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Hello Laurie,
I don't quite fully grasp that issue with the translucency. If that is referring to how shiny the skin is, then yes I have noticed that and it is something I would like to dial down a bit if possible. So with the color on Syndey, that can be ajusted then like any other surface? While I have changed surface colors before, it was mostly in inanimate objects, such as dresses and other items. I have not tried it on a skin before. I figured the new color would just blot out all details on the skin, so I never tried it.
I will check out that link later on as I am on my tablet now, with my main computer...well rendering right now. Yeah, my machine is tied up rendering. I created a rather beautiful young woman last night and I want a really high resolution render this time around. I might want to print her out and frame her. Yeah, she turned out THAT good. What more is what she is wearing and her setting, which is on what I considered, was one of the most beautiful grand staircases in the world.
As with Edie, I think I have to see some more examples first. She kind of strikes me as having the wrinkles in the WRONG places. LOL!
So that is Eva, huh? Impressive. No dash of Sydney thrown in there? The Eva Pro bundle is one Ihave been eying along with Alexandra. That one has a few good things I like. I am not sure if Eva is part of the Flashback sale this weekend. I know Alexandra isn't. When she goes on sale Iam definitely getting her Pro package.
So you did that with Eva and with what morphing package? As of now I only have the standard Daz Female morphs. It was suggested that I buy that considering that many characters are based on it. For the most part I like it and it handles just about all of my needs for younger ladies. But if you seen the pictures I posted, it doesn't seem to do much with aging. Well, it does, but just not accurately and in the end I created a rather homely looking late 30's woman instead of a beautiful 45 year old woman.
There are a lot of settings in an Iray shader and you can essentially change all of them. If you don't like a skin's shininess, then you're going to need to adjust the amount and/or roughness of any gloss, particularly the dual lobe specular weight, reflectivity and roughness in the case of skin. I would try lowering the weight (or overall amount) of dual lobe specular to start with, maybe just 5% at a time, do a spot render over an area that seemed too glossy to you and see what you think. Changing the roughness will change the "spread" of the shine...that is to say a smaller number is less rough and the specular highlight will be smaller, sharper and brighter and a rougher (higher number) will give a larger, more diffuse shiny spot. The reflectivity setting will not change the amount of gloss or the size of the shiny spot, but will instead change how much light (or near objects in case of a shiny surface like glass) gets reflected back. You can fine tune just about everything in DS which is why I love it...everything from the skin to morphs to anything you want. You just need to experiment and/or take the time :).
And no, the last image hasn't got one drop of There are a lot of different gals in there, but no Sydney. But I have images of Sydney farther back in the thread. I just wanted to illustrate you can make pretty much anything you want if you're creative and patient :).
I DID play around with the settings when I was having trouble with a shiny part of a dress I was trying to render in an outdoor environment and it was creating these harsh bright 'spots' all over the dress. It supposed to have a sheen to it. So I went into the shaders for the dress to fix it and in the end I messed it up. But I made a note of the settings you mentioned so this way I know what to go after now. Yes, there are a tremendous amount of settings and frankly I don't know what many of them do. Sadly the documentation for Daz Studio isn't the greatest. For making a character using the morphs and poses, I am fine with that, but when it comes to shaders and lighting, I am still learning much there.
No Sydney in that one, huh? Well, today I have decided to give my 'Older Offce Woman' another go. This time I used the skin from the Daisy / Malmorda package and put it into the the Skin Builder application. I mainly just played around with it with that skin because I was worried if I did something wrong I would 'damage' the base Genesis 8 model. Since that package I am going to return anyway, if I did something bad, it wouldn't be a big loss. However, as it turns out, Skin Builder does everything in a temporary directory and you can't save over the original file, which is good. So anyway, I used the settings to give the skin more spots, and more 'aged' details. But instead of putting back on Daisy's body...I then opened up a fress Genesis 8 female base figure and I put the newly redone skin on her. From there I worked on her face from scratch making all the adjustements using the Daz Studio facial morphs. I did a little on the body too, but not that much. One thing I noticed right off the bat is that the wrinkles, primairly those on the body where I don't have any aging morphs, the wrinkle is visually there, but there is no depth. I had better luck with the face since I HAD a few morphs to play with, such as forhead wrinkles, the crows feet and laugh lines.
Well, I have to say I had much better luck this time. And while I will not say that she is stunning...she is somewhat prettier now. Like I said, I think those face morphs were meant more for creating witches and 'hags'. Whereas I was looking to create a well aged, but pretty woman. I think I am almost there. I have to say it is much harder to create an older woman in Daz than a younger one! LOL!
At any rate, I like the Skin Builder, but again, it caters more to creating 'younger beauties', but dialing up the settings for the age spots, skin blotches, spider veins does help to add to the aging process. But it is true that the Aging Morph package would work more hand in hand with the Skin Builder to create a good way to age characters. Still I am wondering if teaming up the Skin Builder with Sydney would also give me a good base for creating older, but attractive women.
Thank you and everyone else for the input. I think I am getting there!
So far I what I have lined up for today is Sydney and also the Eva 8 Pro Bundle. Being a new item, Sydney would qualify me for the Flashback weekend discount and the Eva 8 Pro Bundle is listed. So that would be half the price on top of my PC discount. So picking up that bundle for $47, is an attractive deal as I know I will use most of the stuff in that bundle. As a bonus it has some cool fighting poses too. So I will be quite busy tonight!
I'm very happy that DAZ has been releasing older people. For many years, I was frustrated because DAZ didn't offer any. Now I'm frustrated because I don't have enough money to buy them all right away.
haha Yeah, true that. I had to pass on some of the bundles I wanted due to finances. But the great thing about Daz is that just about everything, eventually, goes on sale again. So if you missed it the first time, there's almost always a second chance if you're patient enough. :)
I'm in a difficult time right now. I need to move to be nearer my family. My Dad is 91, and I don't want to miss out on whatever time we have left. The DAZ Goodies can wait awhile.
For sure - family definitely always comes first. :)
I hope you'll be able to move soon and enjoy time with your Dad. Time with loved ones is precious. :)
Thanks. I was living in Maine for many years. I moved back to Minnesota in 2014 because my family had come back to Minnesota. I moved to a small town where my brother lived. I hadn't seen my brother in over 30 years. Less than a year later, my parents were unable to drive the 60-mile trip to visit. I was living in the same building with my brother. The relationship never worked out. Then my brother had to go to a nursing home. I should have moved closer to my parents, rather than near my brother. Now I have to move all over again.
Being new to Daz and just signing up in December I was surprised at this too. While most of the models were these thin gorgeous model type ladies, they did have options for some other woman body shapes. There are tall women, short women, thin stick figure women, thicker women, athletic women, muscular women, but for some reason, there were / are not many older women. Eva and Gia are slightly older than most of them. I came across Mabel and she looked a bit too old and frankly she is a bit odd looking. Finally I came across Alexandra 8, now here was a nice proportionate and beautiful woman that is in the mid to upper 30's range. Further, Iike most of what was in the Pro Package. The problem is the price as it is too expensive, even with the PC discount. Now they released Sydney, finally someone in the 45 - 55 age range. Further, right now she is being offered at a good introductory price. As it is, being a newbie to Daz Studio, I didn't know better and my first couple orders I placed without knowing about the Platium Club. I know I racked up over $300 in December alone! I realized I had to make wiser purchases. Mainly I started to buy better dress packages in which many different outfits can be made from it. Sure I have my other favorites as well, but this one was area, I knew I could save some money. Hair is a problem though and only recently I been discovering that certain hair types for sale even offer adjustability in the hair style...again saving some money. But this situation with creating a pretty, older woman though...definitely requires some spending. I got myself the Genesis 8 female Skin Builder and I am hoping for the Aging Morph package goes on sale. But for now I think I should be able to do something with the skin builder and Sydney. So I am going to pick her up. Also with the Flashback sale going on, with a purchase of a new item (Sydney), I think I am also going to get the Eva 8 package, as that was a good one that had many items. Also as Laurie proved above, Eva is a good candidate for aging.
You can really get some great discounts if you're a PC member, and catch the right sale. I did it before, and will likely do it again.
Sydney is sizzling!
