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Hello guys and gals!
Look what just came down the pike for a New Arrival:
Now you can REMOVE the spray tan look and also they found a way for the makeup to show in the viewport! Oh they get you good with the new characters, first the characters have this new 'oompa loompa' spray tan look, then they don't come with the HD overlay...that is an extra purchase. Then the makeup options are terrible as it is the whole face which you can't see in the viewport unless you go to Iray. Now they come out with a package that removes the tan AND fixes the makeup problem so it CAN be seen in the viewport, Yup! They get you good! I don't think I am going to be buying any more of the new characters if this trend continues.
BTW, has anyone bought this new package?
Great job! That shimmering dress is a nice touch as it lights up the whole scene!
Then learn to do things for yourself inside of DS. Much of what many of these types of products do, like get rid of the orange tan, can be done by the users themselves. The reason they sell is either lack of knowledge or lazyness.
Sydney! Not sure if I like her or not. I already had Alexandra 8, so not sure why I needed her, except as a counter point to Christian 8. Still, Daz-a-holics gotta buy...
For what it's worth that whole terrible skin, for lack of a better expression, "Heavy Smoker" look has never appealed to me. It's kind of funny that so many of these renders have her engaging in that particularly skin destroying behavior, because the creator absolutely nailed that look. It's uncanny because in my world you can always pick out the heavy smokers even before they are within smelling distance. I also think the included Tattoos are some of the most realistic I've seen.
So, why did I buy this Pro Bundle, anyway? Did you guys really dig in and look at the ever stacking value of the promotions? Like, for instance if you got 4 addon's and took advantage of the freebies in all 3 categories? Congrats to Daz Marketing for making this particular pro bundle too fantastic a value to ingore. We are talking hundres of bucks in freebies.
Lastly, there are some fantastic renders in this thread. Thanks to the early adopters for sharing those. This kind of packaging really gets me excited.
Working on it. I found out how to get rid of the Orange tan look, but finding a way to have the makeup appear in the texture view would be great. That I don't know how to do. I am new to Da z so I fall into the former category as I am still figuring things out. I actually put Sydney's skin texture on Eva's body and it works!
I have really liked the renders I've seen with Sydney 8 so I finally jumped in and purchased her.

This is my 1st render ... changed the transparency color to same shade as default but a lot lighter. It did get rid of the orange tan look.
Added Edie 8 HD. I did not buy the Sydney HD product.
Tweaked her face a bit..added some facial assymetry ... some brow adjustment, reduced the chin ... etc.
She has a pretty hard look to her. I like it a lot. Not the pretty glam girls we usually get with not much overall character.
Or convenience. I "pick my battles," so to speak, and forego utilities for things I can do myself and do better for the individual attention I give them, but buy utilities that can save me a lot of time with tweaking. A really good example of the latter is RSA's Look At Me scripts.
If I didn't already have Altern8, I'd be giving "Sunless" some serious consideration.
That’s only if you are relatively new buyer. There was nothing I really wanted that I didn’t already have out of those categories (I already have a LOT) so I guess this was great for newer users but not so much for people who already have a lot of content. I don’t really like her anyway, so not a big loss. But I might have gotten the bundle if the deal was better for me with wider choices of freebies... As is, I probably won’t get her unless it’s a freebie some day. She’s not really my thing, but I do like a few things in the pro bundle but I can wait a year or more until it’s on super deep sale or free...
I hate the shiny orange too but to me Sunless and another product make the skin look too pale gray or even bluish. I’m wondering if it’s a geographical thing. I live in LA where people naturally have a slight tan that you can get just walking to your car or walking your dog. So you really don’t see that pale skin here unless someone’s sick. When I lived in NYC, I used fake tanner because I looked horribly pale, here I don’t have to lol.
one more with a bit of piercing .. yes .. she's a bit hard around the edges

I saw your posting and commented on it, thinking it was this thread, but it wasn't. But more than likely you will get the message anyway. I mainly said that she has a very strong masculine look to her. So you changed the translucency color? As I recall what I played around with was the only setting that looked 'orange'. It wasn't Translucency though. It was something 'transmitted color'. I don't know why they had to muck about with the skin color in the first place as it is a mostly undesirable color. I have noticed that Eva has it too. I actually like your way of getting rid of the orange tan.
Edit: In Windows now. I loaded up a fresh Sydney charcter and opened up the surfaces tab. The Translucency color is white. Can't get much lighter than that. The setting I was reffering to WAS Transmitted Color and it is the only one that is that Oompa Loompa orange.
