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Now you need to study lighting. I like to play with the tone mapping. Just go into your render settings and play with the numbers.
Darn, that sucks! So Alexandra is like that too? I don't have many 'preset' characters as I usually make my own. But naturally I was after an older looking woman as a base so I could work from there. Even though I liked that Sydney was even older than Alexandra, Sydney's overall pro bundle wasn't to my liking. The only other thing I liked in there was Alabama. However, Alexandra comes with more items and honestly I like her overall look more than Sydney. It is just that her pro bundle is pretty expensive right now.
So you made that 'anti-Oompa Loompa' package, huh? Well, I kind of figured out which setting was causing the offending orange tinge, so that part I can do on my own now. However, that was not the only problem, the makeup is another issue. But I found a workaround for that too and that is to use 'layered' makeup. However, I will jot that down for the lips...never know when it will come in handy! Thanks!
Yes, that has been already on-going as I have encounted trouble with lighting when it came to indoor settings. I have been learing about creating 'ghost lights' using an emissive primative surface. But yeah, the tone mapping was brought to my attention before as I was trying to fix a lighting issue in a particular room.
BTW, since you know your way around Daz quite well, I am curious to know if there is a good thread on getting faster Iray render times.
Gesundheit. 8))
Yes, I know, it is an area I have much issues with, especially with interiors. I know of the tone map setting though. As it turns out, some of the interior settings I bought are 3DL and I didn't know it, so that creates problems on it's own, as most of my stuff is Iray. My system doesn't like 3DL that much either as I tried to do some renders with it and it just takes an excruciating long time to render. So I don't use it. I have seen comparisons of 3DL next to Iray and Iray just looks better.
I have done some experiements with creating and using ghost lights, but outside of that, not too much else. So I have a long way to go when it comes to lighting.
Get this awesome product: makes everything old new again, LOL!
Fun render Greybro! The angle and depth on the werewolf is excellent.
Okay, here is my Sydney you didn't see THIS coming...
Sydney as Hela: The Goddess of Death
I decided to go a different direction with Sydney and do her up as Hela from the Marvel movie, Thor: Ragnarok.
Given that Sydney has that dark makeup set and I had the horns and body armor from another package (I forgot which one at the moment), I decided to put her in this get up and it looks pretty good on her! I did add a makeup layer around her eyes which is similar to the dark shadow Hela has in the movie. I know she didn't turn out beautiful and she isn't meant to be that way. She is on the harsh side. I would say she is mildly attractive. Her hair is nice and long and goes down to her butt! The pentegram backdrop came from the 'Dark Rites' package. For the sword: Without giving too much away for those that have not seen the movie, Hela can magically make her own weapons and they usually take the form of spears and swords. So I had a bit of fun playing around with emissive surfaces as that is how I got the sword to glow as if it is 'magical'.
I do have to agree and I've had the same opinion the last several characters that have been released based on V8. The textures also look waxy to me.
Another render of Melinda for Sydney 8, .
Amazing! Well done! Another winner for you! I have a vampire in my collection too and I got her mainly for the teeth and the skin veins. It is Rachelle Vamp HD:
Thanks jukingeo. Do you know about the headlamp yet? When you load a camera go into the parameters tab and look at the headlamp settings. Its on Auto by default. Experiment with the headlamp on and off and see what the effect is on your scene.
Melinda: Out of Gas
There's a stretch of road I used to ride that's about 70 miles until the next gas station, and by gas station I mean a stand alone pump with a credit card reader. If you missed the first station, or forgot to check your gas gauge... well, it can get hairy right there at the end.
I'm definitely liking Melinda more than straight Sydney 8, probably once again due to the skin textures. She's got a little less age, say high thirties to low forties, and a little more road weary look to her. Also kind of liking that she comes with her own brows prop. Could easily get more use out of her. Torn Clothes is a pretty neat product, too. :)
Broadly speaking, I think that if you want an attractive, not-so-young woman, Linday's Satine for G3F or maybe (for a thirties-ish, very early forties-ish woman) Genevieve 7 remain the best bets. Mabel, Alexandra, Penny, and Sydney are all "character" types rather than being all that pretty. Sydney feels like somebody's fun, globetrotting aunt: sort of a slightly younger, female version of Dr Henry Jones Sr that some Indiana Jones or Lara Croft wannabe gets saddled with, or a Katherine Hepburn character from a screwball comedy 20-30 years after the screwball comedy ends.
Thoughts on back-converting Sydney and associated characters to G3F:
-Under the HDRI lighting setups I normally use, I'm not finding Sydney all that orange, but her makeup options were so offputting that I didn't bother backconverting them, just the base skin.
-Rumer: the body morph won't transfer to G3F, but I managed to dial up something close enough. The head is a very cool, very angular face in the Belladzines tradition-not great for full face, but cool looking from other angles. The skin is also pretty traditional Belladzines: kind of stylized and with very gaudy "normal" makeups but some nifty fantasy makeups to make up for it.
