How are you greeting the end of the world?



  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    edited June 2020

    We have quite a few predators here in bear, bobcats, grey wolves (yes, I've seen them), coyotes, mountain lion (yes, they're coming back)...and even a few lynx have been spotted. Even in my moderately sized home town of 75,000, we have a very healthy and present black bear population. We love our bears and they just do their own thing. My mom is friends with the animal control officer in town and he said they have the bears tagged and monitored and a few have lived their whole lives in town. We have a couple breeding females who frequently show up on video with their cubs, which obviously means we must have at least one male in town as well. But the bears never bother anybody and the people who live here know to leave the bears alone. We have a decent amount of wooded areas and two huge wooded parks on opposite ends of town that the bears live in. But they venture out from time to time to meander across neighborhoods. We've had our trash bins unpended once (could only have been a bear), and our squirrel rehab enclosure (modified chicken coop) was broken into twice (could only have been a bear). No squirrels were harmed...the bear wanted the birdseed, lol. But those were isolated incidents that happened over about a week's time and we haven't had a problem since.

    We also have a large prey animal population...tons of deer and even moose have been coming more prevalent. Which makes sence given the growing boom in the predator population. 

    This was in town a couple years back...the same bear still lives here. The control officers keep close tabs on them, but nobody ever actively complains about them...because we love our bears, lol.

    that is nice to hear, considering we are living in their territory also. Even though I live in town there are 2 large parks and a big wooded area near me, so I see plenty of small animals like rabbits, raccoons, skunks and possums all the time with the occasional bobcat and coyote. The GF and I went to one of the lakes in the parks for a picnic last week just to get outside and saw quite a bit of wildlife running around including a deer which we never see around here.

    Even though we have had a couple of coyote attacks here in the past year, I am more worried about stray dogs. I had to kill a pitbull that attacked me as i was walking to my car in my apt parking lot 2 yrs ago, freakin scary experience.

    Coyotes and coydogs are the most problematic. It's extremely common (and sad) for cats and small dogs to be killed. Cats who have access to going outside do not have long lifespans here...whether it be due to cars or predators or even disease (Connecticut has a very high incidence of rabies and diseases like FeLV and FIV...and *sigh* a low incidence of properly vaccinated felines). And small dogs left outside are a very high risk...even ones let into the backyard for a quick pee are at risk if they are unsupervised. It happens. My mom who works at one of the local vets and who is friends with the animal control officer hears it every day. 

    Post edited by MelissaGT on
  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,172

    When I lived in Florida (Sanibel Island) as a kid there was a poisonous something or an alligator everywhere you Even still, I never felt scared or in danger. We knew the dangers - how to spot and how to avoid ;). I did hate accidentally standing on a fire ant hill tho since I was almost always in my bare


  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,191

    No poisonous critters here, just a yard full of poison ivy.

    I spent part of the day trying to drain and replace my California king water bed - really a two person job, but I'm all I've got. It's semi-waveless and I'm down to the water-saturated fiber mats, the pump was laboring, and I almost screwed up my back so far. But I did get the head end folded back and I'm letting the water redistribute over night. The last time I did this, I ended up cutting the vinyl top off and taking the mats out by hand; I'd like to avoid that this time.

  • ButchButch Posts: 799

    Down here in Texas we have 3 or 4 varieties of Rattlers, along with Water Moccasins/Cottonmounts and Copperheads.  There are also Coral Snakes in TX but they are rarely seen.  When I was much younger and in the Boy Scouts, I used to go on Rattle Snake hunts.  They are good eating and no they do not taste like chicken.  They have their own unique flavor.  I did get bit by one once but one of the scout masters was a paramedic and had snake venmom with him.  Everyone that went on the rattler hunt had to have their parents sign a waiver.  Man it was fuin even if I did get bit.  Have all kinds of poisonous spiders including Brown Recluse, Black Widows and Trantulas.  Had little white scorpions that weren't much woprse than getting stung by a yellow jacket.  Black bears,and lots of cats, Panthers, Mountain Lions Bobcats and Ocelots.  I used to ahve to kill a lotr of Cyoties when I was younger,.  They would get into the hen house and kill my granny's chickens.  Had some bobcats that were almost tame on my grandparents farm.  My grandfather would fill an old hubcap with milk and the Bobncats would come up and drink it.  They were never tame enough to pet or pick up but they woudl take food from you of you tossed some their way.  They alsol kept the rodent population down and never did bother my granny;'s chickens.  Also have some alligators in south and east Texzas.  Spiders don't bother me but I flat have a phobia of wasps.  I like to ahve soiled myuself the first time I sawe a Carrozidor (giant Yellow Jacket) in Fallout New Vegas.