Going down the entire line of colors I see under the Surfaces Tab for Sydney this is what I see:
Base Color - White, Translucency Color - White, Glossy Color - White, Transmitted Color - Spray Tan Orange (this is what I believed to be the offending setting), SSS Color - Pink, Refraction Color - White, Top Coat Color - White, Diffuse Overlay Color - White, and SSS Refraction Tint - very light blue.
Another thing worth noting is that I looked at the Transluceny Weight setting and while it is a question mark there, the dial for it is nearly pegged. I found this odd. Playing around with it and turning it down makes the skin VERY white.
Now being a beginner, I really don't know what many of these mean, but I know that changing Transmitted Color does get rid of the orange look, but I do have other issues that I have to deal with as the skin still doesn't look as nice as some of the examples I have seen here or commented on.
BTW how are you guys making the picture so large and in the text body? I only get a small icon at the bottom of my message.
I was afraid of something like that. However, when I change the color of that one parameter, the orange goes away, but I do feel that the result is also very light. But like others said, it is just a matter of finding out what settings to adjust. I don't have Daz open right now as I am on my Linux machine, so I can't tell you it right off hand. I just know that when I went into the 'Surfaces' tab, I homed right in on the one that was orange in color. As I said above to Daveso, that setting didn't say anything about tranlucency it said something about 'transmitted color'.
For the Sunless package another thing that grabbed me was the features it had for dealing with makeup. As it is with both Sydney and Eva, the makeup is not separated it is actually the eye shadow, liner, lips and blush all as one preset. Also the makeup doesn't show up in the textured view.
So far I am finding these new models are a bit disappointing as I can't really use them right out of the box, so to speak.
@Davso, second shot looks great! Yeah, she is tough looking, and in that shot she looks like she's about to beat the crap out of someone! She looks way better than what I came up with for sure.
I didn't care for what was in the Sydney Pro or Starter bundles myself. What Eva and Alexandra had in the package I liked more. Luckily there was a special on the EVA 8 pro package and I got it at half the already discounted PC price. So I only picked up Sydney alone without the HD overlay. So far there are at least two really good Sydney renders here that were done without the overlay. So I am happy I didn't waste money on it. I do know that I have much to learn though, especially after seeing these renders here.
Well for me it is back to the Daz drawing board!
it was transparency --sorry..i will edit that
Thank you for the info. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, but I didn't try it out your suggestions until tonight as I was doing another experiment with Sydney's skin. I tried both methods for eliminating the spots and I have to say that the first one of turning on the dome, seems to work best. While I was initially put off about seeing the background image, I figured it would be a nice backdrop for a quick render. However, I am wondering now if I choose a different background in an outdoor setting, how is keeping the dome on going to affect that? Enter your second work around...
I found this to create a harsh pinkish red color to the skin and it is pretty bright too. It makes the skin look unnatural. Is there something else I have to do to go this route?
As for the tips on the lips (Ok, that rhyme wasn't intended), I will definitely keep that in mind, but what I been doing is just using the most basic makeup 'set' and then just going back to my layered makeup and putting that over the skin. The layered makeup doesn't change the skin surface like regular makeup does. I will be posting my newest render soon.
I went back and edited my post and I listed all of the settings under the Surfaces / Edit tab for the Sydney skin:
Going down the entire line of colors under the Surfaces Tab for Sydney this is what I see:
Base Color - White, Translucency Color - White, Glossy Color - White, Transmitted Color - Spray Tan Orange (this is what I believed to be the offending setting), SSS Color - Pink, Refraction Color - White, Top Coat Color - White, Diffuse Overlay Color - White, and SSS Refraction Tint - very light blue.
It is Transmitted Color that is the Oompa Loompa Orange.
I have played around with the Translucency Weight setting too, but I found you have to be careful with this one otherwise the skin gets very pale and bright and it washes out the details. That is all I messed with as I really don't know what many of these settings mean or do.
Sydney fighting a Zubarra...
Rocking Sydney
I wish I were a new buyer. I've spent enough loose change here to float a battleship. I do get your point and I have this same problem when it comes to the free offerings. You look at the entire list of items you can get for free with the purchase of the new item and see those little "download from the cloud icons" for each of them. However, in this case I was able to find some older desirables I didn't already have.
