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And this is a tutorial that I found quite helpful for converting shoes between figures:
It says the same approach can be used for other clothing items. I haven't yet tried it for clothing, but I plan to... So maybe you'll find something useful in there.
I think I had seen that boot fit thing many years ago before I had Hexagon, and it was not much use to me as a n00b end user of just Daz Studio. After fussing with the hex Studio morph bridge a bit, it may be of some help. Tho if you are going to that extent, you may as well just rig it from scratch with G3F/G3M JCM things and rigging. you've already redone the mesh in a model program any way, it would be a waste not to finish the work and have a fully working item.
Nice looking squirrel Kettu, I'd be tempted to adjust the tufts on the tips of the ears a tad, I still like it.
I read the paragraphs about the 'vy' verses 'v' prefixes, I'm going to need to read it again. I have Linus going on the other screen and most of the paragraph just flew past my mind instead of soaking in. I presume 'vy' is akin to 'out' in outbound, except the prefixes are more structured then conjunctions in English. (OK, finished watching the wan show I missed, I'm reading the rest of that post again).
Oh, by the way, been fussing a bit more with dials.
Somewhere between a wip and just fussing around.
Basically yeah, JCMs aren't going anywhere without adding them manually, but for skirts, they don't really need JCMs, do they.
Yup, those tufts seem to be an important distinction between squirrel species, so they'll need work.
Here's a page I found with even more verb prefixes, and it even has very nice GIFs to illustrate them. It doesn't use transliteration, though, only the Cyrillic original.
And that swimsuit on your WIP/fuss, does it come with those chains?
OK, working on first cup of coffee and attempting to save sum stuff as Daz Objects.
At is a bit of mundane clicking and typing the same thing over and over again, and I'm not sure some of it is worth it at all.
After I get that basic stuff saved, I'll know if it will be one zip for all of it, or three for the Base, WAG, MAG setups. I have decided that I am not, repeat NOT, going to include maps/mats for the base set zip(s). Some maps would be incredibly large for including in the zips with all the obj and sfz files.
Oh, something to possibly print out, nice, thank you. I found a few English/Russian dictionaries around, I'll try to get one on the third. One in particular caught my eye with American English rather then "Old English" translations.
Ah, yes. Bahia Tropical Outfit by EJ. comes with quite a few Iray&3DL presets for the chains and independently cloth. It's a nice outfit over all.
There is a bit of a trouble spot on the underside of the breasts, so I have some doubts.
It may be the figure or the outfit, fortunately there is some adjustment dials to work around that (unlike many other outfits with worse problems). For all the base mesh (non-HD) morphs it appears to be OK so far. I'll need to fire off an email, and beg some to find out if this is another case of Adaline for V7 (Fred/Sabby fixed Adaline and Daz never sent the good zip out through DIM) or it is the outfit. To be blunt and I should not even say this much, there is something else that I would much prefer to use that actually fits G3F, I just can't use it yet (Don't ask). On to happier thoughts, as I work on my first cup of coffee of the morning. Bahia Tropical is a very nice outfit over all, and at the price it's going for today for PC+ members, it is worth it.
I uploaded that gym set obj zip to DropBox some time ago (top of page 46, in this thread), and I have not herd any critiques at all for the UV maps. Granted, DropBox lacks any kind of metrics for uploads, so I don't even know if it was largely ignored by everyone without any downloads at all, or it has been a major smash hit with more downloads then Gangnam Style has views, lol.
I will presume it is safe to go threw all the drudge work of saving the obj files as Daz objects and scene subsets. And then add some morphs to some things.
OK, I see where I left off at this point.
As I set out a basic FIG layout for either WAG or MAG sets. I need a simple desk, chair, and judges platform, to complement the rest of the set. Good news is, excluding the texture mats I may be able to squeeze both the WAG and MAG set into a single zip. So I have some stuff to work on as I watch some vids from "somewhere on earth", brings back good memories of a particular worldwide ASOT compilation.
I have an idea for the table top, the chair I want to keep as low poly as possible.
