MOCAP translator- What do you think? - Any coders around?



  • wolf359 said:
    I was doing some work for the owner of a mocap studio, and he introduced me to the guy who wrote Peelsolv. I'm working on another project with him, and I'm going to ask him if he'll help out. We don't have to reimplement MoBu, just just some basic functionality behind the retargeting: layers, pins, reach. But the problem remains the Daz side.


    What ,in your opinion, are problems on the Daz side??

    You can't just put on a Rokoko suit and start importing animations.    You have to  do a lot of retargeting...whereas in the  old days you could do it quite easily.  Here is my animation where I  used Optirack..exported the BVH and within 1  hour had this all done.  

    This was Micheal 3.  I did not post work, no retargeting....simply imported it  onto the model. 



  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Another good example  of why you need to learn hand klkeyframing.   I had to hand keyframe all these animals.  They do make mocaps for them

    click to play

  • SasquatchIsCoolSasquatchIsCool Posts: 251
    edited June 2020
    Sevrin said:
    Artini said:

    I have posted an FBX as an example.  


    I am about to ask you: could you please post some sample data, you are getting from your MOCAP suit, to be able to experiment with it.

    In the other thread, you have said, that it very easy for you to jump in the suit and record MOCAP.


    I tried but they said I cannot attach that kind of file. I'll see about sending you a private message.  

    You can attach a zip file, unless it's porny.

    It was an FBX file...oops didn't see the zip part



    Post edited by SasquatchIsCool on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited June 2020

    Almost completely done by hand keyframing . they do not make Mocaps for gymnastics either

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Completely had to be done by hand keyframing.. they do make Mocaps for content like this in any software.

    click to play

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited June 2020

    80% hand keyframed Because the nature of this type film there is no mocaps for these type scene in animation in any software.

    This film won 2nd place in animation contest.

    click to play Best viewed in 1080HD

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    I did not bother finnessing too much as you are uninterested in my method

    it needs translation fixing, I did try a bit

    but here is your mocap as a duf pose animation for Genesis 8 

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723
    edited June 2020

    Wow, your are so fast, Wendy.

    I have tried motion on Bridget 8 in iClone, but have not succeded with hip bone, yet.

    One need to unzip the file, to see my efforts.


    Post edited by Artini on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602
    edited June 2020

    @Artini and @Sasquatchiscool

    I did one frame advance in iClone and translated the figure, after a couple of seconds it maintains a level, then resaved it as an iMotion

    I of course used Genesis 1hip not node or actor as that is the only way to get an accurate export and DAZ studio import

    in DAZ studio you need to first click the bowtie rigging icon

    select genesis 1 and move the red gizmo to the floor 0,0,0 rightclick memorise selected node

    then load the bvh on the hip

    I then did my 3 figure domino save G1 save pose, load G3 savepose, load G8 pose arms up 45° legs in -6° save pose

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    edited June 2020
    wolf359 said:

    DAZ is a very great program to make awesome looking models but the ability to take in ROKOKO, XSENs, etc leaves much to be desired.  You need to do workarounds and jump through hoops.  

    I'm trying to see if anyone out there would like a program, plugin, extension or what have you that will remap DAZ 3 and 8 characters to MOCAP brought in by various systems.  Would there be a big demand? 

    If so would you like to work with a coder or developer?  Are you a developer?  Would anyone like to work together to pay a developer to bring a tool like this to DAZ so that we could take advantage of the mocap solutions that are now coming out?

    Sound off if you are a developer, if you want a product like this or you want to work together with a developer to make an almost 1 button solution to get DAZ to work with actual mocap without all the weird workarounds.  

    I'm sure many of you would love to make movies and DAZ can make it possible if we can streamline it for spee.  Let me know in the comments below and together we can make it happen IF it is something ya'll would want to see.  ;)




    You asked if there would be any demand for such a plugin so I would suggest you consider the variables

    Bringing in and retargeting Mocap directly from capture rigs will create keyframes for every frame and as Daz studio only supports BVH the retargeted Data would be very difficult to edit after import just as it is with the custom mocap I bring in from Iclone pro pipeline via its 3Dxchange program.

