MOCAP translator- What do you think? - Any coders around?



  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited June 2020


    Can I ask you a Dev something i was always wondering why is there so little on documents on stuff like the Ik-chain and interaction with the new timeline changes, the new timeline properties panel and how all the functions work & how to use deforce in animation with the new timeline.  everything i have learn using daz studio I have learn by hit or miss picking through on youtube or reading the forums  & reading what little the documents I can find. so that why question everything a lot of BS flys around here. . I know Daz Studio is always changing rapidly and being worked on so it be hard to keep documents up.  But is there any place you Dev guys get documentation so you can use this stuff?  If so can you share it?    the help center has been not much help.  using Ik-chain without documents on how to use it is much harder than hand keyframing animation placing one foot at a time.   I seen some new videos being put out by daz lately which is very helpful . but its nothing like documents to fall back on. so that why I am asking if you have any timeline & ik-chain documents you can share?

    edited for spelling sorry I am very dyslexic

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • wolf359 said:
    I was doing some work for the owner of a mocap studio, and he introduced me to the guy who wrote Peelsolv. I'm working on another project with him, and I'm going to ask him if he'll help out. We don't have to reimplement MoBu, just just some basic functionality behind the retargeting: layers, pins, reach. But the problem remains the Daz side.


    What ,in your opinion, are problems on the Daz side??

    I meant that while I was making a prototype, I just wanted to see if I could get the Levenberg–Marquardt library to calculate the joint rotations in the simplest case, apply them to a stock G8F, and see if it looked anything like the harcoded actor skeleton I started with. I'll just say that, no, it did not :) But when I create a skeleton in Blender, using the same data from the BVH file, it looks pretty much like the hardcoded actor skeleton that the Levenberg–Marquardt stuff calculated, but with the user skeleton. That's how I know that it is sorta-kinda working in a very basic way, but there is just a difference between my pure mathematical model of the skeleton and how joints and their rotations are reckoned by Daz Studio. I can't even apply an A-Pose by zeroing all the rotations and have it look correct. I thought it might be rotation order, so I tried it using Quaternions, but the results were the same. I gave up.

  • kenshaw011267kenshaw011267 Posts: 3,805
    Ivy said:


    Can I ask you a Dev something i was always wondering why is there so little on documents on stuff like the Ik-chain and interaction with the new timeline changes, the new timeline properties panel and how all the functions work & how to use deforce in animation with the new timeline.  everything i have learn using daz studio I have learn by hit or miss picking through on youtube or reading the forums  & reading what little the documents I can find. so that why question everything a lot of BS flys around here. . I know Daz Studio is always changing rapidly and being worked on so it be hard to keep documents up.  But is there any place you Dev guys get documentation so you can use this stuff?  If so can you share it?    the help center has been not much help.  using Ik-chain without documents on how to use it is much harder than hand keyframing animation placing one foot at a time.   I seen some new videos being put out by daz lately which is very helpful . but its nothing like documents to fall back on. so that why I am asking if you have any timeline & ik-chain documents you can share?

    edited for spelling sorry I am very dyslexic

    Devs are, generally, terrible communicators. They literally think in different languages.

    If the project manager is very strict, I know I've had to actually supend coders, coders will write code documentation to a reasonable standard. But getting usable functional documentation? That's just a whole different thing. Big projects, or projects with end users who pay for it, bring in technical writer(s) to translate the notes etc. from the coders and project managers into something users can make sense of. But that's a junior dev budget hit that the boss will gripe about because it doesn't help get a project done on time and udner budegt.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602
    edited June 2020

    I am getting off topic but I am in awe of this C4D user who does not do Hula Animations but uses DAZ content

    I could easily find more examples but not really interested in arguing about this senseless subject

    it is is the same as those who don't want landscape capabilities in DAZ studio yet UltraScenery sells

    or a morph brush but Mesh Grabber sells

    for every additional feature someone doesn't want there are people who will joyfully buy it

    point in case a game engine render option that TMITP doesn't want but many including me do because render times in DAZ studio is a big part of wny I dislike it, I actually use the OpenGL if I can

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited June 2020
    Ivy said:


    Can I ask you a Dev something i was always wondering why is there so little on documents on stuff like the Ik-chain and interaction with the new timeline changes, the new timeline properties panel and how all the functions work & how to use deforce in animation with the new timeline.  everything i have learn using daz studio I have learn by hit or miss picking through on youtube or reading the forums  & reading what little the documents I can find. so that why question everything a lot of BS flys around here. . I know Daz Studio is always changing rapidly and being worked on so it be hard to keep documents up.  But is there any place you Dev guys get documentation so you can use this stuff?  If so can you share it?    the help center has been not much help.  using Ik-chain without documents on how to use it is much harder than hand keyframing animation placing one foot at a time.   I seen some new videos being put out by daz lately which is very helpful . but its nothing like documents to fall back on. so that why I am asking if you have any timeline & ik-chain documents you can share?

    edited for spelling sorry I am very dyslexic

    Devs are, generally, terrible communicators. They literally think in different languages.

