The "Powered by Hot Pockets" Complaint Thread



  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    edited June 2020
    Hopefully this won't ruin the progress, but i just saw Summers swim almost like a normal goldfish. I have put both fish on a shelled pea diet. (Charley eats whatever Summers eats and Charley loves peas.) I am not sure if it is due to peas or time healing the pet. Summers seems to be more active and alert as if the pet is looking for more peas.

    Remember the ammonia buildup too... after water changes, fish tend to perk up, but as the ammonia increases, sensitive ones can slip back... eventually the ups and downs take a toll and they can't rebound. If you don't already have one I recommend getting an ammonia test kit.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,570
    McGyver said:
    Hopefully this won't ruin the progress, but i just saw Summers swim almost like a normal goldfish. I have put both fish on a shelled pea diet. (Charley eats whatever Summers eats and Charley loves peas.) I am not sure if it is due to peas or time healing the pet. Summers seems to be more active and alert as if the pet is looking for more peas.

    Remember the ammonia buildup too... after water changes, fish tend to perk up, but as the ammonia increases, sensitive ones can slip back... eventually the ups and downs take a toll and they can't rebound. If you don't already have one I recommend getting an ammonia test kit.

    how often do you recommend using the ammonia test kit?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    h mann  my upsbattery alarmed, my wifi game pc went down hard.  now the wifi not working. not seeomg tje wofo ocpm

    and somethin screwy with audio.  shows a red x but scan not detecting the problem.

    guessing something hosed in the wifi bus.

    running SFC  says gonna take a while.  its the pc i use for gaming elder scrolls and my daz downloads. cryingcrying

    usb soundbar i  bought for christmas, just plugged it in, it powers up but win10 not recognizing it.
    tried on my work from home pc, not working on it either.

    the work from ome p   oming in handy to troubleshoot, wifi adapter works on it, nut not on my gaming pc.

    i don't have a win10 repair disk. or reinstall disk.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    just remembered this desktop was a 199.00 i5 rebuilt i bought specifically to play elder scrolls online,  so i got 6 months out of it.  so  i not gonna  cry over it.  

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682

    I haven't done it recently, but isn't it possible to download Win10 and create an installation disk or thumbdrive?  No license key of course but you don't need one to create the installation media.  Unless the process has changed recently.enlightened

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    McGyver said:
    Hopefully this won't ruin the progress, but i just saw Summers swim almost like a normal goldfish. I have put both fish on a shelled pea diet. (Charley eats whatever Summers eats and Charley loves peas.) I am not sure if it is due to peas or time healing the pet. Summers seems to be more active and alert as if the pet is looking for more peas.

    Remember the ammonia buildup too... after water changes, fish tend to perk up, but as the ammonia increases, sensitive ones can slip back... eventually the ups and downs take a toll and they can't rebound. If you don't already have one I recommend getting an ammonia test kit.

    how often do you recommend using the ammonia test kit?

    I don't know what the official recommendations are, experts would probably have you checking it daily and the manufacturers of the tests would want it more often... But in reality it really depends on the size of the tank vs the size and number of fish, as well as the the efficiency of the filtration system and the type of filter materials.

    For example, for my daughters' fish tank, we had four three inch long goldfish in a 30 gallon tank using a filter intended for 70-100 gallon tanks, the filter used a combination of activated carbon, zeolite/anti-ammonia material, and filter pads, and our tap water averages slightly over neutral towards alkaline.

    We checked the PH and Ammonia once a week and changed 1/3 of water every two weeks at which point we replaced the filter pads, carbon and zeolite and with those particular fish it was a balance.

    One of those fishes passed away and we bought a new one that was about the same size and for whatever reason it not only grew faster, it seemed to produce more ammonia and the zeolite had to be changed weekly to maintain a good balance.

    I didn't think about it until later, but it's not impossible that the introduction of the new fish brought in a microbe that messed up the bacterial balance of the tank... our filtration system had a small pad that was supposed to hold good bacteria that helped maintain the nitrogen balance when the water was changed, it's possible that bacteria died off... also the new fish was a "digger" who would move massive amounts of gravel from the corners of the tank, which in itself created a problem with the bacterial balance and water flow...

    It really varies... because when I had tropical fish I never had a high ammonia level once the tanks were established... but those were all tropical fish, which generally are "cleaner" than goldfish.

    In the beginning test every few days and see how long it takes to change... also do it a day or two after a water change... eventually after two weeks or so you'll figure how long you need to wait.

    The tests are easy to do... you fill a small test tube with water and add a few drops of test fluid and compare the color change to a chart... I'm pretty sure there are test strips too, but I usually prefer the test tube kits.

