If you would design a core character and bundle, what would it be?



  • ErdehelErdehel Posts: 386
    XpiderMan said:

    I would have Gianni 8!


    • Jock look (ripped body but not of a bodybuilder) young adult american in his early 20s

    Three additional characters

    • Tan skin
    • Red/freckles
    • Dark skin

    HD included for all characters


    • American Football (I think the last we have seen is for Genesis)
    • Baseball uniform (I don't think Daz has offered any)
    • Some primitive warrior/hunter with animal hood or something.

    Hair (all with different colors, adjustments, movements and option to resize several sections of hair)

    • Short and Waivy
    • Double braided (with different thickness options and placements - front/back, sides, etc.).
    • Short-stubble beard


    • Football
    • Warrior/Hunter
    • Baseball

    I Agree. enough with the male mature man whereas almost all the girls look pretty young. We need twinks.

  • alex86firealex86fire Posts: 1,130

    Love some of the ideas here.

    What I would add are 2 bundles male and female to represent the Middle Eastern ethnicity.

    I have not seen any characters along those lines in the Daz store and I feel they are lacking.

    They should contain hairstyles representative for them. I am not an expert on that so I would not want to presume and impose my lack of knowledge with some images from google. But I am sure with proper research they could be found.

    For clothes, again, representative of their culture. One thing I can think of and I couldn't find is a Burka for females. For the rest, there are plenty to choose from.

    The characters could be different physiognomies for different countries. I am not an expert and maybe I could not tell the difference but I am sure someone from that area could easily do and they should all get represented.

    Just like how for Asian characters there is a big difference between Chinese, Japanese and Korean faces (and others of course) and I am not sure if they are all necessarily represented in the store right now.

  • AsariAsari Posts: 703
    edited May 2020
    I would build an androgynous/ genderfluid character. One character with distinct androgynous facial features and corresponding body morph. The addon characters and hairs can lean in the more traditional feminine or masculine side so you have more variation, or cover different ethnicities.
    Post edited by Asari on
  • novastridernovastrider Posts: 208
    edited May 2020
    nicstt said:
    Jessaii said:

    MimicMolly, I'd totally buy that bundle.

    Me too. Valentino 8 is somewhat close though, but I want "fancy". I've managed to doodle these outfits at work, just in case people need some visualization for this cobbled up "Fairy Tale Prince" theme. 

    I totally love the Fairy Tale Prince idea. Would love a whole Fairy Tale theme - Prince, Princess in distress, Evil Stepmother, Fantasy Creatures. Would be so fun to do :D 

    Well Grim's Fairy Tales (of which there are nearly legion), is an excellent source for some ideas. I mean Disney has plundered it repeatedly.

    If I were a PA, I'd straight up go for a Pixar-face inspired bundle. Pretty much the same thing as Multi-Man for Genesis 3, but for women. https://www.daz3d.com/multi-man-bundle

    I'd call it Princess 8 with
    - morphable soft long Princess Dress with those puffy shoulders (+ ballroom Add-On)
    - suuuuper tick Flowy Long Hair (with a big adjustable curl in front)
    - big wide curly Stepmother Hair
    - side character morphs: Native American Princess, Chinese Princess
    - Simple Dress (with textures to make it more or less shabby)
    - so many childrens book poses and knightly gestures to combine with Prince 8

    Make your own storybook for the kids!

    Post edited by novastrider on
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    Amazon, sword, temple, bikini.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    I don't really purchase bundles as they usually contain items I won't use and in most cases i can get what I want using morphs. In thinking about this topic, I can't really think of something I need to make a bundle out of it. I am still in the market for quality military clothing and accesories, especially dress uniforms. I know there was an attempt with Dain but it was terrible quality and THAT is what makes me nervous even suggesting any bundle is the execution of it and who would be doing it. We have already had various attempts at themed bundles that fell short based on design and quality.

    I liked xyer0's idea (especially the boots) and the way he presented it with preferred PAs that would work on certain things. I do like the sports bundle even if it isn't something i would use often, but I know we need those uniforms for the store. I do like the iceman idea, especially with a unique character like the one posted by Wendy. I do like a new mermaid option that is more adult oriented and less wymsical, especially if it comes with a believable underwater environment option, something I am still searching for.