    There are known documented "issues" with the latest Daz studio build not retaining animation Data in saved and re-opened scenes which would have to be considered for bug testing any animation plugin .

    Consider that such a plugin would have to perform the same function as $$Autodesk Motionbuilder$$ or $$Iclone pro pipeline$$ thus it would be a very expensive/complex undertaking for a programmer and it is doubtful that it would be a cheap commercial solution considering that the $$Iphone$$ based facial MOCAP plugin"Face mojo" reportedly costs $200 USD.

    which brings us to the matter of the cost of buying one of the Major mocap suits plus the cost of this theoretical plugin that needs to be functional equivalent to Autodesk MOBU or Iclone pro.

    Now consider that BVH Does NOT Create Foot floor contact solving so any imported Data will likely have some foot slide requiring you to manually animate the strength of the Daz studio IK reach effector for any weight shifting, foot planting motion from the capture so your theoretical plugin would not be a"one button" solution ( hint MOCAP never is)

    FYI-Blender, Iclone,MAYA,MAX All have professional realtime IK foot/ floor contact solving

    Also consider that once you pay for the Capture suit, the plugin and Import your MOCAP into Daz studio you have to render in 3Delight or the brute force Path tracer from NIVDIA .

    Some people render animations in IRay but many cite its long render time as the main reason they dont try animations at all.

    I'm down for payinng $200 for a retargeting program.  Heck I may just start paying someone to retarget it for me :)   I'm trying to make a movie and not be stuck on software all day or retargeting and such.  :)

    In other news - Do you port DAZ characters to Iclone then animate them there and then take to Max, Maya or C4d?  Does Iclone block you from exporting it out to those programs for render until you buy the interactive?  Or it still does it but not supposed to type situation?

    My current pipeline is to export my Daz figures to Iclone and animate them there (both body & facial) and export to Blender for render in the realtime EEVEE engine

    And yes you need the $600 USD Pipeline version of Iclone to export FBX ,Alembic or BVH out of Iclone,

    I understand your desire to use the Iphone based Facemojo plugin for Daz studio and I certainly understand your desire to render in UE4 over IRay or the decrepid 3Delight in Daz studio.

    What I do not understand is why you do not export your Daz figures to UE4 and use your mocap suit to retarget capture performances directly to them IN UE4 instead of waiting for a mocap parsing plugin for daz studio to be possibly developed someday.
    Post edited by wolf359 on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    you don't need an interactive license to export content for rendering in other software 

    only to make and redistribute 3D games

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320
    edited June 2020

    Unity / UE4 are pretty close (OK, so they will actually never finish but simply grow their work in those databases) to finalizing huge libraries of animations of cleaned up mocaps with handkeyed extensions in small places, all snipped up into small pieces such that they can be reassembled on the fly by their respective game engine's animation state machine according to your mouse/game I/O controller and path finding / behavioral AI for the AI NP characters. So it's essentially an animation database accessed though the animation statemachine via the game engine's statemachine and your game I/O controller.

    People can then just create an animation using their game I/O controller(s), save it, edit it to be a unique personality with variations, if desired, and retarget for their animated movie. It'd be much cheaper and easier than mocap and you could use the actual character you intend to use in your animation in the game engine so weird shapes don't play a big role messing up the retargeting phrase. Face it, all bodies have range of motion limits on every joint so it's not as if doing yet another mocap is going to win you something hugely unique. Say that someone has a subset of mannerisms regardling 'talking with their hands' or facial expressions or their gait is unique (and since each of out bodies are unique so are our gaits) then you can still mocap and feed those mocaps to their animation system and assign statemachine values of when they'd get used via 'game play' and the I/O controller and then 'play it and save it'. It's a trade-off though, is your new mocap going to be unique enough to engage in the extra labor and expense of recording and feeding it to those animation state machine systems or not?

