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I accidentally ordered a cold brew coffee. I said cold coffee instead of ice coffee. Cold brew is stronger than regular coffee.
So I just finished my self-test so I could get the diagnostic information. It looks like all the results are consistent with being human. Next I tried identifying bicycles and crosswalks. It's really easy with an actual bicycle or even an actual crosswalk. But the pictures of them on the screen just look like a bunch of pixels. They should come up with an easier test like solving a quadratic equation with some fifteenth degree polynomials. Or perhaps finding all the inflection points of a graph of an equation with a few eighth derivatives. Anyway, the search engine started working again later and the whole thing is stupid. And that proves I'm not a robot because only a human would think something is stupid because they can't figure it out. And Google just thinks you're a robot if you do a whole lot of searches really fast.
Complaint: It's been another brutally hot summer. I blame myself. Whenever we get a particularly nasty stretch of weather I will think to myself "well, it'll break soon enough," and then it doesn't, and I end up feeling let down and bitter. I'm not prepared yet to accept a lifetime of brutal summers, even if that's what the current models indicate. Sigh. At least the electricity is cheaper on weekends.
Non-complaint: First real hike in the high country yesterday and we absolutely slayed it, from 11,000 up to 13,000 and back down in a time that even 25-uear-old me would have been proud of.
Non-complaint: At least with a brutally hot summer, one can leave their jacket in their backpack whilst on a high country hike.
Hiking and I separated decades ago.
I think that the only actual "hike" that I did was when I was in Boy Scouts in the early '60s, during winter when our troup hiked in deep snow about five miles to an old, abandoned one-room schoolhouse at the top of a local hill. We stayed overnight, but it was the coldest night of the year (like -20F). Despite the old pot-bellied stove in the schoolhouse that our scout leader tried to keep stoked during the night, I've never been that cold again. Official Boy Scout sleeping bags of the day weren't meant for that weather.
Although, in college in Melbourne Florida (late '60s), I would walk five miles from my dorm on campus to my aunt's house on weekends, and didn't think much of it. These days, walking to the end of the driveway makes me think hard before doing it.
And for a while in the early '00s when I found myself back in Florida staying with my aunt in her last years, I had a bicycle and would do the five miles from her house to the campus, or downtown Melbourne nearly daily. Also then, in my 50s, would bike 8 miles to the movie theaters and electronic shops west of the city, enjoying the exercise. Admittedly, Florida is flat, and that helps, but I would even bike several miles east across the causway to the beach side just for fun. I admit, that the long, high, arched bridge over the Indian River was daunting, but coasting down the other side, racing the automobiles, was worth the effort. Wheee... speed. Look out people, here I come.
I even biked down to Sebastian Inlet, 25 miles down the two-lane beach road (A1A), and back a couple times. Minor achievements, I know. But they're my memories and I treasure them, because those days are over for me.
Yeah, biking on flat land ain't nuthin' like hiking mountains. So, good on ya.
What frustrates me is that the forecasters, at least over here, usually predict it wil get coler in about three days. And they keep saying that until it really does get cooler. I suspect they took the Peanuts cartoons of Lucy snatching the (US) football away from Charlie Brown as customer-training materials.
I found a cute goblin girl in the store and she was on sale. After my coupon I had to pay 10 cents!
...hmm, Hawai'ian shirt textures as the Daz+ item, another rare find in Lightning Deals that I can actually use, and the Little Joe Tug, all for a total of just under 8$ (with the sole token I still had that would have expired).
Not bad.
I want to take a nap, but there was something I else I wanted to do
So I was out mowing the weeds and... I don't know how big of a piece of sky fell but the tree branch it hit was huge. Normally I drag all the branches into a pile that will eventually become a log cabin for a raccoon family. But this branch is just huge. It could house its own family of wild rodents. As I ignored that and continued to mow, I noticed the remains of an animal. I don't know what it was but it was brown and furry and maybe it used to be fairly large. So I just mowed around that and kept going. It looks like nature is solving the problem for me. There isn't much left of it but some fur and a few scattered bones, and it is fairly flush with the ground. But there's probably a back story there somewhere. It was about 90 degrees out there. A neighbor informed me that when I am soaked with sweat, my mowing clothes tend to become fairly translucent. And it is definitely grasshopper season.
It is mosquito season here unfortunately.
Do you have a mosquito gun and license?
Non-complaint: Yay, today another mini-adventure.
Nothing special, just a bus to a TimHorton's for breakfast and a few donuts & muffins to take home. Mmmm..., Also a wander through the CVS drugstore, but there was nothing in there that I couldn't live without. So, that saved me some cash. Also toddled over to BigLots for a tour past the cheap furniture, and kitchenware, and kitsch, to my goal of isles and isles of snacks. Mmmm..., shame on me..., but mmmm... snacks.
Got a bag of GingerSnap cookies and a medium sized bag of Doritos.
Then an Uber home, and it's still only quarter after ten. Made it before the rain began.
Hopefully, the rain will kill today's heat and humidity.
