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It's not an inference and not an assumption though. The product description for Frontier Outpost states as the install method Central and not the other methods, while for example, the Urban Sprawl Big City product lists as install methods DAZ Central, DAZ Connect, DIM, and Manual Install. Both those are factual statements on DAZ 3D's part not incorrect, worst assumptions on the customer's part. DAZ 3D may be incorrect in their statements but the customers can only read what DAZ 3D has told them.
on a side note, how long should i expect the stonemason sale to go on for? I have so much stuff in my wishlist...
Hopefully will be available via DIM. If not, then hopefully wil be available for manual install. If not, then it gets returned.
I'm not going to buy it, I'm not risking having funds tied up while I wait for CS to sort it out.
Links to install with DIM have been replaced by links to install with DC, rather than having added DazCentral as an option.
It will stay in my cart until either DIM capability is provided or it reverts to regular discount. DazCentral is a non-starter, literally, for me.
For me not, just checked it (see attachments) and they go all to DIM as they should. But I never use these links, normally just download new boughts prodcts via DIM directly.

Maybe I never installed DAZCentral, because I immediatelly regogniczed that DAZCentral is a downgrade compared to DIM.
The "free" extra product seems to be a today only sale. Maybe general stonemason products remain discounted for a few more days as a featured artist, but i would not hold it on the big promotion if it is to your liking.
Even if the fix the installer issues, I have not decided yet if grab it or not. Its a really nice new set by one of the best artist in this store, sadly it will take a while (if at all) for me to actually need a tatooi...err i mean desert town setting
. The free item is fantastic, but i do wonder if maybe i should wait for those rare combinations of PA on sale + 50% make your own bundle. That would give me 2 futuristic sets (what i need more) for the same money. Also that the other PA discount requires a code too is not good either because we cannot combine all.
Too bad today's special is not one of those that you get incredible big discounts as you grab more of debut releases. Several interesting items, but at release price its just too expensive for my 3rd world wallet.
It's my same opinion! I am old enough to decide how I want to download my purchased product without having to use any compulsory software. And in the future I will only download my products manually or buy anything from DAZ.
if its not being available in DIM format i skip it ( and a lot of other people ) Daz Central sucks!!!!
i tought so, its about time to go to Renderosity!
The reactions here to a bug are just ridiculous.
Why are y'all just screaming for no reason? You're not even listening to information that has been presented to you. It's an issue with the store, it's going to be fixed.
Because there was no official statement that it is a bug. Only silence...
Just in case there is a "Sorry for the confusion" render challenge, I'll start it off with a render using a Stonemason prop! Story here.
I dont believe they ever state anything official when something is wrong with the store cause it happens so often and will eventually get sorted out.
I took Stonemason's comment to mean both the installation error and the install methods were being looked into.
The Skin tutorial is the only other new product listed today as DazCentral only: Why would an .mp4 video tutorial and a .pdf be limited to solely DazCentral? So I think in both cases it is an error.
Given the second post in this thread says the Frontier Outpost isn't available in DazCentral after purchase, one would think people would realize there's a bug involved and not leap to crazy speculation on some kind of evil plot to force DazCentral on everyone.
For those who mentioned Daz Connect, the only items that were Connect only were ones with DRM that required Daz Connect. There's been no indication that DazCentral is applying any form of DRM to files loaded using it, as far as I can tell Daz Central is just an attempt at a simplified version of DIM though whether it is too simplified or has simplified the wrong things for more technical minded users is a discussion for a different thread.
Its a beautiful set and I can wait a few hours on it. Its not like the world is coming to an end... maybe I should rephrase that...
I haven't had issues with Central, and in fact found it a breeze to set up on a remote F drive. Maybe its because learning the DIM seemed so intimidating that when I finally did learn it, something stuck for once.
I guess I was premature in asking for a refund. I didn't see the DC only option until after I tried to download. And I don't come into the Forum specifically looking for answers to things that seem like a deliberate choice.
I (foolishly perhaps) tried the Central beta when it came out. It ended up messing up my DIM paths, and breaking the CMS to the point that I had to go into the registry to rip out stuff before being able to reinstall Studio and have everything work. I can wait for this to resolve... And if it turns out that Central only is correct (which would surprise me), well, I'll be saving some store credit.
Um, no, you can't:
Unless you know of some really groovy workplace-permitted drug that can make that happen, it is willful and intentional.
It is rat-in-a-maze time for us "consumers." Maybe we could look for a blessing in it, such as being thankful that they didn't decide to use actual electric cattle prods on us.
B. F. Skinner would be so, so proud.
Sounds like daz is taking a page from Diviant Arts playbook and doing their version of an eclipse run on everyone.
Well I manually install all of my content and if they force daz central on us like they did daz connect they won't see another dime from me.
We remember Encrypted Daz Connect, and the fiasco that it was; oh, and it was DRM by another name.
And that statment is insulting, some of us have been around a while and so our trust isn't as blind as others.
Yes we can. I purchased Frontier Outpost. There are no download links in the product library page. I even installed Daz Central and the Frontier Outpost does not show up in my Daz Studio Assets. It is a bug.
Well I'm in the UK and I'm signing off for today so its a missed sale from me, I spent under $4 rather than about $70 guess the PA's and Daz can afford to keep loosing like this,
Just to let everyone know, I'm not even sure how the store software would calculate that any content was "DazCentral" only. DazCentral and DIM share the same core, so DIM can install everything that DazCentral can. DazCentral can't install some things that DIM can, because it doesn't support some older software and their installation methods.
It's probably taking a long time to get unstuck because the data shouldn't ever be able to get in this sort of way so it's probably needing some surgery directly on the store's database to get cleared up (and then it has to move through the various caches and the like).
Oh I'm sure that's a part of it. I'm not buying anything that I can't download and install myself.
Which is to say: MANUAL download.