    The easier, faster, and more accurate thing would be to learn to make animations using those animation state machines controlled by a game I/O controller and then edit them to be unique so that your character has some personality of it's own. That said though, I agree with Ivy, hand keyed animation wouid be most useful to learn to be able to edit animations via hand keying portions to change them a bit, but I split from agreeing with her that you'd only want to hand key animation or forget about mocap or animation statemachine databases in game engines. You actually preferrably want to use canned animation loops, whether they result from, mocap, a game engine's animation statemachine dB, or a prior created hand-keyed animation and then edit that animation to be unique in personality for how you define your character at hand. You needn't become Disney proficient at handkeying to create new animation or edit existing ones and can't, being they literally have dozens, if not hundreds of staff that do literally nothing else,  but you need to get quick to getting 75% of the way there because getting that last 25% right and to your quality standards is going to take 90% of your animating time. There are lots of tutorials on YouTube for Blender and also on CGCookie for Blender. I know some of you have expensive 3D software on your home computers but personally I can only afford Blender. If you might think that modern Disney blows off mocap or animation statemachine databases you'd be wrong as they actually are pushing more and more to those things because the quality is better and smoother than any handkeying person could manage, they spice those up though by having people hand key some things, not much though. I mean look at the new Disney animations or many of your 35 or younger friends and notice many have these telltale expressions that you wonder where they learned them: I suspect from the actors of Disney Channel live actor situation comedies since the 90s but am not about to sit through a bunch of those to confirm it. Those live action actors, in turn, were probably taught to do those expessions on queue by the directors of those Disney shows. Literally every new Disney animation I've seen uses canned animations based on those and I know the animators must be retargetting with cleanup with little to no unique personality traits added to those animations. 

    Having looked at the earlier post by MadForKatz (sorry WendyLuvsKatz now (spelling)) of the developer that made an animation walk driver plugin for DAZ Studio it looks like they used some much simplified and smaller variant of that game engine concept that UE4/Unity has been developing and growing.

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • I don't think it's the same person

    they have posted on the DAZ forum but another user, I just don't recall the username 

    thanks for the suggestion though as I now have subscribed to that user's channel too

    You're right, @cosmicdawnseries said he wrote it but someome else did most of the animation. He's even here trying to acquire yet another animator. I hope he finds one.

  • there are a lot of plugins for DAZ studio you will never hear about on this forum directly because commercial links and in most cases discussions go against the TOS

    so I would not be surprised if one actually already exists surprise

    I know for example Ivy uses one plugin called Walkit that has never been discussed here, I am sort of interested in how it works but not much information around

    and there are many other examples including ones I cannot discuss 

    hint: Ivy do a Walkit tutorial on your channel enlightened

    Thank you! That there might be other plugins in other places never even dawned on me. There's stuff all over the place!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    OK really dumb question looking at the bone naming of that file.

    Is that set in stone?

    Can you in your capture software actually rename all the bones to match a DAZ figure?

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715
    edited June 2020

    there are a lot of plugins for DAZ studio you will never hear about on this forum directly because commercial links and in most cases discussions go against the TOS

    so I would not be surprised if one actually already exists surprise

    I know for example Ivy uses one plugin called Walkit that has never been discussed here, I am sort of interested in how it works but not much information around

    and there are many other examples including ones I cannot discuss 

    hint: Ivy do a Walkit tutorial on your channel enlightened

    Thank you! That there might be other plugins in other places never even dawned on me. There's stuff all over the place!

    and more worthy of our support, methinks.


    Post edited by mindsong on
  • TheMysteryIsThePointTheMysteryIsThePoint Posts: 3,027
    edited June 2020
    Could you make this tool happen?

    There's something strange about the way G8s understand bone rotations that I couldn't figure out. What was supposed to be the "hard" part was easy and the easy part was what stopped me.

    Post edited by TheMysteryIsThePoint on
  • I was doing some work for the owner of a mocap studio, and he introduced me to the guy who really knows mocap. I'm working on another project with him, and I'm going to ask him if he'll help out. We don't have to reimplement MoBu, just just some basic functionality behind the retargeting: layers, pins, reach. But the problem remains the Daz side.

    Yup...all DAZ side but wow i fyou can look into that and share with the group that would be awesome!

