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Regardless of what my system details are, Studio has worked fine, even very well up until now. I'm not sure what the CPU is to be honest, it's a 4 core I5 @ 3.2, GPU is 980ti (new driver installed yesterday) and 32gb ram. The funny thing is Richard, I've since rebooted the PC and started Studio again and it all worked fine for about an hour or so then it happened again and rendering wouldn't work and it brought up that message again. I tried a few things, all in vain, and it just would not render. I switched everything off again, rebooted and it worked fine again, at this very moment it is all still working. Very strange!
Something overheating after running for length of time?
Where is the content of folder C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\resources\images\contenttypes now in DS 4.15? I had custom images in DS4.12, but this were erased by the 4.15 update and I can't find the default images to changes them by my own images.
They seem to be in the same relative path for me. Could it be Windows protecting the Program Files folders? Do you have hidden and system files visible?
I also have the folder for both the general and public releases, however it does not contain any files, just sub-directories. The PNG icon files for the content seem to be in those sub-directories in the locations specified in the file:
C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\resources\ContentTypes.txt
I don't know where the files were in 4.12.
Yes, hidden and system files are visible.
There isn't a ContentTypes.txt for me.
Mine is dated 1/6/2021 (US format; month first). If you are using DIM you can deinstall and reinstall the general release package. That should fix problems with missing files in Program Files.
Smart clue! thanks. I find it.
I installed DS by DIM. Since 4.14 Beta, my DStudio is no more in Program Files in hard disk C, however (useless) folders remain. It used the old folder for daz central to install 4.14 beta and of course 4.15 general release. The weird thing is that I had uninstalled DAZ (nightmare) Central because was a pain. Now DazStudio 4.15 resources lives in external disk U in \Applications\64-bit\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\resources\, the old and abandoned custom folder for my erased daz central.
Case closed.
..,just odd and a bit misleading on what has already been installed, particularly if you want to save the installer for rolling back, should you encounter bugs like some people have.
It is related to the "Compatible Software" in the store ... it always tells you you need the newest version ...
While online. If DIM is offline it gets the name from the maniferst, for installed files, or the .dsx file that sits alongside the zip, for non-installed files.
Okay my question;
I have been weeding through a lot of threads about 4.15 on issues, hardware, etc. I am still using 4.12 and always keep up with the latest video drivers ( I use the studio drivers). My question is this, can my present PC ( which is dedicated to rendering only) handle 4.15?
Intel i7, 32GB RAM, GTX 1060 6GB,2-1TB drives, and a very good cooling system and case. I don't do huge resource intense rendering, I do this for a hobby not professionally and I've never had any issues with 4.12. I see on the specs for studio that a RTX 2060 or above is required is this true?
If your 4.12 installation is the General Release version, then you can install the 4.15 Public Beta build alongside it. There will be no conflicts.
Only experiencing one problem with 4.15 so far:
In render settings>environment, I set up a sun under Sun-Sky Only.
I switch to Dome and Scene and set Environment Map to "None," which gives me both the sun and the in-scene lights.
The problem is, when I save and then reload the scene, it has forgotten the "None" setting and reverts to the default Environment Map. An irritating thing to have to correct every time, and also one that makes sun-plus-scene-lights scenes pretty much impossible in Render Queue.
I have just created a Sun-Sky only scene, saved it, closed DS and reopened the scene. Sun-Sky only is still there, with no Environment map.
Does it work with Dome & Scene rather than Sun-Sky?
No, but that has been reported.
@Philippi_Child DS ran fine with my GTX 980 ti (6 GB). Everything you have is as good as or better than what I was using. You should be OK. but, the recommendation to install and try the beta without diusturbing your DS 4.12 general release is good advice!!!
Each time I close daz 4.15, I can't restart it. I need to re-start my PC to have it again available Am I the only one with this issue, any idea to fix it ?
W10 / I7-8700K / GTX 1080 TI
It takes some time for Daz Studio 4.15 to free memory and shutdown. Even though the main interface window closes, it is still working in the badkground. How long have you been waiting after you close Daz Studio until you try to start it again. You probably just need to wait longer. You can monitor it in the Windows Task Manager to see when the process finally goes away. Then you should be able to start it again. It won't restart until it has completely shutdown the current instance, unless you run a specialized script to start multiple instances at once.
No, this affects everyone and has been reported. Rather than re-starting the whole PC uses the Windows Task Manager or the Mac equivalent to find the running DAZStudio process (there will be just one and it will be in the background) then kill that. Restarting the PC is just a long winded way of doing the same thing.
You can also do what I do; I save the scene file first by hand then select everything in the scene and delete it before closing DAZStudio. The delete just takes a few seconds but DAZStudio shuts down way, way faster afterward. It's still pretty slow.
The no-thought-required fix (which I also use) is to run DAZStudio with the command line options '-instanceName #' (two options, no quotes). If you do that it will start instantly after each close because the option allows multiple scenes to be open at once; the closed one is still there, closing, but you can open another, or several, while it is doing so. Make sure you have all your global settings set correctly first before you do this; it's not possible to save new settings with those options. IRC Richard posted a link to the 4.12 documentation of the command line options a few messages ago.
Don't stop DS through Task Manager unless it's truly hanging (0% CPU) as you may corrupt configuration files. If you keep closing and wanting to restart use the script here to help you create a shortcut or two to launch distinct isntances, which can run while another is closing.
Daz Studio Pro 4.12 - instances
An even quicker (and safest) way is to select File - New after saving and then closing DS.
File>New can still take a while for me if I've had a morph-heavy figure loaded. There are obviously system-specific variables at play with all of this.
No, I've checked stuff like that and my temperatures are all pretty much what they always run at.
The overheating "something" may not be monitored at all.
One thing to try is to remove the GPU and install it again to make sure it is properly seated
...just opened in offline mode and yes, it has the correct version number (Beta 4.12 General: 4.10).
After reading about some of the issues people are experiencing here think I'll stay with what I have for now.
I haven't read every post in this thread (time limitations) so apologies if this was asked and addressed already but:
All the sudden with this update I'm getting fireflies using the same render settings I have used before without any trouble. Is this related to this update? If so, how can it be fixed? I hesitate to resort to the usual suggestions ("Flood the scene with moar dakka!" for example). So I hope there is a fix or patch that doesn't involve changing lighting, for instance.
EDIT: I turned spectral rendering off and the fireflies went away. Is 4.15 incompatable with spectral rendering? Or is it just a problem on my end?
There are a lot of reports of opacity issues in Iray rendering...
I think the fireflys are still there but spectral rendering makes them more obvious. I don't have a 4.12 to go back to at present, I think perhaps I'll have to revert to 4.12 for the general release at least because the problems seem just too weird.