Show Us Your Iray Renders. Part III



  • MusicplayerMusicplayer Posts: 515
    edited December 1969

    Just a quick render to try out Dumor3D's amazing outdoors Iray HDRI's

    Initially, seeing the word 'apocalyptic' in the product title, I was not sure if this was something I would use. :lol: However, the sky and surroundings in the promotional pictures looked so incredible and realistic, I decided to purchase, and SO glad I did.

    Having now played with some renders using this set with both characters and props, I really like the realism of the natural daylight effect.

    The Traction Engine in the scene is

    Cheers :-)

    1162 x 802 - 1M
  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,956
    edited December 1969

    Just a quick render to try out Dumor3D's amazing outdoors Iray HDRI's

    Initially, seeing the word 'apocalyptic' in the product title, I was not sure if this was something I would use. :lol: However, the sky and surroundings in the promotional pictures looked so incredible and realistic, I decided to purchase, and SO glad I did.

    Having now played with some renders using this set with both characters and props, I really like the realism of the natural daylight effect.

    The Traction Engine in the scene is

    Cheers :-)

    That looks really good

  • aaron575aaron575 Posts: 146
    edited December 1969

    Just a quick render to try out Dumor3D's amazing outdoors Iray HDRI's

    Initially, seeing the word 'apocalyptic' in the product title, I was not sure if this was something I would use. :lol: However, the sky and surroundings in the promotional pictures looked so incredible and realistic, I decided to purchase, and SO glad I did.

    Having now played with some renders using this set with both characters and props, I really like the realism of the natural daylight effect.

    The Traction Engine in the scene is

    Cheers :-)

    Really nice, the tractor looks like it belongs there.
  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited June 2015

    I think I'm finally just about there on getting my skin settings the way I want without having the guy have to be super tan. This is Brandon with custom maps for translucency, specularity, top coat, and normals.

    Also, mesh lights just seem to look better on skin than photometrics. I don't know why. The only photometric in this scene is an eye-highlighting spot at low power; there are three mesh light spheres ranged around him for key, fill, and backlighting.

    1000 x 1300 - 2M
    Post edited by SickleYield on
  • MusicplayerMusicplayer Posts: 515
    edited June 2015

    Mattymanx said:
    That looks really good

    Thank you Mattymanx, I am very pleased with the result, and it's mostly down to Dumor3D's great HDRI set. I am looking forward to using these some more.

    Cheers :-)

    Post edited by Musicplayer on
  • MusicplayerMusicplayer Posts: 515
    edited June 2015

    aaron575 said:
    Really nice, the tractor looks like it belongs there.

    Thank you Aaron, the realism of this HDRI set is truly amazing. A great purchase.

    Cheers :-)

    Post edited by Musicplayer on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,046
    edited December 1969

    For the curious, I've been adding drawn-style versions of Iray renders for my The Lady and the Dragon webcomic.

    I think it highlights some of the possibilities of Iray as part of artistic projects.

  • SadCubesSadCubes Posts: 32
    edited December 1969

    Finally getting to grips with iray.

    There is slight post in Photoshop on the colours

    1920 x 1080 - 512K
  • MEC4DMEC4D Posts: 5,249
    edited December 1969

    Very nice work Mark!

    sadcubes said:
    Finally getting to grips with iray.

    There is slight post in Photoshop on the colours

  • SadCubesSadCubes Posts: 32
    edited December 1969

    MEC4D said:
    Very nice work Mark!

    Thank you, it helps having artists such as you to learn from.

    Might improve even more once I get a Nvidia card and can start to use Iray to it's full potential.

  • CypherFOXCypherFOX Posts: 3,401
    edited December 1969


    sadcubes said:
    Finally getting to grips with iray.

    There is slight post in Photoshop on the colours

    Wow, that's very pretty! The first thing my wife said was, "Is that a render?!"

    Would you care to share how you got the closed eyes to look so natural? Whenever I close my characters eyes, it looks like there's something wrong with their lids... :)

    Lovely picture...

    -- Morgan

  • SadCubesSadCubes Posts: 32
    edited December 1969

    Cypherfox said:
    Would you care to share how you got the closed eyes to look so natural? Whenever I close my characters eyes, it looks like there's something wrong with their lids... :)

    Lovely picture...

    -- Morgan


    I just used the standard close eye's morph, I am using an older V4 texture on Victoria 6 HD, that for me had made a vast difference.
    I'm also using a tweaked iray skin shader. I'll post the shader when I get home. It will just be the shader, you will have to supply your own textures :)

  • AiRen-Irin-MalachyAiRen-Irin-Malachy Posts: 21
    edited June 2015

    :red: :facepalm: I just saw sadcubes had the similar idea with Lyon and the Piercing Essentials - my vastly, vastly inferior render has been completed on the 1st of June and I had no idea someone would think along the similar lines until I went to post it just now. As I said, sadcubes one is just.. wow.. awesome, but it's too late to go back and change stuff on my 3D weakling, so there.My public embarrassment can commence.