    I think for my bundle idea, it would be "the Great Outdoors" since I could get a lot of use out of something like this.

    A rockies inspired mountain range environment done my Aako with summer and winter options and props (great fir and spruce options) that can be used to kitbash.(Aako)

    A realistic looking truck or jeep (tundra or wrangler inspired design).that is detailed with realistic texturing, including a dirty option, yet easy on performance.(Polish)

    a firearms package with a modern bolt action rifle AND MORPHING STRAP, a shotgun, a compound bow, sidearm with holster, and survivial knife.(Polish or porismo)

    A modern filming'photo package incuding a gopro setup (head and chest), accessories including packs, lenses, tripod, laptop, etc

    A realistic fishing set up, with fly, bair and spinning setups, tackle, and realstic fish models incluing Iargemouth Bass (mouth morph), Crappie, Catfish, Salmon and Trout

    Outdoor clothing package that is versatile (layered and kitbrashed) with regular and camo texture options (do the research), jackets, gloves, hats, shirts with tucked in and out morphs, waders, boots, etc.

    A quality and realistic elk addon with both female and male options and different antler options from spike to velvet to trophy. If a core character is needed, then call it Elk 8, LOL .

    A good campsite addon with both traditional elements and more modern (again, do the research)

    Last, but not least make sure that every PA involved has it in their head that all the parts in the bundle can be rendered together and not bring a users PC to a grinding halt


  • 1gecko1gecko Posts: 309

    or Otzi the Iceman

    We went to that Oetzi museum in Bozen but unfortunately before the made that wax dummy. I'm sort of guessing that in the Alps Oetzi would have had at least a fur tunic or cape of some sort. The sun damage on his arms and face but not his torso sort of shows they must think the same but maybe they haven't finished to tunic yet.

    the thing that strikes me most about this image / character is that (besides the uniqueness) the proportions are 'off' compared to that of modern man (average).  Still well within variations, but it would be extremely rare to run into someone with all of them!  It speaks much more to a tribe that has dwelt in genetic isolation for a LONG time - or the primitive / early mankind.  I also like the age/environmental damage to the skin and form and the strong cheekbones-features and sunken cheeks (I am *so* tired of so many 'soft' faced characters!!!)


    It also would be the basis for an INCREDIBLE core character bundle!

    Characters would include a couple more modern looking versions (think of the Chris Kristopherson character from Blade for one of them and a younger looking but still rugged for the other) for present day field-workers or other manual laborers (since the hard life and work is so apparent in that face) and two fantasy/horror quasi-human ones: a) the more proverbial 'beast man' of fable - promenant incisors that border on fangs/tusks; more straighter, stiff hair; increased musculature range; morphs to vary arm/leg/hand/feet proportions; and of course more pronounced cranial structure!  and b) a fairy-tale boogy-man that is more evil and sinister of visiage that uses the disproportionality to give that 'creepy' vibe with options for (curled) horns, pointed ears, claws, pointed/jagged teeth, and thorns/barbs that grow from the body.  Not sure which should be the NON-bundle character, but one of the quasi-human ones (and done by HH if he felt willing/inspired). The Core Character would include a set of geoshell tattoos based on real world tribal tattoos (rather than the stuff you normally see in tattoo shops, movies, etc. as 'tribal') and scars as well as morph settings to return the arms/legs/hands/feet to more modern proportions. The release would also offer an expansion pack that had a much larger selection of tattoos, primitive-style bodypaints, blood-stains, dirt and scars (HUGE bonus points if some of the maps for the dirt, sun, etc. options *matched* the exposed areas of the set clothing pieces!!!)

    Clothing would include a *workers* jeans/pants, boots and shirt set (one of the materials for the shirt MUST be plaid flannel! wink), a 'furs' set similar to the one wore in the picture (ie: more suitable for cold and temperate climates than the usual extremely warm weather styles - though including a tunic, vest and cape) and held together by leather strips/lashing rather than metal or woven cord/string, and a medival - Victorian inspired merge for that fairy tale feel (something that was never a human style). The NON-bundle clothing item would be another 'workers' clothing set but one from Asia (preferably Russia, though Vietnam/Tailand would work - there are already a lot from China and Japan).

    Pose sets would be focused more on working /manual labor (since we have so many for fighting and quite a number for monsters and so FEW of actual work).  One set would be focused more on field work (picking crops, plowing and hoeing [for the historical renders], feeding the animals, caring for livestock, etc.) and the other set would be more construction worker from house framer / roofer tasks (carrying and holding lumber, nailing, drilling, sawing, etc.).  No 'goofing off' or relaxed poses to pad the packs - there are already more of those available! What would set these apart from (the few) similar packs is that there would also be pose settings for the various muscle groups showing the physical exertion of the tasks rather than the usual 'relaxed' look that make action poses generally look 'off'.

    Expressions / etc. would incude an expression set primarily focused on physical exertion and various stoic dealing with pain (primitive and poor life have a lot more of this than most and there are extremely few expression sets that deal with that believably).  Maybe even have one set be "Stoic" and the other "Brutal Life" to group styles and usage.

    An Ethnic Expansion Pack would also be part of the release (and perhaps the Pro bundle?) that would allow for the various differences of skin in different ethnithicies and how they differ in weather/sun damage and morphs tailored to the core character to allow for the various facial differences that could be dialed in to place our primitive man from different parts of the globe. This pack would also incude additional scalp textures for our bald/mostly bald characters since the normal ones designed for use with hair would be mostly worthless for such an outdoors based character.

    Lastly, the Hair sets would have one that offered the ability to duplicate the hair and beard (seperate pieces) of the image - the 'this was cut with the edge of a sharp stone and I did it myself!' look.  This first pack would include various settings for drawing the hair back and tying it with a leather strap at different heights.  The first pack (or an expansion for it?) would also include additional facial (non-usual/normal) and body hair in line with our primitives and beast-men. The second hair set would offer an 'uncared for / primitive' (rather than modern) dreadlocks set ideal for our primitives or unfortunate homeless characters.  The third set should be an oiled, slicked back hair and well groomed (and pointed) beard for those villians and fairy-tale characters - the beard should also feature a 'Mandrake' style alternative shape.

    I think this set would be fantastic both in its appeal and also in that it fills a hugely ignored nitche - the 'invisible' labour class workers which every society has.  It would also work well for those characters ravaged by time and hardship - either exiles/hermits or the homeless.

  • mlominymlominy Posts: 223
    Paintbox said:

    If you were given free reign to be the artistic director for a new core character and bundle, what kind of character and style would you go for and what would the theme be for your bundle?

    I will add my preference later, but love to hear what people come up with.

    It would be a female character, average height, small waist, wide hips and a lot of back   ;-), 

  • TercelTercel Posts: 101

    If I were to design a bundle I would love for it to be along the lines of literary character and pop culture folks with outfits and hair pulled from The Lord Of the Rings, characters reminiscent of Brian Froud's artwork, the Prince and his trappings from the second Hellboy movie, an Alfred Pennyworth fellow with matching outfits, tea service complete with soup, sandwiches, and bottle of pain killers for his employer, and a Sherlock Holmes and Watson duo aging from young and limber, to older and frayed with clothes to match the decades - and of course figures like the Morrigan, the Banshee, Hera in a peacock themed ensemble, I could go on and on . . .


  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781
    edited May 2020

    1gecko, I would buy it! And the expansion packs.

    Post edited by luci45 on
  • 1gecko1gecko Posts: 309
    edited May 2020

    Ok, first let me add my endorsement to the Yanshi 8 suggestion!  that pack would be great and the facial structure is so different from Lee 8 it would be a great addition to the core characters - not to mention the rest of the pack would rock too.

    I also like the idea of a Peter Lorre based character pack - the little, odd guys need some representation too!  All our characters it seems are designed to be the 'Leading Man' role - well, you can't HAVE a leading man if there is not a supporting cast!  There are a couple that will work for 'Everyman' characters, but very, very few.

    Aside from my expounding on the Ortis the Iceman bundle (above) I think we *need* a good VILLIAN - because your hero or heroine can ONLY be as good as the villian they face!  Look at all your great movies - even the best stars and stories could not pull off a 'hit' (much less a GREAT movie) without a GREAT villian.  A villian with depth and character.  Hans Gruber will always define "Die Hard" as much or MORE than John McClain.  And a sub-par or rote villian can kill a story, image, etc. worse than a bad story (a number of James Bond films prove this beyond doubt).

