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Angharad looks to my eyes rather like Bridget 8
Same height, but Angharad is an inch larger in all the three circumferences quoted.
I shall not be getting the figure, not because I dislike her, or that she's so close in looks to Bridget (whom I did get - because of the derived figure 'Ellis' not Bridget). Instead it's because I've had a fair bit of involuntry spending recently (need new mower, got to tax the car etc) and as a result voluntary spending has had to be curtailed. Were I to get her, it'd be because of the derived figure Daenestra, not Angharad.
I love her outfits and hair. A bit bummed that the banner is only if you bought stuff yesterday. i did but not from the sale that was going on. Oh well.
So, I just bought her and a decent amount of DO stuff because of the discounts and got a message from Paypal I've never seen before:
Your payment to DAZ Productions Inc on Jun 10, 2020 is pending
To comply with government regulations, PayPal is required to review certain transactions. The payment you sent is currently being reviewed and we will complete this process within 72 hours. This review only involves this transaction and does not affect the use of your PayPal account.
All of the items are still in my cart after I checked out so not sure what will happen now....
wow..thats kinda really bad news. 72 hour wait?
anyway, initially my opnion is why do I need this new character. The $10 off is cool, but the overall deal isn;t that compelling. $29.75 isn't too bad for the bundle, but to get qanything else you have to buy the adds, which, other than the too expensive HD don;t do anything for me.
When I saw the name, it reminded me of the character played by Maurine O'Hara in the movie, How Green Was My Valley. I think her name was Angharad.
I installed her via DIM and there are lots of thumbnails missing in the materials folders. I have submitted a ticket so there may be an update to the file at some point. Also the character thumbnails (character and HD) have a very 'placeholder' feel to them
How did you get the bundle down to $29.75? I get the banner was worth $10, so without that it would be $39.75. That's the price I'm at...but in order to get that, I had to do 4 add-ons. From what you're saying, I should have been able to arrive at that price without the add-ons?
yes to that price without add-ons. I also have the $10 off banner. Added two PC+ items, the tiles , and the car textures. Brought it down to $29.75. I'm going to delete something to see what happens, but it looks like its combining the PC+ sale discounts.
the sale over all I said was not compelling ..$15 off the categories for buying 4 adds gives you 1 product per category, as the pricing is set that most will put you over the $15 mark, so then youj end up leaving a lot of $$$ on the table unused. 1 free product is 1 free product, but overall the deal for this pro bundle not that good.
It's been investigated :)
That's what the email said. I don't know who to reach out to or what caused it to flag. From looking at Paypal forums most of the time it seems to be some random word in your purchase triggers an algorithm. But usually those words have to do with stuff that, shall we say, is politically troubling. So unless one of the DO characters in my cart is a code name for some bad organization or something I have no idea what caused this.
I am an American who speaks only English but it isn't any harder than Idaho.
Yeah, $39.74 in my cart with 4 add-ons is adequate. Not the deepest discount I've ever seen, and not the most shallow discount I've seen on a new pro bundle.
I don't NEED fantasy as I was leaning towards science fiction with my next project. (Why don't we get this kind of look in science fiction? I really end up kitbashing dark fantasy with Midnight Stories, most of the time, because gritty sci fi does not seem to be of much interest to artists?) I'm more likely to use these outfits than Sahira's bundle, and people seemed to love that one.
having said what I've said, I do end up with total of 18 items in my cart for $65. plus the 10 more in the pro bundle. Overall $2.32 each. BUT ... I don;t have $65. Well, that was a nice game to go with the morning coffee.
What a horrible sale. Yes, i mean it.
Usual price for PC memebers (outside this PC+ sale month) of New Pro Bundle + 4 (cheaper) addons: $66
Same on the sale: $57, that is only $9 less. This sale has a base of 45% DO discount instead of 30%, additional 15% on debut/still new + 10% for buying 2+. And all that only translates in mere $9 (less than 15%). Very little benefit for a release during PC+ sale. So let's see the other benefits.
5xSelect Gen8 for 1.99 each. What? I even have to spend more? Why not free? Those same were literally FREE on daisy sale.
All the others $15/$30 off. Wow, what a horrible and limited selection. People complained of the selection on last sales, i think this one is way worst, by a LOT (and i'm really new here). On top of that, ALL items are only with DO base discount, that is very little and because of the PC+ sale chances of getting a nice big extra general DO discount are very slim. It even looks like the items were carefully selected to not stack with PA rotation.
And the cherry to top this. No banner for owning many G8 Pro bundle. Yes, i got the $10 off but i was expecting to get a similar discount like daisy sale too. We actually pay for the $10 so its benefit is less than that.
Daisy was a proper sale, this one is BS. Sadly i could have used the items of this bundle more. Functional boots, sweet! The main character, so so; but Daenestra, really nice. Too bad, but $47 is just too expensive for me without getting more benefits. The extras on a debut character sale are what makes me pay more for a new release and this one offers very little to nothing.
She reminds me of Kat Slater from East Enders but with a shorter face (which Bing tells me is played by Jessie Wallace). Probably just the makeup & hairsyles reminding me though.
I'd say that name Angharad as Ang-grid in my accent and leaned when I was in Grantham that it's not pronounced Grann-um but Grant-Ham, I'm like OMG my tongue can't even do that, which the train ticket sales lady took much delight in correcting.
Thanks - I was able to get that to work for me. Now the question money now and not get the add-ons, or get the add-ons and spend more now when I know I'll end up buying them later? There are a few outfits from the bundle I like, and the textures as well (Ninian and Crimsoneye). The HD add-on, though expensive as always, is also a good HD add-on. Decisions...decisions...
I wouldn't get too caught up on the name denoting any sort of theme. It just looks like the name was chosen because it cool. Her style is a sort of fantasy/warrior/goth. I'm not into that sort of thing, but she seems the typical red-faced thin-browed impossible-fantasy-corset-garbed DAZ girl. The interesting thing about her, is she has a petite kind of real world build.
Same on my system also with the HD Add-On and the Angharad Hair - all other look fine.
Ok so cart refresh and apparently the Pro Bundle is no longer on sale at all... *sigh*
They're probably fixing it to get rid of the Fiat...
That's unfortunate.
BTW, I especially like the Monique combination here, but the others are also very good.
what happened to the sale?
I have no purple banner this time at all
And the cart is changing every refresh? I think I wait a little longer.....
This seems pretty good and authentic. It jives with the BBC site.
This other site has two and the first one sounds really poor, while the second is much better.
My guess would be that they just updated the product to fix the problems with the bundle content, so the pricing rules need to be reapplied.
It is really a pity, that the PC+Monthly Coupon doesn't work. I have the Starter Bundle and an Add on and 2 selected G8 in the cart and if I try to use the Monthly Coupon it only good for a change from 34.88$ to 31.43$ .... there is no freebie in the cart....shouldn't teh Coupon work with the full 6$?