"There's Always Another Sale™" (Report sales issue here.)
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I bought all three of Polish's helicopter models individually, yet the Daz Shop still recommends the bundle to me at full price. So it seems like the store doesn't check to see if people own the items in a bundle?
For this sale, I didn't have any of the bundles, and...well, I still don't, haha.
Yes, if you didn't buy them as a bundle it still tries to sell you the bundle. Also if you but a Pro bundle it will try to sell you the Starter bundel for the same character even though that is included in the Pro bundle. I've got a web browser plugin I found somewhere on this site (but I don't remember where) that tells me what items in a bundle I've already bought.
Apparently, there's supposed to be a new store by the end of the year. Fingers crossed it'll have more robust functionality than the current one. It'd be nice if the system could check which products a buyer has and automatically discount the bundle, rather than Daz having to send out a coupon.
Bundles within bundles in the Feed the People Bundle seem to be buggy. If I go to the 'Out to Dinner Bundle' product page, it shows that I have purchased that bundle; but I still do not own (and DIM does not offer) any of the component products except for the two I already owned.
Well I know it is Saturday night and customer service probably wont get to this till Monday but I am having the same issue as others with the Feed the People Bundle, waited all day to pull the trigger on this because others reported this issue this morning I bought this at 10p.m. cst and I am missing over half of the bundle items.
You can see in the first screen shot what items I should have received and in the second which ones I did get, I guess I'll wait for this to get fixed before I actually dl everything
Same here. While I owned most of the stuff in the Feed The People bundle there were two items in the Out To Dinner bundle part that I didn't own. I bought the Feed The People bundle and my product library now says I own the Out To Dinner bundle but does not show the two items in it that I didn't previously own.
Crap. Same here. The Out to Dinner Bundle only shows the two items I had before buying the Feed the People bundle. Same problem with the Crazy Chef Bundle and the FG Ice Cream Parlor Bundle.
This has been reported.
Is there any word on the missing items from the bundles within the Feed The People bundle? They still haven't showed up for me.
I'll be surprised, (and delighted,) if this issue gets fixed before Monday. For me, at least, I'm not in a hurry to use the products from the one bundle I didn't already have. RL has been keeping me very busy this summer. (And sore as h3ll, with all the physical labor involved!)
I just want to applaud Daz for once for giving those of us who own all the $2.99 characters a perk of a discount off our cart. Thank you Daz!
I second that
Was that sarcasm or do I again Not qualify because I only own half of the items (leaving me the choice of three items including the Samurai hair piece?
(Looking for the vomit emoji)
Nope not sarcasm
Wow. I own all but one, Karyukai Maiko for Genesis 8 Female(s), and got nada. Selfishly, I've really been liking the discounts for owning different percentages. Oh, well... I'll just put the few things I like on my wishlist and wait for a better discount.
The Fast Grab items for two to three days have shown full price. Please check on that? I didn't get the one I wanted and it isn't there now, and I am not going to do that again, it needs fixing. Unless I am the only one it misbehaves for.
All fast grabs show 70% off for me on the fast grab page. I didn't put any in the cart to see if the discount held, though.
This looks similar to the problem folks had with the science room bundle..
Did a deal associated with the hunger bundle getting a percentage off certain items disappear? There was something that said get 5 items with an extra discount and I have those items in my cart but they no longer get the extra discount...
I also have seen these items properly discounted.
Just noting that I'm having the same issues as others with the Ice Cream Bundle and Out to Dinner Bundle, which I acquired via purchasing the Feed The People bundle. I saw the post where it had been reported to Daz CS, just wanted to confirm that I'm also having the issue of the bundles showing as purchased, but I can't access any of the items from the bundle in the Product Library for download.
It's now showing the right price. Thanks! I did lose out on the couch and poses one from a day or so ago. That never cleared up. :(
The prices seem to be fixed, and the bundle deal will be available through September.
I think what Wonderland was referring to was the 60% discount on up to 5 select items with the purchase of the Feed The People Bundle. That discount no longer appears in the ad and I am not seeing it in my cart. So, apparently it has already been pulled and is no longer available.
Two questions. First any update on IGD Just Sit Poses for Genesis 8 Female? I checked downloading it and still cannot through any means. Also is this the official thread for posting an issue like content that can't be downloaded? If not, may I make a minor suggestion to create a sticky thread for these types of posts?
These "sales" that keep overriding the 30% off discount that was advertised when I purchased my PC+ subscription awhile back, and is still advertised, is really starting to make me regret purchasing it. We're supposed to get 30% off, and you're telling me unless I make *another* purchase, I'm stuck with the much lower 8-12 percent off? Absolutely unacceptable.
Wait a day. The 30% discount will be back once this sale is over.
Funny, I thought that during the faces and shapes sale too, been several days since then though.
Where are you seeing only 8-12% off Daz Originals, for me they all have 30% off.