    If the project manager is very strict, I know I've had to actually supend coders, coders will write code documentation to a reasonable standard. But getting usable functional documentation? That's just a whole different thing. Big projects, or projects with end users who pay for it, bring in technical writer(s) to translate the notes etc. from the coders and project managers into something users can make sense of. But that's a junior dev budget hit that the boss will gripe about because it doesn't help get a project done on time and udner budegt.

    I see so its not the developers job to provide documents for the stuff they make they to sell to people who are going to use this stuff... .That's confusing? 

    I wonder why  documents or instructions or what ever you may call them are not produced by someone in that department by the technical writer(s) for the stuff they want people to use & buy? Daz is a pretty hard software to get use to.  I'm just a lay person not a tech guru.   I pretty sure I am not alone in that category.  the lack of documents or instructions is noticeable.   

    I se this all the time.   Daz offers a new feature. this time its a iK-chain. & a new improved timeline its a lot like keymate but its missing a lot of  features and some of the functions are not the same.  As a lay person that use daz for a long time & is having a hard time figuring out those new changes can you imagine how hard it is for a new person that just downloaded and install daz studio and there no documents.?

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • I also have no doubt if anyone could TheMysteryIsThePoint could write a mocap translator.

    I also have zero need for one personally  cheeky

    getting DAZ figures into software I like using more my priority

    unlike Ivy I use DAZ studio under sufferance

    Carrara is my choice but sadly DAZ is not developing it 

    now, if someone created a Carrara pluginenlightenedwe already have an actual robust FBX import!

    Thank you for the confidence vote, Wendy, but people have accomplished much more impressive stuff than that. I just don't know where these people who have written more complicated plugins are getting their information from. I can't be the only one who doesn't feel like reverse engineering everything based on a series of guesses as to what the SDK documentation is really trying to tell you.

  • I am getting off topic but I am in awe of this C4D user who does not do Hula Animations but uses DAZ content

    Wow. That must be @cosmicdawnseries 's animator. I hope he's hard at work on the next episode.

    But Wendy I think you overlooked this :)

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    I am getting off topic but I am in awe of this C4D user who does not do Hula Animations but uses DAZ content

    Wow. That must be @cosmicdawnseries 's animator. I hope he's hard at work on the next episode.

    But Wendy I think you overlooked this :)

    point taken but in my defence it was obviously just a demo of the results with plain coloured figures likely openGL not sexily dressed girls in a proper rendered animation 

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602
    edited June 2020

    I don't think it's the same person

    they have posted on the DAZ forum but another user, I just don't recall the username 

    thanks for the suggestion though as I now have subscribed to that user's channel too

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    The main reason for me stating most animations videos posted now days are just demos   Adverage google search shows that

    I really try to stay away from making those "how to use something" videos the main reason I do not know enough make any sense of teaching  anything so you could use it.. So I am glad there is some smart people that can do it other wise i never learned how to use daz.

     But I think people way under estimate daz studio as a animation tool. i know not the average person can do it.  but a lot of that is because there is no documents on how it works and people lack patients  trying to figure it out.

    But this iis a complex animation completely done in daz studio.Iray.  Yea theres a few hicups I missed but it does not take as long as one would think to make these animations

    Click to play. Best viewed in 1080 HD




  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602
    edited June 2020

    there are a lot of plugins for DAZ studio you will never hear about on this forum directly because commercial links and in most cases discussions go against the TOS

    so I would not be surprised if one actually already exists surprise

    I know for example Ivy uses one plugin called Walkit that has never been discussed here, I am sort of interested in how it works but not much information around

    and there are many other examples including ones I cannot discuss 

    hint: Ivy do a Walkit tutorial on your channel enlightened

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • kenshaw011267kenshaw011267 Posts: 3,805
    Ivy said:
    Ivy said:


    Can I ask you a Dev something i was always wondering why is there so little on documents on stuff like the Ik-chain and interaction with the new timeline changes, the new timeline properties panel and how all the functions work & how to use deforce in animation with the new timeline.  everything i have learn using daz studio I have learn by hit or miss picking through on youtube or reading the forums  & reading what little the documents I can find. so that why question everything a lot of BS flys around here. . I know Daz Studio is always changing rapidly and being worked on so it be hard to keep documents up.  But is there any place you Dev guys get documentation so you can use this stuff?  If so can you share it?    the help center has been not much help.  using Ik-chain without documents on how to use it is much harder than hand keyframing animation placing one foot at a time.   I seen some new videos being put out by daz lately which is very helpful . but its nothing like documents to fall back on. so that why I am asking if you have any timeline & ik-chain documents you can share?

    edited for spelling sorry I am very dyslexic

    Devs are, generally, terrible communicators. They literally think in different languages.

