Is the new DAZ CAT finally here???!!!



  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,057
    Oso3D said:

    If it fits, I sits.


    Love that! Great render!

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 7,057
    Oso3D said:

    I did the fur, though other artists did work on this, too.

    Why do fur and not a new figure?

    Have you ever made a completely original figure? It’s really hard. :)

    Plus making it look right is REALLY hard, particularly with discerning cat lovers.

    I’m hopeful that eventually we will see a new cat, but until then...


    If you want better hair, you can decrease Line width and increase Hairs per cm2. But you will increase render load... so it depends on how good your machine is. (I picked values that worked reasonably on my ok machine)

    Further, you can change line tessellation to 3 to model actual full hairs. But that triples the effective polygons. Again, if your machine is spiffy...

    Another way to make the hairs look more ... fine is to lower cutout. I’d suggest experimenting with a value around .6.

    I believe old textures should work, as well as any weird MilCat textures you may have. Just go into the fur surfaces and replace the obvious.

    While I can appreciate what has been done, I'm sorry, the reason a new model is seriously needed is because the old model looks bad. The eyes on this cat are absolutely horrible. Its eyes look dead, and they set totally wrong. Its all I can see when looking at these pictures, are those freaky dead eyes. I hate to be so negative, but Daz is making that difficult.

    Unlike other figures, I would assume that models based on the animals would have a nice long shelf life. After all, we are talking about the freakin Millennium Cat here in 2019. How old is this thing??? You certainly don't see Victoria 3 being repacked like this! So while a new white girl will probably only sell for the brief first few weeks of her existence, a well made Daz animal should be able to sell for years. It may not sell like hot cakes when first released, but again, you need to think about the long term here. I swear, nobody thinks about the long term consequences of business decisions anymore. Its confounding. And for Daz themselves, this is about the long term somebody needs to look at the big picture. If Daz is going to have the best Daz Studio asset store so that people buy all their stuff here, then Daz needs to actually do that and build a better cat, as silly as that sounds. However the best 3D cat for Daz Studio is not by Daz. EH?

    I never expected to say we "need to build a better cat", but here we are. We need to build a better cat.

    Animals are an important staple product to have, especially cats. Come on, cats rule the internet! You go to any image hosting site and cats dominate them. I have an idea, somebody should make a pose collection of meme worthy style cat poses. Cats sleeping in impossible positions. Cats jumping, doing back flips and other cat-robatic feats that cat owners get to experience every day. 

    A well made Daz cat could recreate all sorts of these things. But not this thing. This cat just looks wrong. And that Daz resorted to reusing this very old outdated model makes me question what is going on. Is Daz struggling? Why are they unable or unwilling to create a proper Cat 8? There are a lot of things going on that make me question what is happening behind the closed doors in Utah.

    I will buy this, but only because it is cheap and gets me a discount on some other things I want. Maybe I can do something with it and fix it myself.

    +1 My thoughts exactly. 

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,880
    Oso3D said:

    Not easily, although you could try using a wind node...

    Thanks for stepping in to answer questions, Will. 

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    TigerAnne said:

    I think I did a couple of things wrong here. surprise

    Looks like an old tomcat I used to have. He was scraggly like that. :)


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    And another heh


    1300 x 1000 - 189K
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,880
    edited July 2019

    May I ask a very basic question? This may sound dumb, but am I supposed to run simulation on the cat fur?  In my little test of the cat face, it seems like simulation made the fur longer or made it poke out more perpendicular to the face, so that made me think that maybe I'm not supposed to run simulation. It seems like simulation causes interference with the whiskers and closed mouth areas. 

    Cat face with simulation

    Cat face without simulation

    Tabby Face Tessellation 1 denser and opacity .6.jpg
    1000 x 750 - 521K
    Tabby Face Tessellation 1 denser and opacity .6 no simulation.jpg
    1000 x 750 - 505K
    Post edited by barbult on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    You CAN run simulation, you don't have to.


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,880
    Oso3D said:

    You CAN run simulation, you don't have to.

    It looks like simulation is ignoring the nice mapping you have done to control the length of the fur around the eyes and mouth. I really like the way you have controlled that, but the simulation makes that fur much longer. Do you think that is a bug in simulation? (I am trying DS 4.12 beta right now).

