The Kracken ate my Lunch Complaint Thread
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wuh ohs soggy day ahead
Latest update working well for me so far.
...still using ver 0.44.
I tend to be a bit apprehensive when I read that others having issues like I saw in the update thread. Crikey none of the "whiteout/blackout" happened until after I installed ver 0.09 and it seems to have become worse with ver ,0.44.
;Album art almost done.. a red moon consuming the sky.. it is perfect. :cheese:
This is the hardest thing I have ever done.. every self esteem issue I have has come out to party on my soul.
I'm not good enough, I suck, I'm delusional, I'm lame, there is nobody who cares...
It's like when I write.. I am not good enough.
But this time, I love my child! :cheese:
For four months I sold my soul to create something never seen before. And I call it good. :coolsmile:
Thunder Boomers tonight! DISH TV signal has gone belly up, and the rain is pouring from the sky and the driveway is a river. CRAAAAAK and the outdoors lights up again and again. It's been hot and muggy (80s) the last few days. A/C has been barely keeping up. But tomorrow will start several days of 60s & 70s weather. Hope this front moving through doesn't have one of those tornados carried with it from the Midwest in it.
..and that's what makes it important.
I think my downfall is sometimes I don't know when to declare something's finished for I feel there is more I should do.before sending a work out into the "wilds".
...maybe that's why I have so many "11th hour" entries in Daz challenges (and why I never win) ...too much of a bleedin' perfectionist.
It was supposed to rain today and tomorrow. It was sunny all day. Tomorrow? Who knows, really?
...still using ver 0.44.
I tend to be a bit apprehensive when I read that others having issues like I saw in the update thread. Crikey none of the "whiteout/blackout" happened until after I installed ver 0.09 and it seems to have become worse with ver ,0.44.
Isn't 4.8 still a beta version? I never get the beta version anymore...always too many troubles. I let other users have the grief. When the dust settles, then I upgrade...when it's a release not a beta. The dust seems not to have settled.
It was supposed to rain today and tomorrow. It was sunny all day. Tomorrow? Who knows, really?
...pretty much the forecast for the next three days here. No thunder, wind or such, just wet & drizzly.
...still using ver 0.44.
I tend to be a bit apprehensive when I read that others having issues like I saw in the update thread. Crikey none of the "whiteout/blackout" happened until after I installed ver 0.09 and it seems to have become worse with ver ,0.44.
Isn't 4.8 still a beta version? I never get the beta version anymore...always too many troubles. I let other users have the grief. When the dust settles, then I upgrade...when it's a release not a beta. The dust seems not to have settled.
Dana..the first release of the beta worked great.
The reason I broke my vow of not messing with betas was because of Iray.
At the time I was experiencing so many troubles with the Reality4 release and subsequent patches. The worst was the bug that wouldn't load materials from older scenes which, learned after the second patch (that release introducing a new bug that messed up camera assignments) would not be fixed. Just got too frustrating on top of having to wait almost a day to see any decent results. With the release of Iray for Daz, I wanted to see just how it compared. For me it was a hands down winner, everything could be set up in the Daz application using the surfaces tab just like for 3DL. Furthermore even in pure CPU mode, Iray was much faster.
I already filed a support ticket, as several others were running into similar issues of the app bogging down and getting multiple instances of "not Responding" messages. Part of me is concerned that it could have to do with some new features exceeding the ability of older low memory GPUs to handle driving the viewport (BTW I don't use the Iray view, way to slow) as well as the display. They also rolled both the standard and Photometric lights together, and supposedly Iray's conversion of normal Daz Materials has been "improved" to eliminate having to manually convert a lot of surfaces. Things like this mean more code and more "behind the scenes processing" which for nolder system could slow things down. Or there may be a memory leak somewhere that was missed (thought I saw something about it in the change log, have to go back and look at it again).
I do remember when Reality 4 was first released, Daz took much longer to open as well as load both scenes and content. Something I read with Reality processing shaders upon a scene being loaded like TDLmake does for 3DL. Maybe this could be happening with changes made to the shader mixer in order to accommodate building Iray materials.
Crikey, can't afford to upgrade right now let alone build a new system.
I am eating two sweet potatoes for breakfast. Yummy
..and that's what makes it important.
I think my downfall is sometimes I don't know when to declare something's finished for I feel there is more I should do.before sending a work out into the "wilds".
...maybe that's why I have so many "11th hour" entries in Daz challenges (and why I never win) ...too much of a bleedin' perfectionist.
That describes about 85% of my life. :down: It's taken YEARS to get to the point where I can take a deep breath and say "It's time to let this one leave the nest".The number of projects that died simply because I polished them to death is beyond measure. :down:
It's hard to NOT say "one last tweak" over and over. :shut:
Happy Tuesday! :cheese:
Chilly this morning, 57F. High today will be 74F, but tomorrow will be 66F and rain, rain, rain. :shut:
Thankfully back into the mid-70Fs starting Thursday, but rain through the weekend.. :blank: Blug, blug.
