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No, what I mean is that there don't seem to be any textures. As in no files for the Textures folder in the Runtime folder. I've got all the thumbnails in the Materials folder up in the folder for the hair itself.
I'll first try re-downloading.
Nope. No textures. The whole package is only something like 14+ MB large. Are the colors just produced by settings in the surfaces tab, and not linking to actual texture files at all?
You can use it on Angharad.
You can't apply those Diffuse overlay makeups onto others without some work.
Sahira's overlay makeup? You could apply to anyone, no work required.
See... Diffuse overlays should be applicable to any model if you set it up properly. It makes the Daz base models a really nice deal because you can basically use the makeups all over the Genesis 8 range. I always look for those on the new Daz base models. Sahira's makeups are really good & portable, and Angharad's are not as portable since you need to do some work in order to get them onto another skin besides Angharad.
JOdel, not sure if this will help, but this is where I am finding the material files for the hair in My DAZ 3D Content. See snip of th location and file. If you don't have it, try uninstalling and reinstalling. DIM shows the file size at 54.5 MB,
That sounds like a mismatch. I know a lot of things like props, particularly metalics, don't produce their effects by linking to actual textures (although there might be a reflection map), but pretty much dial them up to order by different color values in the surfaces tab. And a lot of these colors are not attempting to be natural, so might be using the same method. But 54.5MB is not 14.58MB which is what my downloads folder claims it is.
Well, I loaded the hair in Studio. And I applied a couple of the colors. I didn't get an error notice, so I'm thinking that maybe there really aren't any texture files.
The color loaded flat and solid with no differentiation, certainly nothing like that darker roots effect in the thumbnails. But then it's an Iray hair and I don't have my viewport set to Iray, so I'm going to assume that may be the problem in that.
Given that I don't use Iray if its at all avoidable I can't really see actually using this hair. I am not going to assume that it will be possible to convert it to 3DL. It was part of the bundle, so not really returnable, but the lackwas worth investigating.
No idea what is causing the difference in file size though.
I used the pink color to make sure the hood of an outfit was out of the way, then, I changed it to the natural brown. It looked okay. I haven't had a chance to try a shader on it yet. It does look like a blob in the viewport until it is rendered in Iray.
As many people who are still using 3DL, it would be nice if one of the PAs who know that shader/texture (?) could create a stand-a-lone shader pack to convert Iray to 3DL for modern hairs. Not sure if it can be done for dFoce hair though.
I'm not sure why that varies between characters. It's pretty annoying, especially as there's no way to tell until you buy the character and try it. Why not just make them all applicable to any character, a'la Sahira, Tasha, Kala, Zelara, etc.
Yeah, I don't think it's a problem that they try different things, but base characters should all work the same. And if they don't, where they don't needs to be made very explicit.
Angharad 8 "out of the box" except I decreased her head size a tad. I probably could have decreased it a tad more as well, on second look.
The hair is Sea Salt, armor is Silk Shadow, and the shield is from an awesome shield set by Roguey and Strangefate that should be in the final testing (and hopefully soon to get released).
In regards to the Diffuse Overlay Makeup, it looks like the various other face settings got saved with Angharad's makeup, rather than selectively saved.
If you apply the makeup you're interested in, and then save a new Material Preset, you should be able to go under the Face and Lips categories and save the Diffuse --> Overlay settings (Uncheck everything else at the root). That should let you apply it to other characters without changing the underlying face textures.
Face --> Base --> Diffuse --> Overlay
(And same for Lips)
Some may also have a metallic flakes setting, but you'll just have to check.
That said, it would have been nice if it didn't change those settings in the first place, but at least it should be a fairly simple fix.
EDITED: To add the path for the overlay settings.
Good idea!
It's not that hard to mess with the overlays, but if you don't know that they're overlays (or what the overlays do), then a newer user might not try this at all.
Okay, one more rando image.
Here is Angharad as one of the private military contractors who protect Candyland at night from wayward childrens.
What!?! Only a pistol against kids!?!?!
Need a flame thrower at the very least... (You can tell, I have kids and know how dangerous they are)
Oh, yes, kids. And the Legos on the floor. Quite dangerous. Can't underestimate the threat level for sure.
She had a pulse rifle earlier, but it was HUGE. And she's a wee little thing, as you can see by the size of that pistol in her hand.
Really, it was going to be a full militaristic random image, but I saw the lollipop in my Library. I figured she'd be a good protector for Candyland once I saw the candy prop.
This has been the case for all G8 core characters I have and it's so annoying that DAZ does it this way!
Why create all this extra work for the user if DAZ could simply save the overlays in a way that they can be easily applied to other characters?
Then again, almost all make up options the core characters come with are kinda nutty, so perhaps it's no great loss...
In the Angharad 8 marketplace ad where she's holding a drawn bow and arrow, the wrong eye is closed.
I thought the bundle looked really good.
Especially the Ninian outfit:
I wish all* footwear with high heels came with a flats morph, but whaddaya? High heels are great when you're only going for sexy but I just can't buy them for action themes, at all.
It seems like a hard problem to solve: the authors aren't financially motivated to make them, so what's the next artist going to do? Offer morphs for every pair of high-heeled boots for $0.25 apiece? Make a ton of freebies?
* not literally "all," I mean normal real-world stuff doesn't need it, but, you know what I mean - fantasy and action-movie type stuff.
Did anyone find out what model was used in the Exzela hair promos? That's what I'd pay for lol.
There are a few free 3D sculpting programs. Morphing the high heels into flatter heels might be an option. Doing simple morphs can be a lot of fun too. :)
*Edit - I just had an idea that actually kind of worked! I used Mesh Grabber to grab the base of the heel and just dragged it up and into the sole of the shoe:
It's not perfect but it works in a pinch. :) Mesh Grabber is kind of amazing!
That is a nice sandal Divamakeup!
From what I've been instructed, and I'm just a way very newb when it comes to archery, neither eye should be closed. But let's not talk about how awful that entire pose is technically and just look at how wonderful of an image it is, lol. (I don't think I've found one actual correct archery pose pack in the store for G3 or G8 yet.)
ROFL! Make sure it's consensual first. :P
I love that graphic, too cute!