    The question is should a core character designed to fill that role be a Donald Pleasence / Peter Lorre / Anthony Hopkins character (vicious, poisonous man driven by his need to prove himself to a world where physical perfection is the prime metric) OR gregarous, spoiled, "I take what I want" type such as Cillian Murphy / Peter Fonda / Josh Brolin / Peter Cushing character?

    Well, (with the exception of Cushing) the existing chracters can be made into any of the latter, so I put my vote in for the former!  

    The Core Character would be shorter than average height, with morphs for either a heavy (not obsese like George, but still fleshy with underlying strength) or lean build, round-ish features and high brow.  The skins should support not just hair paled scalps, but also bald and partially bald additions (to give the appropriate weathering, age spots, or whatever). The features should imply cunning while still being varied enough to not be a cariacature and enable to the character to appear both friendly and villianous and the lips should be (at least by default) thin.  Additional effort should be put into the morphs for villian-esque expressions (smug, smirk, taunting, snarl, sneer, etc.).  Approximate age should be middle aged rather than young (as young villians tend to be more in the other catagory). Additional characters would be (1) the above mentioned Peter Lorre-esque type; (2) a more mature (older) bitter and cynical 'professional' type similar to (Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel) Zorg in "The Fifth Element" (where Gary Oldman protrayed another *excellent* villian); and (3) an ethnically inspried (since so many are typically of European descent) character similar to Idi Amin / Muammar al-Gaddafi / Pol Pot character - one whose cruelty and sadistic desires have left a permanent mark on them and carry an air of menace. The NON-bundle character should be a fantasy or sci-fi based humanoid villian variant on the form - much wider mouth (more teeth), cruel claws (but with colorful, almost playful polish textures) and an almost toad-like form (perhaps even such a skin variant).

    The Hair Sets should feature some of those styles also not typically found:  one for (depressing) male pattern baldness, one with a high 'Widows Peak' (with morphs for make the center thinner / sparser) and one that features *spines* instead of true hair (with the spines of morphing diameter and able to be adjusted from a 'laid back' to a 'raised offensively' pose) for our non/quasi-human characters.  An expansion pack for the spines would also provide similar body hair. The 'Widows Peak' set should include a few facial hair options - especially a thin moustache!

    The Clothing Sets should support our villian's rejection of society's expectations and 'rules'.  Certainly one can be *well dressed*, but there are ample sets for that. Styles that are anachronistically merged with present day styles, fabrics and uses would be prefered so as to portray a character *determined* to follow their own path or set their own standard.  I think Samuel Jackson has featured a number of such in his roles - especially those in "Unbreakable" and "Kingsman: The Secret Service" - and in some of his personal choices.  One set should definitely be that odd blend of Chinese noble attire and Victorian era attire favored by 'Valintine' ("Kingsman") but not an exact duplicate (of course). The second should be a sci-fi styled set of the sort worn by the above mentioned Zorg Jean-Baptiste Emmanual Zorg

    The last clothing set should be a fantasy based, over-the-top styled outfit also merging non-fantasy elements with something like a male-version of Maleficent's attire (headgear optional please).  Probably something like a tux jacket w/tails (swallowtail or variant) of an 1800s style with a bolaro-esqe over-cloak with high collar.  The NON-bundle outfit should be something a bit more standard - but with a definite "non-standard" style - something like "Dexter"s ribbed-crew-almost-sweater and cargo pants look.

    The Pose Sets should feature such poses that lend themselves to the villian: intimidation, the 'leaning across the desk', the 'elbows on desk/chair with steepled fingers', sliding an envelope (or something) across a table or desk, along with several 'preening' and 'I am in my moment' style poses.  The secondary pose set would be more geared to villianous actions: stabbing in the back, a few gun poses (suitable for ambush rather than gun-fight situations), creeping up on someone, hiding behind a door, eavesdropping, adding the poison to the drink, etc. Expressions should feature the sly looks, lofty stares, snarling viciousness, smug smiles, and sneering expressions along with a few horrified shock (for when they are about to be defeated of course) expressions.

    An Additional Expansion to this character would be a morph pack that would allow for serious non-symmetrical morphs of the face and body without too much distortion or rendering it comical.  Uneven placement and size of the eyes, proportions of the limbs and/or extremities, larger and (more importantly) 'bent' / broken / hooked noses, disproportionate lips and back 'humps' would be a must.  Perhaps add some geoshell decals that could be tinted to match other skins that would add realism where the morphs otherwise would have stretched the standard skin.

    this core character (and bundle) would fill such a huge hole in my library!

    Post edited by 1gecko on
  • rrwardrrward Posts: 556



    I'd like a stylized male figure ala Tom of Finland. With proportions and everything else to matc

    So, a coloboration between Jepe and Hellboy? I'm not sure DAZ wouold be okay with the "everything else", if you know what I mean.

  • plasma_ringplasma_ring Posts: 1,025

    I'd definitely want to do a Satyr 8 bundle similar to the Centaur bundle, with both M and F. 

    • Lower body attachment with hooved legs and tail
    • Fantasy ear grafts with textures matching the legs
    • Horns
    • Texture addons 
    • Optional dForce hair for the legs
    • Morph packs with different body and tail shapes (deer, unicorn, alien, demon, cat?)
    • Accessories designed to fit the lower body without warping
    • Hair that fits horns

    I'll never run out of ways to use satyr/faun/demon stuff. 

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    edited May 2020

    yeah a lot of people want highly derivative stuff based on popular games, movies etc

    the encroaching on someome's intellectual property rather than lack of skills from PA's is what is stopping that!

    fan art is popular but original art is more creative IMO

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • 1gecko1gecko Posts: 309

    yeah a lot of people want highly derivative stuff based on popular games, movies etc

    the encroaching on someome's intellectual property rather than lack of skills from PA's is what is stopping that!

    fan art is popular but original art is more creative IMO

    Yes, but at least in my case it was more of 'along the line of' or 'inspired by' - sorry if I was not clearer on that.

    it is just easier to describe in analogy with something popular... and since I cannot sketch worth sharing anymore, that is pretty much all I can do.


    Oh, and the Satyr / Faun bundle would be cool too... not sure I would want it more than the Ortis the Iceman bundle (or my own Villian bundle) though.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    yeah a lot of people want highly derivative stuff based on popular games, movies etc

    the encroaching on someome's intellectual property rather than lack of skills from PA's is what is stopping that!

    fan art is popular but original art is more creative IMO

    I don't get why you are poohpoohing fan art. 

    "Fan art" is what motivates a lot of people to start drawing, painting or whatever.  Film students create homages to their favourite scenes in school.  Everyone starts by copying things that inspire them.  Picasso got his start copying masters.  So did Matisse.  So did, well, just about every artist you can think of.  What's that if not "fan art"?  Andy Warhol's entire oeuvre could be considered "fan art".  Whether it's trying to recreate a movie star's likeness from a photo or doodling TIE fighters during home room, it's all "fan art".  That's how people get into art.

    It's the same thing with people wanting to know what's used in promos.  Just because people want to recreate something they like, that doesn't mean that they'll never have a creative vision of their own.  However, if they don't start by copying, they'll likely never start at all.   And even if they don't, that doesn't take anything away from the originals.

    Also, let's not forget: original art can be really, really bad.  I'll take a good copy over a bad "original" any day.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    rrward said:



    I'd like a stylized male figure ala Tom of Finland. With proportions and everything else to matc

    So, a coloboration between Jepe and Hellboy? I'm not sure DAZ wouold be okay with the "everything else", if you know what I mean.

    There are other sites for that. I'd be happy with the shape, and some clothing. =-)

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783
    Sevrin said:

    yeah a lot of people want highly derivative stuff based on popular games, movies etc

    the encroaching on someome's intellectual property rather than lack of skills from PA's is what is stopping that!

    fan art is popular but original art is more creative IMO

    I don't get why you are poohpoohing fan art. 

    "Fan art" is what motivates a lot of people to start drawing, painting or whatever.  Film students create homages to their favourite scenes in school.  Everyone starts by copying things that inspire them.  Picasso got his start copying masters.  So did Matisse.  So did, well, just about every artist you can think of.  What's that if not "fan art"?  Andy Warhol's entire oeuvre could be considered "fan art".  Whether it's trying to recreate a movie star's likeness from a photo or doodling TIE fighters during home room, it's all "fan art".  That's how people get into art.

    It's the same thing with people wanting to know what's used in promos.  Just because people want to recreate something they like, that doesn't mean that they'll never have a creative vision of their own.  However, if they don't start by copying, they'll likely never start at all.   And even if they don't, that doesn't take anything away from the originals.

    Also, let's not forget: original art can be really, really bad.  I'll take a good copy over a bad "original" any day.

    I don't feel she was poohpoohing fant art at all, just pointing out a reason why a user could expect not to find copies of superhero designs at DAZ or elsewhere. There is nothing wrong with 3D fan art, it's the assets used to create it and how/where the user gets them that is the issue.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    edited May 2020

    talent and skill are one thing and certainly was not denying fan artists that

    yes something original can be crap not denying that either

    thats why I buy DAZ content I lack skill

    I guess we differ though on what is creative which I define as creating something not copying something, I buy from PAs that are creative more than ones good at copying, my personal choice.

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • terranullisterranullis Posts: 57

    I'd like some more stylized characters, so if I could design one that's what I'd do. Knowing me, I'd probably go with something which looked like it was plucked from pixar. I know that's not everyone's thing, though.

    For me, a large percentage of the last 10 or so characters offered all look... the same. Especially the g8f characters which might as well be clones with different skins.

    I think this thread shows there should be a bit of a shake-up and variation in the styles of the characters being offered and by that I don't mean the outfits. The characters themselves need more variation to make them interesting.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,062

    I'm gratified that any of you found Yanshi 8 a suitable addition. @Paintbox, @Asari, @FSMCDesigns, @1gecko, and everyone else THANKS! Of course, the clothes would need to be worked on a bit at a time because other projects would necessarily run concurrently due to time and money constraints. Now, if only Daz were to heed my cry, a parting shot to the glory of Genesis 8 Male.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,842

    I would certainly buy most of the bundles suggested so far.

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152
    edited May 2020

    Core Character - G8M equivalent to Girl 8.

    Supposedly, his theme for the Pro Bundle will be "Fairy Tale Prince". But the promos make him come off as one of those evil bishonen/pretty boy anime characters.

    He will include a very long hair for G3 & G8 (male and female), looks a bit like the long hairstyle Sephiroth has from Final Fantasy. Then another long but bushy hair, where in the promos makes it look like it belongs on Tarzan. Then a pose set for "gentlemen".

    Bundled characters; a very stylized one that makes him look like pale, otherworldly vampire with a lot of makeup options. Another medium-tone character that looks like an everyday but stylized guy.

    Outfits - An ornate King Louis XIV styled baroque outfit. It's dForce because it comes with a cape. Another dForce fantasy outfit that's based off the Scarlet Pimpernel. Finally, a futuristic cyberpunk plague doctor outfit that looks completely out of place but it looks weirdly cool.

    Starter bundle will include the base, vampire add-on guy, pose set, Tarzan hair, Scarlet Pimpernel outfit, and Plague Doctor.

    There other Add-Ons customers would buy are more fantasy rogue costumes. Perhaps other pretty boy characters but not really.

    Some people would love it, many, of course, would despise it because they don't render stuff with this theme, so it's all useless to them.

    I'd buy this in a heat beat!

    Also Yanshi would be an instabuy. 

    Post edited by Worlds_Edge on
  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,514

    My bundle would be a themed/period one, like the 'Cheyenne' bundle. With the Valentino 8 bundles, Daz thankfully did a big step into this direction. My bundle(s) would contain no core characters, but clothes for G8F/M. Buildings and all kinds of props for the theme or period. Maybe a landscape, too. The possibilities of this approach are endless: Oetzi's era, Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Africa, India, Mexico, Peru, China, etc; Baroque & Rococo, the Middle Ages, a 'Cheyenne 2' bundle, the Crusades, Siberian shamans, the Inuit's icy world, a jungle bundle, and, and, and... Of course SciFi and other fantasies.

  • novastridernovastrider Posts: 208
    edited May 2020

    yeah a lot of people want highly derivative stuff based on popular games, movies etc

    the encroaching on someome's intellectual property rather than lack of skills from PA's is what is stopping that!

    fan art is popular but original art is more creative IMO

    I like Pixars tick cartoony 3D style, they don't own it, it's a style; literally every one of their competitors uses it too, same for games and tv animation.