I noticed that there's a new restaurant opening in that area, replacing the long defunct "Friendly's". I don't know what it will be, but at least it's something new, and hopefully adds a little spice, or at least a new twist to my mini-adventures to that area in the future.
--- 24 hours later ---
Complaint: The trouble with GingerSnap cookies is that when left on a plate for a couple hours they vacuum up any moisture in the air and quickly turn from hard & crisp to fragile ginger cakes that fall apart if you breathe on them, on their way to becoming GingerMush. Yeah, they're still yummy, but you have to spoon them up to get them into your mouth.
Gotta keep the bag tightly sealed, with any excess air sucked out before sealing.
Non-complaint: Speaking of moisture in the air; the humidity yesterday was stifling, even after the rain. Less so today.
In 20 days I will be 71.
That is old.
And so it goes.
On your happy day, have fun.
That may earn you a medal of gold,
But you're still only as old as your toes.
You won't get a wreath,
Until you're as old as your teeth. season here in full swing. Smoke from a several clusters of wildfires just to the east is in the air. While not very thick (so far) it still is stings the eyes a bit.
No rain, not even clouds in the forecast for the next 10 or so days. August through mid September is usually the worst time of the year here.
Had to fist fight green June bugs for peaches. They were winning . . . so I got a step ladder and put the garden hose nozzle on jet. There were tons and tons of them. Some flew off, some dropped to the ground. I'm sure the fruit terminators, will be back, but some won't.
Finally got Covid. It was only really bad on Monday, but since Tuesday afternoon I've felt basically ok. My throat completely closed up last night, so now my voice is all deep and sexy, but apart from that and some brain fog, it's pretty business-as-usual for me. I'm really wracking my brain to figure out how I could have caught it, because I rarely leave my house or talk to people. My wife and I went out for dinner and karaoke on Saturday for our anniversary, but I doubt that could have been when I caught it, because I was already starting to feel bad the next day.
At least you have some. The squirrels got every one of mine long before they even finished growing.
For most viruses you can be carrying it for 7-10 days before symptoms begin to manifest.
Exactly. I can barely remember what I did yesterday, let alone two weeks ago.
I had pizza last night that I put too much cheese on it. Can't remember what I had the night before.
..a bit more smoky today and in the 90s so jsut stayed inside today.
Sfariah D. Is everything OK there where you are? Saw on the news late last night that the weather was going to get pretty rough as tropical storm Debbie was heading towards your area with heavy rains and the possibility of tornadoes.
Sounds like California. Been 105-106 daily, but today it only hit 95. California is experiencing its 4th largest fire ever and the largest by acreage. 426,000 acres fried. Texas and Utah and other states have sent firefighters to help. Get this: It was started by a property owner hammering a metal stake in the ground!
...the major one here (Durkee fire which was just under 300,0000 acres) along with a couple moderate sized ones (150,000 and 175,000 acres respectively) have pretty much been contained but there are still several "clusters" of small to medim size fires buring.
Same thought occurred to me.
I thought they said on CNN that someone setting a car on fire (or it was on fire) and pushing into a ravine or such started it.
The Ranch Fire was the one started with hammer. CNN, and you, have it right. It blows my mind that a guy allergic to bees, hammering a pole in the gorund could result in 410,000 acres toasted. Humans are usually the cause in most cases. More than once it's been firemen charged. And then there was Orr, a fire captain and arson investigator . . . 2000 fires . . . a serial arsonist. He wrote a "fictional" piece that may have been a memoir, as did Nancy Crompton (Oregan) and Kouri Richins (childrens book).
It shouldn't be THAT surprising, considering that California has been suffering droughts for years amid rising global temperatures. California is basically a basket of kindling at this point, and it takes more effort NOT to start a massive fire.
BLEEEEEEEP Belgian administration. BLEEP the town hall of the palce I used to live, BLEEP the town hall of the place I live now, BLEEP the way it's set up so it's a real financial burden each time you visit them, BLEEP the way you have to visit them several times to get one single thing done. BLEEEEEEP.
I didn't even move recently! XO
(@ Hylas) I commiserate.
But I'm glad to see that bureaucracy frustration is global and not deliberately targeting me.
Perhaps someday, when in a particularly retaliatory or uncharitable mood, I'll relate my experience with the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) in Washington, DC while trying to transfer my driving license from Florida to DC.
Non-complaint: Yesterday I read an article about the "BigLots" store franchise closing many outlets. Unfortunately BigLots is my goto place for cheap furniture, cleaning supplies & household fabrics (sheets, towels, etc.), and most importantly, snacks.
However, this morning a followup article listed the closing stores. Thankfully, mine in Jamestown, NY is not one of them. Happy, happy, joy, joy!
Yay, another couple years of cheap furniture, fabrics, and SNACKS!
Complaint: I re-read the article and found the phrase "...originally 40, ... now over 300, ... and more may be coming". Arghhh...
Thanks for the Big Lots list. My local store isn't closing, either. So far.