Sydney 8

Well a new figure for G8F and well it is an interesting one to say the least, this one seems to have taken the tough as nails biker route..
And with this addon reminds me of one of the main cast from the Once Upon a Time tv series..
Post edited by Ghosty12 on
She's Alexandra HD version.
Oh yes! Finally an aged/weathered skin on a Gen 8 female figure that doesn't push into actual old age. The hairs seem a bit of an odd fit given the outfits included, but all of the character sets in the PB look nice and while the outfits are pretty redundant, they look to be good for kit bashing. ... .
My internet is so sllllowwwww today - it's likely to be an excruciating experience just getting a look at her to see if she's something I might be interested in (looks like another of an age of Alexandra to me so far).
Sydney's HD add-on has so much extra detail packed in, it looks almost like a completely different character.
The texture sets for the outfits make them look a lot more interesting. Lots of interesting pieces in them.
Kinda want to buy. Freebie selection sucks though. Have a fairly large cart for a total of $85 but when I look at it I don't actually want at least half of it.
I like her as a character, but I'm kind of seeing mutton dressed as lamb. And I hate to be judgey, but I think she'd look much better with lighter makeup. And motorcycles and heels ... sheesh.
Sorry, but I find her really unattractive, kind of like Stephanie 8’s older sister. Mousso’s character is great of course, and I like one hair and outfit but the offers that go with this are way too complicated and not sure if it’s worth my time and money to figure out.,.
I like her a lot, but if I end up getting her (depends whether we'll get better offers tomorrow, like it's happened at least once before), I'll have her ditch the rocker-biker look, and be Victoria's young-at-heart mom instead.
She dfinately looks well done and very a photo-real character, just like I like them.
Again with the heels for motorcycle outfits! This is a BAD IDEA... The relative ease of which asphalt can snag a heel and break it... this is why you don't see girls that own motorcycles wearing these sort of heels when operating them very often! Pillions maybe... but pillions are mainly eye/arm candy, and not essential to the operation of the motorcycle.
At least BadkittenCo got it right with the boots...
But of course, if ALL of your motorcycle gals wear those same boots from the BadkittenCo set, it gets boring...
Ahh well... just what everyone needs. YET MORE high heeled boots for Daz. Gotta maintain that 80% high heel to low heel ratio for Daz girl shoes/boots ya know!
As for Sydney 8... and the rest of the deal. Well, it's another character, and the deal is a bit less inspiring than the last deal (Christian) for me. Mainly because I have the stuff I want from the 'other' categories, and not much in the addons really interests me (see heels comment above, yep, even more biker outfits with high heels). Also, breaking up the $ in 'free' items into multiple categories pretty much assures that you'll be spending a bit in each category to take full advantage of the discounts.
I do like the two hairstyles in the pro bundle though. They are variations of previous Genesis 3 styles, of course, but the messy bun hair looks sufficiently different to make it more intersting.
This is far from a home run for me, but others may like this bundle. I'll be pondering this one for a bit, to see if there's enough in the bundle for me to like to end up snagging it. The price on the bundle itself isn't horribly bad/is rather nice with addon discounts (purple banner discount helps), but yeah, not a lot I actually want or need. If the boots had 'reasonable' heels for riding (see the Sci Fi outfit in the bundle for an example), yeah maybe, but I generally pass on outfits with high heels for outdoor situations, 'cuz it isn't a good idea.
Wish there was more interesting stuff in the addons though. The fact that you need four addons to max the discount, combined with the fact that there aren't four items there that interest me... yeah. The high top sneakers I like, but the loft has no door, at least from what I see in the promo images - just a bunch of windows. I guess they drop you in from the roof, and you are trapped there for eternity. So it'll be addon textures if I grab this.
Well, I don't need EVERY Genesis 8 pro bundle I guess... She'd make a good (older) daughter for Mabel at least.
Kinda curious, what is the purple banner discount for this one?
Yeah, trying to work out $10 from selection A, $20 from selection B, $40 from selection C - when my cart is already at $80 plus.... (there are 2 scenes in Fast grab I've had my eye on for some time)...
Think I'll come back after several coffees. Nice Pro bundle selection tho (apart from the denim).
Apart from the usual awful eye make-up (have none of the Daz girls ever heard of blending?!), I quite like the base. Not enough to be in any great rush to buy her, but I imagine she'll make my runtime eventually.
Seriously. Bikers. Cops. Spies. Construction workers. Firefighters. Sword fighters - Sword fighters! Have you ever spent an afternoon fighting sword and board? You do NOT want hooker heels even in a real sword fight. If there's any chance of orcs and trolls and dragons chasing you while you're at it... Does every single outfit have to come with ankle-break hooker heels?
