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I think there are maple leaves scattered in there as well, although these are different maples than those I'm familiar with.
And we don't have any of those pines here; shame, they're pretty. We have this one everywhere - - and this one in Siberia - - and the Siberian one has those edible seeds.
At school we're taught to distinguish between those, the local spruce ( - the "New Year tree" ) and the larch. It's fairly easy, though; they are all very different.
Yea, most of the rocks around here don't have much for leaf fossils in them, so I end up using Google a lot, lol. When it comes to living trees, it's nothing more then when is it a good time to rake the yard, between the first snow and the last leaf to fall (yes, that was in the correct order, lol). That bit about the edible needles is a good one to know, I don't think we have anything quite like that here aside from the Syrup (We may and I just don't remember). I should go back and look at that squirrel vid, I was watching the squirrel not looking at the trees.
I guess the bark on a tree can also hint to the kind of tree, or something like that.
Those are very interesting ears on that squirrel.
As for other stuff, I had got sidetracked from working on another kit-bash figure. FWSA Ashlyn, sort of. I like the eye color option, that's new, I think(?) Yulia had some nice options as well. There may be another, I'll need to look.
That Batibat hair can be a major hit to render times (Not to be confused with Face-plant time). I may have missed a zone somewhere with a Iray shader still on it.
A little bit of Kalea7 with Ashlyn.
I did adjust the colors a tad to, Attempt, to match the tint in the Promos. I'm not sure I quite got it yet.
And on the note of shaders, I've been living under a rock apparently. There is a new Iray shader thing, that I will not attempt to pronounce the name of, there are easier to pronounce Permian species then that Angus Beef or Agony-To-Learn thing, lol.
I am still reading threw the thread for it, and have a few How To Use It questions that I have yet to see answers to.
(EDIT) I just drudged through to page ten, and now I'm not sure if it is a shader or some kind of converter thing. So far, looks more like an Agony-To-Learn how to tweak the settings to look good rather then it being Angus Beef
(Especially for geo-grafts like horns, mermaid fins, or "Critical Equipment"), lol. (End of Edit)
And not to be understated or overshadowed by other things going on, It was not just the initial 7.8 in New Zeland,
There has been a lot of rather nasty after shocks as well.
Hmm, some details may be a tad overkill I guess.
I see some potential there, and a spot that needs to be adjusted.
Some stuff needs a lot more work tho, perhaps I'll revisit the earrings later on. I'll probably barrow the hooks from another set, like Yulia's earrings (not to share, just for future renders. BYO earring hooks, lol.).
And the rest of the kit is MIA, lol. So, that is 50% FWSA Ashlyn mixed with 50% Kalea7, with two Zev0 dials added in (Shape Shift + Growing up). Completely custom color on the hair, not included with Batibat. And a custom DazDefault mod of AElflaed's Fancy on Egyptian Outfit and cuffs from Gossamer Outfit.
It's the seeds (from the cones) that are edible, although I think needles have some health benefits if you make tea out of them, but more often needles are boiled and the resulting "solution" is used to make soap or just for adding into baths. Smells nice.
That squirrel =)) To me, it has perfectly normal ears, but a few people did tell me that Russian squirrels have different ears than those in the US, for instance.
Those trees the squirrel was having fun on are most likely linden or some kind of this - (I know the generic Russian name but not which one would be the right one in English). Those are the most common trees in that part of the park.
Yeah, that looks like a European/Asian squirrel.
The edible pine seeds...the most common thing they are called is pine nuts. There are several species throughout the world with edible seeds, including the Italian Stone Pine, the Pinyon Pine of the American Southwest and a bunch of others.
lol, yea, the squirrels over this way have tiny little round ears. Unfortunately they only stay still and ignore me if I don't have a camera in my hand, lol.
I kind of thought there was a chance the trees were imports for a park, possibly, tho was not sure. I should have not made the same assumption about the edibility of the pine needles, lol. Squirrels go after the seeds, so I guess it is a matter of what ones people find the least bitter tasting.
We have a lot of regular grey squirels around here (New York state), we also have an all while one and two that are partially white, I'm guessing from the same family, they're very cool looking.
Morning y'all (Give or take a few time zones).
Before I fell asleep at the keyboard I did get Yulia and Ginnifer into the same scene. Some stuff was from the former scenes that I was setting up preliminary alt shader mat presets, hence some extra stuff not visible in the scene. I will try to get the two figures playing cards or something so the skin tone tint is more visible in a render. I was thinking of a simple close up of the hands with rings and bracelets yesterday, tho I'll go with whatever happens, lol.
