Kjaer 8 Blacksmith



  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    As usual, I like the character. And I'm pleased to see that both he and the add-on are fair-skinned without being fantasy vampires. A fairly plausible build, as well. Bulky without being either ripped, or fat. I daresay the HD add-on will add definition for those who want the former. 

    I like the hair, but I can see right off the bat that it's going to take forever and a day to render, so it's a toss-up whether I'll ever use it. It's also Iray only, although first I may try applying the Littlefox blending system which she used for some of her other recent hairs, which had 3DL materials as well as Iray. Plus, there's always Wolfie over on Rendo.

    Only one outfit, but then this bundle is very focused on a specific craft, and there's not much irrelevance to that context on display. It's a nice forge, not that we're short of forges in the shop, but this one is an interesting setting. It would be even more interesting with a cave interior available. But I daresay we can't have everything. The internal structure looks like it could be useful on its own.

    Was a bit surprised at getting a shader package in a bundle, but it's a nice one. Not a lot of use to me since it's Iray, but just about any shader package that comes out these days is going to be Iray, so there is not point in complaining.

    With PC+ and the banner, this was a go. Will be interested in seeing the additional content with the Plunder bundle.



  • Does anybody have a clue around how the banners work? Meaning...I have one today, but if I only buy the base character today...would I still get a banner for tomorrow? I'm not worried about my total G8 Pro Bundle threshold...I always have that...I'm just curious as to if the purchase of the bundle today is a gate to getting the banner for tomorrow. 

    No, if you get just the base character you won't get a banner for tomorrow's bundle if there is one. I've done this a couple of times and always miss out on what everybody's talking about the next day with the new banner. 

    I was going to get just him and the hair but that's 20 bucks and the bundle is 25 with all the discounts so I'm on the fence what to do. I already have a blacksmith outfit from I think Vladimir's bundle and I've never once used it. I don't know, it's early in the day still for me to decide. 

    I ended up picking up the bundle. I was able to get to $30...I'm PC+ and had the purple banner...how did you get to $25?

    @melissastjames I added the rain gear from yesterday. I wanted it anyways. 

    @Gordig I fully agree, normally it is a no brainer but I have so much stuff as it is that I don't know if I want more things I know I'll not use to have to sift through to find what I need. But that ten bucks actually makes it less than just getting the two I want. Bah, I guess that's the answer. 


  • Two observations:

    The first -- isn't that second promo image a genderswap of NNVITWAS?  Alrighty then!

    The second -- We need more charcoal.  You can't forge iron on a wood-burning forge.


    Third observation:

    I don't have any need for the character right now, but that Viking Blacksmith's Forge goes right on the wishlist at once, y'hear?  And after payday, maybe even in the cart!


    Wouldn't be wearing jewelry while smithing.

    That was my thought too actually. Imagine that piece of metal from your neck hanging close to the glowing ember and touching his skin later... Should be forbidden by the safety standards ;)

    But still a bit confused - when a dForce product doesn't go through a smooth simulation (while only one product is applied) - does it mean there are problems in the product that should be fixed? Or is it expected that the user should find out how to tweak it? Or should a dForce product work out of the box with standard settings? I thought it should.

  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310


    Wouldn't be wearing jewelry while smithing.

    That was my thought too actually. Imagine that piece of metal from your neck hanging close to the glowing ember and touching his skin later... Should be forbidden by the safety standards ;)

    But still a bit confused - when a dForce product doesn't go through a smooth simulation (while only one product is applied) - does it mean there are problems in the product that should be fixed? Or is it expected that the user should find out how to tweak it? Or should a dForce product work out of the box with standard settings? I thought it should.

    It should, especially if it doesn't come with special simulation presets or instructions.

    With that said, just looking at the promos, the blacksmith outfit looks pretty flouncy to me.  Considering that something like that would typically be made from pretty thick leather and that thick leather is stiff and doesn't drape like velvet or silk, dForcing wouldn't be the way I'd go.

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611

    Does anybody have a clue around how the banners work? Meaning...I have one today, but if I only buy the base character today...would I still get a banner for tomorrow? I'm not worried about my total G8 Pro Bundle threshold...I always have that...I'm just curious as to if the purchase of the bundle today is a gate to getting the banner for tomorrow. 

    No, if you get just the base character you won't get a banner for tomorrow's bundle if there is one. I've done this a couple of times and always miss out on what everybody's talking about the next day with the new banner. 

