If you would design a core character and bundle, what would it be?



  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    gerster said:

    More average non model characters, like a computer nerd.

    I recently completed a degree as a very mature student in IT; I'm now a software developer (3 years now).

    Five of us on the course definitely fell into the nerd catagory.

    Good luch coming up with enough morphs to represent just the five of us.

    Average doesn't exist because no one conforms to it; something(s) will be always off.

  • tj_1ca9500btj_1ca9500b Posts: 2,057

    Harpy 8.

    I tried mesing with the older harpy legs, had issues.  We could use some new harpy legs that'll geograft decently to Genesis 3 and 8.

    As for her being a pro character, you could have some fun with the bundle.  Some characters could be less bird-like while others were more bird-like, plus you could throw in a couple of other hybrid bird-like fantastical creatures to boot.  Plus, you know that Harpies just love fashion!  Oh wait, that might be Medusas...

    OK, silly idea for a pro bundle, but our shot at Minotaur 8 seems to have passed as there's a standalone Minotaur-like character for 8.  Tor doesn't have the cow legs though, at least not that I noticed...

    There's an idea for a pro bundle... You could include Minotaur 8 (with all the fixins), along with a 'Pan' style character and others that have equine legs but that aren't Centaurs...

  • i53570ki53570k Posts: 212

    No offense to Saurian for G8M but still waiting for Reptilian 8 in HD.  A bundle of skins, morphs, expressions and poses of characters from smooth translucent skin slithery snakehead to scaly crested dragan kin with horns and wings prop.

    Also Nerds 8, in HD.  A bundle that can extend from updates of Lovely Nerds into Mad Scientists.

    Lastly, not characters but period hair/outfit bundles like Middle Ages, 18th century, Gilded Age/Prohibition or themes like Dickensian or Arabian Nights, just to name a few.  Currently there are occasional pieces but no wadrob bundles for a decent set of characters.

  • doubledeviantdoubledeviant Posts: 1,189
    edited August 2020
    My G8 wishlist is pretty simple - mostly fleshing out some horror and fantasy niches and bringing back some iconic characters:

    - Male vampire to complement Tasha, preferably inspired by Gerard Butler in Dracula 2000, and with man-bat form (similar to Narkissa but with optional wing-arms) add-ons for both the new character and Tasha.

    - Female werewolf to complement Landon, preferably with multiple werewolf forms and an outfit inspired by Katharine Isabelle's wardrobe in Ginger Snaps.

    - Lilith 8, preferably with artists such as Hinkypunk/SR3 and Jessaii at the helm - because they deliver sexy in spades!

    - Rune 8 to complement Scar and Ashan, because existing G8 female warrior-type characters (Olympia, Angharad, Kayo) are not suitable replacements for the Red Queen.

    - Male fey to complement Karyssa/Mika/Rynne/Daisy, with character add-on inspired by the MTG card Rankle, Master of Pranks.

    - Merfolk 8, female and male, with many options for customizing appearance.

    - Naga 8, female and male, with full-body scales option for both humanoid and "no-feet snake-tail" forms.

    - Anneka 8 and Damien 8, with extensive options for customization (to compete with the very nice options that we already have for these types of characters).

    Also maybe a slasher (horror genre) themed bundle. And definitely more modern male clothing, but that doesn't have to require a bundle.
    Post edited by doubledeviant on
  • Cat 8!!

    Complete  with  fur coat by RawArt ( cause he's proved he can do it with style)

    Must have complete morph for Siamese and Oriental, Persian.

    Must have good textures for the eyes!!

    Striped and tuxedo coats as well as solids

    Complete morph for sitting- because cats anatomy seems to outfox even the best modelers attempts. 

    There are valient attempts at 3 d cats, but none hold up to a close look, and none look good in a photorealistic piece- they look like Jessica Rabbit- a toon in a real world setting.Tails are a cats crowning glory- and the 3 d cats tails, even with the new furs, look like the cat just stuck it's tongue in a light socket.

  • SempieSempie Posts: 658
    edited August 2020

    you have seen tapestries? medieval hair was awful

    That's the way they wore it. Not like Prince Charming from Shrek. Even Hollywood gets it wrong most of the time. To appeal to a modern audience.

    I would like to see stuff more like Brueghel painings.

    Not the make belief stuff.

    Not Vikings clad like motor gang members like in that hugely inaccurate TV show. Not Spartans in fantasy beefcake '300' attire. The old John Malis stuff was a lot more accurate.

