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Back in the Poser-dominated days, people used to use RTE Encoder to distribute stuff that could not be unlocked w/o owning the original stuff.
Zarcon, now that you mentioned UV mapping - there are presets to save out new UV maps, won't they hold new mat zones? I'm not on my computer now so I can't check.
It's all right, I'm in headus playing with a pair of pant's this instant.
If there was any way to add UV mapping to an object without wiping out all the morphs and rigging, I would have gladly added the arm rest UV mapping that was requested to the opto-distort chair. I know of no way to, without redoing all the other work again from scratch on a new obj saved as a new Figure/Prop asset. I am not a Daz3D PA with access to geomitry-voodoo tools, lol.
I found how Mec4D did it once to an old DAZ model, I think it's legit because the file doesn't have anything outside the mapping that won't work at all without the original model:
Basically the question is distribution. You import a new UV mapping in the surfaces tab from a modified obj.
And eas of use for users? Is it as simple as selecting V7 uv mapping instead of basic uv mapping on figures.
OK, this shows me all I wanted to know.
The 'difficulties' run much deeper then just junk UV mapping, the mesh is a mess. Moving on to something a generation newer, lol. I'll just leave the particular item out of it, tho I will say that I will Never use the modeling program used to make that (tries to think of something non-offensive to call it, and fails) afterbirth, lol.
Headus did manage to improve the UV map area used from 23% up to over 60%, so at least that got better, lol.
A new UV set can't change the surface boundaries, as far as I know - the UV set is a property of the surface. However, I think at least one of the preset types (Character Preset) will save changed surface boundaries in a distributable form.
Don't want to change the geometry on the bars and stuff, just want to split up the wood plastic and metal parts so proper Iray surfaces can be set up (or custom colors).
I'm going to look at that now. (and let me find the old post on the chair). The highlighted item in the scene tab, is a single zone for the entire thing. It needs to be something more like this.
For a reference only, here is the real deal.
So yes, I am really tempted to make my own from scratch, it will just be a lot of work making the geometry in hex. Like many weeks if not a month or more (for each missing Apparatus in that ZdgGym set).
Yes, exactly like that.
Correct me if I'm missing it, I'm not seeing a "how to" in that thread, just a finished UV mapping add-on for a Skelton model made by a Daz3D PA without any explanation how it was made. That just further makes me feel that adding UV maps is only something some one with Daz3D PA tools can do, or am I missing something super easy somewhere?
Use wahtever tool you like to remap the model, save as OBJ
In the Surfaces pane option menu (lined button in the top corner or right-click the tab) import the UV set
File>Save as>Support Assets>UV asset.
Cath shows how to redist the result, and I'm telling you how to make the new map =) So you take your (or someone else's) obj, take into whatever program you want, remap it and save out a new obj. Then you load your duf figure, go into the surfaces tab, and there in the menu there will be an option like "load new uv maps". I'd post a screencap, but I'm not on the computer. I've done this a load of times since the DS3 days, though, so you'll have to trust me, it's there =) When you find this option, it will ask you to point to the obj you remapped. That's all.
And then you go to the "save support asset" menu and save out a new UV asset. just make sure you're only saving this new one (same as with morphs). And then you go find it in the data folder.
This will work for the pants.
OK, I'll give it a try. I think this was the OBJ for the UV mapping that was requested, the original had the front face off of the side instead of the top or bottom of the arm rest.
I was originally thinking of it being three parts Top middle bottom, tho this works as well.
Thank y'all, that was not as painful as I feared. Now I just need to remember all the settings used when saving the original (so I can find it). And I need to do that to the one with the back (If I can remember where the construction scene went for adding the back on).
It is done, updated zip is at ShareCG.
I'm sorry it took me so long to do something that turned out to be so incredibly simple.
OK, I have a Q. The Hex bridge will not import re-mapped surface zones with with the UV map option, will that also be a no-go for saving out a surface Zone mod for the gym set?
My apologies, working on a few different things at the same time, I confused UV mapping adjustment with more surface zones.
If the more surface zones thing can be done, there is a particular scarf shirt I would love to do that to, so it would be much easier to use with custom cloth shaders.
(EDIT, oops, this was supposed to be in the 3DL thread, Douh.)
It's got some humor in it, and it is Before coffee for me. Yes, I decided to purchase FW Sushmita for the figure, and I really am happy with her. I'm just trying to figure out what settings went Arie in some one else's render of her despite not having the AoA lights used. Enjoy.
Sorry, fell asleep on the keyboard. The last render I was doing I had set the shadow color to 128 gray on all three spot lights, and doubled the output from them. That started to give some results similar to the shadow shading, and I decided this morning to take it to the next level.
Given that result, I decided to go a tad further and try to duplicate the washout on the jewelry stones.
Dawn the radiation goggles and take cover y'all, We're turning up the lights. lol.