    This is my first render in Iray and my first in an unbiased render engine. And since the portraits and all things photo-realistic are as far as possible from what I would usually do, that adds another few firsts for me.

    It is an old, Genesis-based character, V4 skin, AoA shader straight convert to IrayUber (no fiddling with dials, I still don't have a clue what each one does).Tthe skin came with no normal or displacement maps (I did try to make some and add them, but my poor old dear of the computer crashed so badly it took me over an hour to nurse it back to health, so I gave up). It took 3 hours and little over 3000 iterations on my bargain bin GeForce 630 hand-me-down, 8 GB RAM and the first gen i7 2600.

    There's plenty on the pic that should have been done better, but I lack the skill and knowledge (better hardware would not go amiss, either). It is nowhere near the standard of the images posted here, but I hope to get better with practice.

    1165 x 786 - 463K
    Post edited by AiRen-Irin-Malachy on
  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited December 1969

    Don't feel bad, I think it looks nice - I'm not sure what you did to get facial peach fuzz (postwork?) but it looks very lifelike.

  • sheedee3Dsheedee3D Posts: 214
    edited December 1969

    Why is my render black?...

    I recently purchased a pc with a Geforce GT 705

    But when i assign the video card to render...its all black

    Only when i assign CPU then i can see my renders

    Any thaughts?...

    1024 x 768 - 84K
  • pearbearpearbear Posts: 227
    edited December 1969

    That looks cool, Kusanagi. I agree with SickleYield that the peachfuzz is a nice touch, especially under the chin.

    I went for a neo-noir film look here, thinking of the lighting and color palette in the movie Miller's Crossing in particular.

    943 x 1200 - 474K
  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited December 1969

    Very stark! I like it. Did you use photometrics or mesh lights or both, do you mind sharing?

  • pearbearpearbear Posts: 227
    edited December 1969

    Thanks! I used a photometric spotlight for the main overhead lighting. Two more spotlights were used also, one small very dim one from near the camera's position to get a reflection in the eyes, and one shining on the background to add a tiny bit of illumination to the background props. I wanted the background to be dark, but not pitch black. Also, I have an HDRI for some ambient light but it is turned down so low it is contributing almost nothing. And the background prop model had a lamp near the ceiling, so I used an emissive Iray shader on it to make it glow. Light bloom (essential for realism I think) was then added in Photoshop, since I have more control there than with the Iray bloom effect.

    If I was going to give it another go, I'd add one more spotlight positioned to get a good reflective glint off of the gun's metal to make it stand out a bit more. I don't like how it fades into the background so much.

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited December 1969

    I see, thanks! It's a good effect.

  • SadCubesSadCubes Posts: 32
    edited December 1969

    Here's the Material preset I used.

    This does not contain any textures, it should work fine as a base for any texture applied to a Genesis 2 Female

  • IceCrMnIceCrMn Posts: 2,149
    edited December 1969

    sheedee3D said:
    Why is my render black?...

    I recently purchased a pc with a Geforce GT 705

    But when i assign the video card to render...its all black

    Only when i assign CPU then i can see my renders

    Any thaughts?...

    If I recall correctly , that card only has 1 GB of ram.So it's going to run out of ram very fast.In my opinion, 4 GB would be an "entry level" card for doing GPU rendering.The reason your render is all black is that iray ran out of ram on your graphics card.

    I don't have a 4GB card either, but I don't mind using the CPU only mode for iray.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited December 1969

    ...same situation here. Getting "decent" render times in CPU mode. which for me have been better than 3DL with UE.

  • sheedee3Dsheedee3D Posts: 214
    edited June 2015 the end of the day its a proven fact that if one wants to use Geforce graphics cards for rendering you have to be rich to be able to afford at least an entry level card to get things going...and even then you have to be lucky that it all renders wiith considerable speed!...

    Conclusion...if you want fast will have to hit the jackpot and buy the most expensive card on the market...Titan...maybe?...

    This is very sad for us the average consumer who can not afford ridiculously expensive video cards...we are stuck with slow CPU renders!...

    Of course it is advertised everywhere...render faster with GPU...but what they forget to mention (intentionally)...only if you can afford it!...
    that should be in the fine print!... for me...i guess i will never find out how much faster rendering is with GPU...unless the unlikely event that one day i suddenly turn rich and buy me the most expensive Titan card out there!...uhhhh...only in my dreams...:P

    If i could afford them...i would go for this 12GB combo!...cant go wrong there!...