Trees. I was thinking about that 'common tree' bit most of the evening, and I think I can understand how some words can imply many things not intended. Populus is not exactly a sought after tree for making sailing ship masts or other stuff, so it ends up with a generic name (It's a nothing special tree, lol). So given a name like common or popular, I can understand if a translator spits out a word that can imply a bad thing in another context.
I have also had translators give a translation that dose not maintain context when it is translated back, lol. So far that only appears to be a difficulty with mandarin and Latin (SG1 Alteran). I suspect part of it is that many words can be used in place of others in a sentence.
Now I honestly do not know the Russian alphabet, so I haven't a clue what all that stuff on the right is. I recognize that it is Russian, and that is the extent of it. A pre schooler probably knows way more then me.
So, back to the tree, I see a few in that list that could be what that squirrel was having a good day on. Being a Popular or common tree, impossible to tell without DNA testing I guess, lol. It's a tree (derevo), and the Squirrel (belochka) is the big star in that vid.
Perhaps if I keep using that Google translate tool, I'll pick up more words then just prosti (sorry), da (yes), net (no), and most importantly spasibo (thank you).
(EDIT) and I just stumped the translator I think, just trying to be funny. "Bird Feeder" gives (kormushka dlya ptits), yet "Squirrel Feeder" gives (fider belka)? Hmmm.
fider belka, ili kormushka dlya belochka?
Every now and then, you run across something that just looks painful.
Just watching the rings when the figure shape dial is spun hints at what is going on.
The figure mesh is shaped for shorter arms, however the bones are not being adjusted for the figure proportion, from the looks of it. Fortunately, it is only the one figure in my collection that dose that (excluding hair on shorter figures). It is easy enough to position the rings in the correct location, however because the bones are not in the correct location, the pose will determine in what direction the rings will need to be offset to line up with the figure mesh. Pose first, then adjust ring positions.
And just to eas some out there, this is DES Grace (same PA) with the same pose and rings, no problems at all. I'm sure it was a genuine mistake with Kitana.
(Edit 18nov2016), Looks like some of the early generation 7 3DU figures also have a slight offset on some bones. Again, pose first then adjust ring position.
Fisty, wow, thanks! It never occurred to me there are different _species_ of squirrels... and there are two in the US! I kinda thought all squirrels are like cats, just different "breeds" (squirrels are also kept as pets sometimes, soooo...). Silly me =D
Yes the squirrels I'm used to are these:
Zarcon, popular poplars and other populous Populus trees, LOL I'm just not good enough at biology to figure out which English word from that Wiki article is the one for this particular breed/species/whatever of topol that I see every day.
Kormushka dlya belochek, actually, or dlya belok if we are using the "official" form of the squirrel word and not an affectional one - a "belochka" is a nice little belka that you like =) Russian has all those suffixes, and endings for six cases for each of the three grammatical genders, so English-to-Russian automated translation often yields funny stuff. A tree - derevo - is "neuter" gender, so it's obshcheye not obshchiy. And then, the obshch-word is just one of the translations, it's "common" in the sense of "owned by several people" (like "common room" - an "obshcheye derevo" is something Wood Elves can have =D ). The "popular" common is obychniy or rasprostranenniy.
I'll know which tree it is when spring is here and it grows its leaves back.
I avoided 'belok' and swapped it with 'belochek' because the translation back to English for "belok" was "protein", that made me a tad uneasy. I can assure you, the family of squirrels that live in a tree out back are never going to be in danger of me trying to do anything to them other then get a picture of them playing on my deck railing
, one of these days.
So there is a few versions of 'common' I need to brush up on, along with some prefixes. If only it was not so late in the day for me, and I was not breaking figures at this point. (and after waking up with FGHJK key impressions across my forehand, lol)... Let me get some coffee and read that again.
'ili' verses 'libo', I presume 'ili' is more like 'or' and 'libo' is more like 'either' (or did I guess that one backwards)?
As for skin mat comparison (in 3dl openGL view-field), all with the former mentioned Zdg Yulia Alt settings... (All with V7 replaced with some amount of Izabella7) I need to add one more for the full ring collection.