Running duration tests all day - I get to catch up on my reading. :blank: Much coffee will be consumed today. :blank:
Veggie cup for breakfast from the vending machine! For $2.35 I get a hard boiled egg, 3 kinds of cheese cubes, baby carrots, celery, and buttermilk ranch dipping sauce! :cheese: OMG NOOOOOOOOO IT'S HEALTHY! :bug:
Hard boiled egg and cheese cubes from a Vending Machine? what's the date on the package?
Hard boiled egg and cheese cubes from a Vending Machine? what's the date on the package?
"Expires 5/20/2015". The vending machine is serviced weekly and the guy tosses anything past it's due date.
It's one of the healthiest vending machines I've seen, he's started putting salads in and they go quick! :bug: Bu tdon't eat the pimento cheese sandwiches.. :sick:
Yummmmmmmmmmm crispy baby carrots! :coolosmile:
I got a two dollar drink at sheetz which is a gas station. It is like a drink from Starbucks. It is a frozen coffee drink.
ssippssing a white chocolate mocha latte. :-P
did not win lotto today.
went into the lottery store they had the large Rainbow Dash. wantz soo baddly. :shut:
plaint - i forgot to bring milk. k-cup machine at work, brought the starbucks k-cups. got milk?
chuckle tee hee
i feel like iray is ruining my relationship with ds and ds store stuff. :-/ listless. tortured, boredom. melodramatic gasp retail highless.
Brain hurts. :shut:
Re-learning 3D graphics programming in between running tests and debugging. I can't believe I knew all this stuff at one time! Worse, I can't believe how much I've forgotten! :ahhh:
Technology is very different now. Fortunately the tools and information are all freely available online, so I'm learning a thing called WebGL which is basically a cut-down version of the OpenGL 3D API. It's callable from Javascript, so I get to learn Javascript too. :shut:
So, I've re-located all my gamedev books on Amazon and and making stupid little triangles appear in a Web page. :blank:
Math, math, math.. geesh.. talk about use it or lose it! :bug:
Will definitely need beer tonight. :shut:
I've already forgotten a lot of my math, which is a pity since next to English it was my favorite subject through highschool :lol:
(English as in creative writing a ton - short stories, poems - whatever :) I wasn't too keen on long essays about non-fiction heh)
It also amuses me just as much now as it did then how many kids in my class HATED math and often called it 'useless' but also listed a ton of professions they wanted to take up that required or made heavy heavy use of math. I'm guessing when they said 'I want to be a game developer' they were thinking of something a lot different than I was thinking of :lol:
I've already forgotten a lot of my math, which is a pity since next to English it was my favorite subject through highschool :lol:
(English as in creative writing a ton - short stories, poems - whatever :) I wasn't too keen on long essays about non-fiction heh)
It also amuses me just as much now as it did then how many kids in my class HATED math and often called it 'useless' but also listed a ton of professions they wanted to take up that required or made heavy heavy use of math. I'm guessing when they said 'I want to be a game developer' they were thinking of something a lot different than I was thinking of :lol:
My Dad was a EE and could do insane math in his head. Mom was an English major and a pretty decent poet. How they got married - and stayed together until they passed - I have no idea. But they both had a shot at me and I ended up decent at math AND writing. Never made it past pre-calculus. :blank:
Matrix math and basic trig.. how the mighty are fallen.. oh well, I love learning 5 new things at a time.. :blank:
Math is hard!
99.7% odds still leaves a 0.3% chance of failure, and guess what the RNG Gods decided to roll for me :lol:
Aaaah. I've had quite a few strings of bad luck this playthrough hehe, very frustrating when it happens but funny in hindsight. I think the good news here is those ships aren't expensive for me to replace or anything, can build one every two turns in my capitol so it's more an inconvenience than anything (Especially considering how many enemy ships they can sink on their own.)
not to be confused with halitosis :lol:
AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa head explode! :ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh:
Happy Too(theless)Day :lol:
Weren't Stitch and Toothless somewhat inspired by the Axolotl critter? :)
I can't help but think of Tootlhess when looking at this dragon hehe, they seem to both share the same point of inspiration for their head designs ^^
Well they are cute, but I don't see Toothless or Stitch in there. :)
Meanwhile, in the Tulgey Wood...
Pretty easy - broad, wide smile/mouth, the eyes being low down on the head, flat'ish head and skull shape, the "feelers" on the side and top being the ears and whatnot... :)
:ahhh: :ahhh: :ahhh:
Reading an eBook now: "Programming 3D Applications with HTML5 and WebGL: 3D Animation and Visualization for Web Pages".
Head hurts more. :shut:
But very educational, better than anything I could find on the Web. And under $20! :coolsmile: