  Nice camera for a Coolpix.  All the manual settings, takes optional lenses & attachments.  I use it for spherical photography with the fisheye or wide angle lenses.  I also use it for making HDRI photos, flat or spherical.  It was an upgrade from my 20 year old Nikon Coolpix-995 (4Mpixels).  I originally bought the fisheye for the 995 and it still works on the P5100.  In fact, almost all the attachments for the 995 also work on the P5100.  I have about every attachment possible for the 995 and the P5100, 2 telephotos, 2 wide angles, a fisheye, microscope adapter, telescope adapter, ringlight, filter adapter, stack of filters, remote shutter release, Nikon flash.  Gad, I love that old 995.heart  It had the perfect form & features, except for the resolution.  Had they just improved the resolution and kept the swivel head I would have paid $1000 for a replacement.  But at the time, the closest thing in a newer model was the P5100.  Nice image detail, but no swivel head.  The 995 still works but I have to admit that the smaller P5100 is easier to put in my pocket.  But even the P5100 is 10 years old now.indecision

    And yeah, I could use a simple image transfer utility, but I started using the Nikon software that comes with the camera 20 years ago.  It's changed a few times over the years but I kept up with it.  This latest hiccup is just another step along the way.  I'm used to the way their apps work.  Regardless, the new version of NikonTransfer2 is now installed, it works, and I have three other new free Nikon apps to tinker with.smiley

    Would I like a similar capability modern camera with RAW imaging too?  Absolutely.  But it's not high on my budget list $,$$$.  And I'd have to start accumulating an all new set of lenses and attachments. $$,$$$frown

    Biggest advantage with the swivel head?  In a crowd, holding the camera above your head to look past the heads of the crowd and being able to swivel the head so that the back of the body faces you so that you can see the LED display so that you know exactly what you have in the picture.  Priceless.yes

    480 x 414 - 25K
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    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,570
    I'm waiting for my mum to call me back but not sure when she'll be doing so. In the meantime I will watch my fish swim and wonder how the Daz complaint thread is doing.
This discussion has been closed.