"poloch" product naming
Posts: 1,817
Hello Folk,
I ask me, if noone really knowed what the name of "poloch" means, before publishing it ^^.
I got the product 8nfo via newsletter and its kinda funny.
This is the German translation:
Just wanted to mention it ;)
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
Moved to the Commons as it is not a Daz Studio topic.
This was reported in the sale thread too, we have flagged it up for Daz.
Oh dear... ...
At this point nothing surprises anymore.
Just as an fyi, the name Rita is popular in Spain and Portugal, or at least used to be, but in some Slavic languages it means buttch33ks.
Ok, but here's the translation from other languages:
Belarusian: bad
Bengali: wink
Czech: Position
Frisian: Polo
Luxembourgish: Polo
Portuguese: Pools
Slovak: Location
Not sure it's that big of a deal really, tons of words mean one thing in one language and another thing in another...
I wanted a PoLoch, where is my poloch!
that reminds me of "los pollos hermanos" from breaking bad, if it just would be los poloch hermanos. that would mean "lets go butthole brothers" xD
The word is not very common in Germany, but, yes - it is correct.... LOL!!!
According to google there are 7,100 languages, are we gonna check all of them for every word on site or do we have a criteria to strike some as irellevant (and offend their users even more) ?
I remember when Runescape introduced their aggressive naughty words filter and I tried to talk with one of my mates, in *our* language. We were getting censored all the time because parts of our every day words were making parts of naughty words....
Soon we will have to communicate in "oohs" and "aahs" only to not offend someone...
personally, if I was a PA, checking to make sure the name of a product I released not meaning something bad in another language would be the last thought I would have.
It's more common in some age groups than in others... it's more often used by younger children and their mothers than by older children and other grown-ups. Kinda like the americans use "poop"
In fact, you use this word if you try balancing for an appropiate expression, without being to vulgar or to medical.
So funny, how could I miss this
1. it was not really a complaining, I just laughed about it and wanted to let others know it.
2. German is a very popular Language it is in the EU/US zone very much used and just yesterday did I hear in the radio, that Germany should become the "leader" of the EU, whatever that means...
3. I played some games too and I hate the random wordfilters, even for my german was a lot blocked, its mainly in Asian games with hard censorship (thanks to China maybe?) and then ist kinda every second word censored...
Correct :D its very childish, so I like it, because I am like a little kid :P
The same funny thing was also for the Teletubbys, because the red teletubby was named "po", same for the river in Italy, its the "Po" :D butts, overall butts!
there's a lot of Australian words/slang might upset some here even some names of some of our places. Americans banned some of our tv ads including tourism ads and other things because they were upset by some of our slang and names
Now we know why Daz introduced the 'Mature Content' filter!
If they understood finnish, we also would be forbidden to open our mouths
My brother spent a summer in Germany some 30 years ago and came home with a german girlfriend. She didn't understand any finnish but just watching finnish commercials on TV made her giggle, saying that never would such commercials be allowed in Germany. To us, there was nothing family un-friendly, but yes they had some adult humor in them.
1. If you look few posts above there was an actual complaint about this made in sales thread - I was just talking about similar issues in general, nothing personal against you.
2. German is on 13th place according to Lingue (first result I got on Google, I am lazy) , and it wont be popular in many European countries for... lets say historical reasons, any time soon :D
3. So you know how annoying censorship can get if its not stopped then :D
actually most spoken language in Europe and in science its on #2 world wide
and don't forget that english and a ton of other languages are germanic languages
I suggest NOT trying to buy this via PayPal. They have refused Daz transactions in the past when the product name triggers their Crime or Sexytimes Detector algorithms. IIRC, 1 or 2 items were renamed due to this.
I also recall briefly playing in a Play By Post sci-fi RPG campaign decades ago. The forum that hosted it used one of the programs that replaced vulgar words, and its parameters were super-strict. It always replaced "cockpit" with - I'm NOT joking - "thingy-pit"!
Does it come with a geograft or something...?
Checking for unfortunate names can be important. Consider the Chevrolet "Nova" automobile. In Spanish "No va" means "No go". Name was changed in some countries to counteract low sales. Ah ha! At last, a good purpose for the Marketing department.
And now that Richard and company has left EU, german may gain popularity.
In the 60's and 70's it was THE language for engineers here in Finland, english came far behind, but that changed when TV's invaded every household with american (subtitled, not dubbed) movies and TV-series.
I didn't get along with German. I found the sentence structure too confusing. I did better with Spanish. And my conversational Russian is on the same level as a 1 year old, but I'm not a language person. I just have never been exposed to a long enough situation where I needed to use the language. I can read newspaper headlines, street signs, maps, and store names, and I know how to pronouce words in those languages but don't ask me to talk to you. I'll just talk louder in English.
Not to mention Mitsubishi Pajero, called Montero in US, Spain and Latin America for some strange reason.
Germanic != German....
And good luck popularizing German in countries where you were encouraged to learn it at a gunpoint... ask Ukrainian how would they liek to learn Russian....
German is very similar to english.
Lets grab some words from your message:
structure = Struktur
better = besser
old = alt
person = Person
long = lang
situation = Situation
can = kann
So there is a lot similar ;)
There's quite a few Ukrainians learning german right now, though
Not to forget the number of people being forcefully made speaking german has been declining for quite a while already. Except for Bavarians... they still resist...