Sydney 8



  • James_HJames_H Posts: 1,046
    jash147 said:

    How is the $ allowance for clothing calculated? I'm trying out a basket for max discount, and when I include 4 items (c.$32) I get an additional $12 charge distributed through the items. Does the $ discounted amount not relate to the prices I see on screen (with PC+ discount)?

    It sounds like you are picking $32 worth of stuff from one of the $20 discount categories. It is $20 shoes, $20 hair, $40 clothing assuming you buy 4 addons.

    I thought I had satisified the criteria. I will look again. (These were from clothes)

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,706
    jash147 said:

    How is the $ allowance for clothing calculated? I'm trying out a basket for max discount, and when I include 4 items (c.$32) I get an additional $12 charge distributed through the items. Does the $ discounted amount not relate to the prices I see on screen (with PC+ discount)?

    It helps when you show your cart.

  • Sorry, but I find her really unattractive, kind of like Stephanie 8’s older sister. Mousso’s character is great of course, and I like one hair and outfit but the offers that go with this are way too complicated and not sure if it’s worth my time and money to figure out.,.

    Agree 100%. A wide variety of character types is great but this one, like Stephanie 8, is not for me. Happy rendering all !

  • GafftheHorseGafftheHorse Posts: 567
    edited January 2019

    When we age we and I mean both sexes get more round.

    Well, there's an american point of view, if ever I heard one. [snigger].

    ...Depends on the body type, and how much fat you manage to burn off and keep off. Then there's the irregular, campfire burnt small mammal, nuts and berries diet, actually tromping out to the wilderness to find said scary monster, and the body would burn off a fair bit of fat reserves but keeping body temp high in said skimpy outfit I would think.

    Post edited by GafftheHorse on

    (deleted dupe of this post ~mod)

    Thank you... Sorry :(

  • DigitalSteamDigitalSteam Posts: 299
    edited January 2019

    Again with the heels for motorcycle outfits!  This is a BAD IDEA...

    Seriously.  Bikers. Cops. Spies. Construction workers. Firefighters. Sword fighters - Sword fighters! Have you ever spent an afternoon fighting sword and board? You do NOT want hooker heels even in a real sword fight. If there's any chance of orcs and trolls and dragons chasing you while you're at it...   Does every single outfit have to come with ankle-break hooker heels?

    No, wait... I know what kind of art drives a large portion of the art market* - here and everywhere else - so, yeah. They probably do.  But, let me ask, honestly and innocently - when creating shoes for an outfit, how difficult would it be to include a morph for flats or at very least low heels? That would be a definite selling point for me.

    (deleted dupe of this post ~mod)

    *Full disclosure, I like art that makes me bite my lower lip a little as much as the next person... But in mine, the highest heels the woman is wearing are on cowboy or combat boots. ;)

    I will only say this once. FANTASY, ok with that out of the way. Most of the art is gonna be skimpy clad warror women half nekked fighting a scary monster. Personally, I think she looks great and the big butt rears it's ugly head hahaha. What normal older gal is that fit. When we age we and I mean both sexes get more round. Give her a little added weight and some sag and she is perfect!!! Great work Daz on more realistic models.

    Well... I did say I understood why they all have ridonkulous heels... :)  I just wish they had a morph for people who wanna make slightly more serious art. :)  Well, not "more serious" - pron can be plenty serious, but more... Boring, I guess. My art ends up in magazine ads for real estate agents, for pete's sake. ;)

    As to older "gals" being that fit... I have a few pounds on her, but my mother in law is at least as fit as Sydney. Well, in most places. I suspect something very close to Sydney's heart says "Mentor" in small letters - but I have no issues with that, so long as the surgeon was an artist and not a hack. 

    Post edited by DigitalSteam on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    Two questions to those who might have gotten her already

    1. can someone make a quicke render of her "nude" face, say what should be no makeup at all. In that context, did I see that right that the eyebrows are meant to look painted on?

    2. A render of Alabama without Sydney please, she looks excellent in the promos


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    The eyebrows are way too plucked for me. Seriously. Not all women pluck their brows and those eyebrows look super bad to me and so overdone.what about natural less uniform eyebrows? 

  • DigitalSteamDigitalSteam Posts: 299
    edited January 2019

    It's kind of interesting to see the complaints about her age and... well... realism.  And I get that.  But I'll bet you the more realistic figures sell like fekkin' hot cakes. 

    I hadn't set digital foot in DAZ' shop to buy anything remotely human for ages, and hadn't really opened Studio more than a time or two, until I saw these figures. I was buying the new (well, to me) dragon for a client image, and I saw "LI Incandescent - Portrait Lighting for Iray" and I was stunned dead in my tracks. Wait, what?? Photoreal? Tiny little wisps of hair? WRINKLES!?! Has that model actually got little crows' feet!?! OMG, when did Victoria grow up?

    And suddenly, bam! - just when I thought I was out, they Pulled. Me. Back. In.  I'd have to check my purchases history, but I don't think I'd actually bought a figure in... a decade? More?  And then, last year, I bought several. And I'm buying Sydney, for sure. Yes, I'd be a lot happier if they either all came or all didn't come with the HD add-on included, but hell yes, I'm buying it. 

    And, I'm now interested enough in the software and market to be interested in making content, so I've purchased a busload of tutorials, as well.  Don't misunderstand - I have a lot of relevant skills and experience, but I'm also busy, out of date or new on a lot of it, and over-extended, and adult ADD as heck (which, to be fair, is good as often as it's bad, for my art) so I may never submit anything, and I may not ever have anything I submit accepted, but that's not the point.  

    The point is these, older, more wrinkly, more realistic, and - to me - far, far, far more intersting and useful figures have, directly and indirectly, got them four figures in sales and a possible consignment partner, and that's just one person.  I think they're probably doing just fine with 'em, and I expect we'll see a lot more. 

    And this pleases me, greatly. :)


    And now a white background from copy and pasting badly... Could I be more of a forum noob? >.<

    Post edited by DigitalSteam on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    I just checked the various product pages for items included in the Pro Bundle: out of the 8 add-ons which are not poses, only 2 list 3DL materials included sad

    Up to now we 3DL users could at least count on 3DL support for Daz Original, but it seems like even that is over...


    Sorry Daz, but if you can't even bother to support 3DL in your own bundles then why should 3DL users bother to support you?

  • Leana said:

    I just checked the various product pages for items included in the Pro Bundle: out of the 8 add-ons which are not poses, only 2 list 3DL materials included sad

    Up to now we 3DL users could at least count on 3DL support for Daz Original, but it seems like even that is over...


    Sorry Daz, but if you can't even bother to support 3DL in your own bundles then why should 3DL users bother to support you?

    Hmm, That's not particularly bothered me since the RSSY Iray to 3DL converter - it generally works without additional surface adjustments unlike the 3dl to iray one!!

  • Jason GalterioJason Galterio Posts: 2,562
    edited January 2019

    Is anyone else unable to get to the Pro Bundle page?

    The icon is missing for it in the store, though the entry is there. And when I look at the Bundle in my cart, it just has the Magneto logo image (which the icon is missing).

    654 x 675 - 68K
    Post edited by Jason Galterio on
  • alienareaalienarea Posts: 528

    Got her, including the HD add-on. Thinking about returning her immediately. When you dial out the Sydney body the G8F base shows a folding-out wrinkle below her breasts. 

  • James_HJames_H Posts: 1,046
    jash147 said:

    How is the $ allowance for clothing calculated? I'm trying out a basket for max discount, and when I include 4 items (c.$32) I get an additional $12 charge distributed through the items. Does the $ discounted amount not relate to the prices I see on screen (with PC+ discount)?

    It helps when you show your cart.

    Sorted - my problem: I was trying to buy something in the Pro bundle separately as if one of the add-ons.  

  • Linwelly said:

    Two questions to those who might have gotten her already

    1. can someone make a quicke render of her "nude" face, say what should be no makeup at all. In that context, did I see that right that the eyebrows are meant to look painted on?

    2. A render of Alabama without Sydney please, she looks excellent in the promos


    A quick render. Sydney, Alabama, Alabama sans Sydney

    1920 x 1080 - 1M
    1920 x 1080 - 1M
    1920 x 1080 - 1M
  • ScarletX1969ScarletX1969 Posts: 587
    edited January 2019

    Seems like a lot of people love or dislike this new character.  Typical, I guess.  I'm still collecting all of the 8 bundles, but some just make me love them.  In the 7 series, it was Ophelia.  For 8, it's this one (and maybe Mabel and Edie).

    Her base looks almost like the pro wrestler, Mercedes Martinez.


    960 x 1248 - 247K
    Mercedes Martinez.jpg
    1200 x 675 - 114K
    Post edited by ScarletX1969 on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    I like what I see so far.  Thank you everyone who has posted test renders.  Much appreciated.

    However, can someone check to see if the under-breast wrinkle for Sydney 8 identified by @alienarea appears when the morphs are dial mixed 50/50 with other morphs?


  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987
    Linwelly said:

    Two questions to those who might have gotten her already

    1. can someone make a quicke render of her "nude" face, say what should be no makeup at all. In that context, did I see that right that the eyebrows are meant to look painted on?

    2. A render of Alabama without Sydney please, she looks excellent in the promos


    A quick render. Sydney, Alabama, Alabama sans Sydney

    Tanks y lot for those renders @Luis Francisco!

    Pity she's still too painted (in the sense of too much makeup) in the "natural state". Nothing wrong with makup but with this the options are a bit reduced.

    Alabama might be worth going for even without the basis

  • thepenguin99thepenguin99 Posts: 62
    edited January 2019

    Really wish they hadn't broken the promo up into 20/20/40. $80 usable on the 3 groups combined would have been much easier to use. Having to buy things I have no interest in is annoying.

    Post edited by thepenguin99 on
  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    alienarea said:

    Got her, including the HD add-on. Thinking about returning her immediately. When you dial out the Sydney body the G8F base shows a folding-out wrinkle below her breasts. 

    Does that show up when you zero the shape completely, or when you put a fresh unmorphed G8F into the scene? If so, that's an error that should get a ticket filed; it means some morph wasn't properly constructed and needs to be updated.

    Or are you dialing out just the body and NOT the head as well? If this is what's happening, it means that some part of her head morph extends into her body which ... wouldn't surprise me, but also might not technically constitute an error that needs correcting.

  • Fungible UserFungible User Posts: 456
    edited January 2019


    Post edited by Fungible User on
  • PetraPetra Posts: 1,156

    Not my cup of tea and, again, a very orange skin.

    Looks a lot like Alexandra 8 too.

  • Virtual_WorldVirtual_World Posts: 1,093
    edited January 2019

    Is anyone else unable to get to the Pro Bundle page?

    The icon is missing for it in the store, though the entry is there. And when I look at the Bundle in my cart, it just has the Magneto logo image (which the icon is missing).

    +1   I couldn't see it either.

    Post edited by Virtual_World on
  • EJWorks said:
    Christian and Sydney a pairing then? They seem to match up to me. I like her add one better than the base, might pick one of those up and pass on everything thing else.

    Well, he *does* have a tattoo with her name on it ;)

  • seasailor said:

     but as for the guys, I usually snatch them as soon as their nose pokes through the Daz store. So no discount for loyalty, just for trying to get you to buy goods you never buy nor want. 

    I thought there was an issue that not many bought male stuff as female, hence fewer males and fewer clothing for them - under those conditions, you'd think there'd be more enticement to buy male stuff.

    I wouldn't say I buy male items much as much either, I've skipped on quite a few male on the Gen 8 line-up - mostly as they were not unique enough - all skinny or guy next door types (and often both) - drop a Scott, Leo, Ivan or Pavel type in there - in the meantime, I'll finish collecting all the Mortemvetus M4s.

  • Is anyone else unable to get to the Pro Bundle page?

    The icon is missing for it in the store, though the entry is there. And when I look at the Bundle in my cart, it just has the Magneto logo image (which the icon is missing).

    +1   I couldn't see it either.

    I think the issue is fixed.

  • smoke14smoke14 Posts: 261
    seasailor said:

    Another prime example with Sydney 8. So so weird. I don't get any purple banner discounts when the Genesis 8 male characters come out, which I buy I every time anyway, but when the chicks come out Daz can't help but roll out the discount carpet. I know I've answered my own puzzlement, but it seems so counterproductive. I've never bought a female PRO bundle until it sells at K-Mart bargain bin price, but as for the guys, I usually snatch them as soon as their nose pokes through the Daz store. So no discount for loyalty, just for trying to get you to buy goods you never buy nor want. 

    Yeah, same here. Didn't get a loyalty discount for Christian 8...which I probably would have bought with the purple banner discount (since the only bundles I own are all males)---but got one for Sydney 8...which I have absolutely zero interest in buying. It continues to amaze me that we constantly hear "males don't sell" and I think it is obvious in the deals offered by Daz why they don't sell as well...there is an unbelievable difference in the quality of the female deals vs. the male ones.

    Oh, well, it's Daz's loss...

  • rebelgraphxrebelgraphx Posts: 221
    edited January 2019

    (not sure how that duplicate happened, so I'll just edit it to be a new post, since I was going to make one anyway.)

    I like her.  A lot.  Just two things.

    1: When you use hair, clothing, or items in a promotional render and you don't identify them in footnotes, god punches a kitten in the stomach.

    2: Is it just me, or does it rub anyone else wrong that some figures have HD included and some don't?  I want the figure, a lot, but I also want the HD, and it feels like I'm being charged extra for it because it was included with Edie and Mable and Floyd and... I mean, I want a _lot_ of the core figures and haven't bought them yet because it just leaves a brown taste in my mouth that the HD is another (depends on the rabais du jour) bucks.  (But I did buy several anyway, so I guess I'm not sending a very clear message.  It still chaps my fanny, though.)

    I want this hair. Hell, I want the figure, but I _really_ want this hair. >.>;;



    Yeah there should be links to the products used. I want the hair and outfit on the promo.

    2000 x 2600 - 892K
    98 x 127 - 5K
    Post edited by rebelgraphx on
  • Is anyone else unable to get to the Pro Bundle page?

    The icon is missing for it in the store, though the entry is there. And when I look at the Bundle in my cart, it just has the Magneto logo image (which the icon is missing).

    +1   I couldn't see it either.

    I think the issue is fixed.

    Yep, I can see it now. Thanks!

  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,783

    Yep, nothing for Christian but Sydney gets me a loyalty offer. It may sound ungrateful, but right now I am actually honked right off at that purple banner staring me in the face.  angrycryingno

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