(with Christain)
Gimme Gimme Gimmee
Yeah, sometimes they come sooner than later. Like I said about a week ago in that I was hoping that the Skin Builder pack app would go back on sale. Low and behold, this weekend Daz offered the Flashback sale and that gave me a second chance to get it at half the price. Also I WAS looking at Eva 8 before, but preferred Alexandra, but I am not paying over $90 for the pro package for either. However, with the Flashback special I was able to pick up the Eva 8 Pro bundle for $47. Now THATis a good deal! I have not tried out anything from that package yet as I also purchased Sydney last night and I was playing around with her (more below).
Very impressive! I love her laugh lines! I bought Sydney last night, but without the HD add-on. I am finding out that she works very different from other characters. For staters, her makeup is in a totally different area and not under materials. Also her eye makeup and lipstick are in the same preset. I don't care for that too much. Also,, the makeup only renders in Iray mode and unfortunately I do not have a video card, so it takes a while for the results to come up. It was late and I was falling asleep at my machine and I didn't finish what I was doing. But right off the bat I noticed that Sydney has a FAR more pleasing face than the two ladies I got in the Daisy / Malmorda package. I also love Sydney's nose. Yep Iove a large nose on a woman, LOL! In fact after looking at some of the beautiful work done with Sydney (and in Laurie's case, Eva), I became rather embarrased with my attempts and pulled the pictures down. Using the base of either Daisy or Malmorda. With those skins, I just cant seem to overcome that 'old hag' look. And it didn't look right on the body as the even with the aging lines, the bodies just looked much younger. I can tell Sydney is going to work out much better, but I do have to play with her skin too as I want to get rid of the orange spray tan look.
I know I am going to have to eventually get a graphics cards as some of my more detailed renders of late are taking 1 to 2 hours to finish! That is with a full environment of course. Usually if it is only a character, it takes about 20 minutes or so. This time I am also rendering a fairy with wings and I am trying a new environment and the first two renders I did today took about 1 3/4 hours each! Ouch!
But yeah, I have noticed that Sydney is very different to work with. So it is going to take some getting used to. Later on I want to go through the Eva 8 package. I know I want to put Sydney in the black dress that comes with that package. Heh Heh!
of course; it is likely some issue with trying to create wrinkles for a 3d object on a 2d plain.
That's the one...hehe :)
Heres another one I did. I hope her makeup looks alright. Street makeup is not one of my strongest skill sets.
Wow! You managed to push the age on her closer to to the 67-70 area, yet she is still a beauty! It even looks like there are more wrinkles in the body area too!
I am very impressed with the way you guys have really worked at Sydney as a base to created an even more beautiful older woman. This is exactly what I am looking for. Further...
You made Sydney look younger here. In both cases you both managed to get rid of that orange color to her skin.
Well, I am STILL at it myself. In fact working with Sydney, she seems to have her OWN learing curve. I was most of the day on her today and I finally came up with something. But I found working with the full face makeup presets to be awful at best. So I went with the one I liked the most, which was the 'gothic' look. While I liked the eye makeup, I am NOT fond of the black lipstick. But I ran with it anyway, and I put her in a gothic outfit. I also changed some of her facial details a bit to create a bit of a different look. I narrowed the nose, but made it longer. I slightly changed the eye shape and size. I made the cheeks larger and the jaw smaller. Overall I really didn't do too much to the face as many setting where where they needed to be. So this is what I came up with (see attached). While not as pretty as what you guys created, I am getting closer. At least this time I am not embarassed by my results! LOL!
I think having the HD overlay definitely does make a difference.while her face does look aged, her body doesn't. But at an additional $17, I can't really justify the cost right now. Perhaps I may not need it if I get the Aging Morphs package. But I am waiting for that to go on sale.
Two issues that I addressed with the skin. I went into surfaces and selected all visible skin surfaces (by just clicking on 'skin'). I immediately found the offending Orange Oompa Loopma skin setting, by virtue of it! But when I tried my first render, I have noticed tht there was still some redness in the skin and I was getting these ususual tiny black spots. Looking at the surface controls again. I remember there was mention of the translucency being set too high. Sure enough, when I saw the control, it was almost rammed all the way to the right. So I dialed that down a bit and that not only lowered the amount of tiny black spots, I was seeing, but also the the skin became less red and more white. So I went with that. Again the results are in the photos below with the second one being a closeup of the face. On the face I can definitely see the aging details. But without the HD overlay it is not as pronounced as with some of the other examples here. I DO have some aging morphs, but not many. I have the crowsfeet by the eyes, the bags under the eyes. Also other morphs to make the face look older such as the puffy cheeks and laugh lines. Even the creases on the neck look good. But when I look at the first picture, her skin has an aged look, but no wrinkles or extra details like that. So in relation to her face, her body looks a bit too young. I initially had her in a more "exposed" outfit to reflect the 'biker' look more, but it didn't look right. So I switched over to a more gothic look. That seems to work well.