    I was going to get just him and the hair but that's 20 bucks and the bundle is 25 with all the discounts so I'm on the fence what to do. I already have a blacksmith outfit from I think Vladimir's bundle and I've never once used it. I don't know, it's early in the day still for me to decide. 

    I ended up picking up the bundle. I was able to get to $30...I'm PC+ and had the purple banner...how did you get to $25?

    Add another debut or still new release in your cart. The extra discount for 2 or more debut / still new releases wasn't applying to the bundle earlier; but it has been fixed now.

    Ah...there was nothing I wanted...not about to spend more to get the bundle down. 

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    edited October 2020
    Sevrin said:


    Wouldn't be wearing jewelry while smithing.

    That was my thought too actually. Imagine that piece of metal from your neck hanging close to the glowing ember and touching his skin later... Should be forbidden by the safety standards ;)

    But still a bit confused - when a dForce product doesn't go through a smooth simulation (while only one product is applied) - does it mean there are problems in the product that should be fixed? Or is it expected that the user should find out how to tweak it? Or should a dForce product work out of the box with standard settings? I thought it should.

    It should, especially if it doesn't come with special simulation presets or instructions.

    With that said, just looking at the promos, the blacksmith outfit looks pretty flouncy to me.  Considering that something like that would typically be made from pretty thick leather and that thick leather is stiff and doesn't drape like velvet or silk, dForcing wouldn't be the way I'd go.

    There was this one that came with Vlad 8 - https://www.daz3d.com/dforce-blacksmith-outfit-for-genesis-8-males...but this one might be better in some areas, while worse in others...

    The quality of the new outfit is...disappointing. But then again, I've been largely disappointed overall with a lot of the clothing coming out lately. Generalized statement, of course, as there are exceptions. 

    I get this guy is stylized as a blacksmith, but I'm surprised they went that route given Vlad already had a blacksmith outfit and is also thicc...would have loved to see more of a "Floki" type Viking...a la Gustaf Skarsgard. That would have satisfied the "lanky man" wishes a lot of folks are asking for here. 

    Post edited by MelissaGT on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    Yeah... now the cart price went to $25.65 (I also had another new item (the Quad) in my cart.)



    The activity of blacksmithing is engaging enough for games and animations. A blacksmith would have to be muscular in real life, it's not like they are at a keyboard eating chips. I know there are still blacksmiths that ply their trade but not many and for most it amounts to a few strikes as a gang of tourist come through.

    Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven had a blacksmith as the central figure, played by Orlando Bloom, which seemed kind of dumb. It's not about Orlando's skill as an actor as much as it was his body mass.

    Now, if it were Russell "Fightin' 'round the world" Crowe, another Ridley Scott guy, then it would have been a little more believable than Orlando Bloom.

    Yeah, I agree. I'm not seeing a lot of strength & stanima out of those shoulders. I'm expecting the movie wasn't actually about how to blacksmith though (I just looked it up and it's uh, a theme they've absolutely worn out so I'll skip that one). It's not easy to blacksmith though and I've never even wanted to try having watch on TV and in person. It would seem the biggest qualification would be an overwhelming desire to built something useful despite the stubborn resistance of that molten metal being incessantly beaten. LOL, the more I think about it the more respect I have for those blacksmiths.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320


    Wouldn't be wearing jewelry while smithing.

    That was my thought too actually. Imagine that piece of metal from your neck hanging close to the glowing ember and touching his skin later... Should be forbidden by the safety standards ;)

    But still a bit confused - when a dForce product doesn't go through a smooth simulation (while only one product is applied) - does it mean there are problems in the product that should be fixed? Or is it expected that the user should find out how to tweak it? Or should a dForce product work out of the box with standard settings? I thought it should.

    A dForce failure on a dForce product is better common place actually and unfortunately. Usually because the model wearing the dForce product is in a pose that wasn't tested with the dForce product happens or the dForce product winds up intersecting itself or another mesh during simulation that wasn't present when to PA tested their dForce product. Result: dForce failure. It's why I so rarely full with dForce. I do try it from time to time though hoping for improvements though.

  • N-RArtsN-RArts Posts: 1,525

    I like him. But I've got limited funds, and no real use for him. Thanks for the purple banner, though.

    Very nice bundle for $25 and change. Love to see the bundle tomorrow with my $10 bucks off
  • Sevrin said:

    It should, especially if it doesn't come with special simulation presets or instructions.

    With that said, just looking at the promos, the blacksmith outfit looks pretty flouncy to me.  Considering that something like that would typically be made from pretty thick leather and that thick leather is stiff and doesn't drape like velvet or silk, dForcing wouldn't be the way I'd go.