-Melinda: morphs transferred fine, haven't gotten around to backconverting the skin yet because I find all the makeup options intimidating. Very attractive character though.
-Alabama: No trouble with the morphs, but the base, dark-brown eye color came out silvery on G3F. I liked the makeup options and transferred over everything that wasn't LIE (I'm never sure how well LIE is going to cooperate on a figure it's not meant for). Like alot of Mousso skins, this one looks a bit washed out under default lighting, so test her with headlamps off and an HDRI setup that flatters human skins. I thought she looked kind of like Sigourney Weaver initially (only prettier), but after giving her dark eyes from a G3F character, and a Ripley-esque hairstyle and outfit, the resemblance doesn't seem as strong. Still a very attractive character.
I actually think she looks remarkabley like Sigourney Weaver. With a few changes and some ageing I think she'd make an excellent Sigourney. I wasnt interested in this character initially, Mousso's characters are very hit or miss with me, but if I can easily get a Ripley out of her, shes heading straight to the wishlist.
Yep! I know about it. In fact I am using it in a render right now. I put my favorite girl (Anna) in the cockpit of an airship (zeppelin) and even with the large panoramic glass dome for a winsheild, it is too dark inside. So I added a lamp and something unexpected happened...The skydome 'Sun' turned off!! However, I was using one of the Iray World's Skydomes and it loads with a camera. When switching to that camera, I noticed the light was on and it didn't turn off the sun. So I am using that light to illuminate my character. She's looking good in a halter top with a plunging neckline as she has her hands on the controls of the Steampunk dirigible.
Do you know how I can keep the skydome Sun on while using lights?
Btw Alabama's hot and she does look a bit like Sigourney. I will eventually get her.
Render Settings> Editor> Environment> Environment Mode.
Choose from:
1. Dome and Scene
2. Dome Only
3. Sun Sky Only
4. Scene Only
Fiddle with these different modes to see what they do. I think, emmisive lights can be used in all settings, I think. Cant remember at the moment.
Also, make sure that your glass is set to thin walled in the surface settings.
I tried to do that, but it seems as if I put a light in a scene, automatically the skydome light seems to shut off. Once I delete the light, then it comes back. So I tried to use a camera as a light, since that doesn't shut off the dome, however, it's light only comes on when you are 'in' the camera. Once it is not active, the light shuts off...even if it is set to 'on'. So I would say that there should be a setting to allow a light to be used while the Skydome light is on? There are just many quirks like that within Daz that drive me nuts. It took a while to set that one scene up and I needed a bit more light. I put the light in the cockpit and bam! I lost the 'sun'. I will play around with those settings more, but usually I have it set to Dome & Scene.
I was actually going to do one better and shut the glass off altogether...that is if I can find it. I didn't have much luck doing that last night. I tried to show a further shot from the front, but I found that once my camera was on the otherside of the airship's windsheild, I got this fuzzy distortion that was like years ago when you used to get 'snow' on an analog TV when the reception was poor. I got THAT look. So it would be cool if I could find a way to turn off the windsheild so I can take a good shot from the front. I will see if I can find it the glass settings.
Sydney with V8 Sunless applied, and then Sydney maps transferred back over.
I thought she looked kind of like Sigourney Weaver initially (only prettier), but after giving her dark eyes from a G3F character, and a Ripley-esque hairstyle and outfit, the resemblance doesn't seem as strong. Still a very attractive character.
Someone has been reading the forums...
LOL is right! I said the SAME thing when I saw that. I was like, "YUP!! Mousso has been reading this thread!" I am definitely going to pick her up as I do have a soft spot for Sigourney. Ripley - Revel? I can't stop laughing! I laughed even harder when I got to these pictures:
Yeah, I had a good chuckle too, but somehow I doubt Mousso made an entire character and got it all the way through QA in 48 hrs. :D
Wow! She seems a lot prettier! Did you make her 'younger' as well?
I couldn't get Sydney pretty enough in my attempts so far, so what I did is I put Sydney's skin on Eva's body and adjusted her features to make her older and that worked. I do want to try Sydney's skin on other Gen 8 ladies to see how it looks on them.
Perhaps something he had in the works already. One thing though, is making a sellable character in the near likeness of a celebrity allowed? I have seen this with V4, but not Gen 8. With V4, there is one that looks like Angelina Jolie, and another that looks like Rhianna. I have noticed one of Mousso 's other Gen 8 ladies looks like Anne Hathaway from the side profile, but not head on, then she looks different, but I figure that would be ok.
Nope, just threw hair, Beautiful Brows, Sunless and a smile on her. I fiddled with the teeth because they were very shiny, but other than that, nothing else.