Oh, that is very nice. A few dials to fit various elf ear shapes on that Samantha hair. Lots of fae style color to work with as well
Russian has words that only differ when spoken, depending on where the accent is: so, bElok is "of/for squirrels", and belOk is protein (masculine singular). The plural form of these words in the nominative ("sentence subject") case would be squirrels - "bElki" and proteins - "belkI" (it's a huge letter "i" at the end).
"Ili" and "libo" difference is purely stylistic, "libo" sounds a taaaaad more bookish. Russian has no special word like "either" in "either... or", it's just "ili... ili" or "libo... libo".
That render, getting ready for Christmas yet? =)
That's kind of profound for the render in progress, tho from the distant past and why it was so difficult to translate something (or break the code). So squirrel and protein differ in context and syllable weight or emphasis that is not written?. So "either squirrel or cute squirrel, they are squirrels, that live in trees" is something like "Ili bElok ili bElochek, oni yavlyayutsya bElkI, kotoryye zhivut na derev'yakh"? 'yavlyayutsya' and/or 'oni' I'm not sure of yet, I get one, the other, or both, depending what I type in to Google. I need to dig around some more?
The auto translation of 'in' into 'na' (on) from the Google translator brings up a good twist of spoken English. Termites live in trees, squirrels live on trees, yet it is common to just say birds and squirrels live in trees, lol.
Way off topic thought regarding 'Protein'. Many Sci-fi shows depict people of the future getting the entire day of nutrients from a single protein pill, yet that dose not consider how ulcers form from a lack of stuff for stomach acids to work on other then the stomach. Sounds like a painful future if a single pill is all we get to eat each day, lol. I'd rather live back in the day when Pharaohs had to guess what vowels go between the written hieroglyphic consonants. (OK render done, Time to find all the product pages to link to them)
Not a good close up of the G3F rings (yet), and there are a few more mat options for each ring style then humans have fingers, lol. There is a G3M variation of the ring set as well.
Excluding the Ankh Ankh Ra band from the Egypt bundle funny. Left to right is Yulia, Ginnifer, Livia, Vanessa, Shiloh, and Paloma. All using the same surface setting as Yulia, and with V7(or other) replaced with some amount of Izabella7. Outfit is a combination of Yulia's dress and Paloma's Keyhole style stockings and slippers.
The stripes in the keyhole stockings is incredibly easy to do, just select the zones and apply whatever shader you want.
And the the keyhole stockings work perfectly fine for lace as well.
The slippers and Yulia dress are using regular 3DL settings included with the outfits. More after I adjust some poses to get the hands closer together.
Yup, you guess that from the context.
Yavlyayutsya bElkami =) A yet another declension case. These are sorta like prepositions in English, like "listen to", you just memorise which goes where. Other than that, your sentence works. "Oni" is "they", and unlike many other languages that have grammatical genders, we only have a single "oni" pronoun regardless of whether "oni" are female, male or neuter. You can say "yavlyayutsya" without "oni" because the verb form contains the 3rd person plural markers already (for the present tense, that is), but in writing pronouns are usually not omitted.
Yeah, in Russian birds and squirrels are on the trees, same as stuff is on pictures (because they're flat) not in them. Now you know why Russians make funny mistakes with English prepositions =)))
I have the DAZ squirrel, and I keep meaning to make ear fur for it and maybe a small face morph to make it look more like "the squirrel I know".
I don't need a morph like that today, I don't have that squirrel (yet). Tho some day perhaps, a morph like that sounds good, if it is ever made. I thought there was a custom fur kit (like LAMH) squirrel, I must be thinking of the ferrite or something.
I'll need to drill that stuff some more to get it into my small little mind. Hopefully I'll be able to remember more then just 'ili' is ''or' without looking it up. Time will tell how much has soaked in tomorrow. Thanks, very much so.
lol. (Shifting gears)
I was just looking back threw the thread, and I never did list what was what with that funny Egyptian gents skit. All the wild props from the (not quite guitar) Ankh-tar to the Sundisk bolo-tie and Ra shades, are nothing more then mountains of D-formed primitives. The band is all generation6 figures. Dan (right) is on the six-string Ankh-tar fretless bass, Garen (left) is on the regular Ankh-tar, and Derek is on the Djed drums.
I'll need to dig a lot more for the boots hat and outfit, I think most of it was from M5 or M4, I think.
yea, I don't know. Well, One more render of the G2M band with the Izabella7 kit-bash elves before I move on.