    I'm good with realism and like it a lot, but I'd also like to do something for the kids, some cartoony work in a style they like but there aren't a lot of options for it (just 3D Universe, who does beautiful work). We can make realistic dragons and all, but not fluffy bears and cuddly monsters.

    Post edited by novastrider on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    yeah a lot of people want highly derivative stuff based on popular games, movies etc

    the encroaching on someome's intellectual property rather than lack of skills from PA's is what is stopping that!

    fan art is popular but original art is more creative IMO

    I like Pixars tick cartoony 3D style, they don't own it, it's a style; literally every one of their competitors uses it too, same for games and tv animation.

    I'm good with realism and like it a lot, but I'd also like to do something for the kids, some cartoony work in a style they like but there aren't a lot of options for it (just 3D Universe, who does beautiful work). We can make realistic dragons and all, but not fluffy bears and cuddly monsters.

    Don’t forget about @joequick, who’s given us a whole family of wonderful toons, plus Toon Hero. I would be totally in favor of an updated G8 Morpheus/MultiMan bundle for both genders. 

  • novastridernovastrider Posts: 208
    edited May 2020
    Gordig said:

    yeah a lot of people want highly derivative stuff based on popular games, movies etc

    the encroaching on someome's intellectual property rather than lack of skills from PA's is what is stopping that!

    fan art is popular but original art is more creative IMO

    I like Pixars tick cartoony 3D style, they don't own it, it's a style; literally every one of their competitors uses it too, same for games and tv animation.

    I'm good with realism and like it a lot, but I'd also like to do something for the kids, some cartoony work in a style they like but there aren't a lot of options for it (just 3D Universe, who does beautiful work). We can make realistic dragons and all, but not fluffy bears and cuddly monsters.

    Don’t forget about @joequick, who’s given us a whole family of wonderful toons, plus Toon Hero. I would be totally in favor of an updated G8 Morpheus/MultiMan bundle for both genders. 

    Joe is a hero. I am still so impressed with what he did with those puppets, I have no words.

    Post edited by novastrider on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    edited May 2020

    yeah a lot of people want highly derivative stuff based on popular games, movies etc

    the encroaching on someome's intellectual property rather than lack of skills from PA's is what is stopping that!

    fan art is popular but original art is more creative IMO

    I like Pixars tick cartoony 3D style, they don't own it, it's a style; literally every one of their competitors uses it too, same for games and tv animation.

    I'm good with realism and like it a lot, but I'd also like to do something for the kids, some cartoony work in a style they like but there aren't a lot of options for it (just 3D Universe, who does beautiful work). We can make realistic dragons and all, but not fluffy bears and cuddly monsters.

    I never said anything about style and concepts, all the Giger inspired stuff is very creative 

    exactly copying the Alien Queen skilled and artistic but not quite as original, I have seen some great parodies and concepts though.

    I see all the Lara Croft renders and Batman and Superman clones, yes a lot of work goes into them faithfully reproduced  but nobody tries to shake it up even a bit.

    That is what I meant, again not dissing it, I certainly have tried to copy Geralt the Witcher and bought the lookalike DAZ assets as he is hawt, but I would never claim it was original and my own creation.

    Putting it on a book cover could land me in hot water.

    Someone got caught out doing just that for a client on this forum if I recall, that's why one needs to be careful how one uses inspired DAZ assets.

    Its not just visual art, ask Ed Sheeren, Katy Perry and Robin Thicke about music lawsuits cheeky

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    talent and skill are one thing and certainly was not denying fan artists that

    yes something original can be crap not denying that either

    thats why I buy DAZ content I lack skill

    I guess we differ though on what is creative which I define as creating something not copying something, I buy from PAs that are creative more than ones good at copying, my personal choice.

    It's a good thing that Picasso and Matisse didn't have you as teacher, then.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,614
    edited May 2020
    Sevrin said:

    talent and skill are one thing and certainly was not denying fan artists that

    yes something original can be crap not denying that either

    thats why I buy DAZ content I lack skill

    I guess we differ though on what is creative which I define as creating something not copying something, I buy from PAs that are creative more than ones good at copying, my personal choice.

    It's a good thing that Picasso and Matisse didn't have you as teacher, then.

    I think we might actually be differing widely on what we mean by fan art here.

    Most are using a much broader definition than what I was.

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
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