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ha ha Stezza, I seldom go out into the garden as it is - now I will lock myself in my room with a fun gac ide
nice lateral thinking :)
the more sequels the bettererer ! ;)
Have'nt been on becaus Wi-Fi/DSL Box went out
the RePairman came , Today (Tuesday afternoon) & look at it , & replaced it
~ !BooYah! ~
& have a coupl more Scenes , but Incomplet
& several more , that are still , notes/ideas
+ Thanx +
( if any-one , would lik to hear one ) , " the-unicorns "
we gotta buy ours
lucky I have several stacked away just in case

good to see you up and running again though.... nothing worse than when your box goes out
just passing time this arvo with the Halloween cat .. added some Carrara fur
not an entry... but never know
I had an urge the other day to mow the lawn.... so I had some panadol and had a lay down till it passed..
also found out not to ask the missus what's for dinner when she's half way through mowing
maybe a spotlight for a rim light with just the subject selected in the spotty selection panel may work
very cool as usual UB
maybe a lighter stroke around the text may make it pop out a bit more... it maybe just me but I find the text a bit to blended in with the image...
_ Yeah , thought so , too _ was at first lik want is this say ?-? Thanx -
well , Thanx - yeah , was missin' all the Reading usually hav
+ Nice cat looks mean+
= an group of Unicorns +Unspecified number+ a few/ & a dragon stands with them(dragon with One Horn)
& a-unicorn says to dragon " i don't think anyone , will beliv you're one / of us " =
- And Then -
some Incomplet W.I.P.s
thanx +
@Syezza said
ha ha sage words of advice, thanks for the suggestion about the rinm light - I attempted in post but failed
more brillinace - love the cat pose and the dragon wings - just read a post on facebook that cats were invented to remind us that not everything in nature has a purpose
nice saucers :)
Few weeks ago I did the king and queen for a chess set to three d print. Started in Carrara, took into meshmixer and did a bit of sculpting and added some blobs and creases and bases - have to redo the queen's base
Then brought back into Carrara for texturing and rendering. Used Statuatory shaders - chess board is simple checkers pattern with the Statuatory Marble shader as the white bit
.Here they are as Dragon King and Queen,
Sorry to hear - was wondering where you got to, assummed you must have been feverishly working away !!!
Good news about the extra scenes.
Was thinking about extending the date by a couple of more weeks as some of the earler starters have gone quiet, would like their input into the Challenge !
That's a mean looking feral you've got in that render !!!
That might do the trick !!!
Definately a hard task master - but worth considering !!!
Sounds like a good plan for a render !!!
Could make a few more guesses but will wait to for the plot to thicken !!!
Groovy looking pieces you have there !!!
Thanx = but am sure , will not even start this _ So , if some-one wamts make it , go for it _ thanz
+ 1 ~.~
well ,, Thanx , yeh , was still workin' it = called & "they" said it would be two weeks ' 'Before anyone could come see about it ): "oh-noes"
idk how much time will need ,,, yeh , more time is okay ~.~ & to get the others in _
& perhaps you " could made " an Dinner ,,, such as "Cheeseburger Mac and Cheese" thanx ( the homemade kind )
& Another ~.~
- thought of during the Nite -
St. Geogre & the Dragon _ thanx
Okay, will extend the Challenge by another two weeks. On Saturday I'll adjust the dates shown at the start of the Challenge.
Still waiting on the early workers to show up - hope they do !!!
Lots of possabilities !!!
Yeah , Thanx _ And Then ~