    They also make several types of "ammonia destroying" chemicals to add to the tank water... but in my opinion those are a rip-off because they don't really address the problem, they just make a very temporary change and you end up using that stuff up constantly with little effect... it becomes pointlessly expensive quick.

    With goldfish it is best to use a filter that is intended for a larger capacity than the tank's actual size (but avoid one that creates too much water current... you don't want the poor fish blasting around in a whirlpool)... look for filters that don't use proprietary filter pads and cartridges which are a total ripoff... get one instead that allows you to replace the filter materials with your own materials you buy in bulk (by the box or bag), which way cheaper... usually these use little nylon mesh bags that you refill and place into the filter on top of each other.

    All that was probably more than you asked for... the answer to which could have been... "Megh... I dunno maybe once a week... it varies".

    But I hope the additional info helps.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    edited June 2020

    And I thought people who had parrots for pets were obsessive.surprise  But at least fish are quieter and don't poop on the furniture.yes  

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    edited June 2020

    Non-complaint:  Wheee, no more getting on my knees to vacuum the rugs with a tiny hand-held vacuum cleaner.  I used some more of my Stimulus Check to buy something I've been hankering for for years.  A Dyson vacuum cleaner!  Yay!  Several mini-tornados at my command sucking dirt from the floor and carpets on a strong one-piece hollow stick with little whirring brushes at the end to comb and sweep the dirt particles into a bagless container.  And it's cordless.yes

    This is what I ordered.

    It's their V7 "Motorhead" model.  Not the biggest model they make but I don't have a big house or lots of money.  In the money department I've looked at Dyson vacuums for years but they've always been scarily expensive.  However, a recent NewEgg sale knocked 56% off the price of a low-end model, and it's just the right size (momma bear syndrome) for me.smiley

    The problem with my old vacuum is not that it is inadequate or doesn't work, It's a nice quality machine that I inherited from my step-mother.  But it's just that it's a small handheld Oreck with a hose and two rigid plastic extensions and then the selection of endpieces and it requires a power cord and tiny little bags that don't hold much dirt.   Also, the carpet attachment is static, i.e it doesn't have rotating brushes, just a rigid brush and a hole to hopefully suck the dirt through if the bag's not too full.  By time you add the hose, extensions, and endpiece the whole thing is floppy.  And trying to stand and scan your carpet is like trying to dig a hole in the ground with a limp celery stick.  So, I get on my hands and knees and use just the hose and the small endpiece and clean my carpets in 3 inch wide swipes.  I'm too old to be doing that shxt.sad

    Like everything I buy I researched the reviews and there was very little negative press and much positive press when compared to similar brand models.  

    So, now I can stand like a human being and get at most of the dirt in style.  Perhaps I'll vacuum the house a little more often and perhaps even whether it looks like it needs it or not.blush

    Edited to add:  I've now unboxed it, assembled it and tested it.  It sucks! yes

    I know the 1-star reviews at NewEgg complain about "refurbished", but what I received came without shipping damage, looks brand new, in original packaging, all parts & documentation & warrantee.  And it sucks!  I'm so happy to say that it sucks!  Now waiting for complete charging to finish and I'm in business.  Yay!smiley

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,570
    It sucks as in it is bad? Or as in in sucks up dirt? I want a snail to suck on the algae on the glass of the aquarium.
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    I haven't done it recently, but isn't it possible to download Win10 and create an installation disk or thumbdrive?  No license key of course but you don't need one to create the installation media.  Unless the process has changed recently.enlightened

    i ordered a thumbdrive recovery doodad.  and looked up the refurb i bought, saw another i5 refurb for 150. ordered it too. mebbe a chip fried on the mobo.  apc ups was a total fail in protecting my pc.  i have the work desktop plugged into it  n too,mebbe is too much draw on the juice.  a bigger ups would cost another 165.  gonna have to wait til after the surgery bills.


  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    edited June 2020

    The OMG category:  Wheee, new vacuum finally charged and I took it for a test spin.  I did about 50 square feet of my oriental rugs. And 10 square feet of bare floor and boy does it suck!  I couldn't use the "MAX" setting because the cleaning head glued itself to the rug (operations manual actually said it would, and not to do that, but I had to test it, it does)  But in regular mode the brush whirls and the vacuum sucks and the dirt is pulled into the container.  I can see now that my old vacuum wasn't doing a proper job because in the 5 minutes that I took to do that little bit of floor filled the collection container to the "FULL" point.  Hmmm, perhaps I should have been vacuuming my rugs more than once a year?  So, either I got a lot of dirt that the old vacuum missed, or I've taken 10 years of life from my carpet pile. surprise   In my defense, my rugs are nearly 30 years old and have never been professionally cleaned and haven't had a proper vacuuming in the 18 years since I left my condo in Washington, DC.  Although I do take them outside every couple of years and beat the hell out of them in an attempt to get the grime out but it never seems to stop raising a cloud of dust everytime I whack 'em.  I go until my arms get tired.frown

