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Hope you have at least another render lined up ?!!
Nice scene !!!
Is the Dwarf this one ? - Dwarvez: Base Figure by sixus1 -
Just for Fun - Not an Entry
Keiko 6 & Mech Dragon
504 errors will upload image when I can
~ yeah ,, there is _ Do'nt forget the UFOs ( ; thanx
I have the 45 single somewhere here
and did you know that Peter, Paul & Mary is really Peter, Noel & Mary
Woohoo !!!
Nice to know !!!
keeping things rolling along
A Dragon's Tale
modelled the mask
I also did
Another Dragon's Tale
modelled all the figures and props in Carrara
Yep, the old tickle a dragon on the chin trick !!!! Nice render !
Superb !!!
~ alrite then , , Thanx +
Just for Fun - Not an Entry
Spiky Dragon
Raw render
Topaz Adjust, Crisp filter to bring out details
Filter Forge, Watery Buzz filter for a NPR render
Final image
hi thanks for the kind thoughts about my family - much appreaciated! - everything settling down now fingers crossed -
@Bunyip02 that last image is terrific - love the style.
and the dragon skeleton one has beautiful lighting - care to share the technique?
your quirky brilliance never amazes to cease me!!
err I mean never cease to amaze - characters with character!
@ed3d - love this one g- great sense of humour!
@Diomede - classic!!! brilliant lighting as well as pose ;)
@WendyLuvsCatz - you have been doing beautiful work lately. Another shining carrara talent! I saw somewhere about one of those programs (ten dollars a month one) a chap extrapoleted geiger like image into a 3d model - maybe you posted the video - so much fun so little time
Thanx so Kindly - ~
Thanks !!!
Thanks again !!! A combination of Tube Light and Spot Light, refer pics
Tube light had soft shadows effect enabled, radius 10m
thank you, yes it works wonderfully
Finally had achance to sit down with carrara
Dragonfolk - had to use the daz studio plugin to get them into carrara , a character called grim, the spheres on the ground qwere replicated then turned into reall instances so I could move them, lots of lighting via caustics,
two fogs and some background gemoetry made with an online programe by Andrew Marsh Polyhedra Generator ( - he has a few things worth looking at
the big sphere behind the two grims is reflecting the sky
I finally broke down and installed Daz Studio Pro 4.2. Not (yet) to get DUF files into Carrara, but just to render a product that comes in DS and Poser format. Neither Poser nor Carrara gave the great quality of renders in the product samples, e.g. the "ELITE" glass sign above the revolving door (see attached). As always, I floundered around in DS, new to me, but finally got it to do some great renders. The bad news is it took Iray to do it, about 60 to 90 minutes for a 1280x720 image. (!) Not gonna do any animations at that rate, but backgrounds for Carrara animations look promising.
Thanks Wendy et al.
Wow, love how you think outside the box of traditional imagery, great render !!!
As a Carrara plugin it does have it's uses !!!
thanks Bunyip02 ;)
Another great image to add to your long catalog of great images.
Not sure why you needed DS to load Dragonfolk. I think it is basically uses Millennium Dragon 1?
I'm also impressed that you got the dorky flame prop to look so artistic. :) Awesome overall lighting, reflections, esthetics, and a very creative use of the Polyhedra plugin you mentioned.
Thanks for reminding us what happens when you use your full power as an artist. I am way more inspired by this than I am inspired by push-button AI.
UB are you inspired to do another Challenge render ?
Yes, sorry for the delay. I am taking a cue from Diomede and doing a series on a single theme. All will be done at close to the same time, hopefully.