First test is with all three spot lights at 100% light output (about on par with a XBO lamp each), shadows set to 128 gray on the "WhiteSun" spot, and shadows off on the KeyLight and Halo lights. I decided to put the color scale cube on the shoulder just so y'all can see just how far over the top this is, lol.
That looks like it is getting close on the jewelry stones, however the Subsurface is tinting the gloss and velvet quite heavy on the red side, so I may need to try removing some maps there. Perhaps by ctrl-click and "Ignore maps" on the load last 3DL thing instead of just double clicking it.
Al right, I'm done fussing with that. Playing with the no-shadow light levels and the render gain, I'm getting closer to the other render. So I'm sure that is it. The Iray shader is all gloss and no velvet overdose, and running the 3DL mat load script with 'Ignore maps' causes other things that was not going on. I want to have some fun with Kimo for a bit, lol.
Getting back to a few things. Alessandro_AM had some incredibly encouraging things to say about the 'belochka' ears with LAMH, I may see if it is in my budget to get into that on the third, it's realy tempting. Over in the LAMH thread.
Also, while I look at what is feasible to toss in with the zip, not that I have forgotten about the foot chalk trays that should be on the FX and BB podiums (I'll get to that shortly).
It looks like a simple light tan suede is kind of easy to do in the daz default with just a Gaussian noise bump map.
I borrowed shader stuff from the Opto-Distort chair for the moment, just for the fun I had in mind. I'm not going to include maps with the eventual pre-load items just to keep things easy for using other shaders, tho I may change some of the basic colors from the ones set by Hexagon.
I may swap the blue between the beam leg pads and the mat sides, over all I like it.
Note to self. DK blue 10, 0, 55. Mid blue 75, 146, 219. Light blue 142, 186, 229.
I guess it's color.
Hmmm. I'm not totally sold on the look. I'll need to tinker some more.
I'm slowly working on the blue.
I just noticed that some stuff I thought I had named the surface zones on, still has the 'material' number from Hex. I'm going to need to fix that eventually, I'll look at that after some rest.
I just added an experimental drape morph on the FX floor mat, I'm not sure if it is worth adding more at this time.
My post got ninja'ed by Richard =)
I make new surface zones for existing props within DS, with the geometry editor (via "geometry assignment"). It can be tedious (extra selection options in the screenshot help somewhat, but not in every case). But at least DS understands it reliably.
I'm not sure about how to redistribute those new zones for someone else's stuff. I just tried Richard's suggestion about saving new zone presets as character presets, doesn't seem to work for me... new zones are saved when I save as a "scene asset", but I have no idea if it's redistributable - and if it's different from a "normal" scene at all.
That floor mat drape morph is cute!
Edit: added the screenshot (duh)
And then save the figure/prop asset, I've yet to get coffee going, I'll try to comprehend that in a sec.
Because Daz won't let me send pics in PM.
Lucem Signifer, is the fictional name, that is not Luminara, lol. It is a facsimile of Luminara's saber. That was a very long time ago on generation 6.
A mix of FW Eve and Ziva for A6 with some Amazing Skins adjustments. Outfit is wilmap stuff with other random items. Some day I may attempt to make the light saber in hex to replace the few hundred primitives, not today tho, not today, lol.
The other one uses a different kind of 'force'. Higher dimensional gravity vortex, I don't know what that is, however it dose not sound good. lol.
OK, got some coffee. The surface selection thing in studio is a PITA to use compared to selecting quads in Hexagon, unfortunately the bridge won't let you import the zones unless you make it a new obj without any rigging at all, grrr. I don't have a few days to waste selecting quads in Studio on that scarf shirt to keep the rigging on it (I've already done that months ago, it sucked), so I will try something a tad more simple. Saving scene subsets is a tad flaky, sometimes surfaces stick and sometimes it imports the new ones if there changed on the OBJ. Morphing geometry dose stick sometimes. I have not done it enough to figure out If I'm doing something wrong elsewhere, on to surface names.
I'm not changing the geometry or UV mapping on the stuff. Just renaming the surface zones from "Material number" to something a tad more ineligible. I'll see if the scene subset for the floor picks it up from the figure/prop asset items or not.
(pulling into the Lilac Mall to get some coffee, Time stamp not adjusted for DST) We got a winner.
Eh, they will figure it out before they leave the parking lot... (later on, on my way home on the other side of town).
Then again, perhaps they forgot to get some coffee to wake up the brain before driving at night, lol.
After a short intermission to actually get some coffee, I'm back. It is bitter out there, and I have another vid to snip together, Meanwhile in New England, lol.
Talk about lobotomized spell check, where is not here. New England must be in some other galaxy, lol.
OK, looks like the scene subset is getting object info from the figure/prop asset saved DSF including surface names. However that also kills former saved colors on the surfaces, I'll need to set that again and re-save it.
After editing the first vid segment, it dawned on me joust how not there they were. There using the directional, yet not even the running lights are on. OMG, lol.
The second part is giving me a tad bit of grief, because the background youtube music Copyright is preventing me from editing the vid, Grrrr. I'll figure it out, lol.