To jukingeo -- on the large image ... post your image as normal. go back and edit yourpost. right click the small thumbnail image and use "copy link address". Then go to the options bar on top of the post and select the "image" category ..paste that into the space for url .. viola... oh - YOU WILL NEED TO SPACE DOWN A COUPLE LINES SO YOUR IMAGE IS BELOW THE TEXT...IF YOU WANT THAT

Monacco a few years ago, riding through on a motorcycle ... in front was a woman on a large scooter wearing a white eyelet dress and HEELS, high ones, on COBBLESTONE. You must have to be born to that kind of riding. I wear heels to ride because I'm, er, height challenged, but they're big and clunky. I was one of the first to comment about the heels and motorcycles. Hoping people in real life have better sense ... apparently just not in Monacco.
Ahhh, I knew this was coming! Sydney as a rocker!
Thank you for the info, I will give that a shot in my next message and see what happens!
Hello All,
Back again with another attempt at creating an older woman. I know I am using Eva, but this time with a twist. She is 'wearing' Sydney's skin. When I used Sydney (or her skin) before I was getting these spots, but then L'Adair said to just 'turn on the skydome' and that did the trick to get rid of the spots. So the shot below has the dome on. (It ended up giving me a nice backdrop in the process.)
Much better than my first post of Eva above, huh? Now you can really see the facial wrinkles! I took some advice from AnotherUserName and made some adjustments to the skin Render settings to bring the wrinkles out more. However, in his render of his much older and very beautiful render of Sydney, it looks more pronounced than in my case. In addtion to that, I made some improvements mainly in her face, but the biggest one is her skin itself. So now Eva has a nice older look. Her skin in the first picture was too perfect and smooth, Sydney's skin looks more realistic on her.
Also I did change a few things on her face too. I toned the cheekbones down, moved the eyes closer together...narrowed the brow line and also made some changes in the jaw area. Finally I gave her a better makeup look too using layered makeup so it would change the look of the skin. This I put on top of the simplest makeup for Sydney.
But unlike before, now you can see the age lines better and the creasing on her face. You can see the crows feet and the laugh lines are very prominent. However, on her body I didn't notice much change.
@AnotherUserName. I didn't get quite the same results as you did, especially with the body, but I did notice the change when I altered those settings. Was there more to be done?
So now that the problem with the black (or white) dots is fixed, I am going to give Sydney another shot. I WAS thinking about doing a rocker look for her, BUT Angelreaper1972 beat me to that!
Thank you guys for the help and advice. So far this variant of 'Older Eva' is FINALLY pretty. It also has me thinking if Sydney's skin will work on other Gen 8 ladies to 'age' them a bit, as I really like how this makes Eva look.
Quick question...
Does Alexandra have that orange Oompa Loompa spray tan too? I thought Sydney was the only one, but I bought Eva and she has it too. Are her make up options in a 'set' as well? (Meaning, shadow, liner, blush , and lipstick are together and cannot be altered separately?)
@jukingeo A good portion of these Daz girls are real orange. Hence why I made the set that was released, because I was frustrated of having to manually fix the texture maps or tweak the settings to no avail. You can see just how orange they really are under neautral light in my promos ( minus Sydney - she missed the boat). Also all of the makeups are presented that way as one setting - However, you can easily change the lips out by selecting G8, then on the surfaces tab select the lips, scroll to another makeup in her folder that has a lip color you want to use instead, then hold down the CTRL key while clicking on the makeup option. A little box will appear ( Material Preset Load Options) on the drop down in that box for surfaces change from "all" to" selected" and leave images as "replace".
Couple of things many folks don't realize is that the nose and ears never stop changing shape and usually get a bit larger as we age. Look at any actress or actor that's been in the biz for decades... now compare their ears and noses ... quite a bit of difference for some, not so much for others so Kudo's on the sculpt for her as it's more realistic.
I like her ... tough as nails woman.
The girl on the left is 50% Lara and 50% Alabama. Her skin is from CB Liliana. The girl on the right is 90% Alabama and 10% Victoria 8. I have only used the HDRI background for lighting and I seem to have avoided the orange spray tan look that others have mentioned.
The issue with Sydneys breasts was reported and returned as wont fix.
Told you I wasn't going to hold my breath…
Yah. They did acknowledge the issue though. Essentially their reasoning for not fixing it was because it would break everything that has already been made for her. Understandable, but it makes me wonder what they are testing for when they make the new figures. I mean, when a figure dosent even work well with the companys own morphs (up-down, natural, etc.) you think theyd want to fix that.