    Oh yeah. When i was 7 I was going fishing with my Dad on an uncles ranch south of Dallas and came face to fang with a 6.5 foot eastern diamondback. luckily neither of us got bit and my uncle took care of it and mounted him on the wall (he had killed a few heads of cattle)

    I have had runins with cottonmouths, copperheads, even saw a coral snake once which kinda freaked me out knowing how venomous they are. I an allegic to wasps/bees, so stay far away from them when I can and while I hate spiders, my biggest fear is scorpions. In 5th grade a buddy and I while walking thru the woods came upon a pile of dead logs and when he kicked it, hundreds of scorpions came crawling out. it was like a horror movie and tramatized me to this day on those nasty things.

    seen a few bobcats and coyotes over the years and saw a mountain lion once when i was in Austin in westlake hills, that was freaky.

    I would love to visit Australia, but could never live there with all the nasty critters you guys have running around.

    You worry too much.  Most things run away when they hear you coming.  But, not spiders.  Spiders just sit in their web and stare at you, thinking malevolent thoughts.  Except for Huntsman spiders.  They'll lurk on the ceiling above your bed and, when you least expect it, fall onto your pillow next to your head.  For the rest of the night, you'll hear the spider laughing.   

  • GreymomGreymom Posts: 1,121
    AllenArt said:

    When I lived in Florida (Sanibel Island) as a kid there was a poisonous something or an alligator everywhere you Even still, I never felt scared or in danger. We knew the dangers - how to spot and how to avoid ;). I did hate accidentally standing on a fire ant hill tho since I was almost always in my bare


    You grew up on Sanibel Island?  That was a great place to be a kid, I bet.  I grew up in Windermere, Fl, on the Butler Chain of lakes, outside Orlando.  We went to Sanibel a few times.  Beautiful!  My Cousin's family still goes there almost every year.


  • lorraineopualorraineopua Posts: 646

    14 days since the last new case of COVID-19 in NZ, and one active case still remaining in isolation. Govt will be meeting next Monday to decide whether we go to level one, which is basically business as usual with our border still closed and track and trace still operating. 

  • lorraineopualorraineopua Posts: 646

    The only venomous animal NZ has is a really shy spider called the Katipo, it's so shy you would basically need to hold it down and mug it before it would bite you. And even then, it's highly unlikely it would kill you as there's an anti-venom and no one has died of a bite since 1901. 

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783
    Butch said:

    You worry too much.  Most things run away when they hear you coming.  But, not spiders.  Spiders just sit in their web and stare at you, thinking malevolent thoughts.  Except for Huntsman spiders.  They'll lurk on the ceiling above your bed and, when you least expect it, fall onto your pillow next to your head.  For the rest of the night, you'll hear the spider laughing.   

    NOT funny! When I was 12 i was at my grandmothers sleeping in a small bed at the corner of the master bedroom. I was half awake and noticed a black spot on the ceiling above me. just as my eyes started to adjust, the tarantula fell onto my bed right at my chest. I literally jumped out of bed and into the next room. I couldn't sleep for weeks, LOL. I'd like to think I would handle that same situation much better now that I am older, wiser and more knowledgable.....but probably not!