    So, he said the same thing that everyone else says when you mention Genesis: "Never heard of it"

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    I did a DAZ iray render with a background while I slept last night

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    I did a DAZ iray render with a background while I slept last night

    3 dancing girls yeslaugh

  • I did not bother finnessing too much as you are uninterested in my method

    it needs translation fixing, I did try a bit

    but here is your mocap as a duf pose animation for Genesis 8 

    LOL.. I've been trying your method.  :)  I'm interested in whatever works but if it can go faster and easier I'm interested i nthat as well.  :)


  • SasquatchIsCoolSasquatchIsCool Posts: 251
    edited June 2020
    wolf359 said:
    wolf359 said:

    DAZ is a very great program to make awesome looking models but the ability to take in ROKOKO, XSENs, etc leaves much to be desired.  You need to do workarounds and jump through hoops.  

    I'm trying to see if anyone out there would like a program, plugin, extension or what have you that will remap DAZ 3 and 8 characters to MOCAP brought in by various systems.  Would there be a big demand? 

    If so would you like to work with a coder or developer?  Are you a developer?  Would anyone like to work together to pay a developer to bring a tool like this to DAZ so that we could take advantage of the mocap solutions that are now coming out?

    Sound off if you are a developer, if you want a product like this or you want to work together with a developer to make an almost 1 button solution to get DAZ to work with actual mocap without all the weird workarounds.  

    I'm sure many of you would love to make movies and DAZ can make it possible if we can streamline it for spee.  Let me know in the comments below and together we can make it happen IF it is something ya'll would want to see.  ;)




    You asked if there would be any demand for such a plugin so I would suggest you consider the variables

    Bringing in and retargeting Mocap directly from capture rigs will create keyframes for every frame and as Daz studio only supports BVH the retargeted Data would be very difficult to edit after import just as it is with the custom mocap I bring in from Iclone pro pipeline via its 3Dxchange program.

    There are known documented "issues" with the latest Daz studio build not retaining animation Data in saved and re-opened scenes which would have to be considered for bug testing any animation plugin .

    Consider that such a plugin would have to perform the same function as $$Autodesk Motionbuilder$$ or $$Iclone pro pipeline$$ thus it would be a very expensive/complex undertaking for a programmer and it is doubtful that it would be a cheap commercial solution considering that the $$Iphone$$ based facial MOCAP plugin"Face mojo" reportedly costs $200 USD.

    which brings us to the matter of the cost of buying one of the Major mocap suits plus the cost of this theoretical plugin that needs to be functional equivalent to Autodesk MOBU or Iclone pro.

    Now consider that BVH Does NOT Create Foot floor contact solving so any imported Data will likely have some foot slide requiring you to manually animate the strength of the Daz studio IK reach effector for any weight shifting, foot planting motion from the capture so your theoretical plugin would not be a"one button" solution ( hint MOCAP never is)

    FYI-Blender, Iclone,MAYA,MAX All have professional realtime IK foot/ floor contact solving

    Also consider that once you pay for the Capture suit, the plugin and Import your MOCAP into Daz studio you have to render in 3Delight or the brute force Path tracer from NIVDIA .

    Some people render animations in IRay but many cite its long render time as the main reason they dont try animations at all.

    I'm down for payinng $200 for a retargeting program.  Heck I may just start paying someone to retarget it for me :)   I'm trying to make a movie and not be stuck on software all day or retargeting and such.  :)

    In other news - Do you port DAZ characters to Iclone then animate them there and then take to Max, Maya or C4d?  Does Iclone block you from exporting it out to those programs for render until you buy the interactive?  Or it still does it but not supposed to type situation?


    My current pipeline is to export my Daz figures to Iclone and animate them there (both body & facial) and export to Blender for render in the realtime EEVEE engine

    And yes you need the $600 USD Pipeline version of Iclone to export FBX ,Alembic or BVH out of Iclone,

    I understand your desire to use the Iphone based Facemojo plugin for Daz studio and I certainly understand your desire to render in UE4 over IRay or the decrepid 3Delight in Daz studio.

    What I do not understand is why you do not export your Daz figures to UE4 and use your mocap suit to retarget capture performances directly to them IN UE4 instead of waiting for a mocap parsing plugin for daz studio to be possibly developed someday.

    Mainly because the way FaceMojo works and mainly DAZ cannot get that great looking ahimation over to UE4.    Something about 1 level of subdivision.  

