The Kracken ate my Lunch Complaint Thread
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caffeine depositories :lol:
no coffee feh lol,
grocery delivers tomorrow 5-7pm >.<<br /> without caffeine too tired to cook dinner
oatmeal packets handy for too tireds to cook
searched store for coyote - gave me colores
not confident in my spelling
searched store for cyote - gave me crates
over tired, crates is hilarious
I'm back. The Daz website wouldn't allow me to log into the forums. I hope Troutfish and Attic Anne are doing o.k. during the storms.
Well, Happy Mother's Day to all the moms in here! I've been busy all day and night, just got back on now.
It's not just you. Someone in a forum at another site said they were having troubles logging in here, too.
I first read it has tomato and flash flood watches.
Tomato watch? Have the Killer Tomatoes returned? :wow:
...meanwhile in Denver this is what they woke up to this morning.
...and yes there was a game scheduled between the Rockies and Dodgers today. Tied 5 - 5 in the 5th inning, only 38°
They can keep it! Was in the 80s here again today! Winter...Summer. What's this Spring I've heard about? :smirk:
It's not just you. Someone in a forum at another site said they were having troubles logging in here, too.
...yeah, found that out as well. Everything's been fixed though, so closed my support ticket
The free bluray player I got does not play DVDs.
Also another complaint is that my mouth feels so dry. I think it was because of my new medicine.
is a nice day out.
sqeet bit >.<</p>
I felt like that this morning.. urgh.. on my fifth cup now..
ugh.. :blank:
I'm doing fine - we had a couple of decently violent thunderstorms but, where I live in Tulsa, nothing super-serious (just REAL LOUD). Most of the really bad weather seems to pass North of me.
And yeah, I hope Annie is doing ok...
You drank 5 cups in the morning? Wow.
Beautiful today here, sunny and mid-70s. Looks nice from inside my office.. wish I were out in it.. :blank:
Need more sleep.. meh.. :shut:
:bug: they can do that? can't they work out a payment plan?
prayers with you, you be home soon.
I was on a payment plan and was 2 days late making the payment.
Tomato watch? Have the Killer Tomatoes returned? :wow:
We're under a Flash Flood for the whole week. Tornado watch was cancelled, but NOAA may call for another one. Thank God, Mark and I have four walls, a dry floor, and a roof. Two-burner Coleman camp stove is working well. We even have extra cans of fuel for it.
As an avowed bug-lover, I can tell you that wasps are in my Top 4 Bugs I'd Kill Anyway(tm) list. They hate me, I hate them. :shut:
I hate and will kill on sight:
- Earwigs
- Centipedes
- Wasps
- Fire Ants
When I was a kid I got stung by a wood borer, a HUGE waspy thing, and had to go to the doctor. Now I kill them first because they're not smart enough to know I'll wipe out an entire nest in revenge. :snake:
misread wood boner :lol:
That's a really hard one.
Glad you're safe, AtticAnne. Coleman stove indoors, though? I hope you have plenty of ventilation!
late for lunch, early for dinner.
I polished off two hots dogs a bit ago, $2.50 for the pair and they were quite tasty. :)
Maybe a slice of pizza tomorrow.. mmmmm...
baked french fries and cheeese :cheese:
bbq sauce will make me crash if i eat it
Fries n cheese, yum! :coolsmile:
Morning. Massive storm forecast for today but right now stormclouds are scudding away east on a strong breeze and there are patches of sky blue and bright yellow sunbeams sparkling from city towers :)
oh yay *waves* keep getting messages that "personalized data cannot be loaded" so dunno, doesn't sound so bad :lol:
Add a bit of brandy or bourbon to it. It helps numb the throat and keep your chest clear.
flu update: eeeow still a bit bleh but sore throat haz gone, sleeping a lot seemed to help. Going to take a couple of months off or at least until boredom sets in :lol:
Fries n cheese, yum! :coolsmile:
am feeling quite empty but still not hungry :)
Doesn't sound too bad. :coolsmile:
...cajun fish roasted potatoes and slow cooked baby carrots on the menu for tonight.
Was up late last night performing system maintenece to recover about 50 GB on the primary HD as Daz 4.8 was running real sluggish with multiple "not responding" messages and :"whiteouts" (where the entire application window turns white). Also seems to be hitting the HDD pretty heavy as the light for the drive is constantly on during the entire render session as if it is swapping rather than using the system memory.
Ran a test today and it still runs horribly slow for some reason. Haven't installed the latest update yet so that isn't the cause.
Latest update working well for me so far.