What is your top favourite product at the moment?



  • watchdog79watchdog79 Posts: 1,026
    edited March 2020
    gerster said:

    dForce toilett paper devil

    Sorry, the requested product is currently not available due to the unexpectedly high demand.cheeky

    Post edited by watchdog79 on
  • ThyranqThyranq Posts: 584
    gerster said:

    dForce toilett paper devil

    I bet this would sell out.

  • sunnyjeisunnyjei Posts: 502
    edited March 2020

    No links at the moment (on mobile) but DimensionTheory's crystal pack is soooooo good for background lighting makes all the colors pop a little. And Riversofts  Look at Me I use for every render. Love how I can accurately get the eyes focused as opposed to trying to do it manually and one eye always looking off. Thanks for everyone else's recommendations adding lots to my wishlist!

    Post edited by sunnyjei on
  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633


    Is this the one @sunnyjei ?

    I love DTs work, have quite a few packs already.

  • sunnyjeisunnyjei Posts: 502
    Paintbox said:


    Is this the one @sunnyjei ?

    I love DTs work, have quite a few packs already.

    Thanks @Paintbox that was the one :D I think I need to add more of DT's stuff to my library as well.

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,317
    edited March 2020

    Unfortunately, removed from the store, J.Cade's Painter's Lights. Although I buy lighting sets like crazy, I seem to return to this set every day.

    I rely on the so many of the products that we never think of in our day-to-day use of Daz Sudio.

    I am fixated on one pose set right now though, https://www.daz3d.com/advanced-seated-poses-for-genesis-8-female by Those Things. And for shaders, https://www.daz3d.com/unique-fabrics-shaders-and-merchant-resource by ARTCollaborations. The tutorial she put together was worth the price of the shader set alone and gave me insight to many I had filed away as 'what the heck?'

    Utilities, RiversoftArts, and when combined with SickleYield and Esha, the products they come up with are fantastic timesavers and are expanding the older products into the newer generations. 

    Anything by Zev0, EmmaAndJordi, SF-Design to name just three fast who make those little tweaks possible.

    Environment creators - I have too many favorites to list and do not want to neglect any. And my interests range from contemporary, fantasy, Sci-Fi, military, limited horror, historical and landscapes, I seem to buy a lot of them.

    Props, love them. Again so many, but as everyone knows anything by maclean will find a way into a render at least once a week. He listens to what folks ask for on the forums and updates his old sets for Iray. Love that.

    Divamakeup's Altern 8 is there too.

    Not enough room, nor time. Just look at the list of PAs past and present and you might see one of the PAs I have that I found a gem to use from. And sometimes, the older the better.


    Post edited by memcneil70 on
  • DaventakiDaventaki Posts: 1,624

    UtraScenery  -Love it and it is very versatile for different scenes. 

    Unique Fabrics Shaders -Awesome shader set, endless options and settings to make different looks. Documentation is top notch and ArtCollab also did some very informative videos for using the product.

    Advanced Seated Poses -Very detailed on positions of body parts. My go to for a seated pose, most require minimal adjustment for different figures/seating situations.

    Boss Pro Light Set -I have many lighting sets from various vendors and they are all great but this one is my favorite, I always end up coming back to it.

    Mesh Grabber- The most awesome tool ever!  I use it in every render for some reason or another. 

    I know you said top favorite product but its hard to say only one top favorite because all are my favorites that I use all the time.  Each has thier strengths for what they do and thats what makes them favorites.  I have lots of other tools and items that I love and use frequently.

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,317

    Yeah, I have to add Power Pose to my list. I don't remember if it was built into DS or an Add-on or a product or what, but, to move that hand, foot, finger it is so wonderful.

    Well let's just add the upgrades to DS since 4.9 even if I had to buy a Win10 computer to use all the features, like dForce cloth and hair, and others.

  • AsariAsari Posts: 703

    I would say this https://www.daz3d.com/gwyn-hd-for-genesis-8-female not necessarily for the gorgeous character but for the Look At Me Eyes and Lashes that add a separate morphable eyelash figure that I use on pretty much every character.

    Ah these threads where other users name their favorite products! You learn something new everytime. In thus case, thx Alicia I never noticed Raiya's characters came with their own eyelashes and their own eye morphs! I'm currently using chevybabe's Natural Eyes morphs but I like some variety. Wishlisted Raiya's male characters since I mainly render males.
  • ZateticZatetic Posts: 286

    Right now? Hazmat suits!

    Spring Wedding 2020 styles.png
    1200 x 751 - 2M
  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,172
    atozed said:
    AllenArt said:

    HowieFarkes UltraScenery....far and away :)



    Wow. That looks like it came out of Vue. I'm gonna have to check it out.

    How long did that baby take to render?


    Little over an hour. It all fit on my aging 980ti 6gb believe it or not ;)


  • TraceSLTraceSL Posts: 529
    edited March 2020

    A week does not go by that I do not do something with Wind Warrior outfit  and it's texture pack.  

    Post edited by TraceSL on
  • RuphussRuphuss Posts: 2,631

    lots of new products in my wishlist now

    posts with all of this or alll of that do not help here

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715


    I nearly forgot about this https://www.daz3d.com/n-g-s-anagenessis-2-revolution, as it's a rare scene that it isn't involved in.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    Daz Studio.

  • alex86firealex86fire Posts: 1,130
    nicstt said:


    I nearly forgot about this https://www.daz3d.com/n-g-s-anagenessis-2-revolution, as it's a rare scene that it isn't involved in.

    Wow, anagenessis looks awesome!

    How come I didn't see anyone else mention it until now?

    Also, is there a G8 version out there?