FYI, that is a 16+GB 3DL elf and band scene with all them figures and make-shift band props, that is NOT going to fit in any consumer Graphics card that I know of, lol.
Morning, before turning on the monitor I tried to recite some words, and all I could remember was 'na' and ili' before looking. I got a few others wrong, 'derevo' not 'devo', etc. And I completely forgot the variations of Squirrel. I'll need to recite that a bit more.
Idle thought, "on" can imply a location and a state as in on vs off (ot?), is there another word for "on" that is the opposite of "the light is off" (ot), or is 'na' used for both situations? svet na, ili svet ot? svet vyklyuchen?? Is that the translator, or a remember what word to use thing?
As for other things....
Looks like some things are not limited to just G3F, however it looks like the generic "Expand all" on Myrddin robe may possibly work for Ipo.
There is enough zones to work with as well. Time to play a bit.
OK, a little bit of having some fun, lol.
Not exactly what I had in mind, tho it's something, lol. I decided to go a tad darker on Ipo's skin settings, and I'm struggling to figure our how to get the outfit to behave.
The skin settings was rather easy to adjust, and I think Ipo looks quite good like that. The rings look good, I'm still considering some aspects of what I had in mind and how to make it all work together. I'm also not sure about the hat, I may change the style some. There is potential there to do what I had in mind, it will just take more then what I have for G3M at the moment.
Auto-fit from G3F to G3M isn't exactly getting some stuff quite right. Yes I know there is some cross gender cloth fit product, I'm a tad short of play finds at the moment, I'll need to find another way. (I think I selected 'Shirt', there is no Skirt for that one. oops)
Chose the dresses/knee length option for skirts. It's not perfect but it's better than all the other choices.
Go into preferences in DS and change the bridge option to show advanced.
After you pose him bridge to hexagon and run the soften brush over the middle part on a strength of 15 to 20. (Change material setting to 3Delight first, Iray surfaces load invisible in Hex) Be careful around the edges, especially with single layer meshes it can get messed up fast there. This is double layer so it's a bit more forgiving.
Send back to DS (make sure you have the skirt actually selected in DS before you do, morph loader isn't quite as smart as the automatic bridge in that regard)
In the parameters tab apply the new fix morph and raise the smoothing itterations.
The panty thing works fine with the pants option for auto-fit and the smoothing raised to 10. I also loaded the top with the shirt auto-fit option and made everything but the belt invisible.
Oh, we had similar thoughts, lol. This just off the render press.
I dialed back a tad on Ipo (75% body, 50% head). I'll give that advanced thing a try, the Myrddin robe is good I'm just not sold on it.
I'd try putting the Samira Skirt over it, probably look cool. It has a bunch of adjustment morphs so shouldn't be overly hard once the auto-fit mangling is cleaned up.
OK, the C-string from the Samira outfit dose Auto-fit to Ipo just fine (Would not ketch me dead in that tho, lol).
The skirt needs a few more adjustments to work over that robe. It needs a back out, and a skirt flair dial to begin with, and that's not all. As a standalone (as Fisty showed in that really good looking render) it works surprisingly well, I just selected the wrong fit setting.
The jury is also still out on If I can make a set of adjustment dials for that and share it any way (no rush Richard Haseltine, just saying it's pending is all).
On a lighter note, I thought I had gone over some stuff many pages back. I think we all remember FW Eve at this point, and G2F7W.
I thought I had gone over the custom mod I did of Jaina, I'll get to that here in a sec. Also there is another new figure there, I'll call her "MJCP3D AnnaDewi", lol. The figure shape is MJC Anna (from shareCG), and the mats are from P3D Dewi. That is the Egypt dress and sandals from the Egypt bundle, and the hair is Sela Hair. (links pending)
I didn't alter anything from my initial work on an Alt Shader for P3D Dewi, tho Anna obviously can work with any other figures mats including regular G3F mats. The shape is 100% Anna with 50% Vanessa Ears 01, and nothing else.
My alteration of Jaina is a tad more expensive then MJC Anna above, lol.
You'll need FWSA Siblings, TJ6, Bella 6, Olympia 6, Kori for Olympia 6, EJ Bibi, and Growing Up for G2F.
And that is just for the figure shape and mats. The outfit is a massive kit-bash of many sets...
Nothing remotely beyond your mad skills with d-formers.
And yes, you can.. it's no different than your groin morphs for G3F, just extra morphs for a figure. That being said, not sure there would be a huge desire for it.. it already has a good selection of adjustment morphs for its intended use, and not many people are going to want to put it over a skirt or dress.
True, very true, If I had any thing resembling 'gumption', I would work on this or the MAG Gym set.
I just don't have it today, the thought of messing with fifty-folder deep directories just is not for today, lol. I'm happy to just blindly click on presets and toss a few dials.
Douh! Forgot the 3dl mat, lol.
Yep, this is going well. My ambition is on vacation today, and apparently so is Hexagon, lol.
Flipping quads back one point at a time, this will take a few days from the looks of it. I honestly feel like I'm wasting my time straightening out the spaghetti of G3F-to-G3M auto-fit.
It gives me that error almost every time I try to use smoothing on an item I've moded in the "regular" hexagon, very rarely when it's something I've brought over via bridge. It can be the exact same same object.. it's very weird.
It's all good, this just is not worth it.
I got almost all the Quads back to being quads, and now it needs to be straightened out a lot. This is enough to find out what I wanted to know. If it can be bridged back in as a usable morph dial or not with the advanced things. What I already had done was a waste of my time on that spaghetti.
Lets see if this works, lol. Nope, it created the dial, the dial dose not do anything. Hmmmm.
(EDIT, it was not the setting I thought it was that made the morph not work first time)
One little mistake, and a few hours wasted moving mesh points, lol.
I bet you it is pointless, as I suspect Auto-fit draws weights slightly different each time it is run on an outfit item. So a morph made to work perfectly this time will not be perfect on the next load of the outfit onto something, lol.
I saved the Hex file so I can work on it later if I have a desire to, I am not saving this dial (it needs more work at best).
A much easier way, may be to import the G3F one, cut off the front part and delete the rest, import the mangled G3M one, remove the mangled mesh, glue on the original G3F mesh, and send that back to Studio as a morph. To quote Ripley from Aliens, "I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. Only way to be sure".
OK, after an evening of blindly spinning dials, I migrated from Ginnifer to Vanessa to AS Glimmer for the base shape and mats.
I'm much more sure of the mat settings then the shape setting at this point.
I didn't have much in mind other then looking at what some of the Shape Shift dials do, and how best to work with them.
I think the only other set used was Growing up(daz3d), and my down there (ShareCG) (DA alt) set.
Now granted, I did initially think of attempting to make a G3F version of Jaina in a former post, however that didn't turn out so well. Perhaps later on I'll try again, on to other thing in the mean time.
OK, one more Shape Shift experiment, using Paloma's mats this time.
I think there is potential there, needs more work tho.
Oh, I got a wrong dial there, let me fix that, lol... OK that's fixed, lol.
I'm looking at one of the pop-up windows from that bridge import as morph thing, and wondering If I selected the wrong thing there yesterday.
Just three new dials so far, I think most of the others have already been done. I have no idea about packing it up yet to share, I may need more, time will tell.
Oh yeah, you're right Zarcon, there was one fur preset for the squirrel here:
It's for the "non-Russian" type of squirrel though, no long ear fur. Here it is after some hack-y tinting of the skin and fur:
Only "svet vyklyuchen" (google will read all this aloud for you, right?), it's "light (is) turned off" - we put all those little verb particles into prefixes. So, "vy-" is similar to "off" or "out", and "v-" is "on" or "in".
And the "is" is in brackets because it's omitted in the present tense. Russian is weird like that. The "yavlyayetsya"/"yavlyayutsya" verb is a relatively recent introduction, it's trying to replace the usually omitted "is"/"are" which should be "yest" (singular) / "sut" (plural), although I wish we would just go back to using "yest"/"sut" because they're just so much more compact. Besides, the "yavlyatsya" verb literally means "to appear", "to manifest" (also for ghosts). Can be confusing.
So, suppose we were saying "I am a witcher", in Polish it would be: "(Ja) jestem wiedźminem" - they don't drop the link but they can drop the pronoun because it's encoded in the verb form. And in Russian most people would say "Ya vedmak" ("ya yest vedmak" would be the full form that is not used), and some (who are trying to sound "bookish") would say "Ya yavlyayus vedmakom". In older Russian, the full form would be declined specifically for "I", and it would be "yesm", similar to Polish "jestem".
The Polish "j" is read like the English "y", BTW.
So you can see that Slavic languages are definitely related, but they differ in detail quite a lot.