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I am okay. I can't sit outside without a blood thirsty mosquito wanting a nice drink with me. Oh Wait! they expect me to provide the nice drink of warm blood. Arrggghhh.
There were lots of rain and tornados around but not where I live. Just lots of heavy rain. Probably need to empty the pots of excess water soon. my plants are being overwatered outside.
I was at work and then I came home to take a nap. Now I am back online on my computer.
Complaint: I thought I had Nala installed. but Smart content couldn't show her. I am trying to reimport meta data but that appears to take forever to do.
I am doing okay but started choking on a fry. At least it wasn't a fly.
The sooner you dump them the better. They are a great breeding groung for those vampires er mosquitos.
Sfariah D said:
I think there's supposed to be a hole in the bottom of each pot. They call it "drainage". Or something like that.
Good to see that you're OK!
We had tornado sirens going off a few times the other day when we had a huge storm come through that was producing 65mph winds and the rain was coming down almost sidways.
After the heat, humidity and rains of last week, the weather here has settled back down to enjoyable, and crops are happy for a while. Partly cloudy, slight breeze, temps in the 70s(F) for the forseeable future (i.e. through next week).
Non-complaint: More excitement upcoming: My High School class from '66 is apparently getting "meh" about reunions.
We've had a lot of them. Attendence at our class reunions (usually every 5 years) has typically been high. Some members though, recognizing that the light at the end of the tunnel is a train, have paniced and have been suggesting that we reune every year instead. However, that idea floated like a lead balloon. Although, they did have the first of the annual reunion dinners last year, but I didn't attend although I did hear it was poorly attended, and this year's "annual dinner" was cancelled. But a small group (perhaps less than 5) of our clique of nerds, contacted each other and have arranged for a small dinner at a local decent restaurant. That event comes up next Saturday(8/17). So, wheee... a mini-adventure.
My best friend from high school now lives in NYC but comes "home" twice each year (Christmas & summer) and he and I always go for lunch at least once when he's "home". He's going to be here in a couple days, and will transport me to our group dinner at a proper restaurant for an excellent meal with the rest of our old school "gang".
I suspect that there will be one more "official" 5-year reunion in 2026 for our 60th, but living members of the class are gettin' kinda sparse.
And I'm not promising to attend the one after that. Who knows what 7 more years will do to me?
Big difference between 75 and 82.
I am doing well. Just sleepy. I don't know why but I am cutting back on some coffee intake. It isn't easy so probably won't last long.
Everytime I quit coffee I get long lasting headaches and some other side-effects for a day or so. But quiet, dark and aspirin, or similar, usually take care of the headache and keep me civilized until the caffein withdrawal is over. Unfortunately, it's the claws, fur and fangs that hang around for a while.
...yeah, that was what sparked the big fire in California, fortunately the caught the guy. Here in Oregon it's been dry lightning (no accompanying rain).
Fortunately temperatures are heading downward (70s for the next ten days) and the wind has shifted to an onshore flow again.
I will be glad if we have no repeats of 2017, 2018.and 2020 when Portland became a "study in sepia" and one year ash was falling like snowflakes.
I forgot my iPhone charger at home so I can't charge my phone until I get home.
I sat down at the kitchen table to eat dinner. I turns out that dinner is still on the kitchen counter. That makes it difficult to eat.
You need a few Minions.
...or be strong with the Force.
If you don't clean your phone, your gong will retire.
they really need to proof read their ads. Got these screenshots from in game ads. The picture of the gong online.
I have found that even respected news sources leave some pretty bad misspellings and grammatical errors in their productions. Seems nobody cares anymore.
And when objection is raised, it is often countered with florid pedanticism about the continuing evolvement of language, and the essential readability of the horrid headlines. Implying that "it's all good", which is my most triggering platitude. No, it is not all good.
Some of it is just plain unmonitored laziness and/or ignorance.
Ignorance can be cured. Laziness, not so much.
Where can I get some free Genesis 9 clothing?
From Genesis 8
This has been in the biweekly freebies for months:
DAZ Bi-Weekly Freebies, Rendo, Most Digital Creations.
Ooh I got that outfit. I want some cool clothes for the guys too.
I want to ask how much is a complimentary water? I think I'm at theater a tad early?
Um I'm going to see Romulus movie!
Whatever the price for complimentary water, it's probably a better product than rude water.
Well a piece of the sky did fall and hit ye ol' transformer last night. The power wasn't out very long. Just long enough that I would have to reset all five million clocks. That didn't take long.
You seem to have a lot of trouble with your sky
. have you considered erecting some scaffolding, and overhead nets? Attach those loose sky tiles with long nails? Gorilla Glue? Bubblegum? And you're gonna have to cut back on your clock collection.
Are you sure you're not living inside an asteroid? Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy dealt with one in the episode, "For the World is Hollow, and I Have Touched the Sky". Perhaps they (the Federation) could help again.
Of course the world is hollow, if it was solid it would be far to heavy to float in space and it would have sunk millenniums ago (is millenniums the correct plural of millennium? or should it be millenniumi?). It's simple physics, a hollow steel ship floats in the sea (as long as it doesn't leak too much) a solid steel ship would sink therefore it is obvious that a solid planet would sink in space and not float like a hollow one. For further proof I refer you to one of the many documentary films that go by the title of 'The Journey to the Centre of the Earth' based on the original work by that well known scientific genius Jules Verne.
Shhhh! Much more of this talk and we'll wake the Flat-Earth people.
Or at least revive the stories of Chicken LIttle sadly but ironically, killed years later (after his well publicised panic attack), by the uncontrolled rapid descent of a deceased flying pig that had suffered a fatal heart attack mid-flight.
Should be millennia.
Query: Given "Fledermaus" == "Flying mouse"(i.e. bat), does "Flederschwein" == "Flying pig"?