    How do you like the EVEE render in comparison to the UE4 realtime render?

    Post edited by SasquatchIsCool on
  • SasquatchIsCoolSasquatchIsCool Posts: 251
    edited June 2020

    I did a DAZ iray render with a background while I slept last night

    Great imagine what you can do with great MOCAP?  Especially if you know how to dance.  :)

    or imagine doing this in a few hours.

    Post edited by SasquatchIsCool on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    I did a DAZ iray render with a background while I slept last night

    Great imagine what you can do with great MOCAP?  Especially if you know how to dance.  :)

    or imagine doing this in a few hours.

    I could have been doing mocap for years if I had the funds cheeky


    one reason I never bought a Kinect and the iClone 5 plugin was I cannot dance blush

    buying a suit and a dearer solution is never going to happen devil

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,602

    Rather than mocap what I would want is one of those poseable art figures that map to a 3D rig, something that really never eventuated.

    Googling I see "Stickybones" but that is still apparently fund project and lots of money being poured in, not the one I saw years ago on Youtube either.

  • Quma doll!  I always wanted one of those.  That would be awesome1

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    I did a DAZ iray render with a background while I slept last night

    Great imagine what you can do with great MOCAP?  Especially if you know how to dance.  :)

    or imagine doing this in a few hours.

    I could have been doing mocap for years if I had the funds cheeky


    one reason I never bought a Kinect and the iClone 5 plugin was I cannot dance blush

    buying a suit and a dearer solution is never going to happen devil

    I have bought Kinect and iClone 5 plugin long time ago,

    but the results were not so good, so I have used them not so much.

    Maybe I need to try it with the newer computer.

    I guess, you have saved a lot of money, not buying them.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    edited June 2020
    wolf359 said:
    wolf359 said:

    DAZ is a very great program to make awesome looking models but the ability to take in ROKOKO, XSENs, etc leaves much to be desired.  You need to do workarounds and jump through hoops.  

    I'm trying to see if anyone out there would like a program, plugin, extension or what have you that will remap DAZ 3 and 8 characters to MOCAP brought in by various systems.  Would there be a big demand? 

    If so would you like to work with a coder or developer?  Are you a developer?  Would anyone like to work together to pay a developer to bring a tool like this to DAZ so that we could take advantage of the mocap solutions that are now coming out?

    Sound off if you are a developer, if you want a product like this or you want to work together with a developer to make an almost 1 button solution to get DAZ to work with actual mocap without all the weird workarounds.  

    I'm sure many of you would love to make movies and DAZ can make it possible if we can streamline it for spee.  Let me know in the comments below and together we can make it happen IF it is something ya'll would want to see.  ;)




    You asked if there would be any demand for such a plugin so I would suggest you consider the variables

    Bringing in and retargeting Mocap directly from capture rigs will create keyframes for every frame and as Daz studio only supports BVH the retargeted Data would be very difficult to edit after import just as it is with the custom mocap I bring in from Iclone pro pipeline via its 3Dxchange program.

    There are known documented "issues" with the latest Daz studio build not retaining animation Data in saved and re-opened scenes which would have to be considered for bug testing any animation plugin .

    Consider that such a plugin would have to perform the same function as $$Autodesk Motionbuilder$$ or $$Iclone pro pipeline$$ thus it would be a very expensive/complex undertaking for a programmer and it is doubtful that it would be a cheap commercial solution considering that the $$Iphone$$ based facial MOCAP plugin"Face mojo" reportedly costs $200 USD.

    which brings us to the matter of the cost of buying one of the Major mocap suits plus the cost of this theoretical plugin that needs to be functional equivalent to Autodesk MOBU or Iclone pro.

    Now consider that BVH Does NOT Create Foot floor contact solving so any imported Data will likely have some foot slide requiring you to manually animate the strength of the Daz studio IK reach effector for any weight shifting, foot planting motion from the capture so your theoretical plugin would not be a"one button" solution ( hint MOCAP never is)

    FYI-Blender, Iclone,MAYA,MAX All have professional realtime IK foot/ floor contact solving

    Also consider that once you pay for the Capture suit, the plugin and Import your MOCAP into Daz studio you have to render in 3Delight or the brute force Path tracer from NIVDIA .