  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564
    fred9803 said:

    All the  "everyday" stuff by maclean are my favourites. Excellent stuff to put an "everyday" scene together with all the little bits and pieces I need.

    To add to my previous post, ARK Modern Food Pack is just the sort of thing I'm always looking out for to make detailed domestic scenes. In fact anything that keeps it real... but that's just my rendering preference.

  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633

    I think I have one or two of the foodpacks @fred9803

    Anagenessis looks great indeed @alex86fire

  • I've just bought UltrascatterPro and I'm wondering why on earth I waited this long. It is positively amazing what can be done with it. Well, once I figured out how to stop it crashing the video driver. Most important to RTFM.


  • alex86firealex86fire Posts: 1,130

    One more tool I want to mention that is great for fitting tops on women characters expecially is https://www.daz3d.com/fit-control-for-genesis-8-female-s eventually with the add-on https://www.daz3d.com/fit-control-add-on-for-genesis-3--8-female.

    This is just the latest of what it did for my render.

    they talk focus on ella3 urbanCasual.png
    2560 x 1440 - 1M
    they talk focus on ella3 urbanCasual fixed top.png
    2560 x 1440 - 1M
  • nicstt said:


    I nearly forgot about this https://www.daz3d.com/n-g-s-anagenessis-2-revolution, as it's a rare scene that it isn't involved in.

    Wow, anagenessis looks awesome!

    How come I didn't see anyone else mention it until now?

    Also, is there a G8 version out there?

    Or does it work for G8 automatically because G3/G8 mapping is the same?

  • PaintboxPaintbox Posts: 1,633

    One more tool I want to mention that is great for fitting tops on women characters expecially is https://www.daz3d.com/fit-control-for-genesis-8-female-s eventually with the add-on https://www.daz3d.com/fit-control-add-on-for-genesis-3--8-female.

    This is just the latest of what it did for my render.

    Didn't know it even had an add-on @alex86fire ... good to know!

    @lorraineopua , what do you use ultrascatter for?

  • lorraineopualorraineopua Posts: 646
    edited March 2020
    Paintbox said:

    One more tool I want to mention that is great for fitting tops on women characters expecially is https://www.daz3d.com/fit-control-for-genesis-8-female-s eventually with the add-on https://www.daz3d.com/fit-control-add-on-for-genesis-3--8-female.

    This is just the latest of what it did for my render.

    Didn't know it even had an add-on @alex86fire ... good to know!

    @lorraineopua , what do you use ultrascatter for?

    I'm using it to plant trees all over them thar hills, no more bare mountains. They've been one of the biggest bugbears I've had over the years of using DS, and in a few seconds Ultrascatter plants those hills with forests. 

    Post edited by lorraineopua on
  • alex86firealex86fire Posts: 1,130
    This was such a great idea for a thread. Learning about a lot of cool tools and methoda.
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    nicstt said:


    I nearly forgot about this https://www.daz3d.com/n-g-s-anagenessis-2-revolution, as it's a rare scene that it isn't involved in.

    Wow, anagenessis looks awesome!

    How come I didn't see anyone else mention it until now?

    Also, is there a G8 version out there?

    No but it works fine with G8. I use G8 exclusively.

    If i want an earlier generation in my scene, it gets converted.

    All G3, and many G2, G1 and V4 textures have been converted. I don't often convert morphs, but settle for a likeness. Ive no idea how many earlier generations I still have to convert though!

    This is the most recent I've done; Ksenia had been in my wishlist for years(?); another cute Thorne character.

    NGS Genesis 2 and Oso Bob hair on the characters; Ksenia is shaded more like the second than the first, but I never really want any looking the same; an approximation at best is what I might look for.


    1273 x 1800 - 2M
    Ksenia 2.png
    1273 x 1800 - 2M
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    aiko 19heart

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    All around product I use all the time: Mesh Grabber.  Solves tons of problems with missing morphs, dForce, poke-through, hair, interacting surfaces, you name it.

  • My favourite products that I use in every render is: 

    The skin from https://www.daz3d.com/albany-hd-for-genesis-8-female,  I only use my Genesis 3 and 8 Lara characters but I always use Albanys skin, I love it so much, I have bought lost of more of Mousso's characters hoping to find one that I love as much but no one comes close to Albanys for me. All Mousso's characters looks great but it's something special about Albany heart

    The skin settings : shine, sss, translucency from: https://www.daz3d.com/altern8--skin-shader-system-for-genesis-8.

    Shaders: https://www.daz3d.com/fabric-basics-mix-and-match-for-iray, OOT IrayPair Hair Shaders for DAZ Studio Iray (from Renderosity) . 

     Lights: Fabianas HDRI lights and props, especially the tiny meshlights from AlterGlow 2 - Iray Lighting System: they loads as a wearables parented to the head and placed near the face if you select the head when loading it, very usable for giving light/fill light and eye reflection. They also renders 100%  invisible.

    The ones I use very often:Fredel's Tomb Raider freebie outfits and guns at Renderosity. The default Daz Studio HDRI is still one of my fav HDRIs, I use mostly HDRI lights and I struggle to get the lights right but if everything else fails my Lara usually looks ok in the default HDRI.


  • OverdrawnOverdrawn Posts: 580

    Unfortunately, removed from the store, J.Cade's Painter's Lights. Although I buy lighting sets like crazy, I seem to return to this set every day.

    Couldn't agree more! I just hunted all over the store looking for these again, so I can recommend them to folks... Sad they're no longer there to be purchased. Looks like all of j.cade's stuff is gone...

    Here's the documentation page for them (fwiw): http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/read_me/index/22135/start

    And a couple renders I've done using them:

    I keep buying lights as well...but there's just something about this set... :)

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,172

    I have two: Mesh Grabber and Ultra Scenery :)


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