    Fashion was mostly about silhouette. And every fashion period had its own. Flat and androgyn in the 1920s; voloptuous in the 1960s, etc. Not here at DAZ or at Rosity, though.

    1980s power dressing, 1940s dresses, historic dresses worn with figure changing corsets and a wasp taille; they all get it wrong.


    There's a rather nice Fashion series on YouTube. See for instance this episode on 1950s fashion:


    Or the late 60ies


    Or the 1940s,that everybody is getting wrong, if they even attempt something at all


    Or this, on armor:


    Post edited by Sempie on
  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053

    Cat 8!!

    Complete  with  fur coat by RawArt ( cause he's proved he can do it with style)

    Must have complete morph for Siamese and Oriental, Persian.

    Must have good textures for the eyes!!

    Striped and tuxedo coats as well as solids

    Complete morph for sitting- because cats anatomy seems to outfox even the best modelers attempts. 

    There are valient attempts at 3 d cats, but none hold up to a close look, and none look good in a photorealistic piece- they look like Jessica Rabbit- a toon in a real world setting.Tails are a cats crowning glory- and the 3 d cats tails, even with the new furs, look like the cat just stuck it's tongue in a light socket.

    Yes and I would add Maine Coons, Rag Dolls and a huge variety of fur patterns. And a Toon morph add on to morph into stylized cats of both sexes, a kitten morph and cute kitty clothes for them! 

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,053
    edited August 2020

    Someone posted this image earlier. I would like this character, hair and outfit! heart

    236 x 354 - 27K
    Post edited by Wonderland on
  • Bethany 8 with some nice everyday type clothes, something to show off her curves, some good poses and nice long hair styles. 

  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,904

    In terms of humans, I'd love to see something Viking/Norse inspired. I know we got Vlad (not sure who his female counterpart was), but the "Viking" clothes that dropped with them were... :/

    I'd like to see pretty much anything in terms of costume and set design that you'd see in the show Vikings on The History Channel. Not just that one Ragnarific hair style. Like actual warrior braids. Yusssss. Proper leathers, plate, and scale...for both men and women (No. Boob. Plate.).

    Oh that reminds me... I don't really need more characters but would like to see a combo bundle of both male and female clothes from the Hulu TV show "Salem." There was an interview about costume design for the show and it was really fascinating how wardrobe was designed for three distinct characters coming from different classes and how each costume fit the character's personality. They don't have the Puritan type clothes (at least in season 1) but I would like to see that too and also period hair and sets from the Salem Witch trial days. But I have enough characters and morphs already. But wardrobe, hair & sets from that time would be amazing! 

    Actually more historical bundles in general. I'd also like to see clothes, hair, sets from the French Revolution time, both upscale ala Marie Antoinette, the bourgeoisie middle class and also the peasants as well as sets and props from that time, both upscale and downscale. The same for the American South circa "Gone With The Wind" times! 


    I agree with you about historic clothing.  I want realistic and based on fact (or at least portraits) and not popular (cough, cough, Party City) opinion, e.g. corsets were NOT outerwear!  And dForce that works (no melting buckles), doesn't conform to the body underneath it like spandex, more people that look like real people.  Oh yeah, I am feeling the lack of a good sailing ship.  I bought Valentino only to realize that the HMS Victory was impossibly lo-res.

    Absolutely agree, and some props and scenes to go with the historic clothes would be great, too. I know stuff like this is probably harder to create because it takes research (outer-wear corsets, right ...) and is not very sexy in the modern sense (long skirts and such), but lots of older styles were extremely beautiful I think. And historic stuff lends itself much more to visual storytelling which I‘m really into.

  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,904

    I would like to see a bundle based on parts  of Oliver Twist. Victorian slums, urchin outfits, beggar outfits,  maybe a workhouse. The film/movie 'Oliver' could be used for inspiration. It could fit in well with Stonemason's existing 'Streets of old London' . The outfits could also be useful for post apocalypse scenarios. 

    Very neat idea! And maybe bundles based on other famous novels / stories that would not run DAZ into copyright problems - like a Wuthering Heights bundle for example with a real wicked Heathcliff, or a general Dickens or Jane Austen set! Oooh I would so love to buy these! 

  • EurocoinEurocoin Posts: 301

    Baby 8 - realistic baby character, that actually looked like a baby, with morphs from full term new born baby to a toddler. It would come with all kinds of baby related stuff (inpired by the Finnish Maternity package and more).