    A dForce failure on a dForce product is better common place actually and unfortunately. Usually because the model wearing the dForce product is in a pose that wasn't tested with the dForce product happens or the dForce product winds up intersecting itself or another mesh during simulation that wasn't present when to PA tested their dForce product. Result: dForce failure. It's why I so rarely full with dForce. I do try it from time to time though hoping for improvements though.

    Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts. It gives some new perspectie. As for testing I am a bit surprised that the dForce wasn't working on a cloth and pose from the same product. But indeed, for this type of wearable the whole dForce may be not needed at all.

  • watchdog79watchdog79 Posts: 1,026

    I just got a second purple banner, called2020 PC+ Sale Loyalty!, giving me 20% off my entire cart (not applicaple to Fast Grabs).

    The Blacksmith bundle is USD 22.80 in my cart now. Nice.

    The Kjaer 8 product page shows him as a part of another bundle, called Plunder bundle, but it is not up yet, apparently, and only leads to a 404 error page.

  • Worlds_EdgeWorlds_Edge Posts: 2,152

    Ugh, another big brutish beefy guy. I wish they’d do a tall lanky guy or a good looking lead in a romantic comedy type. I want hot boyfriends, not Norse gods. 

    I'd definitely love some more lanky guys!

    Same here, though I did get Kajaer.  

  • Cora ReginaCora Regina Posts: 731
    edited October 2020

    Glad I held off, I don't have a purple bundle banner but I do have the PC+ loyalty one. That brings today's Kjaer bundle down to $25.65 for me, plus it really sweetens the PFAD and category items. If DAZ keeps giving them to me at this price (I know some of the content is iffy in terms of accuracy/quality but I think I can still work with it in a fantasy context and will likely kitbash parts of all three blacksmith outfits together), I might actually earn my first purple banner for buying bundles just in time for G9 to debut, lol. Especially if today's bundle triggers a banner for tomorrow's as it has in the past.

    Pity it's PC+ only pricing and won't last. At least I know that store credit will automatically go toward PFAD items tomorrow, but I miss getting pro bundles as freebies. I also miss not having content spread out across two smaller bundles with a higher cost per item. :\ 

    Post edited by Cora Regina on
  • GoggerGogger Posts: 2,417

    Being of Danish heritage I was ALL IN even before the swirlies settled!  I waited throughout the day and currently have the price down to $20.82 for the Kjaer 8 Blacksmith Bundle!  Two purple banners and added another new item, Statuary Materials for Dog 8 ($8.08).  Niiiice.


  • Kjaer looks a bit as having had too much steroids. Nice guy, if you remove some of the overdone body, though.

  • MelissaGTMelissaGT Posts: 2,611
    edited October 2020

    I just got a second purple banner, called2020 PC+ Sale Loyalty!, giving me 20% off my entire cart (not applicaple to Fast Grabs).

    The Blacksmith bundle is USD 22.80 in my cart now. Nice.

    The Kjaer 8 product page shows him as a part of another bundle, called Plunder bundle, but it is not up yet, apparently, and only leads to a 404 error page.

    That's...rather infuriating considering I only bought him about an hour ago. They're offering me an additional 25% off my cart...but that means I now have to buy something else if I want to get the discount...so it's like wasted. Seriously. GRRRR. Those who already bought his bundle should get an additional 50% off or something...25% is nothing. 

    Post edited by MelissaGT on
  • DMaxDMax Posts: 637
    edited October 2020

    That's...rather infuriating considering I only bought him about an hour ago. They're offering me an additional 25% off my cart...but that means I now have to buy something else if I want to get the discount...so it's like wasted. Seriously. GRRRR. Those who already bought his bundle should get an additional 50% off or something...25% is nothing. 

    @melissastjames You bought yours an hour ago... I got the purple banner literally I swear half a second after I clicked checkout... it's a love-hate relationship with Daz and I am trying not to take it personally. So not only did I miss out on the 20%, I missed out on getting the bigger Kjaer+PC banner... all by half a second.

    Post edited by DMax on
  • DripDrip Posts: 1,206

    The most useful thing I found in that bundle was the Distressed Leather textures. So I bought those seperately, and gonna mentally ignore the bundle and the rest of its contents whenever it shows up in the store. I didn't even get a "maybe some time in a distant future" vibe I'm afraid. I have more use for "common avarage" male figures like Holt and Kwan than for extremes like Kjaer.

  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited October 2020

    I mean... my new purple banner says I got the purple banner because I purchased the bundle, so I don't see how the banner should give someone who didn't purchase the bundle an even steeper discount on a bundle that they didn't purchase.

    It's like they (Daz) go out of their way to do things bass ackwards.

    Post edited by The Blurst of Times on
  • DMaxDMax Posts: 637
    edited October 2020


    Post edited by DMax on
  • davesodaveso Posts: 7,177

    I just got a second purple banner, called2020 PC+ Sale Loyalty!, giving me 20% off my entire cart (not applicaple to Fast Grabs).

    The Blacksmith bundle is USD 22.80 in my cart now. Nice.

    The Kjaer 8 product page shows him as a part of another bundle, called Plunder bundle, but it is not up yet, apparently, and only leads to a 404 error page.

    That's...rather infuriating considering I only bought him about an hour ago. They're offering me an additional 25% off my cart...but that means I now have to buy something else if I want to get the discount...so it's like wasted. Seriously. GRRRR. Those who already bought his bundle should get an additional 50% off or something...25% is nothing. 

    agreed, but it seems to read getting becasue we bought the bundke.,.but people that haven't bought it are also getting the discount,.

  • DMaxDMax Posts: 637
    edited October 2020
    daveso said:

    agreed, but it seems to read getting becasue we bought the bundke.,.but people that haven't bought it are also getting the discount,.

    Members here previously advised me never to purchase anything on DAZ before the day is about to close (exceptions are flash sales)... I now have learned this lesson the hard way.

    Post edited by DMax on
  • watchdog79watchdog79 Posts: 1,026
    DMax said:
    daveso said:

    agreed, but it seems to read getting becasue we bought the bundke.,.but people that haven't bought it are also getting the discount,.

    Members here previously advised me never to purchase anything on DAZ before the day is about to close (exceptions are flash sales)... I now have learned this lesson the hard way.

    That is exactly why I waited for so long.

  • DMaxDMax Posts: 637

    That is exactly why I waited for so long.

    It's a double whammy because not only did I miss out on the 20%, I am missing out on the bigger 25% promo code as I did purchase the Kajaer bundle... literally half a second before the banners were sent out.

  • watchdog79watchdog79 Posts: 1,026
    DMax said:

    That is exactly why I waited for so long.

    It's a double whammy because not only did I miss out on the 20%, I am missing out on the bigger 25% promo code as I did purchase the Kajaer bundle... literally half a second before the banners were sent out.

    I expect the other Kjaer 8 bundle to hit the store tomorrow. Maybe you can use the discount banner then? Together with the 10 bucks in store credit from buying the today's bundle?

  • DMaxDMax Posts: 637

    I expect the other Kjaer 8 bundle to hit the store tomorrow. Maybe you can use the discount banner then? Together with the 10 bucks in store credit from buying the today's bundle?

    Doesn't change the fact that I could be using a better 25% coupon for that bundle tomorrow (since I did purchase the bundle before the banner was sent). Or combined today's 20%+10% to purchase a GC and PC+ renewal. Sigh. Oh well. Just another DAZ quirk that I have to wise up about for the future. It's an unhealthy love-hate relationship. laugh

  • The Blurst of TimesThe Blurst of Times Posts: 2,410
    edited October 2020
    DMax said:

    That is exactly why I waited for so long.

    It's a double whammy because not only did I miss out on the 20%, I am missing out on the bigger 25% promo code as I did purchase the Kajaer bundle... literally half a second before the banners were sent out.

    I expect the other Kjaer 8 bundle to hit the store tomorrow. Maybe you can use the discount banner then? Together with the 10 bucks in store credit from buying the today's bundle?

    For those of us who bought the Kjaer bundle before the new new banner, this 2nd purple banner implies that it's a short term banner, and may not last until tomorrow.

    So... dunno. I think I'm going to roll the dice and see if it lasts until tomorrow, but there is no guarantee that this discount banner will work at all for whatever we get tomorrow.

    Post edited by The Blurst of Times on
  • DMax said:
    daveso said:

    agreed, but it seems to read getting becasue we bought the bundke.,.but people that haven't bought it are also getting the discount,.

    Members here previously advised me never to purchase anything on DAZ before the day is about to close (exceptions are flash sales)... I now have learned this lesson the hard way.

    That is exactly why I waited for so long.

    Yeah, I rarely buy anything until at least 3 or 4 in the afternoon central time just in case there's some kind of flash sale that happens that needs a new release or they send out a banner like this. 

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