  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,678

    Despite my casual familiarity with Florida spiders, I can't watch the spider scenes in the Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings movies.  Anything I can't stomp or swat out of existence and views me as "fair-game" is not to be trifled with at any level of abstraction. Thank god for the "Fast Forward" button.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited June 2020

    A fox tried to get into the hen house last night. so my husband turned the lights on at the hen house & decided to sit outside and thought he may be able to trap the fox if he came back.

    well about 10 or so minutes had passed & a big ol opossum showed up ,& my hubby started feeding it peanuts that we usually give to the squirrels. then a minute later a huge skunk  and another minute or 2 later the fox .As my husband was throwing whole in the shell peanuts out for the possum to eat the next thing you know he was feeding the skunk and fox peanuts as well.  the fox stayed for about 15 minutes got his fill and never came back the rest of the night. & No bears tonight so hopefully hey headed back up into the mountains

    That fox was not shy or timid at all by my husband. & no one would properly believe this story . like a the fish that got away  story.. only i got pictures of it this

    Porch Cam-21.59.01.jpg
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    Post edited by Ivy on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,678
    edited June 2020

    I lived in Reston, Virginia for a few years.   A suburb northwest of Washington, DC.  It is a very nice, upscale, planned community with wooded areas between each of the housing & condo developments and high-rise commercial center.  Out my elevated balcony (about 10 foot) we would see fox, deer, 'possum, & squirrel venture from the woods into the grass.  People on the 1st floor had to make sure to not leave their patio doors open or they could expect a surprise visitor. While in Reston, just a couple blocks away on the edge of town was a large exotic wildlife ranch/zoo with buffalo roaming & grazing with anelope, zebra, ibex, etc.  It became normal to view strange beasts with weird horns whenever we drove in or out of town on that road.

    Reston Virginia:

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited June 2020

    Rivers running red - if anyone is keeping a check list of the plagues


    rivers run red.jpg
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    Post edited by Diomede on
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783
    Diomede said:

    Rivers running red - if anyone is keeping a check list of the plagues

    It's no wonder that a virus is trying to take us out when we keep destroying the planet, geez.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,678
    Diomede said:

    Rivers running red - if anyone is keeping a check list of the plagues

    It's no wonder that a virus is trying to take us out when we keep destroying the planet, geez.

    I'm waiting for the plague of flesh eating worms to rise from the beaches of all the oceans of the world.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    McGyver said:

    This from my upcoming book "How to grocery shop in the 21st century"...

    ...right up there with go in the opposite direction indicated for the aisle and of course leave your trolley right in the middle so nobody else can pass by.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257 the situation slowly returns to normal here ( whatever "normal" is or was) beginning to miss the lack of traffic in the neighbourhood as more and more people venture out.  A few stores have reopened.  Finally was able to replace the bamboo dish rack that was about to fall apart.  The new one while bit smaller gives me more counter space when unfolded and is very sturdily built compared to the old one.  Also went to my favourite resale store and found a couple nice shirts 

    Also the new electric can opener arrived today, my wrist (which is now in a brace) is so relieved.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602
    edited June 2020

    being as pedantic as I am, I follow those aisle arrows religiously.

    often walking twice as far around an adjacent to get something 

    to find everyone else going the opposite way and expecting right of way too by their self entitled expressions 

    being the wuss I am of course I move aside

    my forum persona is considerably more confident than my nonconfrontational real one BTW

    but if I am continuously pushed I do explode, takes a lot though as in outright bullying

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • edited June 2020


    I can't help but feel like the "this is fine" meme dog...


    this is fine.png
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    Post edited by Mister Daddy Longlegs on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,678

    being as pedantic as I am, I follow those aisle arrows religiously.

    often walking twice as far around an adjacent to get something 

    to find everyone else going the opposite way and expecting right of way too by their self entitled expressions 

    being the wuss I am of course I move aside

    my forum persona is considerably more confident than my nonconfrontational real one BTW

    but if I am continuously pushed I do explode, takes a lot though as in outright bullying

    Suggestion:  Air horn, the type with a horn mounted to a can of compressed air.enlightened Time it so they're not looking in your direction. Press button.  Have camera ready.devil

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    being as pedantic as I am, I follow those aisle arrows religiously.

