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Hello, can anyone please tell me what the best future proof computer system that will run Daz Studio 4.15pro. I have DS 4.14.10 and sometimes when I try to create a character with G8female DazStudio frequently stops responding for a few minutes then starts to work again I will not upgrade to 4.15 as I believe it will crash completely..
I have a Dell machine which I upgraded to its max
Processor: Intel Core i7-3770 (3.40Ghz, 8MB) original
Memory: 32GB max for this machine
Graphics card: NVidia GeForce GTX 1050Ti with 4GB built in memory.
Thank you.
If you make that question to 10 computer enthusiast, you get 15 different answers
My choice for the past 20+ years has been Intel HEDT platform, which at the moment means Intel X299 chipset and an "X" or "XE" branded i9 processor, on an Asus motherboard (Asus WS X299 SAGE Intel LGA2066 CEB) - That is something I tend to update to this year, my current rig is 4 years old with Intel X99 chipset and 5th. gen i7.
Fully aware that many don't share my opinion, but then again... I have no problems
I've now discovered even more problems with version 4.15. Most of my saved charaters now have faces about a foot deep. All the faces are sticking out and even changing the various face depths will not put them back to something close to realistic. And I've also found that a lot of things are now not accepting iray shaders, even the ones provided with the item, with quite a few items I now have to hit them with the 'uber' iray shader and then apply the colour/materials..
Any ideas please?
Hi, I found Genesis 8.1 Female with the last upgrade. What about Genesis 8.1 Male?
Thanks for your help,
See the 8.1 thread: It's very active :-) 8.1 male isn't here yet; I guess there will probably be a 5.15 essentials update at some point.
On the faces, a screen shot (clothed or in Smmoth Shaded mode) might help to understand the issue.
The shader issue, are you getting an error message? Please give some examples of files that are failing to apply.
I have noticed a very strange behaviour regarding the memory utilisation with this version (PC).
Happens regardless of the optimisation (speed, memory...). Output quality is the same.
Take it as a tip to reduce your hw cost.... as long as you can survive the first iteration on your swap.
I yesterday installed 4.15 with Genesis 8.1, but I do not see any vellus hairs, it seemed this was a part of the new figure from the ads?
Thanks Richard,
I'll get a screen shot or save a render of the face issue when I get the chance, as for the iray issue I'm in the same boat as I am with the firefly problem I've got. I can't really list what it's affecting because again it's too numerous and I'm still finding things that are affected by it. So far this has occurred with anything from props, hair, clothes, shoes and even a couple of vehicles that I've tried, funny thing is though it's not happening to everything although it is happening to a considerable amount.
The ads were misleading.
If you want the vellus hairs you have to buy either
Under what's included and features you will see the
without links to products. Which means the Vellus hair is like the Anatomical elements only available in "Pro" bundles.
I think those ' resources ' that you informed me about in a separate thread may have been influencing my problem here. I've since installed those resources and it looks like most, if not all these problems have been fixed. Except the 'firefly' one, which I'm still struggling to deal with.
I have to confirm not compatible with NVidia Webdriver on High Sierra too.
Mac users can't use their CUDA Cores on older MacOS anymore.
Hello All,
I am having trouble getting Version 4.15 to work on my system. I was on version 4.12 and skipped over 4.14, but when I saw the release of Genesis 8.1, I decided to update. So I went for version 4.15 and I had found out that Iray had stopped working. So naturally I figured I had to update the driver and low and behold I did a search and came up with this:
Alright, so no biggie...or so it would seem. My system is an i7 6700k with an NVidea GTX 1080i on it. When I go to the Nvidea site and look up that card's current driver, it is version 391.35...which isn't anywhere near 451.48. So what do I do now?
In the meantime while I wait for an answer, I had to revert my system back a couple days to get version 4.12 back so it works. Does this mean I am out of luck with my current video card? If so, then that royally pisses me off as I just bought that card last year.
Can I use Genesis 8.1 with version 4.12?
Yeah, had to delete Daz 4.15 and reinstall 4.14. Was getting incredibly odd flourescing of some textures with no emissions.
The way I got 4.14 to install is I installed it to a new directory, rebooted, then hand-deleted 4.15 since 4.15 wouldn't create an uninstaller because the CMS kept stalling out on install. Figured that one out too late.
Where are you looking? I see this: (I'm assuming your "1080i" means "1080 Ti")
I'm totally ticked off right now.
I have spent the last several days after upgrading to 4.15 messing with the new 8.1 crud to JUST NOW realize I can't run multiple renders anymore. If more then 1 is running they all lock up and crash the instances. I got a quadro 8000 just so I could run multiple renders to speed up my producuction and that is currently useless. I need to roll back to 4.12.
