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Here you go @ColinFrench

Not to disparage anyone else's opinion because all are valid but, for me, this was a great deal. I love Western and Steampunk themes. I especially love going back to items I pass in the Gen 4 figures for lack of time, funds or whatever and picking those up for peanuts. I am at heart a collector and make a legitimate effort at least to produce a render with each and every purpose. I fail miserably at that, but it is what I aspire to do so the colleting remains or interest to me.
For me, the characters in a bundle are often tertiary to the other stuff the bundle that I'm interested in more, those being outfits and hairstyles. Also, bundles are the main way that I end up with pose packs. I almost never buy pose packs as standalones, but will often end up acquiring them through bundles, or via 'buy this bundle and get x amount from this pose category for free'. I can do my own posing, and this strategy (poses acquired via bundles and as 'bonus items' for sales) has ended up filling in my pose library anyways...
I can always use more hairstyles, and while outfits are often just variations of outfits I already have, occasionally the outfits being offered are sufficiently interesting to me. High Heels are often a check in the negative column here, while low heels are a check in the positive column for me when considering items, but no sense rehashing that here. Even with not seeking out high heeled outfits, I nonetheless still have a plethora of high heels in my library, mainly due to the occasional killer sale and pro bundle sales.
Occasionally, though, yeah the core character will be the main reason I buy the bundle, The Aikos, Sakura 8, Dain 8 and Dasan 8 come immediately to mind.
I do also appreciate it when a character is being offered in both Genesis 3 and 8 versions, and this applies to clothing and hair as well. This was definitely a selling point r.e. Celani 8 for me.
Once in a blue moon, someone decides to offer Genesis, Genesis 2, Genesis 3 AMD Genesis 8 versions of stuff in the same product. That almost never happens, but I've seen it once or twice recently... Sometimes I like to go back to Genesis 2 due to the 'look' of that period of Daz characters, when I want to change up things a bit.
You can get the banner from the Messages page in your account, or the Messages entry in the menu that opens when you click the person icon at top-right.
@blkcrow820 I'm not sure about the rest of it, but the belt and shirt are from:
Odd, I've purchased a lot of Gen 8 Pro Bundles, including all but Scar for the last 6, and I've got no banner and no message. I guess I still don't spend enough for Daz's liking lol
Edit: Also, Richard, @ANGELREAPER1972 was more concerned that the actual banner discount wasn't applying than the banner disappeared. So it seems that there is something wonky overall with the banner this time around - some not getting it as expected, and some who get it but the discount isn't working.
I'll wait to see the dust settle on this sale rollout to see if this gets straightened out.
Edit #2: well on a whim I tried the banner code and it's working for me, but I still have no banner and no message in my account. Strangeness indeed!
Looks like the that's the whole outfit except for the dagger
I've been fascinated with the idea of doing wild west art for over 20 years. I've been really terrible at it. This pro set provides clothes, guns, poses, etc.. that all fit together. Heck we even have hair that fits under hats! Now all we need is a Wild West town to go with it all. Or did I miss that?!
I have one render of Honni 8 to offer in the Everyday Cowgirl Outfit. I had a choice, give up the hat or the hair, the hat lost. I didn't want to track down a 'hat squasher' tool. That is her default skin translucency, no makeup, eyes as they load. I modified Those_Things ASP Pose 22 to accomodate the gun and a bit smaller chair. The building is from The Streets of The Wild West #17.
Pricey, but very, very good.
There are also a lot of old west vignettes in PC+ for around $1.99, all of them worth a look.
Or this, which I don't have so don't know how good it is:
Hey Ron
One of her eyes is looking at me. The other one, not so much.
Looks good! You may be interested in this for your hair/hat problem
Glitchy sales experience for me. Tried to put together some test carts. My cart changes prices, the PC discount applied, then it didn't. The add on discounts applied, then didn't, then did. Makes me nervous.
I appreciate the folks posting renders. Thank you.
Substantively, I like many of the items that have a Western theme. I blew this month's Daz budget on Joe Quick. Undecided.
Thanks very much for a quick response. To me, Amity definitely looks better with Honni dialed in. Hmmm, decisions, decisions.
DMax (and others!), thanks! Wow! I've added it to my wishlist. Oh, wait, does her hair have a "hat fit" mode?!
@RonKnights it's pricey but nice and can be had for below $10 during a big sale.
Yes, thank you. She's a lot more girl-next-door without Honni. Honni does give her the Emyrs eyes and cheekbones. There are other base characters you can dial in, though. Which is what I'll be doing.
DMax, I already spent all my available "mad money" this month. But I really appreciate the information.
I have one render of Honni 8 to offer in the Everyday Cowgirl Outfit. I had a choice, give up the hat or the hair, the hat lost. I didn't want to track down a 'hat squasher' tool. That is her default skin translucency, no makeup, eyes as they load. I modified Those_Things ASP Pose 22 to accomodate the gun and a bit smaller chair. The building is from The Streets of The Wild West #17.
Yeah I have it, but I was in a 'mood' and not ready to stress myself or my computer more. I did this on my desktop that crashes if I look at it funny. And I am stealing time away from a project to play with her.
But, I like her. She has a strong face that can be pretty, classy, elegant, whatever you need. I really want to see what Divamakeup does with her, as she is an artist.
Really makes me wonder what the hell is going on then, that they give it to some, but not others who normally get it since they are potentially costing themselves sales.
Remember the sales that will be coming in the next four months. I expect you will be able to get this bundle for a great deal, if not free during one of them, if past experience holds true.
Same here. Hope a matching male is up next!
Generic "Adventure Girl"... it's been done better before - and recently - with Angharad and Sahira. I have no interest in her whatsoever... and that's fine!
DAZ had really been nailing it with the core figures lately... so many characters that I'm thirsty for (Kwan, Kayo, Scar) or at least intrigued by (Celani, Ashan, Angharad, Valentino, Alawa...) It's oddly refreshing to get a core figure I can pass up without a second thought :) my wishlist was starting to feel a little bloated!
Cheers to all that like Honni! :)
A horse and the open range is at least as important as any town or town folk, anyway.
Holt 8, most likely.
@The Blurst of Times "Honni 8 is dififcult to deal with right now because she's in Lost and Found. Her files are not set up properly, so nothing appears under "Figure", "Materials", "
Maybe in "Smart Content", but Honni's resources are in the right place in the Content Library.
"Your Library">People>Genesis 8 Female>Characters>Honni 8 and "Your Library">People>Genesis 8 Female>Characters>Honni 8>Materials>Iray
I priced it out, with the $30 store credit it comes out to $27 using the purple banner and add-on discounts. I really could use the Cowgirl outfit, I need a western outfit that's Rated G. But the bundle overall... 3 sets of unwanted poses, the Ruthless character looking like an old Genesis 1 hack, and I already own the one outfit. Then the character with the scar, a good, legitimate character but it doesn't go with this bundle. Do I just get the Cowgirl outfit for $18 or get it all for $27? It would have been worthwhile with another outfit and steampunk item. Even for $27, is it worth it?
mwokee, your price in cart was $57, correct? Just wanted to check, I've had a few different totals come up since last night.