    Some people render animations in IRay but many cite its long render time as the main reason they dont try animations at all.

    I'm down for payinng $200 for a retargeting program.  Heck I may just start paying someone to retarget it for me :)   I'm trying to make a movie and not be stuck on software all day or retargeting and such.  :)

    In other news - Do you port DAZ characters to Iclone then animate them there and then take to Max, Maya or C4d?  Does Iclone block you from exporting it out to those programs for render until you buy the interactive?  Or it still does it but not supposed to type situation?


    My current pipeline is to export my Daz figures to Iclone and animate them there (both body & facial) and export to Blender for render in the realtime EEVEE engine

    And yes you need the $600 USD Pipeline version of Iclone to export FBX ,Alembic or BVH out of Iclone,

    I understand your desire to use the Iphone based Facemojo plugin for Daz studio and I certainly understand your desire to render in UE4 over IRay or the decrepid 3Delight in Daz studio.

    What I do not understand is why you do not export your Daz figures to UE4 and use your mocap suit to retarget capture performances directly to them IN UE4 instead of waiting for a mocap parsing plugin for daz studio to be possibly developed someday.

    Mainly because the way FaceMojo works and mainly DAZ cannot get that great looking ahimation over to UE4.    Something about 1 level of subdivision.  

    How do you like the EVEE render in comparison to the UE4 realtime render?


    Unreal engine has higher realtime quality overall from the Demos I have seen, however I prefer Blender for rendering my animated films because it is an actual Full 3DCC application that I use for my custom Daz clothing creation and has better Fluid & Smoke,particle,Rigid body dynamics than UE4.

    Since you plan to render films in the slow brute force path tracer in Daz studio ,you may wish to invest in a pair of NVIDIA 2080's to get better render times although you will never approach the veiwport look dev or final render speed of EEVEE or UE4.
    1000 x 1736 - 668K
    Post edited by wolf359 on
  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715
    Artini said:

    I did a DAZ iray render with a background while I slept last night

    Great imagine what you can do with great MOCAP?  Especially if you know how to dance.  :)

    or imagine doing this in a few hours.

    I could have been doing mocap for years if I had the funds cheeky


    one reason I never bought a Kinect and the iClone 5 plugin was I cannot dance blush

    buying a suit and a dearer solution is never going to happen devil

    I have bought Kinect and iClone 5 plugin long time ago,

    but the results were not so good, so I have used them not so much.

    Maybe I need to try it with the newer computer.

    I guess, you have saved a lot of money, not buying them.

    Something interesting in the Iclone domain, is that there are no kinect-based 'plugins' to their new mocap infrastructure. They have their older mocap plugins that use kinect, but the new Ic7 tools do not have any of the usual Kinect-based interfaces, only the iphone face mocap, which uses an Apple variant. I found this interesting and perhaps telling.

    Ivy, if you are interested in playing a bit, the xbox 360 and xbox one Kinect devices have *really* dropped in price. xbox 360 kinect from gamestop for $20/$30 bucks? (xbox one kintects are probably still busting $100-ish - check ebay for better numbers). I think mjcasual has a basic script that can pull in very basic skeletons (check his pages for details) from a Kinect, and others have a variety of medium priced capture tools that might be transportable to DS. Poser 2014-dev might even have a kinect based mocap available for capture and pz2 import to DS. (?)

    That said, I'm with wolf359 on the general roughness of the kinect results in general - at least with my experiments. Perhaps other have gotten better results (Joe Pinkleton (sp?)).

    One of the reasons I'm moving my animation work to Ic7 is the new Curve Editor add-on has some mocap clean-up capabilities that I could only find in Motion Builder (not an option). I'll report back after I've played with it. Doing mocap cleanup manually isn't practical  but can be done, and compares to manual keyframing in terms of time/effort. Mjcasual also has a keyframe decimator script that has the nice *side-effect* of smoothing mocap data, but it wasn't really designed for that and can be hit/miss (but it decimates frames wonderfully in general - as was its intention).


  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837
    I used m mcasuals decimator script to cull the key frame data in the BVH files imported from Iclone for the Galactus Rising movie.
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