    often walking twice as far around an adjacent to get something 

    to find everyone else going the opposite way and expecting right of way too by their self entitled expressions 

    being the wuss I am of course I move aside

    my forum persona is considerably more confident than my nonconfrontational real one BTW

    but if I am continuously pushed I do explode, takes a lot though as in outright bullying

    Suggestion:  Air horn, the type with a horn mounted to a can of compressed air.enlightened Time it so they're not looking in your direction. Press button.  Have camera ready.devil

    oh   lol   that could be funny.   As could a mini whoopee cushion carried in ones shopping bag. Squeeze the bag between arm and side if someone gets too close.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,067

    The WHO updated mask recommendations...

    Just in case anyone is interested...

    I'm not sure why an old rock & roll band is making mask recommendations, but Pete Townshend seems to be a good judge of air filtration.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257

    being as pedantic as I am, I follow those aisle arrows religiously.

    often walking twice as far around an adjacent to get something 

    to find everyone else going the opposite way and expecting right of way too by their self entitled expressions 

    being the wuss I am of course I move aside

    my forum persona is considerably more confident than my nonconfrontational real one BTW

    but if I am continuously pushed I do explode, takes a lot though as in outright bullying

    ...the Safeway I shop at has very narrow aisles and the "one way" direction actually makes it much easier.  Two shoppers with trolleys going in opposite directions pretty much plugs up an aisle completely.  I usually use one of the hand baskets when I shop as I don't buy a lot since I have to carry it home on foot and don't like to put anything in my bad hand if I can avoid it.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257
    Chohole said:

    being as pedantic as I am, I follow those aisle arrows religiously.

    often walking twice as far around an adjacent to get something 

    to find everyone else going the opposite way and expecting right of way too by their self entitled expressions 

    being the wuss I am of course I move aside

    my forum persona is considerably more confident than my nonconfrontational real one BTW

    but if I am continuously pushed I do explode, takes a lot though as in outright bullying

    Suggestion:  Air horn, the type with a horn mounted to a can of compressed air.enlightened Time it so they're not looking in your direction. Press button.  Have camera ready.devil

    oh   lol   that could be funny.   As could a mini whoopee cushion carried in ones shopping bag. Squeeze the bag between arm and side if someone gets too close.

    ..there is this:

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,678
    kyoto kid said:
    Chohole said:

    being as pedantic as I am, I follow those aisle arrows religiously.

    often walking twice as far around an adjacent to get something 

    to find everyone else going the opposite way and expecting right of way too by their self entitled expressions 

    being the wuss I am of course I move aside

    my forum persona is considerably more confident than my nonconfrontational real one BTW

    but if I am continuously pushed I do explode, takes a lot though as in outright bullying

    Suggestion:  Air horn, the type with a horn mounted to a can of compressed air.enlightened Time it so they're not looking in your direction. Press button.  Have camera ready.devil

    oh   lol   that could be funny.   As could a mini whoopee cushion carried in ones shopping bag. Squeeze the bag between arm and side if someone gets too close.

    ..there is this:

    Thank god for the free marketplace and human ingenuity.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,257 marches on. 

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602
    edited August 2020

    ...I went to a flat Earther event and asked if all this social distancing had pushed anyone over the edgecheeky

    they politely asked me to leave...

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Social media is not a solution for social isolation issues during the pandemic.

    Social media is probably making things worse for all of us when we come out of the pandemic, IMO. Gosh, the things people say and do on there.

  • ...I went to a flat Earther event and asked if all this social distancing had pushed anyone over the edgecheeky

    they politely asked me to leave...


  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979

    ...I went to a flat Earther event and asked if all this social distancing had pushed anyone over the edgecheeky

    they politely asked me to leave...

    Did you tell them you come from "down under"?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602
    edited August 2020
    Taoz said:

    ...I went to a flat Earther event and asked if all this social distancing had pushed anyone over the edgecheeky

    they politely asked me to leave...

    Did you tell them you come from "down under"?

    I just gave them a Vegemite sandwich wink

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
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