No, wait... I know what kind of art drives a large portion of the art market* - here and everywhere else - so, yeah. They probably do. But, let me ask, honestly and innocently - when creating shoes for an outfit, how difficult would it be to include a morph for flats or at very least low heels? That would be a definite selling point for me.
(deleted dupe of this post ~mod)
*Full disclosure, I like art that makes me bite my lower lip a little as much as the next person... But in mine, the highest heels the woman is wearing are on cowboy or combat boots. ;)
A bit weird for me, just 20% off the base or bundles, but not the individual items. So if you just wanted the base plus a hair and a clothing, which was really all I liked out of the bundles, it works out more expensive than if you get the pro bundle and accessories, as you get the extra percentage off with that. The four accessories with the effectively free items makes it better, but I'm not sure that I'm going to buy.
I like here! Especially:
I do see the resemblems with Alexandra but alexandra is more of of the good sister and Sydney is the bad one (troublemaker) :)
(not sure how that duplicate happened, so I'll just edit it to be a new post, since I was going to make one anyway.)
I like her. A lot. Just two things.
1: When you use hair, clothing, or items in a promotional render and you don't identify them in footnotes, god punches a kitten in the stomach.
2: Is it just me, or does it rub anyone else wrong that some figures have HD included and some don't? I want the figure, a lot, but I also want the HD, and it feels like I'm being charged extra for it because it was included with Edie and Mable and Floyd and... I mean, I want a _lot_ of the core figures and haven't bought them yet because it just leaves a brown taste in my mouth that the HD is another (depends on the rabais du jour) bucks. (But I did buy several anyway, so I guess I'm not sending a very clear message. It still chaps my fanny, though.)
I want this hair. Hell, I want the figure, but I _really_ want this hair. >.>;;
So are all the purple banners for pro bundle intro offers predicated on you owning a lot of pro bundles? I know that was how they did Christian but is it always that way?
I just saw her too but unfortunately I can't afford her. I'm very surprised that I even want to buy her as for usually for the realistic male & female DAZ Originals I don't want them; I just want one pro bundle of each for completeness sake. However in the case of Sydney 8 that model has character and then some.
She is flat out cool looking with personality. It's been 20+ years since I saw the commercials but Sydney 8 reminds me of Susan Powter, who I never watched but always thought was very cool lady.
That Alabama HD lady Pro Bundle character is awesome too! Looks really Alabaman too.
1. Yup, Far too many promo images of her in that unidentified short spiky hairdo - If I bought her, I feel I'd have to get that hair as well - I feel the character is being marketed to me on the basis of her look in that hair - it relies on it*. Might be one in that frumpy librarian do that's in the Starter, and maybe one in the long do that's in the Pro.
* I did with Opal by Saiyaness - she was mostly featured in Anjou hair - and didn't look like the figure I'd been seduced into buying without it.
As much as it makes me cringe, I have to tell you - for very much of America, for people her (and my) age, that eye makeup is kind of the epitome of ladylike beauty. :) I'm just glad you can turn it off. (You can turn it off, I hope...) ;)
What did it reference having already owned? I bought a _lot_ of stuff this last year, but I don't think I got a banner.
Not interested in Sydney herself (or the characters with her), but I'll get a lot of traction out of most of the rest of the bundle, particularly the outfits. The Sci-Fi Officer and the Rogue Lynx especially. The denim I'd use, but probably not as often. The bun hair could be cute on the right character (I can think of one in particular), but I already have so much long hair (especially after converting all the G3F ones) that I don't see the attraction of the other hair. Don't get me started with the supermodel and bad-girl poses. Got enough of that kind of thing with Eva (who was still a decent buy for the stuff she had with her).
Either way, for the bits I want out of the bundle, I'd wind up paying out more than I'd spend to get the entire pile.
So, I suppose they'll get me to buy the pile, whether I want the Meh bits or not. /sigh.
Just thank you for your purchase of previous Gen 8 pro bundles
I like to see more unacttractive characters. We have enough super models
How is the $ allowance for clothing calculated? I'm trying out a basket for max discount, and when I include 4 items (c.$32) I get an additional $12 charge distributed through the items. Does the $ discounted amount not relate to the prices I see on screen (with PC+ discount)?
It sounds like you are picking $32 worth of stuff from one of the $20 discount categories. It is $20 shoes, $20 hair, $40 clothing assuming you buy 4 addons.
I will only say this once. FANTASY, ok with that out of the way. Most of the art is gonna be skimpy clad warror women half nekked fighting a scary monster. Personally, I think she looks great and the big butt rears it's ugly head hahaha. What normal older gal is that fit. When we age we and I mean both sexes get more round. Give her a little added weight and some sag and she is perfect!!! Great work Daz on more realistic models.