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    A certain song comes to mind...


    cat in moonlight.jpg
    1000 x 1300 - 187K
  • butterflyfishbutterflyfish Posts: 1,275

    JonnyRay said:

    In the So When Will We Get Cat 8 thread, @Sylvan said the following:

    I'm going to be "naughty" by telling I've started with a base a while ago. I have to finish several other products before I get to pick the kitty up again. Likely, it will take several more months as you can see this is really early stages. In time, I'll start a thread in the commercial forums to show progress :D

    [source link]

    So, it sounds like there is some sort of plan for a Daz Cat 8. In my opinion, this was a nice update to the old Mil Cat until they can get to that project.

    Assuming this doesn't get shelved, I'll probably buy it, too.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 2,010

    Assuming this doesn't get shelved, I'll probably buy it, too.

    +1. Digital cats are Pokémon, I gotta catch them ALL.


  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414


    TigerAnne said:

    dForce hair is quickly starting to grow on me. (Stop it with the dumb puns, Anne. You're not even British.

    laughcheeky no no, this one was excellent! :D

  • manekiNekomanekiNeko Posts: 1,414
    Oso3D said:

    A certain song comes to mind...


    no idea about the song, but the picture is beautiful! heart

  • Lothar WeberLothar Weber Posts: 1,611
    edited July 2019

    Just want to throw in my PC club contest entry: wink

    Dream of the Housecat words need

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    edited July 2019

    Just want to throw in my PC club contest entry: wink

    Dream of the Housecat words need

    Nice image may I ask which texture set for the daz cat is that please?

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited July 2019
    melanie said:

    Somehow the mouth just doesn't look right. It's too square or something. It doens't look like my cat's mouth. I also didn't get a banner and I know I bought the original Millennium Cat years ago. There are a lot of really old things in the store that I know I bought years ago, but they don't show in my purhase history and they show up in the store. I think I must have bought them before DAZ started compiling our purchase histories. Anyway, I'll pass on this cat for now. I put it in my wishlist, but the fur doesn't look right on the longhair cat. Not fluffy enough. The tail should look huge and fluffy, but it looks too thin. It's a cute cat, but not enough for me.

    Cat's don't look like they're smiling, and some of the promos give that impression.

    The main promo image is really good, and tempts me, but I'm struggling to get behind it due to the age of the model, and its issues.


    Cat's eyes (and their tail of course) are extremely expressive.

    This image really demonstrates the problem. The irises of the cat pawing the other cat's head would be round/larger; it's an automatic response to them 'attacking'.

    It irritates me that all the irises are the same size in all the images. Whilst not impossible, depending on how bright the day is and how relaxed the cat is, there are shots where at least one of the cat's eyes should be different.

    Can the irises be changed on the Millenium Cat?

    Post edited by nicstt on
  • Lothar WeberLothar Weber Posts: 1,611
    scorpio said:

    Just want to throw in my PC club contest entry: wink

    Dream of the Housecat words need


    Nice image may I ask which texture set for the daz cat is that please?

    Thank you... it’s not daz cat... thats why she’s dreaming about ;-)

  • OdaaOdaa Posts: 1,548
    edited July 2019

    Here's mine (and yes, I know this is not an authentic coat style for the Siamese breed, I just thought it looked cool).

    Hair settings: inner ear hairs were made thinner at the base and grayer rather than near white. Main fur started out with the medium-long setting, then I swapped in the "white square" hair density map from the longest setting, increased hair density per square cm to 200 (looks like I could probably have stood to raise it to 300 or more, reduced PS Clumpiness 1 to 20% and PS Clumpiness 2 to 30% (this was what really made the difference along the cat's back and flanks). 

    BTW, if strand based hair makes your computer struggle, run any dforce simulations BEFORE you start playing with hair density. I did it the other way round at one point and managed to crash DS.

    Cat surface settings: Opacity on Whiskers was set down to 0.2, and greenish blue metallic flakes were added to the irises at a weight of 0.3 and a fairly low coverage. Not sure that either of those changes did much but they were made.

    3840 x 2160 - 3M
    Post edited by Odaa on
  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744
    Odaa said:

    Here's mine (and yes, I know this is not an authentic coat style for the Siamese breed, I just thought it looked cool).

    Hair settings: inner ear hairs were made thinner at the base and grayer rather than near white. Main fur started out with the medium-long setting, then I swapped in the "white square" hair density map from the longest setting, increased hair density per square cm to 200 (looks like I could probably have stood to raise it to 300 or more, reduced PS Clumpiness 1 to 20% and PS Clumpiness 2 to 30% (this was what really made the difference along the cat's back and flanks). 

    BTW, if strand based hair makes your computer struggle, run any dforce simulations BEFORE you start playing with hair density. I did it the other way round at one point and managed to crash DS.

    Cat surface settings: Opacity on Whiskers was set down to 0.2, and greenish blue metallic flakes were added to the irises at a weight of 0.3 and a fairly low coverage. Not sure that either of those changes did much but they were made.

    That is really good, Odaa! And shows how to build on the base we have with this product.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited July 2019

    Damn, that is a good image.

    Another thing I notice missing, and pretty much all your image needs, is the few long hairs that appear on the ear tufts.

    Post edited by nicstt on
  • sapatsapat Posts: 1,735
    scorpio said:
    sapat said:

    OMG OMG OMG Finally there's a cat!!!!.. Granted not Cat 8,  but he has 4 legs and fancy fur. To me, any cat here is good news since we've been begging for years. I have everything and more from the old Mil Cat, so I'm happy I qualified for the discount. Using the coupon, I paid $3.92 for the cat. I also got 3RFD Suit for $7.83, Girls for G8F for $6.39, and (pls don't dog me), The Mushroom House for $7.99.

    I don't know why it wouldn't work with DS (which is what I have). I have several furry dforce things from the 'other store' and they work great in LAMH. And isn't what this cat is? dforce?. What does 4.11 have to do with it?

    I'm so happy I'm purring and my tail is straight up in the air! Can't wait to use it. This is one of the only times ima say it 'thank you Daz for the new-ish cat)!  Now let's get out there PA's and start making cat specific accessories and poses!

    It won't work in anything before 4.11 as it uses the new strand based hair. I'm rather surprised that you don't have the latest official release.

    I thought the cat was just gonna be like other dforce hair using LAMH like we've done before 4.11 came out.  I didn't read any of the big headlines about 4.11 or follow any threads. I guess I didn't understand because I didn't pay attention. All I heard from ppl was sooooo many bad things about it that I didin't want to get into all that mess. Plus I don't need/want any of the new shiny stuff it has because I'm not using DS for anything aside from loading a scene and rendering. I've never used any new stuff except dforce.

    I really didn't even read the blurb about the cat on his page. I just hit the button and  bought it. Oh well, I'm gutted, but I'll have to return it and just keep using my HW cat and (my other HW animals) that use lamh for fur. I imagine now that DS has to use this new type of hair, everything from now on that comes out will use it.


  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,047

    Has to, no, but personally I adore the new system.

    And that’s entirely because I like using it more than any other system.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    Well, if nothing else, the whiskers show up in older versions of Studio. I'll keep it.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,880

    The more I use the new cat, the more I like it.

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    I thought I'd add my cat renders. I hadn't worked with the Milenium cat much, but I like the updates so far.

    Calico Cat

    Cat Walk

  • OdaaOdaa Posts: 1,548

    @JohnnyRay: thank you!

    @nicstt: Thank you, and I agree on the outer ears needing "something," just wasn't sure how to go about it :)

    It was a lot of fiddling, but at least now I feel a bit more comfortable messing with these dforce hair presets for animals.

    @knittingmommy: those are cute, that's probably the best version of the white cat I've seen yet.

  • RJGirlRJGirl Posts: 93

    Thanks to Oso and all the vendors who took time to update the Mil Cat :) I would still love a Cat 8 but I can wait a little longer lol  :)


  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    I thought I'd add my cat renders. I hadn't worked with the Milenium cat much, but I like the updates so far.

    Calico Cat

    Cat Walk

    Those look great, @Knittingmommy! I'm curious if you ran a simulation on the white one? Since dForce hair can't really be styled, I wonder if doing so might get the hair to ley down a bit.

    - Greg

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,880

    In my short experience with simulating the cat hair, it seems to mess up the eye and mouth area. I wish there were a way to simulate only portions of the hair, but I don't know a way. With dForce clothes, we could create a weight mat to control that. Is there something like the weight map control for dForce hair?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625
    barbult said:

    In my short experience with simulating the cat hair, it seems to mess up the eye and mouth area. I wish there were a way to simulate only portions of the hair, but I don't know a way. With dForce clothes, we could create a weight mat to control that. Is there something like the weight map control for dForce hair?

    You could use the map Oso mentioned and add not Dforce self styled strand based hairs to parts you don’t want simulated. I don’t see any reason besides resources you couldn’t use both.

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