    I suspect that after the first couple of vacuumings of my rugs with this new machine, the detritus level will go back to a reasonable level.indecision  I really should find a reputable carpet cleaning place that can safely clean these fine rugs so that they will last another 30 years.  One of my rugs was 100 years old when I bought it 25 years ago.  The fringe is worn off and it has some small wear holes but doesn't get placed in a high traffic area so it's still pretty and useful.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,265
    edited June 2020
    Mystiarra said:

    I haven't done it recently, but isn't it possible to download Win10 and create an installation disk or thumbdrive?  No license key of course but you don't need one to create the installation media.  Unless the process has changed recently.enlightened

    i ordered a thumbdrive recovery doodad.  and looked up the refurb i bought, saw another i5 refurb for 150. ordered it too. mebbe a chip fried on the mobo.  apc ups was a total fail in protecting my pc.  i have the work desktop plugged into it  n too,mebbe is too much draw on the juice.  a bigger ups would cost another 165.  gonna have to wait til after the surgery bills.


    A UPS will only protect from power outages and brownouts and surges.  If something else went wrong with your computer, the UPS is not to blame, nor did it fail.  If there was too much draw, it would warn you in some way.  I have always used APC for my UPSs and have not lost anything to a surge or brownout or total power outage since I started using them.

    If it was due to a surge or brownout and you can show that, contact APC.  They have one of the best warrantees in the business!


    Post edited by DanaTA on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i'm up to season7 of castle.  took 7 seasons to finally figure out a gsw means gun sn​ot wound.  uh duhh  lollaugh

    getting food is a hassle, would be easer to never eat fridge has baby cucumber and bag of celery
    emergency macn cheese all etcheeky

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    Sorta Complaint... My wife set up her work laptop on the patio using the yard as the backdrop for an office Zoom call earlier... 

    I came out and she saw me look at her, look towards the back end of the yard, look at her computer and then start heading back inside and automatically she called out "please don't do anything dumb with the gorilla mask"...

    Am I that predictable?

    Like first of all I have so many other costumes and disguises that I could have used... what in my look said "gorilla mask"?

    It wasn't going to be dumb either... I was going to go out in the woods and do that classic Patterson-Gimlin/Bluff Creek Sasquatch slow walk past the camera's field of view.

    That's classic Squatch...

    Admittedly my first impulse was to hide in the background pretending I was a squirrel, eating and burying nuts... but the gorilla mask/Sasquatch would have been easier.


    Also... back a few sentences ago I typed "Patte" and predictive text correctly filled in "Patterson-Gimlin"... WTF?... It can't figure out "Minneapolis" but "Patterson-Gimlin" it knows...?... !...?

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    edited June 2020
    DanaTA said:
    Mystiarra said:

    I haven't done it recently, but isn't it possible to download Win10 and create an installation disk or thumbdrive?  No license key of course but you don't need one to create the installation media.  Unless the process has changed recently.enlightened

    i ordered a thumbdrive recovery doodad.  and looked up the refurb i bought, saw another i5 refurb for 150. ordered it too. mebbe a chip fried on the mobo.  apc ups was a total fail in protecting my pc.  i have the work desktop plugged into it  n too,mebbe is too much draw on the juice.  a bigger ups would cost another 165.  gonna have to wait til after the surgery bills.


    A UPS will only protect from power outages and brownouts and surges.  If something else went wrong with your computer, the UPS is not to blame, nor did it fail.  If there was too much draw, it would warn you in some way.  I have always used APC for my UPSs and have not lost anything to a surge or brownout or total power outage since I started using them.

    If it was due to a surge or brownout and you can show that, contact APC.  They have one of the best warrantees in the business!


    One time I lost a graphics card in one computer and the monitor attached to another computer despite being on an APC UPS and the power going wonky for a moment.  Although back then my connections were in chaos and I couldn't recall which house circuit was attached to which UPS or which computer was attached to which UPS, or which UPS the monitor was powered by.  Also, my house does not have proper 3rd wire grounding.  So, amongst all that uncertainty, I didn't know what happened exactly so I never tried to explain it to APC.  I could perhaps have gotten away with a lie but that's not in my nature.  I just sucked it up, learned from my error and unchaosed my system after buying a better graphics card for one computer and a new monitor for the other computer.  I now know all my power and data connections are kosher.  Although, I still don't have 3rd wire grounding but at least all the computers are on the same house circuit and there's no cross linking.  I also now keep better track of the loading and status of my UPS systems.enlightened

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited June 2020

    Non-complaint:  just found this guy in my yard today.  Neat!