    If the project manager is very strict, I know I've had to actually supend coders, coders will write code documentation to a reasonable standard. But getting usable functional documentation? That's just a whole different thing. Big projects, or projects with end users who pay for it, bring in technical writer(s) to translate the notes etc. from the coders and project managers into something users can make sense of. But that's a junior dev budget hit that the boss will gripe about because it doesn't help get a project done on time and udner budegt.

    I see so its not the developers job to provide documents for the stuff they make they to sell to people who are going to use this stuff... .That's confusing? 

    I wonder why  documents or instructions or what ever you may call them are not produced by someone in that department by the technical writer(s) for the stuff they want people to use & buy? Daz is a pretty hard software to get use to.  I'm just a lay person not a tech guru.   I pretty sure I am not alone in that category.  the lack of documents or instructions is noticeable.   

    I se this all the time.   Daz offers a new feature. this time its a iK-chain. & a new improved timeline its a lot like keymate but its missing a lot of  features and some of the functions are not the same.  As a lay person that use daz for a long time & is having a hard time figuring out those new changes can you imagine how hard it is for a new person that just downloaded and install daz studio and there no documents.?

    I fully get it. But as I pointed out most dev teams do not have a technical writer on staff. On every project I was ever on there was either no budget from the start for one or that got cut before the project delivered. 

    It's pretty basic as a project manager. If you have a junior dev/technical writer budget slot which will you hire? A dev will, hopefully, speed up delivery and maybe cut back the number of 80 hour weeks before deadline. The technical writer will produce documentation the end users may, or may not, find useful.

    Even the biggest software projects around tend to have absolutely awful documentation.

    Daz makes their money selling assets not providing features or documentation of features. So they do new features primarily as advertising, DS now includes cloth physics etc., but there is almost no incentive to ever return and iterate a feature.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Walkit is pretty cool you,  place the foot steps where you want the character to walk and the character follows the foot prints even over uneven ground you can set up different walk style as well body movements. and its still working in daz  that is my version i am using. but it does have a small hitch in straight walk animation.   I reverted my gpu drivers &  I think I maybe getting faster render times on a older gpu driver and it seems to be more stable as well so igoing to stay with driver 436.30 which works great for now.

    I found this plugin script that is excellent for sequencing animation with. I don't think it was made for animation.  But it seems to work . I make a starter pose  & just adjust the poses and create a new keyframe . once your scene is set it up creating keyfrmae animation is a breeze. you create a keyframe, adjust  pose master tool accordingly  and then go onto the next keyframe & so on I can hand keyframe 300 keyframes in about 15 minutes with it not as good for walk cycles though.

    Its called Ultimate Pose Master

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602
    edited June 2020
    Ivy said:

    Walkit is pretty cool you,  place the foot steps where you want the character to walk and the character follows the foot prints even over uneven ground you can set up different walk style as well body movements. and its still working in daz  that is my version i am using. but it does have a small hitch in straight walk animation.   I reverted my gpu drivers &  I think I maybe getting faster render times on a older gpu driver and it seems to be more stable as well so igoing to stay with driver 436.30 which works great for now.

    I found this plugin script that is excellent for sequencing animation with. I don't think it was made for animation.  But it seems to work . I make a starter pose  & just adjust the poses and create a new keyframe . once your scene is set it up creating keyfrmae animation is a breeze. you create a keyframe, adjust  pose master tool accordingly  and then go onto the next keyframe & so on I can hand keyframe 300 keyframes in about 15 minutes with it not as good for walk cycles though.

    Its called Ultimate Pose Master

    I like V3Digitimes stuffyes

    will wishlist, is on sale but I have no money to spare for DAZ stuffs

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    wolf359 said:
    I was doing some work for the owner of a mocap studio, and he introduced me to the guy who wrote Peelsolv. I'm working on another project with him, and I'm going to ask him if he'll help out. We don't have to reimplement MoBu, just just some basic functionality behind the retargeting: layers, pins, reach. But the problem remains the Daz side.


    What ,in your opinion, are problems on the Daz side??

    I meant that while I was making a prototype, I just wanted to see if I could get the Levenberg–Marquardt library to calculate the joint rotations in the simplest case, apply them to a stock G8F, and see if it looked anything like the harcoded actor skeleton I started with. I'll just say that, no, it did not :) But when I create a skeleton in Blender, using the same data from the BVH file, it looks pretty much like the hardcoded actor skeleton that the Levenberg–Marquardt stuff calculated, but with the user skeleton. That's how I know that it is sorta-kinda working in a very basic way, but there is just a difference between my pure mathematical model of the skeleton and how joints and their rotations are reckoned by Daz Studio. I can't even apply an A-Pose by zeroing all the rotations and have it look correct. I thought it might be rotation order, so I tried it using Quaternions, but the results were the same. I gave up.

    Not surprised

    As person who has spent many years bringing in Mocap from Iclone version 5.5-6.5 as well as Ragdoll physics animation from natural motion Endorphin, I can assure you that any new MOCAP plugin should probably bypass the current BVH importer in Daz Studio and impement its own motion data parsing.

