[FIXED] Frontier Outpost... DazCentral Only !

I'm surprised Frontier Outpost is DazCentral only. No DazConnect, no DazConnect Offline, no Manual download and no DIM (Mac users).
Yamazaki for Genesis 8 Male isn't available on DazConnect, at least DIM and Manual download are available.
Post edited by Noah LGP on
And on top of that, it doesn't show up in the DAZ Central assets list after purchase, leaving no way to download it.
I have sent a message to DAZ asking them about this. Waiting for a response.
working on getting that fixed,thanks
It's a hub of scum and villainy why would anyone buy it?
It seems there are troubles with other new releases as well.
E.g. SHADERS : Skin Shaders Community Workshop
I put the Stonemason product in my cart, and picked one of the other free Stonemason items, Urban Future 5. It's listed as free if you get Frontier Outpost, but it's showing as $16.18. What gives there?
Never mind, there's a code, FRONTIER.
Did you use the coupon code FRONTIER and make sure only the 2 Stonemason items are in your cart?
interesting, that's what they did when connect came out with several products being connect download only to try and convert everyone to using connect instead of dim. Maybe trying that again to get us to use DazCentral?
Initially, no. I fixed it and got them. But the video is still not available by ANY means, and neither is the Frontier product. Grrrr. One thing that drives me batty about Daz is that there is often issues with items I buy not showing up in the available pane when I buy them. Sometimes it takes them a day or so to show up. Grrr.
I had not even noticed the download type. That is a no go for me. Sorry Stonemason. It was in my cart and another of your items. Love them. But I tried DazCentral and it totally messed up my file structure so bad it took days to fix them after I uninstalled it.
@DazSteve and company, if you keep this up, you will lose sales.
Dear God, I hope not. We all remember how well that went :-P
Though they're definitely trying, the fact that there is no more link to install via DIM after you check-out is a bloody pain. You have to go to the orders page and download from there. Why add the extra step, just show us the dim button like you used to along with connect.
Did you not read Stonemason's message?
haha nice :)
But from what I can see Stonemason was replying to the fact that it wasn't appearing in DAZ Central. Hope he meant he was going to try and get it added to DIM too.
I just bought Frontier Outpost as well & would like it in DIM to be saved & backed up in the same OS FS location as all the other products I've bought at DAZ 3D and downloaded via DIM. We were told DAZ Central was in addition to DIM not in place of DIM.
there are several products in this new batch of new ones that say DAZCentral for insall...nothing else.
I too had the file structure mess up with DAZ Central ... it didnlt work, and uninstalled it. This might be it if they continue doing DAZ Central only installs.
Hmmm, I don't have Daz Central installed and no plans of doing so especially after talking to many people (including PA's) about the issues. So if I don't have Daz Central I can not install or use Stonemason's new set? If this is the case, then that's a sales lost, I don't need it that badly. Sorry, I like having choices without it being forced upon me.
There is obviously something wrong with these uploads. For now I am working on the assumption that all isntall methods should be available, none are, and Daz Central is erroneously being reported as available when it isn't. Please refrain from assuming the worst - if they fix the issue and Daz Central continues to be the only option then you may draw inferences.
Excuse me? I think we should be allowed to discuss all things. All of us are adults and It's 11:22 am my time and it's still showing Daz Central only so I will continue to draw my inferences until it is fixed. The thousands and thousands of dollars I have spent with Daz over the years should allow me to do so. I'm not assuming the worst, I'm stating facts from what I see at this moment in time.
Stonemason literally said he's working on getting it fixed.
Ugh....wth first I'm not a dude...dude StoneMason didn't specify what he was getting fixed. If it was the fact that it wasn't downloading through DazCentral or for the other options being available.
I've already returned items.
Not going through this hastle; DIM isn't broke.
DAZ made in the past a very clear statement that DIM will stay and DAZ Central is only an option for new users.
So you can expect that's only a bug that Frontier Outpost is not working via DIM.
Have a little patience
bugs happens.
Yea especially around here, but it's been hours and still no official word just pleas to be patient, I think I'll just spend my money elsewhere.
But in the meantime, DIM functionality is being removed, and DazCentral, even in its broken and incomplete form, is being pushed on us. Daz has not acknowledged or apologized for the many problems it has cause its customers with Daz Central and rather than scrapping it going back to the drawing board to produce a properly functioning client, continue to cause us and themselves unnecessary frustration.
What I don't understand about DazCentral is it uses a default location to install on the C drive in a time when many people have an SSD as the C drive and probably don't have room to install a plethora of heavy Daz items. However, this ain't the thread for that I guess. That and I'll continue to use DIM IF I can get a download for my purchase in it ;).
My advice: vote with your wallet.
What DIM functionality has been removed? For me, everything is workign fine what I need.
I'm willing to wait for a short period. After that (if there's no love), the stuff goes back ;)