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My computer crashed mid render of my last render. I forgot to see if I can recover it but started a new render now.
Now trying to decide if I want to use Genesis 8/8.1 or Genesis 9?
Non-Complaint; Found myself a new girl, she was born in 2005 and only seen 230 000 km (142 000 miles).
Judging by her appearance and our 40 mile honeymoon, she has been treated way better by the previous owners than her twin sister was (RIP).
She did cost 1350eur (including 24% VAT), but I think she was worth it.
In official papers she has been named Opel Astra 1.6 Twinport Sport Caravan
I was trying to figure out how to get disabiled fare for the local buses. Right now they are free, but they won't be in September.
also this blue polish followed me home today. Only my left nails are painted. I mean fingernails. The toenails and right fingernails need to be done still?
My favorite has always been the songs with lyrics that are beautiful even without the music. Songs by Whitney Houston or Luther Vandross have lyrics that read like a coherent love letter. To hear them sung with perfect clarity feels good to me. And those singers from that class would sound the same live as they do on their records. On the other hand, I've come to like music from London Grammar, whose lyrics hardly make any sense... and music by Chvrches whose lyrics make no sense whatsoever. They just sound good to me at times. I think it might also help that people sometimes like to imagine their own lyrics to songs, which helps when the song writer has obviously had a bit too much Power Water.
I'm very bad at decoding metaphors generally, but I find Tori Amos's lyrics especially inscrutable. Even when I know the lyrics, I rarely have any idea what they're about. Love her music, though.
YouTube Adverts getting worse. I can't even watch a 10 minute long video without two or three advert breaks (I have not turned my advert blocker off). There is a way to get around actually having to watch them by refreshing the screen each time the message comes up on the screen (usually twice does it). but sometimes that takes you back to the beginning of the video and they are still a serious interruption to the flow of what you are watching. I can somewhat tolerate it during informational or news videos but it really kills the mood listening to music.
I really have a thing against having to suddenly pay a ransom for uninterrupted content and who knows how long this will last until you have upgrade to "super", "ultimate", or "plaid" level premium service to get advert free content.. That is what drove me away from cable television many years ago..
Paywalls on news publication sites are bad enough to deal with..
I had a dream that somehow blends ai with robots and sci-fi.
in a dystopian world which is run by ai, a young hero tries to save the world from ai art.
Air quality continues to be lovely. Currently among the world's worst. We hit #1 in the world a few years ago, so there's always the possibility of a repeat.
The ongoing arms race between YouTube and ad blockers seems to have heated up recently. It seems like on some days YouTube has the upper hand, and checkmates every attempt to avoid the ads. And then a day or two will pass and suddenly every ad they try to throw up is blocked. And then the advantage passes back to YouTube again. Folks must be working overtime on both ends...
Trying to decide which I loathe more:
(1) Having to sit through 30 seconds of unskippable adverts to watch a 24-second clip;
(2) Having to sit through 30-60 seconds of unskippable and aggressively cheerful adverts before YouTube will let me watch the extremely serious news video I wanted to watch in the first place;
(3) Those times when you agree to watch a movie on YT "with ads" and then you get five advert breaks in the first 20 minutes.
...we cannot afford an ad blocker gap!
...air quality here about to deteriorate as there are several large wildfires to the east,
At least the fires will stop in a few weeks.
When I was a boy, in the middle of the last century, when the steel mills were filling the air with red smudge, Buffalo & Pittsburgh did without air. It took decades to reign in the Steel mills. Good air was delivered by horsecart, in big canvas bags. All the kids in the neighborhood, would run after the air delivery cart, uphill both ways, trying to get a free whiff of the good stuff. But all that addictive oxygen hooked us, and now I can't live without it for more than a couple of minutes.

Non-complaint: Weather's been good for several days. mid-70s in the day, 50s at night, humid but not oppressive, rain for a couple hours or at night. A/C hardly needed, which is good because the A/C is hardly capable. Hot season here is mostly over. Trees are already starting to lose leaves. Winter is coming.
I thought RAM board was loose in its slot. I removed and re-inserted both RAM boards into their slots. Computer continued to crash randomly. Maybe the 2.5 inch SSD is starting to go bad.
I want another nap. I am so sleepy.
Wait! I think my roommate is home so I need to clean the kitchen?
Thats an interesting vehicle, like a minivan without the sliding doors... I miss our van (2007 Hyundai Entourage)... it got totaled last year by someone trying to beat a light... if I were being gracious, I might say they didn't see the van turning because of the rain and it being night, but from the passengers account they sped up and made no attempt to avoid the vehicle even as they closed in.
