Show Us Your Iray Renders. Part III
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You need to turn off the headlamp or it will crash when using caustics
as fast as the render .. I see no difference in time
Yeah ... you still need a card for your monitor or everything will be overloaded .. you will free the system from the GPU and have it working exclusive for renders or use it when the scenes are not bigger than 2GB the 690 would not work as a "de facto" Tesla compute unit even if not in SLI mode? Bugger.
Just messing around, a furry Aucasaurus!
(If I was doing it 'for reals,' I'd take a little more time to get the hair right, clip it around the eyes, etc.)
It is been 60 days since I render with Iray, here is collection of half of my work in slide show
enjoy !
Have a creative new week
You do some really amazing work.
Your other left!
Couldn't resist tweaking my effort from yesterday, a pretty blonde posing in front of a rowboat on a mirror smooth lake. Just a little rearranging, one minor addition...
She's having a blonde moment of confusion since she's facing the stern
I'm not sure she would even qualify as a snack...
Thanks !
You do some really amazing work.
Lol you too much ! hehe
Thanks, Mec4D, Kyoto Kid, Karibous.
LOVE it. Ridiculously jealous of the Titan-X, but I'm consoled by the fact that it's in the hands of someone who will utilize it so nicely! Just curious... what was the render time on that beauty?
And... I need a new GPU. Carry on!
The render took about six minutes.
I haven't done anything really huge yet, still learning Iray. So far I am able to do other stuff like go online when I am rendering without slowing anything down. I guess the RAM goes where it is needed.
She's having a blonde moment of confusion since she's facing the stern
I thought everyone, even non-blondes, faced the stern whilst rowing a boat.
You of all people ought to know how important the correct terminology is, especially in this thread. It should be "DRAGON OFF THE PORT BOW!!!!" ;)
The dragon & blonde image is a play off this exchange. You see, it's not entirely the blonde's fault! Brunettes have blonde moments too! ;)
Well I am blonde at this moment .. literally blonde
I am living prove that bleach does not affect the gray cells .. but it is nice to play stupid sometimes .. it is like under cover LOL
You know after I got my bleach I catch myself putting 2 glasses on my night table before going to sleep , one is full of water and the other empty.. you know why ? because maybe I will become thirsty at night, or maybe I don't .... LMAO
The dragon & blonde image is a play off this exchange. You see, it's not entirely the blonde's fault! Brunettes have blonde moments too! ;)
I've been busy the past month doing stuff I was supposed to be doing all along, like writing and editing and creating new book covers. lol
I developed the cover image for my next book before the beta was released, so I reworked everything to work with Iray. Here is a before (3Delight, left) and after (Iray, right) comparison.
The background lap siding for the 3Delight version consists of two planes. For Iray, I replaced the flat planes with siding from the garage of Collective3d Modern Home Deluxe 1 scaling the Y axis down by 50% to create smaller boards and used a small cube that was elongated to create corner trim.
Also, the 3Delight version is using Sebastian Stubble, where the Iray version uses Unshaven for Genesis to create the stubble. (Sebastian Stubble didn't fit the G2M face correctly.)
While no where near as impressive as a lot of the work in the (now) three threads of Iray Renders, I think the Iray version fits the mood of the cover well and I'm quite satisfied with the results. (Now I just need to get the darn book published!)
The render took about six minutes.
I haven't done anything really huge yet, still learning Iray. So far I am able to do other stuff like go online when I am rendering without slowing anything down. I guess the RAM goes where it is needed.
Ooooooohhhhh.... so jealous. I honestly cannot wait to see what you do in the next RRRR with that beast!
What a difference, well done !
With a blonde sister, I've heard a lot of blonde jokes. That isn't one of them! lol
Also, as I've been absent from the forums for most of the month, I missed out on the HDRI images you shared earlier. Would you be willing to share those again? I'd sure appreciate it. Thanks.
Thanks. :)
I am doing a little HDRI pack will upload in a day or too together with scenes and settings ...
and you are more than welcome !
With a blonde sister, I've heard a lot of blonde jokes. That isn't one of them! lol
Also, as I've been absent from the forums for most of the month, I missed out on the HDRI images you shared earlier. Would you be willing to share those again? I'd sure appreciate it. Thanks.
I thought everyone, even non-blondes, faced the stern whilst rowing a boat.
They do if they're doing it right what I was saying was that she got confused as the directions are reversed so she looked the wrong way
can and does happen to people in rowboats quite often
Thank you, Cath. You're awesome. You know that, right? :)
Awww thanks.. now I do ;) working on other surprise presents .. but not going to spoil it.. just be aware ;)
Presents? I like presents. :)
The following is "Your Other Left" with the "Ocean Wide" choppy prop cut down to 12% scale. The big waves become smaller ripples, resulting in a more typical and believable lake. You can see hints of the dragon, but the rougher water hides him to the point that you lose the story and humor. Still, I like the water effect.
Strictly speaking this isn't an Iray tip, but it's something I only just noticed.
If you have a long series of connected links (chain, tentacle, whatever), you can enter Edit mode (right click on one item in parameters, toggle Edit mode).
If you then select multiple sections of the chain, you can 'bend' ALL sections at once, curving it rather fluidly. Also, rotation will cause it to spiral nicely.
It's also nice, if they are a linked chain, that you can click on a root item, then another item further down the list, and select everything in between.
I had a lot of trouble with tentacles, hoses, and similar until I figured this out.
And speaking of tentacles...
Often, I don't have the energy and brains to work on render stuff for my webcomic. But I feel like making SOMETHING... so I fiddle around with models and shaders a bit.
And here's another one... (the robot is a cool ball-shaped thing with lots of popout panels and moveable arms, then I put a bunch of metal shaders on stuff and gave it one of the Car Paint shaders on top)
That robot turned out really good.
I'll note, in case it wasn't obvious. that I didn't design the robot (I rarely make models)
I think I actually got it free at some point.
But thanks. ;)
I thought everyone, even non-blondes, faced the stern whilst rowing a boat.
They do if they're doing it right what I was saying was that she got confused as the directions are reversed so she looked the wrong way
can and does happen to people in rowboats quite often
OK, I can relate to that. Car mirrors are bad that way too. I have a terrible sense of direction - I will now blame it on blondness. :cheese: