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Good grief...wireless anti-static wrist straps?
Well, think the folks who buy those would be interested in a couple of pints of Blinker Fluid?
And yeah...stepping on an upside-down IC with bare feet...not fun.
I've stepped on a few component lead snippings over the years, lol.
If you have a lot more time to kill (about 42 minutes +), Adam has a cool new one regarding making cool stuff.
There are quite a few techniques he uses that I've used over the years, like the fit-testing stuff before final assembly of the parts. Case and point, fit testing a copper sheet heat sink idea for that cheesy PCB in the light.
The fun ended when that wire came off the PCB, lol.
much better now.
It's still not exactly ready to go, at least now it is not melting away.
ZarconDeeGrissom have you looked at the NZXT GRID+ V2 fan control system? Controls up to 6 fans with software, you can even monitor your system on your Android, iPad or iPhone. It connects one of the internal USB ports on your System Board. If you are using all of those, they make a Internal USB Hub. There is a review of the GRID+ V2 over at Think Computers.
I thought I would point out something I find interesting and is most likely a cost saving feature.
The area where the card is the hottest, has no interaction with the Heatsink, it is relying on air alone to cool the components.
With the machining abilities, one would think it would be rather easy to add that area on to the heatsink, thus making it cooler.
This is most likely to save the cost of machining a plate to cool these parts. Oh and let us not forget the cost of the heatsink paste.
One might think they were building in fatigue failure. How long was that warranty for?
Morning, my rant is aimed at the industry, not you. I will look at that after I get some coffee.
Errr, I've considered software controlled controllers like that in the past, and the biggest pitfall of a software fan controllers... That I am having with the EVGA GTX960, is that without the software running, the fans don't run. EEEK! And EVGA PrecisionX refuses to start up with windows. Further more, I need a simple thermal controlled fan with external thermal sensor for other stuff that has NO processor running windows in it (Power supplies, amplifiers, radios, battery chargers, inverters, etc). The only thing that would possibly except a computer drive bay fan controller is my Kurzweil's, IF I remove the drives in them (not going to happen).
So, unless it is a 'stupid' hardwired analog controller with plugs for thermal sensors, and is small enough to fit neatly inside an inverter or other device, it is not of much use for me.
There is a 4-pin HDD power plug in there to work with. No USB, or anything else tho, lol.
lol. The amazon warrantee only covered the cost of the warrantee, lol.
So one of these days when the computer resets (for whatever reason) and I'm not home to click on that PrecisionX thing to start up the GTX960 fan control software, it will be a well roasted EVGA GTX960 with no replacement. That's not cool
As for the Vreg cooling, I also suspect it would have restricted what litle room there is for air flow, and that would have made things far worse then just heating up the GPU a tad more. As GamersNexus discovered with some GPU water coolers that also cool the other chips instead of having a fan cool the non-GPU stuff tends to make the GPU run hotter on some cards.
I think it was that one...
Have you done some 'back of the envelope' calcs. for those fans?
I would, but who uses envelopes these days, and it's not so easy on the back of an email header!
Those are those rectangular folded pieces of paper that hold other things, right?
I think I remember what they are...kind of like 8-tracks.
You could always try the backs of Punch Cards? or your parents monthly Sears bill?
I understand they like it was you fold, spindle and mutilate the cards.
Ah, not as much maths as actual measurements in the computer based on component temps. I did that string test for stator angle way back in the day when I read a quote in an BTX spec doc that indicated that stators can improve a ducted fan's air flow (*1, I never bothered to verify the numbers). The results were easy enough to detect in AIDA64 comparing before and after results.
I think the phrase is, "Paper scraps on a knee" if I remember the joke correctly from a Venera mission documentry... "razrabotan s ogryzkom karandasha i obryvkov bumagi na kolene."?
(EDIT) BTX not ATX, oops. *1, I may be wrong with that 30% improvement statement, tho a graph better shows the advantages.
More air flow at lower RPM, can be less tonal noise as well from the fan at the same CFM output. Graph from the BTX Design spec, 2004 Intel (graphs for reference only).
Yea, that is not a 30% improvement over a no-stator high flow fan. Over the cheesy LED glow fans (green in former chart) it is a huge improvement, lol.
And that is how a stator can improve CFM, by turning 'swirl' into more axial exhaust velocity (lowering the back pressure on the fan Blades so they can move more air).
Graphs from, "20040805174550_BTX_System_Design_Guide_1.0.pdf",
Don't forget the Hydraulic press to get it flat enough to wright on, just be carful because paper likes to explode in a press, lol.
and books as well, lol.
Morning. My apologies y'all, the past month I've been a tad out of touch with what's going on at the store.
There was some stuff that I was oblivious of being launched until it was brought to my attention in PM.
If only I had some play funds left to get some of them, perhaps in a few days things will be better. I do have some random stuff here to play with in the mean time. Perhaps in a few (When my hands worm up) I'll drag some of that out to have some fun. This time of the year, MCC gets cold when the computers go idle after finishing jobs, and I forgot to set the thermostat up from summer settings, brrr
lol. It just broke 60F, Woo-hoo!
In separate news, I figured out that fan speed controller
It took a bit to figure out how to translate the settings for it, tho I did succeed.
I need a setting for 30c (86F) minim to max at 40c (104F). Unfortunately it looks like a PIC chip is doing all the work, so that may not be possible at all (I don't have a PIC programmer.). I may be able to fudge it by soldering a resistor in parallel with the TNC plug.
Note to self. FFB1212EHE minimum kickover V is 3.5VDC
, NF-F12 IPPC2k minimum kickover V is 5.5VDC
Morning, Had a bit of a late evening working on a costume...
lol. As for cooler things, Only fit-testing some stuff, tho the Core1300 is starting to take shape.
So, while I look at my daz inventory and check out some rings and stuff, how about a blast from 2015 with a bit of a good glimpse at a really cool first stage compressor.
It's where I got this cool screen-cap from.
And "a well-chewed stub of a pencil", if we're really doing a Russian 101 =)
Here's a popular local joke:
A spy sends a code message to another, "We have successfully recovered the classified diagrams of that new Russian missile, but somehow whenever we try to assemble it, it looks like a steam train!"
The other spy replies, "Pay close attention to the notes on the diagrams! Is there anything there?"
The first spy checks the notes, "Yes... It says, 'After assembly, finish with a metal file till acceptable'..."
...and BTW, I saw all those messages saying how newest Nvidia drivers unlocked their GPU-accelerated Photoshop filters and decided to try those drivers out. So, the 373.06 WHQL is a fairly awesome version - I can even run this newest Substance Designer version that has non-removable Iray dependencies, and it doesn't BSoD on me. So Zarcon, this version may be worth checking out.
That's even more funny, having seen a few National Geographic expeditions up north. The crews were amazed when the vehicles broke down, and the drivers would pull out a bag of spare parts and files and file the bits of metal down to fit in where the worn out parts were. Truly incredible construction that dose not need precision CNC machined parts to get it running again.
The biggest problem I had with the newer drivers was the random periods of non-responsiveness with many programs that used the Active-X/OpenGL stuff (Sonar X1, Daz Studio, Browsers, etc). For whatever reason, the GPU would spontaneously drop to 100MHz and zero load doing nothing, then it would snap out of it and come back to life, it was not just in games as many reviewers had discovered. I will look at 373.06 WHQL, if it is available for Win7. It has been a busy weakened caring speakers for a few holiday parties, and today should be the last one for a short while, then I can start to look at other ideas again.
So, as for other random thoughts, it's just a thought
because I want to know what is up with the Tharsis region.
I want to see the plumbing for the volcanoes, I want to see where the fault lines are under Valles Marineris (not just on the surface), etc. lol.
Have you got an Android device handy? I found this simple wind tunnel and created the geometry of a basic PC.
Search the google play store for Wind Simulator.
Its only 2D, with no thermal component or fans, but it's fun to play with and you get a rough idea of flow, turbulence and dead spots!
Even in 2D, cool toys like that and the Java wave tank are very good toys to have around to hash out concepts before taking an idea to the next level of complete simulation.
I actually did not do a computer sim of a computer case, I did it a tad more low-tech using bits of scrap and building prototypes (years ago). I don't know if that wave tank will work on anything after XP, tho I should give it a try. There are many cool toys like that, and it need not be precise for a preliminary 'Will it work' pass threw. Remember when I was asking if it was possibly to get a shader that dimmed light depending how thick the object was, it was for a similar kind of toy (simulating wall insulation thicknesses of odd shapes like a wall made of stacked cylinders was what I was thinking of).
As for that shelf speaker, I've only played with the idea as a concept. It's not a real speaker.
P.S. it is a shame that is not available for windows,
it looks super good for quickly hashing out many simple things.
Try using Bluestacks to run Android apps on a PC.
ok, I will give that a try in a bit, as it will be useful given the challenges of this thing given the likes of what came to my attention this morning (yea, I'm behind the curve a bit, it's been busy)
If you have an EVGA GTX10xx with the ACX3.0 cooler (list of affected cards is at Gamers Nexus's site and elsewhere), just get it addressed, overheated FETs do not give warnings before it's to late.