    Child / kid 8 - realistic, dedicated child character (from toddler to teenager). Character would come with lots of contemporary clothing for kids and other stuff too.

  • James_HJames_H Posts: 1,046

    I would like to see a bundle based on parts  of Oliver Twist. Victorian slums, urchin outfits, beggar outfits,  maybe a workhouse. The film/movie 'Oliver' could be used for inspiration. It could fit in well with Stonemason's existing 'Streets of old London' . The outfits could also be useful for post apocalypse scenarios. 

    I'd go for that for sure.

  • StoicStoic Posts: 134
    edited August 2020

    Customizable Giant Mechs vs Kaiju Bundle, the Kaiju should have swappable limbs replaced by claws (Curved hook claws or Giant Crab Claws), tentacles (with an option for teeth, suckers, eyes, or mini-claws on them) or robotic parts.

    The Kaiju should have several different types of heads & body types (either standing upright or on all fours), ground, aquatic or flying versions of Kaiju, armored (with or without body spikes), & as an option, hollow areas for mini-creature swarms to emerge from.

    Destructable cities, Battle Poses & FX for both the Mechs & Kaiju should be part of the bundle.


    Mechs should be able swap parts for rockets, lasers cannons, railguns, or limb weapons. And have battle damage versions of the Mech (holes in the armor, torn away limb stumps) & wounds for the Kaiju.

    Also as an option, customizable cities (European, Asian, Grecco Roman, Arabian, Egyptian, Mayan) that can fit on to the backs on the giant monsters. There should also be fantasy city versions (magical glowing buildings, floating city parts) & Scifi city versions (& destructable versions of all).






    Aside from additional Mechs & Kaiju, Add on packs can also focus on a variety of Mech interiors with different styles of control rooms & in various locations (Head contol room, Chest control room etc..). 

    UI overlay display screens that shows Mech status from full health to Warning imminent shutdown; & also show Kaiju health indicators.

    Post edited by Stoic on
  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731
    edited August 2020

    The one figure/bundle I want more than anything else is Griffin 8.

    It's been more than thirteen years since The Legendary Griffin. Its texture options are painfully limited, and it's generally long in the beak. I've been trying to get into artistic renders and want to do some stuff with griffins, but keep hitting a roadblock with how what's available would look with newer elements. So, that's what I'd go with. Fill the non-humanoid fantasy creature void in some.

    The Bundle:

    • New and completely independent figure, not just a shape for something else.
    • Variety of active (flying, fighting, hunting) and passive (sitting, sleeping, lounging) poses. 
    • Interactive, non-sexualized poses for both G8M and G8F figures + the griffin (no broken spines/shelf butts/high heel defaults/female poses that are sexed up compared to male ones).
    • Extensive morphs for customizing appearance and expression.
    • Coat + feather options (same as with the hypothetical Cat 8, RawArt getting involved here would be amazing).
    • At least one set of armor for the griffin.
    • At least one saddle.


    • Fantasy flight suits for G8M and G8F.
    • More coat + feather options; a package of shaders, overlays, and masks for true customization would be AMAZING.
    • Griffin armor + saddle textures.
    • "Sexy lady griffin tamer" poses with all the broken spines, shelf butts, and high heel defaults you want; they make fun add-ons but never a good default/only option. I would enjoy them as an accessory item.


    Basically the Dragon 3 Pro Bundle but featuring a fantasy monotreme.

    @Stoic, Giant Mechs vs Kaiju bundle sounds amazing. I didn't know I needed that, but it turns out I very much do.

    Post edited by Cora Regina on
  • Easy, Bettie Mae Page type character with Bettie Page style dForce hair that can be both let down or put in a pony tail along with lots of 50's style pinup clothing including her leopard outfit.  Lots of Corsets and lingere

  • NylonGirlNylonGirl Posts: 1,939

    I would design a triple breasted female human. One that can use existing head morphs and textures. And her bundle would be a few characters of various ethnicities, and athletic/fitness apparel.

  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,303
    edited August 2020

    _ and the Musician people_

    Post edited by ed3D on
  • DripDrip Posts: 1,206

    A really vampy Lilith 8, with characters by FWSA and Mousso, outfits by Lilflame & Sveva and AeonSoul, hairs by Sarah Payne and outoftouch. Let's go crazy and add a third hair by Prae as well.

    Cat 8
    Martian 8: a figure mainly revolving around geografts, with a choice of 2 or 4 extra arms, 2 extra legs, maybe an option for 1 or 2 extra heads, optional tail, optional 2 to 6 tentacles coming from the back, cyclopian single eye option, or 2 extra eyes on the temples so they're facing sideways. Without the geografts applied, the figure should look pretty human, while the geografts would allow any G8 figure, especially the one they're released with, to turn into something similar yet definitely alien or fantasy. Both for G8F and G8M.

  • BarubaryBarubary Posts: 1,217
    edited August 2020
    My G8 wishlist is pretty simple - mostly fleshing out some horror and fantasy niches and bringing back some iconic characters:


    - Male vampire to complement Tasha, preferably inspired by Gerard Butler in Dracula 2000, and with man-bat form (similar to Narkissa but with optional wing-arms) add-ons for both the new character and Tasha.


    - Female werewolf to complement Landon, preferably with multiple werewolf forms and an outfit inspired by Katharine Isabelle's wardrobe in Ginger Snaps.


    - Lilith 8, preferably with artists such as Hinkypunk/SR3 and Jessaii at the helm - because they deliver sexy in spades!


    - Rune 8 to complement Scar and Ashan, because existing G8 female warrior-type characters (Olympia, Angharad, Kayo) are not suitable replacements for the Red Queen.


    - Male fey to complement Karyssa/Mika/Rynne/Daisy, with character add-on inspired by the MTG card Rankle, Master of Pranks.


    - Merfolk 8, female and male, with many options for customizing appearance.


    - Naga 8, female and male, with full-body scales option for both humanoid and "no-feet snake-tail" forms.


    - Anneka 8 and Damien 8, with extensive options for customization (to compete with the very nice options that we already have for these types of characters).


    Also maybe a slasher (horror genre) themed bundle. And definitely more modern male clothing, but that doesn't have to require a bundle.

    I'd like to sign this, like, extremely hard.


    Kind of shocked that there is no Bethany 8 so far. DAZ has gotten a bit better with more ethnically diverse figures and different age ranges. But then just canceled the one figure that was not as thin as a supermodel. I mean there is Latonya and she is pretty great, but c'mon, give us Beth as well.


    Rune I am also missing a lot. I like CJ and she does come close, but she feels more like an athlete. There is no real other fantasy Barbarian character and that's a shame. Hell there is only one other freckled G8 character (that I can remember ^^;). Olympia used to be more a voluptuous goddes-like character but is just Victoria again this generation. Kayo is a - pretty decent - MMA fighter and Angharad looks more like a misplaced small goth chick. 


    Speaking of goth, yeah, there also has not been a real replacement for Lilith. Which I always thought was a hugely popular figure. Really weird that one.


    Also, fantasy characters of all kinds are appreciated. Zelara is one of DAZ's best releases this generation, imho, wouldn't mind more in that direction.

    Post edited by Barubary on
  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited August 2020

    Latonya 8 is no Bethany 7 in terms of body shape, IMO. Bethany is almost lightning in a bottle. The shape is just about perfect. I just go directly to the morph transfer utility because I don't think any new incarnation could come close.

    If there was a creative alien or monster like Zelara/Nix, that would be great. Bullwarg should've been Bullwarg 8. A real weird addition or a classic monster (Gnome/Goblin/wee folk, for instance) would be a better extension for Genesis 8 rather than yet another same figure, although I'll basically always buy a pretty young figure.

    With the trajectory of the store's outfits, Lilith 8 would be a single Mom, with a Turtleneck/Capri Pants, dForce Something Random with a Cape, a Fantasy Outfit (high heels, corset, and floppy sleeves). She'll have a Mohawk-style haircut, dForce waist-length hair, Soccer Mom pose set. "Lilith 8, the edgy soccer mom!"


    The "real" Lilith 8 would work better in another store, sadly. I don't think we're ever getting anything like Lilith 6 ever again. Lilith 7 was a step down in attitude and presentation, IMO.

    Post edited by The Blurst of Times on
  • Paintbox said:

    Someone already mentioned a prehistoric bundle, I would love that as well. My second suggestion would be a early cinema / theatre inspired bundle
















    The bundle would include :

    - either a 50s inspired G8F / G8M.
    - A light kit for 50s style photography.
    - A stage for singing or cabaret, or early TV show
    - A car from the period
    - A movieset street from the 50s

    Oh, without a doubt we could stand to get a good Bogart/Bacall bundle!

    Go Ahead, Marlowe.jpg
    871 x 659 - 116K
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Everyday/work/plain clothes for 1850-1900 western scene.

    There are lots of saloon girl and gunslinger clothes, but I don't think Ingalls family wore either...