    1024 x 994 - 236K
    Post edited by sriesch on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    What sort of snake is that?

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    Chohole said:

    What sort of snake is that?


  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,570
    Chohole said:

    What sort of snake is that?

    looks like a curled up snake. 0.o

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    edited June 2020

    The OMG Category:  Remember my house neighbor that caused a ruckus and ended up getting the SWAT team called to deal with him?  They invited me over for a sit by the campfire in the fenced in yard on their side of the house last night.  We shared biker stories and got along fine.  But during the process I realized he's an honest to god "Sovereign Citizen",  (*sigh*)indecision  which explains a lot of his behavior.  But at least he's not a "Flat Earther".yes​  You can attack my political beliefs but don't touch my science.angry

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,230
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,682
    edited June 2020

    Why is it that snake heads always look angry?indecision

    Non-complaint:  Wheee...  my new cordless, handheld vacuum is just the ticket and makes short work of spiders.  I hadn't used my shower area for a couple of days and discovered that five Daddy-longlegs were having a board meeting in there.  Usually I'd grab the fly swatter and smear them on the ceiling but today I grabbed my new vacuum with the mini-tornados, I slipped on the crevice tool  and slurped them suckers into oblivion.  Now I have disassembled arachnids in a clear jar. yes  No ceiling cleaning required.smiley

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    LeatherGryphon said:

    Why is it that snake heads always look angry?indecision

    Probably because there's always some guy with a camera bothering them.  "dang human paparazzi!   I'm just trying to soak up some sun in peace here... "

    Actually I hadn't noticed it until you said this, but those curved scales right over the eyes from this angle give the impression of frowning eyebrow because it looks like they're curved down instead of out.  From the side it would be flat and less frowny I think.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    sriesch said:

    It's certainly a very striking looking snake. We only have adders and grass snakes here.  Only seen an adder once at that,  they are very shy.   Used to have grass snakes in the garden when we lived at Chohole Lodge,  They would go swimming in our fish pond (which didn't have any fish left in it after a local heron spotted it.) It did have plenty of frogs and newts,  which is probably what attracted the grass snake.


  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,230
    Chohole said:
    sriesch said:

    It's certainly a very striking looking snake. We only have adders and grass snakes here.  Only seen an adder once at that,  they are very shy.   Used to have grass snakes in the garden when we lived at Chohole Lodge,  They would go swimming in our fish pond (which didn't have any fish left in it after a local heron spotted it.) It did have plenty of frogs and newts,  which is probably what attracted the grass snake.


    I wonder how adders multiply? wink

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067
    sriesch said:

    Non-complaint:  just found this guy in my yard today.  Neat!


    That's a very pretty specimen... our garter snakes around here are generally dull greenish-yellow and blackish-brown... although I've seen the yellow lean towards almost an orange, and the brown towards a dark olive green. 
    I hardly ever find them anymore... I suspect that the fact that every other property in the area has almost completely removed all the woods in the yards in favor of lawns might have something to do with it.
    Each year there are less and less trees and more and more grass and white plastic fences... Pfffft.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,570
    I wish that no one would come into my room without knocking first. Well my actual roommate can because she shares the room with me. It is the staff who thinks she can come into my room without asking.
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited June 2020
    McGyver said:
    sriesch said:

    Non-complaint:  just found this guy in my yard today.  Neat!


    That's a very pretty specimen... our garter snakes around here are generally dull greenish-yellow and blackish-brown... although I've seen the yellow lean towards almost an orange, and the brown towards a dark olive green. 
    I hardly ever find them anymore... I suspect that the fact that every other property in the area has almost completely removed all the woods in the yards in favor of lawns might have something to do with it.
    Each year there are less and less trees and more and more grass and white plastic fences... Pfffft.

    I keep getting hints from the neighbour that has lived in the village for yonks, who says that the Lady who lived in the house when they first moved here had a gardener who used to keep the hedge looking lovely. Last time he whinged I replied that when I first moved in I had a husband who could do the same, but now I am on my own and my hedgecutter comes twicw a year.  However, due to Covid 19 he missed the early cut and the next cut is not due till the end of Summer.  He then wanted to know why I couldn't get him to come earlier. I told him that she might have had a neat tidy short hedge,  I have birds, (and bees and butterflies) that weren't nearly so prolific before, because the hedge got cut so often they had nowhere to nest especially the little birds.  who can now build nests in the hedge.  

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,570
    I closed my windows in my bedroom. I had them open to air out the room yesterday, because I was having issues with headaches. Today the room was getting cold so I closed those windows.
This discussion has been closed.