So, if that sim thing has enough resolution with the obstructive blocks, it will be incredibly usefully for the GTX960, as there is not a lot of room to work with.
Now granted, the GTX960 VRM is no where near as hot as the GTX10xx cards, it is still to hot for my comfort regarding thermal expansion between idle and load temps across the PCB. So I will look into ways to cool that a bit more without sacrificing airflow threw the limited heatsink volume on the card. The only thing the Heatsink is cooling is the GPU, everything else is on it's own on the GTX960.
Another thing, you can see how close the electrolytic capacitors are to the inductors on that card. The life expectancy of electrolytic capacitors is a function of temperature. A 1000 hour 105c rated cap will only last for 41.666 days at 105c, and some of the GTX10xx VRMs run hotter then that.
Rant warning.
Looks like a really good bargain, and for the base figure it is. There is a really good set of morphs with Tj7, and when combined with "Growing Up" by Zev0 makes for a solid set of morphs to add a hint of real human to some of the more extreme figure shapes out there. (oops, forgot about "Abdomen Size" dial from "Shape Shift")
Unfortunately, the pro bundle is not worth the trouble. If only I had a screen cap of all the tickets I had submitted before they were swept off the back of the zen desk on to the floor to be kicked around till forgotten. It's Not just the stuff in the TJ7 pro bundle that just dose not work on G3F figures. I'm not sure if it took that long to get the memo out to PAs that the beta-G3F shape was drastically different from the final version, or if it was just that much of a backlog of older generation stuff being forced on to G3F with FBMs that just don't work on G3F's lower base mesh density threw Auto-follow.
So, if you have that promo in the store and don't already have her, go ahead and go for the base figure, just don't get the other stuff from the pro bundle. It has been fourteen months and counting, and apparently there is no incentive to fix any of the broken stuff in the pro bundles.
And, just so I'm clear, I'm not against buying stuff from daz3d, just that some of the older Gen7 stuff dose not work. Besides, I need some hair, and hopefully something in that list will work, lol. A while back I thought I had Gossamer, as it is now at full price. I'm a tad more tempted to get Bahia despite EJ's former gen7 stuff having significant difficulties on there own figures, lol. Eh, it's been over a year, they had to have gotten the memo by now
I'm not just throwing away play-funds am I
Eh, spontaneous buy-now, we will find out together
, lol.
Why no Izabella7 in that order? Well you can say I'm a tad hesitant.
I thought Izabella was traditional a Fae/Elf,
yet the five good promos of her head have ears "that are distinctly Ori in origin"
Oh, sorry not SG1, lol. The ears are distinctly human in the close up promos, and the listed morphs is not exactly forthcoming, so I have some doubts.
What are you saying is broken in the pro Bunmdle content? I'm not at all following the images.
Sorry, it is a tad fuzzy in the small thumbnails, nothing new just the same old auto-follow poke threw problems. Link added to former post. I'll try to make that a little more visible next time with ones that are not so young (like the figures in the TJ7 pro bundle and other TJ7 figures). Back to happy thoughts.
That's one I discovered in the DIM updates section yesterday before making the former post. So some stuff is being worked on, and that's good. The outfit is Pixium Dress for generation 6 (G2F), the wings are included with that.
I figured I should look at that after the update, and I'm happy with that. It has no problems fitting FW Faylinn for generation 6 (G2F) without any adjustments at all, and appears to follow poses quite well. My skills with facial expressions is a tad lacking on that render, lol. BTW, the pose came from the Faylinn bundle, I kind of like them. The Tsukiakari hair and lantern (Elven Fantasy) are EJ generation 6 (G2F) items.
Other stuff is giving me a tad bit of grief, as DIM lost it's mind with my new email address. It's installing stuff in a location that dose not exist on a drive with no room for it, lol.
Now I have already told dim the correct path to put the stuff on and re installed all of it, yet some stuff is still (But why is the rum gone) lol.
It will just take a bit to get CMS back to it's normal self is all it is.
OK that got Izabella7 working, yet not Gossamer, grrrr.
I win, lol.
OK, first impression, NICE!
The outfit looks good in 3delight, and so far no grief with the outfit.
Oh, and Izabella7 dose have Fae ears
Each item on the Gossamer outfit can have a different color set, and I got a tad carried away there clicking random stuff. There is a few items hiding in the figure bone tree (just a reminder), so a bit of digging is needed to get to the wings and flower hairpiece. Over rather pleasant to have fun with compared to other stuff.
As for the Batibat hair, the bangs do appear to be independent zones, so they can be made transparent when you want to see the face. The color options are not as impressive as some EJ's gen6 elf styles, tho there is more then just the standard blond/black/brown colors.
There is a nice set of variations on the regular colors (That's good), the more exotic fae colors are a tad lacking without two-tone settings. I suspect with some tedious zone shader setting origami, some bit of multi-color may be possible, it is a nice style with lots of zones.
Tad bit of a disclaimer regarding this rendition of Izabella7, it's not 100%, and I used a custom alt shader I made from DES Grace mats.
I didn't feel like waiting over half an hour for AoA face-plant time on the test renders, lol.
Morning, working on my first cup of coffee here. Yester day I had a litle fun with FWSA Yulia and Izabella 7, lol.
That is indeed FWSA Yulia, I just swapped out the V7 shape dials for Izabella 7, just out of courosity.
As for the Bahia Tropical Outfit, there was some dificulties on some figures (breasts, groin, the usual spots). Fornately there is some adjustment dials in the outfit to work around the trublesem spots unlike other stuff.
I realy don't have anything for Shiloh yet, it was just a quick "Dose it fit" test. Time for some coffee, and to play some more. Oh, by the way, Yulia's new earrings and bracelets (bangles, whatever, lol) came from FWSA Monika and the rings from Ring Collection for G3F. BTW, that Geneva hair is incredibly usable for many poses, because it has bones to pose the bangs/wisps and the tail (I did swap out the ponytail band with the three fuzzy toroids some time ago, explained in a vey old post way back).
In separate news, I'm looking at adding one more dial to that set. It is still a WIP, I'll keep y'all apprized when I'm 'Shure' it dose what I want it to and it is good to go. I may actually add a second for something else, tho it is a toss up for now.
(EDIT 11NOV2016) Oops, my bad, Monica earrings and bracelet, not FWSA Ginnifer, Sorry.
I've got the Ginnifer stuff on a to-be render with FWSA Shiloh.
Today's random component scene render, lol.
FWSA Shiloh checking out the Modular Lounge from the Future Quiet deck on the GIS Sigma ship. I think she is ready for a night out with that Keyhole Style and her hair done up in the Kylan style. The reserved Ring Collection with the Ginnifer bracelets and ear rings are a nice complement to the Wild Spirit necklace. Perfect moment for a selfie, lol.
I'll be completely open with what settings I have fussed with thus far. I did not do much with Shiloh's basic shape, tho I did look at a possible variation "Down there" with some new dials I added to the set. I'm not totally sold on those specific settings, tho the dials appear to work well.
I also did look at a alt shader for her as well, I may stick with this for now as it looks really good.
Over all, I'll need to fuss around a tad more I think, tho Shiloh is as much of a pleasant surprise as Izabella7 was in the former post
Today's random component scene render, lol.
FWSA Ginnifer (75%) Izabela7 (25%) with a bunch of random stuff, lol. Some of Fisty's Ring Collection with the Ginnifer earrings and Monika bracelets. Gossamer outfit necklace. Anjou Hair stock black preset. AElflaed's Fancy Shaders on, Hot Topic top, Yulia skirt protection (Panties), and HOT Cheerleader 1 (top zones invisible).
Those are Ginnifer's maps, I just got lazy and just used the settings I made for Yulia on Ginnifer's maps, it looked good enough to me. I'll need to get them together, because there is a difference in color between them (that's good).
Nothing spectacular as far as mixing figure shapes, just a bit of extra adjustment "down there".
Meanwhile at the Allen, Pine tree Moss (Juniper Haircap Moss), and Fern Ranch.
Looks like a windstorm did something the past two days.
It is not as bad as it looks.
No one was harmed, and only the fence took a hit from the fallen tree. My neighbor was kind enough to bring it to my attention, as I had not noticed the thud over normal traffic noise on the road out yander.
Soo you've got oaks there, or is my leaf-fu beyond rusty? =)
Nope...leaf-fu is working...those be some species of Quercus.
lol, my leaf-fu is horrendous at best. There are some Evergreens and some Deciduous trees as well, I'm guilty of needing to look up the opposite of Evergreen while typing that (blushing). I don't know what Deciduous trees around here are oaks, tho I suspect a few, the squirrels really like the acorns a lot, lol. Across the road is a Maple syrup (small) farm, so my yard may be a healthy mix of trees over all. About all I remember from high school biology class regarding tree identification, is that white pines have five needles on each bundle and the red pine has two needles per bundle, or something like that.