    Even with the G2 figures, nearly every motion imported to DS from Iclone ,using the 3DXchange retargeting tools ,needed major global adjustments(with graphMate) particulary if the Arms had any animation that raised them more than about 35 degrees in making the "Galactus Rising" Movie.

    And the problem was exponetially worse with the G3-8 Figures and thier twist bones which is why you only see two G3 males in the movie .

    Not a show stopper for me, as I am used to editing motion in a graph editor.

    When I moved to my new Blender 2.8x based pipeline my initial experiments with a DS FBX to Blender were very successful without any third party plugins with Genesis 1-2

    with G3-8 , again the limbs would go haywire making them a nonstarter for a direct FBX export to Blender and Mocap expert Bryan Steagle reported similar ,show stopping, malfunctions with G3-8 exported to Blender with body animation from Daz studio

    I ultimately decided it was time to simplify my life and drop Daz studio entirely from the Character animation side of things ,and only use it for Rigging my custom clothing before exporting and converting figures to Iclone native Avatars for Better Audio based lipsync with smoothing options and a proper phoneme editing pallette as well as predictable Motion dev for the body and locomotion and predictable Import of ragdoll from Endorphin before export to Blender for realtime EEVEE rendering.
  • Ivy said:

    I'm old school & just hand keyframe the stuff i need if there is no motion presets available, it saves time and i make exactly what i need at the time i need

    Don't you love making animations  with daz Studio?   I think its fun like a puzzle I have tons of daz animations

    click to play. best viewed in 1080HD.  try not to smile :)

    That is really cool.  :)  I did laugh.  

  • the reason stuff doesn't exist is largely because there is not a lot of money to be made in the DAZ community 

    on the otherhand the gaming and cinematography community there is

    Unreal Engine etc is where you are more likely to be able to do what you want and DAZ needs a bridge to that not the other way around

    Exactly.  I think that market is a lot more huge.  DAZ characters are above Iclone characters in every way...just that Iclone knows it and works with other game engines.  Just that Iclone thinks they are cheap but around the same price as any other high end packege.   I'm like that is a cool tool but you guys ain't cheap so stop trying to market it as such.  LOL

  • the reason stuff doesn't exist is largely because there is not a lot of money to be made in the DAZ community 

    on the otherhand the gaming and cinematography community there is

    Unreal Engine etc is where you are more likely to be able to do what you want and DAZ needs a bridge to that not the other way around

    In my experience, I don't kmow many gamers/wannabe developers that would be willing to shell out money for mesh content like the customers do here at DAZ

    I do agree about not using DS for animation purposes though. For years i wanted to try my hand at animation, but i wanted to use IRAY and couldn't even imagine trying to get anything done in a rreasonable amount of time. Then I found VR and game engines and real time rendering. So I agree when it comes to animations, you are better off using a game engine instead of DS.

    I did this short clip in 5 minutes just now in real time. G2, BVH mocap, Unity and VR


    That was real nice.  How did you get it all to work together and take it to Unity especially those dynamics.

  • There's actually a lot to do. The coder has to learn the BVH, or other MOCAP, file format figure out how to convert that into aniblock data, which neccessarily entails learning that format, then, since you want a plugin, learning all the details of hooking it into DS. Once that is all done then the code can be written.

    So figure at least 2 weeks just learning all the stuff, 2 to 3 weeks coding and testing and then a week or so of QA.

    There's really not much to do at all.

    BVH is dead simple, simpler than both OBJ and MDD. The mocap system will write out BVH as well. Aniblock is completely unnecessary to get a BVH onto a character. A plugin itself is not a challenge, and at least that SDK sample compiles and runs.

    The Levenberg Marquart optimizer is Open Source, and the closed cource version is reasonably priced to distribute as part of an application, so even the real heavy-lifting, the math, is already done.

    There are only two hard parts:

    • Once the optimizer has calculated all the joint rotations, how do you calculate the equivalent rotations that a G8 wants to see, to write them into the BVH file or apply them directly to the character, as part of a bridge? I think this is to ask how Orientation works.
    • I don't know how JCJs work... You can set a bone's orientation to a certain quaternion and then immediately read it back. Sometimes it will be different from what you set it to. Have no idea how that works, nor how to account for it.

    Whenever my Autodesk Developer Network fees come due, I get angry and threaten to go back and try again, but it would just be really nice if Daz would just document it.

    Yes.  I think that would be helpful.

  • Ivy said:

    After Reading this thread and having used daz studio for animation for such a long time. All I can say is wow I never knew so many of you "animators" depended on motion presets like mo-caps.  Like i said I am old school most character animators are. even Disney/Pixar animators have to hand keyframe animation.

     If you depend on Motion-capture and preset sets all the time to make dancing girlie animations,  you will never learn how to create your own character animations presets that do not exist.

    Daz Studio is not a easy software to learn for animation. its a posing tool. So unless you have made up your mind that you don't need mocaps or aniblocks all the time to make animations with Daz studio, then maybe Blender would be a better option for some of you "animators."