It took me a hour to read all the comments on this thread . But I am able to say all my questions have all been answered I had. I was thinking of upgrading. But it appears. its best I stick with for a little while longer.
Gosh the more forward daz tries to go the more backwards it seems that things get. I have no interest in genesis 8.1 for animation, because all that extra trappings of morphs is not needed or will hardly even noticed during animation unless you render 4k image series (good luck with that if you think rendering at 1080 takes long to render.). unlike still rendering images, animation images move to fast to really appreciate defined facial movements or body peach fuzzy. most game engines & 3rd party 3d apps or won't use or load all that crap anyway.
But i do have some interest in the new Filament & iray , PBR shader improvements, to improve animation quality. but not at the cost of having to start from scratch finding new work around's to get studio to fit back into my work flow with all the issues reported here.
Thank you everyone posting your comments very helpful information.
I have 2 -1080 ti's Game drivers are the only thing available for GTX gpus cards. which should still work Gaming drivers just come with extra support for VR goggles, support for game controllers etc. but the video driver should be the same
if you are using a GTX gpu you are best served to stay with daz studio for optimal use for this gpu without fall back to cpu issues .now that NIVIDA has made opitex prime accelerator default as always on in their driver upgrades to compensate for the RTX raytrace values in the RTX gpu's . Daz studio has moved beyond the GTX architecture support. So either stay with daz for optimal performance for your GTX gou. or buy a new rtx or greater GPU . That is the options I am looking at as well So I know how you feel. its not very pleasant.
Most likely why daz added filament as a renderer , not everyone in all countries can afford to buy a new GPU every time daz updates their studio app.
I'm trying to install the 64bit version using the stand-alone exe on my Win 10 Pro 64-bit rig and the CMS process keeps stalling. The dialog box doesn't advance to the next step (fig 1). I let it sit for 2 minutes and nothing further happened.
When I try again, the installer reports a problem copying the CMS exe to its folder (fig 2). I have to manually delete the DAZ Studio folder from my Program Files and end the CMS process via the task manager first.
Decided to open a ticket about the installer issue and their auto-responder said the current response time is 4-6 weeks.
I feel the same way. I'm still on too, there's no way to animate anything in the new versions, animation tools are broken beyond belief.
I would love to experiment with Filament, I feel it's a awesome feature and it could become my new render engine for my animations... If I were able to animate my scenes...
Genesis 8.1 is something that I find really unnecessary. Where's the need for a whole new figure to add a feature that could be added with a simple plugin/script? Also, why add more bones to an already bone-overfilled figure when I can simply use the sliders or the PowerPose to make the same action? The Scene tab looks like a nightmare!
Alright i ran in a ve wproblems with the latest V4.15 version, when i try to close it Daz studion stays active in the task manager and i manualy need to close it in task manager. Second thing is that i only can open 1 instance of Daz studio while i prefer to have 2 instances open. I have an SLI machine 2xgtx 1070 gpu,s (2X 8gb vram) it allows me to composite on 1 GPU while rendering on the other GPU.
is the new genesis 8.1 only working in the V4.15 version? otherwise i switch back to V4.11
Yes, some features of G8.1 like the new PBR shader or the ability to use G8 morphs automatically require 4.15.
You can still have multiple instances of DS open, but the way to do this changed with 4.12.1 for technical reasons (for example with the old way there were risks of one instance deleting or overwriting files used by the other). Check this thread for more info:
thank you for your clear answer, i also found this youtube movie
it contains a link to a daz script to open another 4.15 instance of Daz studio
It's pointing to the attachement to , without the courtesy to acknowledge the source.
Closing DAZ Studio is just a question of patience. It frees the allocated resources very slowly, it may take even a minute, then it disappears from the task list. I am able to run 2 instances with a trick: one is the "stable" version, the other one is the public beta. Seprate installations, but the content is shared. Hope it helps.
I'm now getting yet another problem which I've never encountered before, I'm not blaming 4.15 for this yet but it seems strange how this has never happened before. I can't render anything now because when I hit 'render' all I get is a pop up message saying 'Unable to render, renderer is already working' ? Even if I have nothing running what so ever, there is no figure, no scene, nothing set I can't get render to work. I've not changed any of my settings what so ever, everything is set to exactly what I've always been using it at.
Any ideas please?
What are your system details, especially the driver version?
...interesting, I was verifying that I had saved the installers for the both Beta and General Release but when I looked in the IM Installed Tab, it indicated that I had both the Beta and General Releases for 4,15 installed (I haven't updated either since 2019). I then I opened both the Beta and General Release I have been working with, checked the release numbers in the help tab, and it shows the correct release numbers versions above.
So how were they renamed as 4.15 in the DIM when they should still be the old numbers? Gave me a start for a moment.
IRC the product is renamed, so the same product number (general release or public release) acquires a new name even though you did not update it.