We had it since our girls were babies and they pretty much grew up in it, they also learned to drive in it... I loved the fact that it was well designed and the rear seat came out so I could haul supplies and materials... I even managed to transport one of my water-features in it... pretty much the size of a large refrigerator and weighed around 300lbs... lots of summer road trips and adventures in it... it was a real bummer removing our stuff from it in the wrecking lot... like a trip down memory lane.
My daughter was driving it with her EMT friends when she got hit... it spun around three times and hit a curb in the parking lot... despite that my daughter and her companions rushed out to aid the other driver. They never said anything to her or the other EMTs, which was pretty crappy, but at least nobody was severely hurt. I have no idea if I mentioned that incident before... it's been a long crappy year and half and I've lost track of what I've posted and what I thought about posting and what I've written and deleted...
Well, I hope your new mechanical companion treats you well and you have many miles together. Good luck.
...for myself growing up In Milwaukee, it was a lot of coal still used by foundries, forging plants, power plants, and for heating homes (the house i grew up in originally had a coal furnace). We also had a major coking plant just south of downtown that. One of those cole fired power plants was the Lakeside Plant (the biggest in the city) that was on the lakeshore by my neighbourhood. Over the decades most buildings in the city had acquired a dingy dark grey or even black coating of soot. After much of the heavy industry died out and they started cleaning buildings off It was amazing to find many had exteriors made of a cream white brick that was unique to the area. The old City (see comparison below) hall was originally made of a tan sandstone and returned to it's original state..
When the winds were out of the south-southeast we would get all the haze, smoke, and smell from the steel mills in Hammond and Gary Indiana as well as the southeast Chicago area.
City Hall Before restoration.
At least part of it was about kombucha. And something about a beverage with moths as an ingredient. I don't know what ever became of that.
I want to go back to bed. However I am scheduled to work soon. As in 13 minutes or so?
RUN! (carefully)
I ran carefully and got to work on time. Now on break.
Complaint: it looks like every country has the Olympic Opening Ceremonies geo-locked and/or behind a paywall. Even good old dependable SVT.
Oh well. The boat thing was very creative. It looked like Dunkirk, but for sports.
I use one called uBlock Origin, never see any ads at all, and that's in Chrome. It's an old version of Chrome however as they no longer offer updates for Win 8 which I'm still using, don't know if it has something to do with that. Youtube and almost all other sites are still working fine though.
.....yeah I'm, on 7 Pro here but lost access to that extension due to later updates (unlike with Daz, or Nvidia drivers, can't save older Chrome installer files to roll back). I have AdBlocker Ultimate and for most sites it works fine. For those that get obnoxious, I open them in incognito mode and there I just get blank spaces where the adverts would be. Doesn't work for YouTube though
For some odd reason tonight I didn't receive their "anti-Advert blocker" TOS warnings and was able to watch my news videos uninterrupted. Maybe there was an update.
I'll see how long that lasts.
As to paywalls, that is another situation entirely.
Non-complaint: Weather here in western NY State has been fantastic for a few days. 50s at night, high 70s during the day, not very humid, partly cloudy, slight breeze. Days of Summer.
Today has, however, turned up the heat a little. It's 84F right now (2:15PM), but still not too humid.
Yesterday was a reunion of another branch of the family. Wheee..., hotdogs, macaroni salad, baked beans, and all the picnic doin's. About 30 people attended. We got one representative from the Florida branch. Attendence was mostly us old people(age 65-80), and the one remaining member of the previous generation celebrating his 95th birthday at the same event. There were two babies, no teenagers, and only four people under 30. But nobody of the age 5-10 that I could impress with my memorized recitation of "Jabberwocky". (It's my party trick.
And I got an opportunity to show off my collections to my Florida cousin who was excited to see it and actually knew what most of it was. My head is two sizes larger today.
But y'know what I miss from family reunions these days? Big homemade pies. Nobody bakes anymore.
I could be eating this pizza outside right now.
but I'm afraid mosquitoes will come out while I eat. I don't like it when mosquitoes come out. Do you?
Is my neighbor mowing their lawn?
I assume that is why he is sitting on something like a riding lawnmower.
Don't worry the mosquitoes won't eat much of the pizza.
Just figured out that my scanner omes with software that can make PDF files from scanned pages. I am trying to scan documents but It seems that the scanner didn't scan them the proper scale. I figured out a way to fix that, but not until after I wasted some pages printing the documents to figure it out.
I was printing sewing patterns which means it needs to be proper scale.
I also need to pay attention to my popcorn before it burns! Burn baby burn! NO! Don't burn popcorn!
No. And I don't like it when they go in either. Swat!