    So that is why I do not understand is if so many other different software talked about here is so much better than daz studio for animation , then why do you guys not just stick with what works for you instead of torturing yourself trying to use a software that does not fit the needs you want it to do.  That is kind of silly Daz studio does not make Disney type animations.  But in case you have not noticed neither does iclone.

    Character Animation & Gaming animation are 2 different types of animations not the same type bird at all. or either is it created the same  . if you want gaming animation then you need to stay away from daz studio and go with a game engine like cryengine or Unreal 4 . torturing yourself trying to use mocaps not made for a software your trying to use it in, is way more work than its worth for a dancing girlie animation.  But that's my 2 cents ..

     The one thing i would love to see is you "animators" post some of your work so we can all enjoy it. I watch Wendy's animations all the time they are a lot of fun to watch.  and some other people here do post animation once in a while. But if you can't make animations with daz studio with out mocaps then maybe iclone pipeline would be much better use for your time and money.

    But if you have to depend on mocaps for everything to make a simple animated fiilm  than I can see your complaint trying to make animations with Daz Studio


    edited to fix some spelling. I am very dyslexic sorry


    Here is the thing.   DAZ has 1000s of characters, clothing items, and backgrounds that you can mix and match.   If you can plug in MOCAP you can make that Pixar style movie quite quickly with some animation cleanup and such.  

    Here is a movie from a co-creator who made his movie in less than 1 year.  It is 90 minutes long.     Now imagine if you used the Toon Dad, Mom, Girl and Boy with costumes and hair changes?  You could make a  Pixar like movie and mocap for capturing actor peformances then Keyframe what you need.  

    Toon Mom for Genesis 8 Female in Vendor, JoeQuick,  3D Models by Daz 3D

  • Artini said:

    I have posted an FBX as an example.  


    I am about to ask you: could you please post some sample data, you are getting from your MOCAP suit, to be able to experiment with it.

    In the other thread, you have said, that it very easy for you to jump in the suit and record MOCAP.


    I tried but they said I cannot attach that kind of file. I'll see about sending you a private message.  

  • Ivy said:

    After Reading this thread and having used daz studio for animation for such a long time. All I can say is wow I never knew so many of you "animators" depended on motion presets like mo-caps.  Like i said I am old school most character animators are. even Disney/Pixar animators have to hand keyframe animation.

     If you depend on Motion-capture and preset sets all the time to make dancing girlie animations,  you will never learn how to create your own character animations presets that do not exist.

    Daz Studio is not a easy software to learn for animation. its a posing tool. So unless you have made up your mind that you don't need mocaps or aniblocks all the time to make animations with Daz studio, then maybe Blender would be a better option for some of you "animators."

    So that is why I do not understand is if so many other different software talked about here is so much better than daz studio for animation , then why do you guys not just stick with what works for you instead of torturing yourself trying to use a software that does not fit the needs you want it to do.  That is kind of silly Daz studio does not make Disney type animations.  But in case you have not noticed neither does iclone.

    Character Animation & Gaming animation are 2 different types of animations not the same type bird at all. or either is it created the same  . if you want gaming animation then you need to stay away from daz studio and go with a game engine like cryengine or Unreal 4 . torturing yourself trying to use mocaps not made for a software your trying to use it in, is way more work than its worth for a dancing girlie animation.  But that's my 2 cents ..

     The one thing i would love to see is you "animators" post some of your work so we can all enjoy it. I watch Wendy's animations all the time they are a lot of fun to watch.  and some other people here do post animation once in a while. But if you can't make animations with daz studio with out mocaps then maybe iclone pipeline would be much better use for your time and money.

    But if you have to depend on mocaps for everything to make a simple animated fiilm  than I can see your complaint trying to make animations with Daz Studio


    edited to fix some spelling. I am very dyslexic sorry


    I don't consider myself an animator, although I would like to be one day. For me, it's not about using presets vs keyframe, it's the painfully slow rendering process that has kept me from exploring the animation tools in DS more.

    I'd like to animate the characters in DAZ cause there is  this one cool plugin for facial capture I want to use.  :)  That is the main reason..but I want to export it  out of DAZ into Unreal with animation in tact and render it out in Unreal.  :)

  • Ivy said:

    Hi Michael

    I have render times mastered pretty well in daz studio  depending on how many characters are in the scene i can generally get bout 12 seconds a keyframe with Iray with just a 1080 ti gpu, Lots of Pre-work production though reducing textures. & removing normal maps etc.

    It also it helps to have a excellent organized folder work flow.

     But seriously in this pond hopper animation I was getting 12 seconds a scene hand keyframed with Fog props and volume light panes and

    Click to play animation . best viewed in 1080HD

    that is amazing!

  • Ivy said:

    After Reading this thread and having used daz studio for animation for such a long time. All I can say is wow I never knew so many of you "animators" depended on motion presets like mo-caps.  Like i said I am old school most character animators are. even Disney/Pixar animators have to hand keyframe animation.

     If you depend on Motion-capture and preset sets all the time to make dancing girlie animations,  you will never learn how to create your own character animations presets that do not exist.

    Daz Studio is not a easy software to learn for animation. its a posing tool. So unless you have made up your mind that you don't need mocaps or aniblocks all the time to make animations with Daz studio, then maybe Blender would be a better option for some of you "animators."

    So that is why I do not understand is if so many other different software talked about here is so much better than daz studio for animation , then why do you guys not just stick with what works for you instead of torturing yourself trying to use a software that does not fit the needs you want it to do.  That is kind of silly Daz studio does not make Disney type animations.  But in case you have not noticed neither does iclone.

    Character Animation & Gaming animation are 2 different types of animations not the same type bird at all. or either is it created the same  . if you want gaming animation then you need to stay away from daz studio and go with a game engine like cryengine or Unreal 4 . torturing yourself trying to use mocaps not made for a software your trying to use it in, is way more work than its worth for a dancing girlie animation.  But that's my 2 cents ..

     The one thing i would love to see is you "animators" post some of your work so we can all enjoy it. I watch Wendy's animations all the time they are a lot of fun to watch.  and some other people here do post animation once in a while. But if you can't make animations with daz studio with out mocaps then maybe iclone pipeline would be much better use for your time and money.

    But if you have to depend on mocaps for everything to make a simple animated fiilm  than I can see your complaint trying to make animations with Daz Studio


    edited to fix some spelling. I am very dyslexic sorry


    It's not about "dependency" or trying to win the mantle of "animator" by someone else's standard, it's about using the best tool for the job made available by current technology.

    Case in point: With two Perception Neuron Studios, or even Pros, (given actors) I think you could have captured that cool Karate Girl episode in its entirety in an afternoon. All at the cost of providing catering and credit. You were remarking about the low number of productions you can complete in a year...

    Cleaned up with Maya or Motionbuilder, the contact points would be perfect, no jerky transitions between canned animations, no foot sliding, and with something as good as a PN Studio, all the movements would be hyper realistic, retaining even the smallest nuance necessary for communicating the character's emotional state that "animators" work so hard to create.

    And it's been widely discussed already the strange incongruency that is Daz Studio: The best character creation tool available anywhere at any price, and probably the worst animation tools to make them shine. That's why you have so many Blender users wanting to use Daz Studio characters in a worthy environment: Daz Characters and assets are th best quality, even before considering value. Full stop.

    YESSSS!!! You get it.  The Best character creator tool and one that could be used for animation if you could bring it in and then export it out.   This tool should be working friendly with other tools like Zbrush.   Zbrush has GOZ including for DAZ.  Isn't about time DAZ had a GOZ version of itself where I can even animate in DAZ with mocap and then GOZ it  out?   You get it!


  • Then have it at hoss. I'm just basing my statement on decades of projects. 

    None of which were a retargeting tool for Daz Studio, though, right?

    I am basing my statement on having written the majority of a... retargeting tool for Daz Studio.

    Could you make this tool happen?

  • SasquatchIsCoolSasquatchIsCool Posts: 251
    edited June 2020
    wolf359 said:

    DAZ is a very great program to make awesome looking models but the ability to take in ROKOKO, XSENs, etc leaves much to be desired.  You need to do workarounds and jump through hoops.  

    I'm trying to see if anyone out there would like a program, plugin, extension or what have you that will remap DAZ 3 and 8 characters to MOCAP brought in by various systems.  Would there be a big demand? 

    If so would you like to work with a coder or developer?  Are you a developer?  Would anyone like to work together to pay a developer to bring a tool like this to DAZ so that we could take advantage of the mocap solutions that are now coming out?

    Sound off if you are a developer, if you want a product like this or you want to work together with a developer to make an almost 1 button solution to get DAZ to work with actual mocap without all the weird workarounds.  

    I'm sure many of you would love to make movies and DAZ can make it possible if we can streamline it for spee.  Let me know in the comments below and together we can make it happen IF it is something ya'll would want to see.  ;)




    You asked if there would be any demand for such a plugin so I would suggest you consider the variables

    Bringing in and retargeting Mocap directly from capture rigs will create keyframes for every frame and as Daz studio only supports BVH the retargeted Data would be very difficult to edit after import just as it is with the custom mocap I bring in from Iclone pro pipeline via its 3Dxchange program.

    There are known documented "issues" with the latest Daz studio build not retaining animation Data in saved and re-opened scenes which would have to be considered for bug testing any animation plugin .

    Consider that such a plugin would have to perform the same function as $$Autodesk Motionbuilder$$ or $$Iclone pro pipeline$$ thus it would be a very expensive/complex undertaking for a programmer and it is doubtful that it would be a cheap commercial solution considering that the $$Iphone$$ based facial MOCAP plugin"Face mojo" reportedly costs $200 USD.

    which brings us to the matter of the cost of buying one of the Major mocap suits plus the cost of this theoretical plugin that needs to be functional equivalent to Autodesk MOBU or Iclone pro.

    Now consider that BVH Does NOT Create Foot floor contact solving so any imported Data will likely have some foot slide requiring you to manually animate the strength of the Daz studio IK reach effector for any weight shifting, foot planting motion from the capture so your theoretical plugin would not be a"one button" solution ( hint MOCAP never is)

    FYI-Blender, Iclone,MAYA,MAX All have professional realtime IK foot/ floor contact solving

    Also consider that once you pay for the Capture suit, the plugin and Import your MOCAP into Daz studio you have to render in 3Delight or the brute force Path tracer from NIVDIA .

    Some people render animations in IRay but many cite its long render time as the main reason they dont try animations at all.

    I'm down for payinng $200 for a retargeting program.  Heck I may just start paying someone to retarget it for me :)   I'm trying to make a movie and not be stuck on software all day or retargeting and such.  :)

    In other news - Do you port DAZ characters to Iclone then animate them there and then take to Max, Maya or C4d?  Does Iclone block you from exporting it out to those programs for render until you buy the interactive?  Or it still does it but not supposed to type situation?

    Post edited by SasquatchIsCool on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    Ivy said:

    After Reading this thread and having used daz studio for animation for such a long time. All I can say is wow I never knew so many of you "animators" depended on motion presets like mo-caps.  Like i said I am old school most character animators are. even Disney/Pixar animators have to hand keyframe animation.

     If you depend on Motion-capture and preset sets all the time to make dancing girlie animations,  you will never learn how to create your own character animations presets that do not exist.

    Daz Studio is not a easy software to learn for animation. its a posing tool. So unless you have made up your mind that you don't need mocaps or aniblocks all the time to make animations with Daz studio, then maybe Blender would be a better option for some of you "animators."

    So that is why I do not understand is if so many other different software talked about here is so much better than daz studio for animation , then why do you guys not just stick with what works for you instead of torturing yourself trying to use a software that does not fit the needs you want it to do.  That is kind of silly Daz studio does not make Disney type animations.  But in case you have not noticed neither does iclone.

    Character Animation & Gaming animation are 2 different types of animations not the same type bird at all. or either is it created the same  . if you want gaming animation then you need to stay away from daz studio and go with a game engine like cryengine or Unreal 4 . torturing yourself trying to use mocaps not made for a software your trying to use it in, is way more work than its worth for a dancing girlie animation.  But that's my 2 cents ..

     The one thing i would love to see is you "animators" post some of your work so we can all enjoy it. I watch Wendy's animations all the time they are a lot of fun to watch.  and some other people here do post animation once in a while. But if you can't make animations with daz studio with out mocaps then maybe iclone pipeline would be much better use for your time and money.

    But if you have to depend on mocaps for everything to make a simple animated fiilm  than I can see your complaint trying to make animations with Daz Studio


    edited to fix some spelling. I am very dyslexic sorry


    Here is the thing.   DAZ has 1000s of characters, clothing items, and backgrounds that you can mix and match.   If you can plug in MOCAP you can make that Pixar style movie quite quickly with some animation cleanup and such.  

    Here is a movie from a co-creator who made his movie in less than 1 year.  It is 90 minutes long.     Now imagine if you used the Toon Dad, Mom, Girl and Boy with costumes and hair changes?  You could make a  Pixar like movie and mocap for capturing actor peformances then Keyframe what you need.  

    Toon Mom for Genesis 8 Female in Vendor, JoeQuick,  3D Models by Daz 3D

    Yes you are right and that is why I use daz studio for the ready made assets.. Comparing Daz toPixar is a streach.  I tried making pixar quality type films with Daz studio with out a team of people it will never be the same quality. and you will never find mocaps for some props like plants and such , that is why you should know how to hand keyframe IMO

    Here is my attempt at a sort of a pixar animated type short-story.

    Click to play . Best viewed in 1080 HD


  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310
    Artini said:

    I have posted an FBX as an example.  


    I am about to ask you: could you please post some sample data, you are getting from your MOCAP suit, to be able to experiment with it.

    In the other thread, you have said, that it very easy for you to jump in the suit and record MOCAP.


    I tried but they said I cannot attach that kind of file. I'll see about sending you a private message.  

    You can attach a zip file, unless it's porny.

  • Ivy said:
    Ivy said:

    After Reading this thread and having used daz studio for animation for such a long time. All I can say is wow I never knew so many of you "animators" depended on motion presets like mo-caps.  Like i said I am old school most character animators are. even Disney/Pixar animators have to hand keyframe animation.

     If you depend on Motion-capture and preset sets all the time to make dancing girlie animations,  you will never learn how to create your own character animations presets that do not exist.

    Daz Studio is not a easy software to learn for animation. its a posing tool. So unless you have made up your mind that you don't need mocaps or aniblocks all the time to make animations with Daz studio, then maybe Blender would be a better option for some of you "animators."

    So that is why I do not understand is if so many other different software talked about here is so much better than daz studio for animation , then why do you guys not just stick with what works for you instead of torturing yourself trying to use a software that does not fit the needs you want it to do.  That is kind of silly Daz studio does not make Disney type animations.  But in case you have not noticed neither does iclone.

    Character Animation & Gaming animation are 2 different types of animations not the same type bird at all. or either is it created the same  . if you want gaming animation then you need to stay away from daz studio and go with a game engine like cryengine or Unreal 4 . torturing yourself trying to use mocaps not made for a software your trying to use it in, is way more work than its worth for a dancing girlie animation.  But that's my 2 cents ..

     The one thing i would love to see is you "animators" post some of your work so we can all enjoy it. I watch Wendy's animations all the time they are a lot of fun to watch.  and some other people here do post animation once in a while. But if you can't make animations with daz studio with out mocaps then maybe iclone pipeline would be much better use for your time and money.

    But if you have to depend on mocaps for everything to make a simple animated fiilm  than I can see your complaint trying to make animations with Daz Studio


    edited to fix some spelling. I am very dyslexic sorry


    It's not about "dependency" or trying to win the mantle of "animator" by someone else's standard, it's about using the best tool for the job made available by current technology.

    Case in point: With two Perception Neuron Studios, or even Pros, (given actors) I think you could have captured that cool Karate Girl episode in its entirety in an afternoon. All at the cost of providing catering and credit. You were remarking about the low number of productions you can complete in a year...

    Cleaned up with Maya or Motionbuilder, the contact points would be perfect, no jerky transitions between canned animations, no foot sliding, and with something as good as a PN Studio, all the movements would be hyper realistic, retaining even the smallest nuance necessary for communicating the character's emotional state that "animators" work so hard to create.

    And it's been widely discussed already the strange incongruency that is Daz Studio: The best character creation tool available anywhere at any price, and probably the worst animation tools to make them shine. That's why you have so many Blender users wanting to use Daz Studio characters in a worthy environment: Daz Characters and assets are th best quality, even before considering value. Full stop.

    Okay?  You know a Animation is, a animation  the only difference is the tool you use to make your PNG's you use in your film editor. Pretty soon thanks to Ai  you won't need to learn anything to make animation. But If your not creating animation with PNG series of images in your flim editor then you are missing a lot of great opportunities for post work and add ins that can't be achieved with AVI or MP4 

    I love all types animation I seen some great animations done with crappy animations tools and seen some down right awful animations with high end software. So that has lead me to believe it has more to do with how good a artist you are with the tools you are using. than the software available.   If you know your software(s) even if it was just iclone or just blender one software of choice inside should be able produce a animation with anything even pencil and paper & just drawing it. which BTW was how animations was first made. & That is how I approach making any animation 1 frame at a time..   Storyboards in todays' Animations studios are always drawn out by hand first and copies passed out to the team members .   when I started with animations 10 years ago I was always criticized for using Mocaps, Bvh file and aniblock I was always told by other animators using high end software. my animations were not real animation because It was made with Poser or Daz Studio using aniblocks of BHV files.   Over time with the help from people like Wolf, Wendy  and a few others here. I learned to create some very entertaining short films using only daz studio. its a choice i made over poser or blender. So daz is my software choice for a animation tool. And yes you can animate in Daz Studio quite well in fact.

     I almost hand keyframe everything  and render it out in daz studio in Iray or 3delight.  & honestly from the stuff i seen made from iclone and blender i see no difference from those animated shorts  then from what I made in daz studio. I am talking animated short films 2- to 9 minutes long not the 20-30 second hula girl animations

     Yes I agree make a lot of mistakes in my animations, i do miss stuff. I am old & I am only one person doing the work of a team of 50.   But because i make the mistake does not mean the software at fault. I learn to work those issues. If mocaps is your solutions than good for you. But i find them very restricting in creativity to the story being told now days.

    So  if I was just a Newbie starting out yea I would want drop and drag animation tools too like iclone.  But if I wanted to be a professional animator I would go to school & learn the industry standard animation tools like Lightwave and Maya,   But I am a hobbyist with a small budget. So daz is great for person like myself.

    I am not judging your skills I have never seen a animation you made . so I have nothing to convince your not skilled.  But I still I believe good animation has more to do with how good a artist you are with the tool(s) you are using. that is where i am coming from.


    Just I'm thinking bigger.  Full movie animations with Mocap.  I mean tons o f mocap is used on human characters.  I want to do that.  )  Capture performances of actual actors including myself...that way I'm more director than animator.  

  • I was doing some work for the owner of a mocap studio, and he introduced me to the guy who really knows mocap. I'm working on another project with him, and I'm going to ask him if he'll help out. We don't have to reimplement MoBu, just just some basic functionality behind the retargeting: layers, pins, reach. But the problem remains the Daz side.

    Yup...all DAZ side but wow i fyou can look into that and share with the group that would be awesome!

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