Time to tinker some.
OK, This is starting to look like a simple FIG judge desk.
It's 70cm (27.559 inches) tall, and 100cm (39.37 in) wide by 50cm (19.685 in) deep. Time to UV map it I think... errrr, I may need a few edge loops first.
That took a bit...
Looks good tho.
What to do with the lower part of the chair... Hmmm.
Well, it's not quit as low-poly as I hoped for, it's a chair, almost.
Ah hahahahahhahaa really.. I just made a skirt for G3 and it took 47 JCMs just for the thighs. I'm not kidding. (but I'm also a terrible perfectionist)
Side note.. rootbeer with jack daniels is interesting..
Umm...never tried that combo before. Wonder if it's as 'interesting' as Mountain Dew and Southern Comfort...
Neither have I.
Now now, rigging stuff for G3F can't bo so bad to drive you to....
OK maybe it can. lol.
I'm glad I'm not messing with JCMs on this set.
Well, despite being about a shot and a half in a 20 oz glass it tastes about 85% like Jack and only 15% like rootbeer. I usually prefer rum with soda (and vodka with juice) but all we have at the moment is cherry flavored admiral nelson (which is awesome, btw) but I didn't think it would go very good with rootbeer and we don't have any cola right now.
LOL! I'm doing easy stuff right now, just repetitive. Another rush thing, even more of a rush than the last thing. I'll be sending you the figures to try to break before I start doing the matierals, that's how much of a rush it is. Like I have about 30 hours to get it completely finished, including promos. That said, I'm almost done with 2 of 8 figures so chances are very good I won't get it to you before you go to bed, look for it when you get up though. =)
OK, I'll sleep light.
I suppose I should leave myself some bread crumbs.
Just so I know How much I almost got done today, lol. I thought I would be making MAG and WAG sets, not quite there, almost.
Yea, I need to make the podium extensions for the signs.
Ugh, after three and a half hours of rest, bounced out of bed by trucks and three telemarketer calls. Alright, my body is awake and the mind just is not here. I thought I retired from the days of "six hours on/six hours off", lol.
I guess it's a good day to continue mindlessly watching "Stuff No One Wants", lol.
Well, I looked at some promos, and there is not much I can add to that.
I will add, that each colored 'zone' in this image, is just that, a surface zone. So you need not stick with the metals/colors in the presets. And it is that way with all of the stuff from Fisty and Darc, no hidden lack of zones to work with. I'll see if I can bake up an example in a second or a few.
By default the items load with a plane Iray surface, keeps most happy. I swapped that out for the daz default for the example I have in mind. A few pages back I hinted at getting your own earring hooks...
Not all items have the 'Do Not Move' things, tho most have a hook and dangle bone. One easy cheat can be to simply make the dangle not there by clicking the eye-thing to the left of the dangle bone, then parent your new dangle to that bone. Walla, instant earring, and all you had to do is make a dangle, a PA went threw the headache of rigging the hook for you.
Some times that is not an option (possibly). now it comes down to making all the zones on the dangle invisible in render (Including gloss, velvet, and reflection), and then parenting your dangle to the hook afterwards in the scene tab (fussing with location of your dangle may be needed to get it to line up with the hook).
And there you are. Oh, extra bonus, the earrings in that Necklace & Earring Collection are separate left and right items. So if you don't want one of them, simply remove that one after loading the earring set onto the figure... And the left and right earrings can have different mat presets/colors as well.
MOM! The super glue factory exploded. lol.
The 'Do Not Move' thing can be a tad flaky at times on some figures, tho it is easy enough to grab the earring hook and line it back up with the ear (it's not that big of a deal, and only happens on a few figures that I've tested them on). There is another kind of earring rigging method that can be a better way, assuming the figures bones are not off in the blue yonder (as pointed out in this post on the former page).
Oh my =) Yes you are! =)
And it's probably for the better. // thinks of all those conforming skirts for all the DAZ generations filling up the runtiime that are only usable for standing poses //
Yeah.. that drives me nuts..
You're welcome =)
Russian to Old English, haha. Reminds me of that class on the history of English language I had when minoring in lingustics (it was taught in Russian). English used to have all those interesting-looking letters like "thorn" and "eth".
Thanks for the link! Wishlisted. Might come in useful later when I finally get around to my book!Witcher fanart.
And don't worry about those spots, I won't be using G3 but converting to some other figures. There will be even more spots to fix =))
Before coffee. I've yet to see if it is doing that on other figures, the jury is still out on the swimsuit. Over all it dose not look that bad, it may just be Shilloh, possibly. I'll look at that now...
It appears to pass the hold the dial at zero test, so the mesh dose appear to fit plane G3F without FBM adjustments (it was not forced to fit G3F from some other original shape).
And while I spin dials, there is a few color options and a belly ring that I totally failed to notice was there.
So far I'm not seeing poke threw spots like earlier items, even in the worst locations that have questionable geometry on G3F (like the outer hip bone ridge).
And the spots that appear to be way off from (I'm guessing) beta-G3F from final G3F, are perfectly fine or avoided outright. looks good so far. So I guess EJ are using the correct G3F shape in there modeling program to fit outfit meshes to, Bravo!
YES!, a PA got the memo that G3F changed shape a few times, thank you EJ!
OK, found another, whom is Beatrix... Dose not looks like the G3F-beta vs G3F-final "Shape Projection Plague" from the V7 days, on closer inspection of the spots. No body else so far is having poke threw issues with this (except Shiloh and known V7 pro bad ones so far, I'm still spinning dials). Alexis, Amorette, Ashlyn, Fallon, Hanny, Jessenia, Kassandra, and Meagan from LY are fine (I have no others from LY at this time). errrrr
P3D Aluna and P3D Luna has significant cloth follow problems on the chest (with All outfits), P3D Angel appears to be OK. And out of everything I have, I do not have every single G3F figure, that is all there is. Some figures have a completely wrong Projection Shape thing going, and that is the figure not the outfit. And Beatrix and Shiloh appear to be minor wrinkle poke threw spots in a few spots.
* Bahia Tropical vs LY Beatrix. The poke threw spots appears to be HD wrinkles on the outfit that are just a smidgen to close to the figure. Something else (don't ask) has no difficulty there at all on LY Beatrix. The poke threw spots only appear when I release the mouse from the Beatrix dial, so reducing the wrinkle dial strengths may fix that on her. Its a matter of tenths of a mm, not the horrendous completely wrong shape issue that plague the V7 pro bundle, and P3D Aluna and P3D Luna.
Conclusion. Is Bahia Tropical a good G3F outfit that works, YES!
Are there still G3F figures that don't work with anything let alone this swim suit, YES, and some the PAs did fix and send the fix to daz and the update never sent out threw DIM (for whatever reason
). Because of that, I do not know if EJ ever fixed the issues with some other earlier things or not.
FYI, The Adaline zip that works is 180MB in size, the broken one from DIM is 198MB. It would be nice if Daz3D would get a Round-2-it and get the working zip out threw DIM, along with any other fixes that fell of the back of the zen desk.
And in closing of this rat hole of a post in the sprit of Cato the Elder,
Ceterum auto-sequi oportet esse figi -> However, auto-follow must be fixed.
OK, on a much lighter note, this should be an easy straight forward addition to the gym set.
Looks like about 80cm tall by 80cm (not 75) deep by 120cm wide should do the trick.
I'll just need to zone it up, and flatten out the UV mapping a bit.
(note to self, X 540 Z 210 for placement on the floor)
Oh my. I didn't know that manually downloaded zips can be different from the ones from DIM.
Never looked at manual downloads because I do use the (not so) smart tab for many things, and from experience that only works if stuff is installed threw DIM instead of just extracting a zip into my runtime. Also the encrypted Connect thing is a no-go, because as a tester I need the stuff to work in 4.6 32bit, 4.8 64bit, and the current 4.9 beta.
Back to happy thoughts, lol.
Making some progress. I need to look at the steps again, I may have the wrong obj in this one, I thought I fixed that shading issue.
OK, that's better now. I just noticed that the steps in that zip needed to be scaled up 390% for actual size in Studio, I Don't know how that happened. Fixed and in new obj-only zip top of page 46.
That's twenty items so far, now I need to hunt down the data folder stuff and start packing it into a folder for a zip eventually.
I'll be lucky if I can squeeze a WAG and MAG scene subset in there, maps and mats will need to be in a separate zip absolutely. I'm not sure it is worth making pretty icons for this, the daz made ones look good enough for now.
Just a quick how-to as I ponder the gravity of the world, lol. Perhaps not that bad, I just don't think I showed just how easy working with good OBJ files can be when there properly zoned and UV mapped for working with Daz Studio.
Importing OBJ files into studio can be incredibly easy, some times easier then trying to find something buried in the Content library, lol.
And good OBJ files are UV mapped and have surface zones that you can easily work with in studio.
OK, a quick fussing with Promo image ideas.
(EDIT) I think I need to reconsider the 'FIG' part, or better clarify a bit more on that. Measurements based on FIG specifications, not that this in an official anything or I am in iny way associated with them. (End of Edit)
Yep, starting to have some fun I guess, lol.
And a hint more care about where the judges sit, tho not complete, and I guess that matters less for some. There separate props that can be placed and moved around as needed.
I think that is as far as I will take WAG for now. I'm not sure a mat layout for MAG is worth it considering I don't have much else to go with that in this set. Perhaps later on I'll add some MAG stuff.
1.16MB zip, I guess I do have more room to work with. Here is the Daz Studio ZdgGymSet 009 Beta so far.
It will be here in the Content Library.
What is not in that ZdgGym set, well, blatantly the Uneven Bars is missing. Also many MAG apparatus items.
This stuff has incredibly complex geometry and would take me considerable time to make in hex, and probably just as long to UV map with so many interact faces to cut around. The items pictured above is from one gym set in the daz store, while I'm not happy with zones on them for custom colors, they at least already exist.
Also some of the apparatus have considerable rigging that I am not all that skilled at making, so I would rather save myself the grief, at least for a little while. The uneven bars do in fact fit around the 20cm2m7m mats "about right" to look ok, so that is something I feel I can get away with not making this instant. The vaulting board has enough zones that it may be usable in Iray with more MAG/WAG like surface textures (unlike everything else in the set), so that is an item I can feel good about not making yet another version of. The rest I will need to consider, as using that set without the ability to set my own colors is a bit of a thorn in the foot. I will need to consider time management and other things as well moving forward.
FWSA Uma, with Sushmita Jewelry. That was honestly to many cups of coffee ago for me to remember much about the set, and I don't have Sushmita or the rest of the bundle. That is something pending the third, and I do have some UV mapping reservations for the full bundle.
It's been a hectic few days away from daz, and I was planing on looking at how difficult it would be for end users without multi-thousand dollar modeling programs to set up more Iray friendly zones on the stuff from that gym set.
That will ultimately dictate just how much I will need to replace for the WAG/MAG set. Perhaps in a few after I wake up some I'll dive into that.
Depends on topology ... if the polys are laid out so that there are edges where you want the mat zone to end, then the DS built-in geometry editor can help. What I don't know, though, it's if there is a way to save out those new mat zones as a redistributable preset.
I don't think so...I think you need to resave or save a new 'figure/prop' asset to have them 'stick'.
The latter is a NO, as the UV mapping and zones are in the dsf object file for the product, and that is not something that can be given away... not without permission from Daz3d and hypnagogia. And at this point, I don't expect hypnagogia to be particularly happy with me at this point (I kind of ripped that set apart back near launch day). It's not just the UV mapping, most of the apparatus is not to FIG specified competition dimensions. Significant adjustments would need to be made.
FIG apparatus norms.
I don't know how long hypnagogia was working on that gym set, tho I do know some things in the "FIG apparatus norms" have not changed in over sixteen years, if not more.