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LOL <facepalm> good eye! thanks
Pricing is gonna be wonky on the texture addon for 22 Parker Road texture for a bit..
Looks good now, thanks.
The product page for All Hallows Eve Slime Trees shows the "New" flash in the upper right corner, which is probably what is blocking it. It was released on Halloween last year, so not so new.
The extra 40% for Featured Artist Stores does not appear to be working correctly.
For whatever reason it tells me the post is too long if I try to post the screen captures despite the fact I have made the images smaller
So the list of items in the cart are: Scar 8 pro bundle, Grundvor for Scar 8, dforce Cimmerian Outfit Textures, Lion Clan Outfit textures and STF bone breaker Armor and Kadis Legendary Armor, Weapons and Poses for Genesis 3 female (currently showing at 40% off - $17.97). I also have for my $50 free dforce x-Fashion Sexy Kimono, Short Curls Hair and Ogre HD for Genesis 8
By my calculations an additional 40% of Kadis at 17.97 should be $10.78 and not $12.58. It's giving an extra 30% off and not 40%
I've corrected the post to add the file with the images. I actually had to make a composite picture with all the images to illustrate what I was trying to convey
@kimh, I'm just guessing here, but it kind of sounds like you've copied the screencap from the clipboard and are trying to paste that into the post. If my guess is correct, the image is too large to be pasted into a post.
For anyone's future reference, if they need it, after capturing your screen, save the resulting image on your hard drive somewhere. Then to add it to a post in the forums, click on the "Attach a file" link directly below the editing window. That reveals a Browse button. Click on the Browse button and locate and select the newly saved image file and click on the Open button. The software will then upload the file and once you see the thumbnail under the browse button, assuming you've finished writing your post, you can click on the Post Comment button.
Your post should show up with the image thumbnail below it. If you want to embed the image in your post, click on the tiny gear icon in the upper right of your post, then click on Edit in the resulting menu. This will open the post for editing. Right-click over the thumbnail attachment and click on the menu item for copying the link. (Different browsers will word things differently, but you want the link, not the image location or you'll be embedding the thumbnail.) With the image link in you clipboard, open the Image Properties by clicking on the icon that sort of looks like a photo of mountains with the sun in the upper left.
This will open the Image Properties, where you paste the link from your clipboard. Hit tab and the dimensions of your image will be displayed. If the width is larger than 800, be sure to change it to 800 or less. Make sure the little lock icon to the right is in the locked position to retain the proportions of the image. Everything else is optional, though if you do add a link on the link tab, it's a good idea to set the target to a new window. when you're done, click on OK and the image will show up inline in the message. Click on the Save Comment button to save your changes.
Hope this helps.
Yeah, I just caught this. With three add-ons in the cart, the featured artist items are only getting an extra 30% discount rather than the promised 40% .
FE Chinese Tea Restaurant is in my cart and went to only 4% off, which isn't right- it was only about a dollar when I put it in there a few hours ago. Now it's not even in the store. Link goes to OOPS and store search is not found. What's the deal?
Just checked and the store page link isn't on the download page in my Product Library either
We've flagged thius for Daz - though I do see the product page in my library.
@richardhaseltine I went ahead and checked out, but it was on the page of get $50 worth free- AFTER the first change when Cris was letting us know about the products being removed. It was still there hours later, not part of that removal. I was then offline for several hours and so I don't know when it went poof completely.
The incorrect discounting on the EXTRA 40% OFF*¥ Featured Artist Stores offer still hasn't been addressed... All the items that I've tried are coming up at 58% off instead of the 64% off that they should be.
I'd like to also report another FeSoul/Rarestone product that's gone MIA: FE Sofa Tea Table Combination Props SKU: 70651. Readme.
There was a discussion on the promo images started June 27, so the product is only a few days old.
Looking for the SKU, I found several products from the collaboration have been pulled! Most Readmes still link to pages that no longer exist, though one didn't even have the link! Can someone find out if this is intentional? I know Daz won't tell us why, if it is, but it seems so odd to have so many of the products from current PAs just disappear from the store like that.
Except that it's NOT that odd anymore. Over the last two-three years there have been an increasing number of products that mysteriously vanish from the store, sometimes within their first day of release, sometimes after they've been in the store for months or years. And sometimes they come back and sometimes they don't. Mayber they get eaten by a Gru?
Or fell through a black hole
Dang. I had wishlisted that; hope I haven't missed my chance forever...
This should be fixed, cache may need a little time.
Same for me
Have you guys sent in a ticket?
Back end looks good.. so all I can suggest is try a different browser to see if it's a cookie/cache issue.
my back end doesn't look good
oh you mean PC+, was afraid the mods had access to my webcam
while I was jacking up my gaslift chair
Slime trees fixed, thanks.
But the spooky tree stumps are still not working. The product is marked as "new" but should not be (referring to the shop-site of the PA)...
Sometimes things disappear from the store and come back as Daz Originals, as daz have purchased them from the vendor. Definitely not saying that is what is happening here, but considering the vendor is still a vendor here, it doens't look like their entire store is disappearing.
At least FE Chinese Tea Restaurant (and maybe also FE Sofa Tea Table Combination) was already a DAZ Original
This has been reported.
The 40% off featured artists is working now. Thank you Chris and Jack
I received confirmation that this was deliberate, not an accident.
Thank you, Richard.

Are you able to say whether it is temporary (i.e., returning with fixes) or permanent?
I know DAZ makes products available for purchasers even if they are pulled later. Would we receive notification if something is pulled for potential infringement reasons, since that could affect purchasers who continue to use the products in their renders? I get that some products are clearly meant to evoke certain pop culture properties (and probably the reason they sell in the first place), but something like everyday rooms, I wouldn't really render thinking there is any infringement problem, and so if there is, I'd like to know. I own a lot of the other FE products that were pulled.
DAZ and PA's sometimes part ways too, stuff that was pulled often ends up for sale in some cases on Renderosity etc, it will never be disclosed why.
If it's in your library you can use it.