I have to say that the Sydney skin is FAR more attractive than the ones in the Daisy / Malmorda package I got. I am hoping Daz gets me a refund on that package. I know even with what I did below there is still room for improvement to make her prettier yet, but the results are certainly better. Also I would like to know what to do to eliminate those black spots completely as they are annoying and it seems to only show up on the Sydney skin.
EDIT: I just noticed that the black spots during my rendering turned white. That looks even worse. Now I am very curious as to what is causing that. ...Yeah, I just did another test render from another woman I created and the spots are not there. So something is going on with the Sydney skin.
My Sydney render...
This is what I did to really bring out the wrinkles. If you select a character and look at the models General settings in the Parameters tab you will see two settings called SubDivision Level and Render SubD Level(Minimum). Alot of the time, the characters default subd levels are fine. If you want to bring out more of the detail in the sculpt, raise the Render SubD Level(Minimum). Sydneys default is 2. I raised it to 4. 4 is considered high for a character(?) I believe. Just be careful with this setting as it can really test your computer. I dont know exactly how it works but it can bring out some nice detail. Her shin translucency is just the daz low preset. The light also did alot of the work through tone mapping, etc.
Ahhh, so that is it, huh? Ok, thanks for the info. Oh! But is this setting dependant on the HD layer, which I am assuming you have. I didn't buy that when I picked up Sydney. I will eventually get it, but when there is a better sale on it.
She looks fantastic, great job @AnotherUserName, makeup looks really good, perfect for her age. i really like the hair too, looks so soft and flowy,
@jukingeo, The spots you are seeing in your render are caused by an issue with Iray and the SSS Mode in the Surfaces materials. The spots aren't actually black, but transparent. When I look at your images, I see white spots. There are two workarounds: 1) in Render Settings->Environment, set Draw Dome to On, or 2) in the Surfaces->Editor, type SSS Mode into the filter field, select Skin-Lips-Nails and change the SSS Mode from Chromatic to Mono.
I believe this has been fixed in the current Beta. I haven't seen those "spots" in my work in a long time. (I'm using the 4.11 beta.)
You can change the Lips in the Surfaces->Editor as well.
It's actually pretty easy once you've done it.
No, I dont have the HD. This is the base Sydney 8, nothing else.
Thanks Kharma, I can never tell with makeup. I get confused by color combinations sometimes.
The hair is Side Swept ROse Hair by Zoro_d and it is actually a freebie over at renderosity.
She looks good with Altern 8 Alexandra shader:
So gorgeous I don't even have words...
Thanks missuskisses! I can render a good one every now and then.
I think I did something 'stupid' when trying to get rid of that orange 'spray tan'. I did something to the surface. WHen you mentioned SSS, I recall messing with something like that. At any rate, since I didn't like the way that one came out, I am just going to start over and ONLY touch that orange diffusion setting and the translucency. I noticed that was dialed up too high.
Wow, that's fantastic! I have to try that what you did as it looks amazing. So far I have not had my luck and even though the look of my 'older woman' is getting better, she is just not turning out like what others have posted here. I don't get it either as to why I am having so much troubles with creating an older woman. Since Laurie mentioned working with Eva and I bought Eva with Sydney. I decided to play around with Eva last night. I tried to make her look older. But the skin wrinkling results are not the same, so Eva still looks younger, but not as young as the base Eva. Mainly the mouth area and a bit of crows feet by the eyes. Some puffiness ot the eyelids. Perhaps she's about mid - late 30's? ish?? So I whipped this woman up really quick last night (see attached). ....Not bad, huh? Ask me to do a younger looking woman, no problem.
Haven't gotten around rendering her until now, so here she is. It's a little bit of a mix... Sydney 8 at 50% with Alabama, BD Hilde and Nicole mixed in at 20% each. Skin is Sydney, make-up is Ultimate Make-Up for genesis 8 female and eyebrows are Macarena.
Sydney - Portrait