    650 x 433 - 80K
    Post edited by sheedee3D on
  • BTLProdBTLProd Posts: 114
    edited June 2015

    I might finally have some Marine Armor I like. LOL. Where to put the rank? LOL

    803 x 1300 - 1M
    Post edited by BTLProd on
  • j cadej cade Posts: 2,310
    edited December 1969

    @pearbear Excellent render, I really love the lighting, and, as always, your character morph is just fantastic

    On the GPU/CPU subject, yes GPU is faster, however a lot of people seem to be making the leap that therefore CPU is slow. No, its just slower than GPU, That doesn't mean its not pretty fast itself.

    For reference, I'm on a laptop with a 2gb video card, I've had a few scenes fit on, but most of my final renders are done on CPU and I've still finished more renders since using Iray than I had in the previous 8 months combined.

    The one place the video card (yes even 2gb) really comes in handy is in setup; if I hide all but the element I'm working on I can use the aux viewport and have it rendering so I see the changes I make.

  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,803
    edited December 1969

    I'm incredibly confused right now. For example, can ANYONE tell me why the 6gb Titan Black is more expensive than the new Titan X with 12gb? I'm begining to wonder if I should sell off my Blacks in favor of of Titan X's but I'm so iliterate about these things I suspect there is a reason why the Titan Black's price hasn't fallen.

    I've searched about this online and I don't see any specific references to why the pricing of the titan x is so cheap compared to the titan black. I am hoping someone around here knows a little bit about it all.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can shed some light on this for me.

  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    edited June 2015

    I'm incredibly confused right now. For example, can ANYONE tell me why the 6gb Titan Black is more expensive than the new Titan X with 12gb? I'm begining to wonder if I should sell off my Blacks in favor of of Titan X's but I'm so iliterate about these things I suspect there is a reason why the Titan Black's price hasn't fallen.

    I've searched about this online and I don't see any specific references to why the pricing of the titan x is so cheap compared to the titan black. I am hoping someone around here knows a little bit about it all.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can shed some light on this for me.

    There is no reason the Titan black should be more expensive than the TitanX. In fact the GTX 980 Ti, from everything I have read, outperforms the Titan Black.

    I just thought of one reason that a Titan Black could be more expensive. They are no longer being manufactured and if you wanted to SLI a Titan Black, you would need another one, which is now difficult to get.

    Post edited by DAZ_Spooky on
  • ChadCryptoChadCrypto Posts: 596
    edited December 1969

    Kamion99 said:
    @pearbear Excellent render, I really love the lighting, and, as always, your character morph is just fantastic

    On the GPU/CPU subject, yes GPU is faster, however a lot of people seem to be making the leap that therefore CPU is slow. No, its just slower than GPU, That doesn't mean its not pretty fast itself.

    For reference, I'm on a laptop with a 2gb video card, I've had a few scenes fit on, but most of my final renders are done on CPU and I've still finished more renders since using Iray than I had in the previous 8 months combined.

    The one place the video card (yes even 2gb) really comes in handy is in setup; if I hide all but the element I'm working on I can use the aux viewport and have it rendering so I see the changes I make.

    I agree,

    I don't think one needs a TitanX to get awesome results. these thread threads have proved it. Such amazing work done here. Even me with a really old computer can still use iray and get some decent results. though I'm still learning it. I have to use the cpu too. yet very impressive.

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited June 2015

    And the Titan X, while it has more RAM than the Titan Black, doesn't have a lot more CUDA cores (3072 vs 2880). Spooks will correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks to me like you might as well get two 780Tis instead if you've got system space and save a bunch of money.

    Post edited by SickleYield on
  • Rashad CarterRashad Carter Posts: 1,803
    edited December 1969

    I'm incredibly confused right now. For example, can ANYONE tell me why the 6gb Titan Black is more expensive than the new Titan X with 12gb? I'm begining to wonder if I should sell off my Blacks in favor of of Titan X's but I'm so iliterate about these things I suspect there is a reason why the Titan Black's price hasn't fallen.

    I've searched about this online and I don't see any specific references to why the pricing of the titan x is so cheap compared to the titan black. I am hoping someone around here knows a little bit about it all.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can shed some light on this for me.

    There is no reason the Titan black should be more expensive than the TitanX. In fact the GTX 980 Ti, from everything I have read, outperforms the Titan Black.

    I am running superclocked Titan Blacks so they perform noticeably better than the average Titan Black but probably still not as good as a Titan x. I'm REALLY confused because if this is all true then why would anyone want to buy my used titan blacks?

This discussion has been closed.