(Edit 29nov2016) got it, here is the final cut, lol.
That's a really emotional scene, what is it that the little critters bring to her?
(aside from the saber) I'm not quite sure if it is a brooch or a necklace pendant to be honest, it's not all that clear in any of the images I was able to find back then of Luminara, and I'm now seeing quite a few comic con costumes with one of both these days. The ones to ask if your ever lucky enough to encounter her and have a dialog with would be Mary Oyaya or Fay David(?). Keep in mind it was a small trivial part of a much larger production a long time ago. It would ba akin to asking what holiday patron was used on a coffee shop cup many years ago, lol.
As for the new ones, no interest at all. Until they come up with a way to make Star Trek watchable so you can see what is going on (A movie Lens Flair Remover plug-in)...
I'll pass. I like to see what's going on in movies, not just hear it. lol.
Just a brief experiment with geometry vs surface gloss.
I may tinker with this later, I just wanted to see if I could do a rough approximation and to see it.
There is more I could do, perhaps later, I need to reset some surface colors on the gym set.
Well, I was going to try to work on another cute elf, then this sort of happened.
Not exactly what I first had in mind, lol. I'll try the Efl idea later on.
I am happy with the alt shader settings for FW Sushmita, tho I may look at adjusting some things..
Oh right, makes all the sense now. Thanks for the costume shots! I somehow never notice things when people wear them. Clothes, accessories, nothing, never.
yea, I was kind of staring at them for considerable time when I was adjusting the skin tone to match, I wouldn't expect many to notice that on someone in only (I think) two deleted scenes and in the backdrop of another in the movie. I think she got more 'air time' in the cartoon, and even then I don't remember if the cartoon even had that small costume detail or not. Probably most avid fans would not draw the connection, don't feel bad. I had seen the movies years ago, and totally missed Luminara until I was looking for an easy light saber to make with primitives for that Light 'Glow' shader trick a while back.
ZdgGymSet status. OK, I think I got most of the zones re-colored on the steps and judge chair after naming the surface zones (zip version 008). I hope that zone rename thing dose not cause a lot of grief with that gym set.
Other things. While looking threw some folders I noticed a few things I want to look at again.
Some of the old alt shader settings I made for a few figures have some odd red tinting on the hands, I want to see I'f I can do better now with that and I have a few others I have yet to look at.
OK, I think I got it, an elf not a wraith.
75% Sushmita, 50% Abdomen Size, and 100% Vanessa ears 1.
Midnight Club outfit, with some custom shaders (based on Phoebe shaders, and the attached diffuse checker maps). Samantha Hair, all stock settings and dials.
Bracelets/bangles from the Midnight Club outfit, stock settings. Earrings from Jewels at Dawn, all stock settings. Compass necklace from Necklace & Earring Collection, again all stock settings. Silver rings from Ring Collection, adjustment for black stripe... (load the "Stripe Band Mix 1" preset. Copy the silver settings from the "Stripe_Center" to the gold "Stripes_Sides" surface zone, then change diffuse color to black on the "Stripes_Sides", that's it.)
I think I got the alt shader settings much closer to the promos this time as well, that I am happy with.
Why not just load the all silver mat for the ring and save yourself a step?
I guess because I'm a glutton for doing things the prolonged tedious painful way, lol. And as long as the shader is the same, right-click-copy and pasting surface settings is sort of easy I guess (it gets more interesting when the shaders are not the same).
I was thinking of what I had done and not what could have been done (the gold strips may go well with bracelets, or not). lol.
Perhaps I should slow down a bit and have a sip of coffee now and then. It's not like I don't have the tunes for that laying around. It's not always a good idea to operate Daz Studio under the influence of epic music, especially when it has names like All drums go to hell (TSFH), Fury unleashed (Immediate), Destroyer of goa'ulds, etc, lol.
I take it a couple steps further and have my most used metal shaders in my scripts menu and copy and paste surface as buttons on my toolbar, and a bunch of other useful stuff to save me time. =)
I really need to add save morph on there one of these days..
Yea, and I need to be a tad more carful where I toss morphs I don't care much for.
I tossed that there so I would not have a zdg folder for a single dial elsewhere, and now I'm having second thoughts about that being under nose, lol. And yes, I've scrapped that dial-combo curiosity twice now and started from scratch a third time. I think I'll toss that on the back burner again, and work on something else.
As for shaders, I only have three that I use all the time when I'm doing quick stuff I want to spot-render fast. A white simple linen, a black linen, and the 'Not There' one. Beyond that, I don't use the other individual presets often enough to justify making multiple copies of them.
The odd thing with applying Omni/AoA/Daz shaders on stuff, is I don't always want to keep the maps and colors, and that cloth is also a simple way to clean out the settings on former AoA and Omni surfaces.
In a wild off topic of a sorts, looks like there was a light dusting of Stuff No One Wants (snow) over yonder in town.
It did nothing other then rain for a few days nonstop here, so it's a tad soggy outside, lol.