  • SnowSultanSnowSultan Posts: 3,647

    Not sure if this has been suggested before, I might have even have suggested it before at some point.  :)

    A Western Disney-esque toon figure and bundle (with hair) with the same amount of options that Sakura 8 has. Sakura 8 is the ultimate example of a figure coming with customization options - nothing else comes close - and a figure more in the style of the old Aiko Toon or some of 3D Universe's earlier creations with a similar set of brows, eye textures, facial and localized toon morphs combined with simplified hair (with non- or very basic transmapping) would be something I think we've needed for a very long time.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    We basically got the figure in JoeQuick's Toon Princess.

  • SnowSultanSnowSultan Posts: 3,647

    Maybe when set at a lower value than 1.00, but (and I mean no offense to JoeQuick, he makes great stuff), the figure I'm talking about would need MANY more options and individual morphs, like Sakura as I mentioned. Now I don't own the Toon Princess (I do own Toon Hero, but haven't used him much yet), and maybe I'll consider getting her in order to try some careful blending with Sakura, Girl 8, and others. I was just saying it would be nice to have a package that's complete and comprehensive without having to own multiple characters and spend a lot of time customizing morphs and textures.

  • AZDigitalArtistAZDigitalArtist Posts: 792
    edited August 2020

    Cat 8
    Dragon 8 (with an actual wyvern morph)(yes I know HH released his own wyvern)
    Horse 8 (with actual hair and feather)

    Count me in on all three.

    Love the "mood board" for Yanshi 8 suggestion.   I would buy that bundle in a heartbeat.  Who the hell is that gorgeous blonde guy?  

    Would also like to add my votes for Lilith 8, Rune 8, and Merfolk 8, but please make them with great clothing/accessories that can be kitbashed?


    Post edited by AZDigitalArtist on
  • Hello,

    I think what the current core Gen8 Lineup is still lacking is a male teen figure. So I'd vote for one. Even better if the figure is
    accompanied by a character of color and an asian character.

    Best regards,

  • ArtAngelArtAngel Posts: 1,797
    Asari said:
    xyer0 said:

    Yanshi 8 - Why would we ask a man of few words to describe himself? He suffers no fools.

    But if you catch his eye, beware: His smile* has slain as many as his sword. *(more of a smirk, really)

    54+ Ideas Fashion Black Male Character Inspiration For 2019 #fashion

    Finally, flat slicked back hair sans skint sides and pompadour:

    Pin for Later: Brad Pitt (and His Hair) Just Keeps Getting Hotter With Age May 2014: Sophisticated Soul Patch

    Other hairstyle:

    People with Dreadlocks | He had previously auditioned for American Idol in 2010 and made it to ...

    Outfit 1:

    Shop By Inspiration | Sebastian Cruz Couturefreakin' love waistcoats. Why did this fashion die out so quickly?

    Outfit 2:

    Maybe another choice on the buttons. These make the jacket look feminine. Otherwise this is AWESOME!Korean Style Men's Single Breasted stylish jacket

    Outfit 3:


    Outfit 4:

    VAV Recon

    Add-On Characters:

    яα¢нєℓ яσтн

    Poses by Faber Inc and Those Things in the style of Exponential Badas*ness

    Beach Fitness Training on Behance

    Expressions by EmmaAndJordi in the style of Sublime Audacity

    Full Asian Beard and Mustache with Long Hair

    Luthbel add-on Outfit

    ArtStation - hermit, Yang Liu

    Aeon Soul add-on Top

    Slide3D add-on Boots (because men's footwear is in a relatively deplorable state)

    Verillas - Monolith Moto Boots


    Wow! I love your suggestion. Everything of it.


    I love it actually so much that I will try and build one outfit from your bundle.

    yes Undoubtedly, this should be a G8M Pro Bundle, not just one outfit, with all characters clothes and hair included (some changes due to likeness copyrights), but sans Brad Pitt & his hair (not cohesive). Thanks for posting this question.

    BUT has anyone mentioned teacup dog breeds? Anyone? They sre so-o-o- cute heart. Who wouldn't buy them, forver and ever.... big sigh.

  • Xen2kXen2k Posts: 79
    i53570k said:

    No offense to Saurian for G8M but still waiting for Reptilian 8 in HD.


    Soooo true!


    I bought Sobek HD for G8M today. Reptilian 8 would be such a great addition.

    I am currently using Reptilian 6 but most of my tools/clothes/poses are already for G8 so this really handicaps me.


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